
cmaloneyHaving fun yet?00:02
rick_hsome civ vi, listening to michael practice violin while erica works on soccer coaching drills00:10
cmaloneyciv <300:16
notlikethesoupciv tho02:41
notlikethesoupi loved civ 6 way more than 5, not sure why i haven't played it more02:42
rick_hnotlikethesoup: heh because once you launch it you're committed for at least a day or 4 to get through a game.10:47
cmaloneyAnd this is a problem how?12:41
rick_hthis is insane http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/cyclones/?atlc13:35
rick_hrocket launch on big screen woot!14:00
notlikethesoupthat's a lot of neats17:06
notlikethesoupi usually only carry around 417:06
wolfger2 is usually plenty. I rarely use more than one per day18:22
greg-gstingy neaters18:23
rick_hlol I read that as "Bneat" and did not get the lot/4/etc18:26
brousch8neat? How did it taste?18:28
greg-gwe have RAIN in September!18:36
greg-gthis is crazy!18:36
rick_hgreg-g: haven't you all been getting a lot of rain this year?18:38
* rick_h doesn't have context to appreciate that exclamation18:38
greg-g"rain this year" == "from Nov to ~March"18:38
greg-gthat's the rainy season18:39
greg-gthe rest of the time you drain aquifers18:39
jrwrengood!  I need me some almonds!18:42
greg-gheh, not sure if this'll hit the central valley :)18:43
greg-git's already done raining :P18:43
greg-g(it's hard for me to tell, Rowan has a rock tumbler going in the garage that I can hear with my window open)18:43

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