ycyclist | Anybody know of a utility to take Bourneshell family, or even just Bash scripts and convert all sourced resources inside the script to embedded code? | 00:02 |
AnnaRooks | i tried to dd the live iso to /dev/sdb2, as well as mounting and copying to a new fat32 partition, neither worked | 00:10 |
AnnaRooks | first method said isolinux.bin was corrupt or missing | 00:11 |
AnnaRooks | second method says not a bootable drive | 00:11 |
kenrin | Sounds like your machine is not booting it correctly. Does it work if you set the usb as the first boot device in bios? | 00:19 |
Loshki | ycyclist: something like this? https://github.com/neurobin/shc | 00:19 |
kenrin | AnnaRooks: Wait, did you dd to sdb1 ? You need to dd it to the drive itself not a partition | 00:20 |
AnnaRooks | kenrin: yea, i knew that from past tries, but gave it a try anyways, need to neep the data on the usb | 00:26 |
kenrin | Yeah that isn't going to work if you need to keep any data | 00:27 |
AnnaRooks | the second method worked after i installed syslinux to it, but then it threw some error about initramfs | 00:29 |
TJ- | AnnaRooks: did you mean to write the ISO into a partition (/dev/sdb2). It isn't designed for that, it is designed to be written directly from the start of the device (/dev/sdb) | 00:34 |
TJ- | AnnaRooks: ahhh... I see you confirmed that with kenrin. | 00:35 |
theorem | anyone here use tinyproxy ? | 01:26 |
theorem | I am trying to avoid using an upstream proxy. But the config options seem intent on forcing me to use one. | 01:26 |
Fretegi | evening folks | 02:44 |
Fretegi | https://pastebin.com/dJgEtrws | 02:44 |
Fretegi | so i keep getting this error now, mentions kaby lake firmware being missing.. i do have a kaby processor on this laptop and randomly ubuntu will freeze so i wonder if that could be related. forgive my ignorance to ubuntu but is there a better way for me to get that binary or at least confirm i have the right stuff installed alreaedy | 02:45 |
Fretegi | dmesg \ grep microcode shows nothing | 02:46 |
Fretegi | dmesg | grep microcode shows nothing | 02:46 |
owen1 | I have Ubuntu 16.04 on carbon x1 1st gen and there is no volume from the HDMI of the external monitor (LG). The audio device is Intel Corporation 7 Series/C210 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 04). I see HDMI/DisplayPort in the sounds settings but switching to it doesn't solve it. Any tips? | 03:21 |
vfw | owen1: pavucontrol | 03:23 |
owen1 | i tried using it | 03:23 |
owen1 | vfw: what exactly should i tweak there? i tried all the options under settings | 03:23 |
vfw | owen1: No volume output to HDMI from _____________? | 03:24 |
owen1 | as soon as i switch to digital stereo, i don't hear the sound | 03:24 |
owen1 | btw, in the playback tab there i see the audio bar/indicator going up and down | 03:25 |
owen1 | vfw: sorry, can you repeat your last question? | 03:25 |
vfw | owen1: so you "switch to digital stereo"? | 03:25 |
owen1 | yeah. i see two digtal stereos: | 03:25 |
vfw | owen1: Where? Under "Playback"? | 03:26 |
owen1 | 1. Digital Stereo Output + Analog Stereo input 2. Digital Stereo Output | 03:26 |
owen1 | no, under configuration, built-in audio | 03:27 |
vfw | owen1: What do you see under "Output Devices"? | 03:27 |
owen1 | in the playback i see the audio bar moving since i have something running on mpv. | 03:27 |
owen1 | under output devices i see Built-in Audio Digital Stereo (HDMI) and than a dropdown 'port' with only one option: HDMI/DisplayPort (plugged in) | 03:28 |
owen1 | so my monitor is connected using displayport. all true (: | 03:28 |
owen1 | but no sound | 03:28 |
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vfw | owen1: So the audio is from mpv. Okay... | 03:29 |
owen1 | yup. i can try youtube | 03:29 |
vfw | owen1: Oh, it is displayport. That may be a little different from HDMI | 03:30 |
vfw | owen1: Not sure what to do with displayport. | 03:30 |
owen1 | now i watch a youtube. i see ALSA plog-in (chromium-browser) | 03:30 |
owen1 | vfw: ok. any suggestion? where should i continue my research? | 03:31 |
vfw | owen1: Are you using DisplayPort to HDMI adapter? | 03:31 |
owen1 | vfw: i am using a cable. yeah. it got displayport on one side and hdmi that connects to the LG monitor. | 03:32 |
owen1 | vfw: someone on a thread i read adds 'options snd-hda-intel model="olpc-xo-1_5" | 03:37 |
owen1 | to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf and it solved it - https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1937935&highlight=thinkpad+carbon+x1+external+monitor+no+sound | 03:37 |
owen1 | maybe i need to add similar line? (since i have different audio card) | 03:38 |
krj7709 | hello. Anyone around that can give me a hand | 03:44 |
krj7709 | trying to dual boot windows/ubuntu. main drive is raid 0. where do I install bootloader? /dev/mapper seems to be my raid array tried there and get error. | 03:45 |
krj7709 | what would be better yet is putting the boot loader onto a usb stick. when I want ubuntu I insert stick and boot off that | 03:47 |
JosuG | krj7709: You need to install the bootloader to a real drive since the bootloader probably doesn't support RAID. | 03:47 |
JosuG | krj7709: Preferably the same drive that the Windows bootloader is on, so it should automatically detect it. | 03:48 |
owen1 | vfw: someone with the same soundcard as mine said he/she solved it with alsamixer. any idea what can i tweak with alsamixer? https://askubuntu.com/questions/628648/ubuntu-14-04-no-sound-using-hdmi-c210-series-chipset-family-high/953463#953463 | 03:49 |
JosuG | krj7709: BIOS and UEFI firmware cannot detect software RAID setup. If you have a hardware RAID controller, it should appear as a normal hard drive. | 03:50 |
krj7709 | it found my raid setup during install | 03:51 |
krj7709 | and when it comes to selecting where to put the bootloader it shows sda (1st raid drive) sdb (2nd) and all my other drives and also has /dev/mapper (assuming the raid0) ? | 03:52 |
JosuG | krj7709: Linux can detect RAID partitions, but only after it has booted, so you need to have a boot partition (not RAID, on a single drive), and install the bootloader to that drive. | 03:53 |
JosuG | krj7709: What does your partition table look like? | 03:54 |
krj7709 | hehe | 03:55 |
mallu | an someone please check this rewrite rule? https://gist.github.com/anonymous/0eb88f12fc814a91f1e0bbf49adcab70 I want xyz.test.com/_plugin/kibana to redirect | 03:58 |
mallu | can someone please check this rewrite rule? https://gist.github.com/anonymous/0eb88f12fc814a91f1e0bbf49adcab70 I want xyz.test.com/_plugin/kibana to redirect | 04:12 |
=== kyle_ is now known as Guest82744 | ||
ijash | why this ubuntu irc doesn't have any response? it's totally different with linux mint whic is friendly community | 04:19 |
ijash | Drone, a | 04:20 |
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ijash | where is the most crowded irc channel for ubuntu user with the quickest response? | 04:23 |
ijash | where is the most crowded irc channel for ubuntu user with the quickest response? | 04:24 |
ijash | where is the most crowded irc channel for ubuntu user with the quickest response? | 04:24 |
krytarik | !ops | ijash | 04:25 |
ubottu | ijash: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu | 04:25 |
Flannel | ijash: Please stop that. | 04:25 |
ijash | Flannel, i was asking for someone to reply some hours ago | 04:26 |
Flannel | ijash: Offtopic questions have the tendency to get ignored in here. | 04:27 |
elky | ijash: different people are around now, try repeating the question instead of baiting the antispam bot | 04:27 |
ijash | Flannel: so, where to i can talk casually about ubuntu? | 04:28 |
ijash | thanks for the answer btw | 04:28 |
Flannel | ijash: #ubuntu-offtopic | 04:28 |
ijash | Flannel, THANKS! | 04:28 |
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ijash | hi, i am using proprietary driver for nvidia. i am getting a screen tear in ubuntu. so, how do i solve this for gtx 950? | 04:52 |
elky | ijash: the information i'm reading tends to only suggest workarounds, not actual solutions, and i don't have anything i can test for you | 04:58 |
zlsyx | Given page 3 is loaded at time 110 and referenced at 285, page 0 loaded at 126 and referenced at 280, page 2 loaded at 140 and referenced at 270 and page 1 loaded at 230 and ref at 265 which one gets removed first with second change page replacement? | 04:59 |
ijash | elky: so, no solution? | 04:59 |
elky | ijash: did you try looking on askubuntu.com? | 05:00 |
elky | ijash: take a look through https://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/tearing?sort=active and see if anything helps, remember to back up any important data on your computer before trying things you're unsure of. | 05:04 |
elky | zlsyx: what? | 05:04 |
ijash | elky: yes, i have tried many ways but none are working, such as reinstalling driver, adding opengl, configuring some of the nvidia xorg conf. and the least i found was ticking the force composite in nvidia x server setting. well, i am using HDMI. why i would use composite. | 05:05 |
zlsyx | @elky: Just page replacement algorithm, I need some help with it. | 05:05 |
zlsyx | Sometime OS gurus are around | 05:05 |
zlsyx | :P | 05:05 |
elky | zlsyx: you're better off asking in a more appropriate channel, to find out how to find those channels /msg alis help list | 05:06 |
zlsyx | like which chanell? | 05:06 |
elky | ijash: is gtx 950 a nvidia prime card? | 05:07 |
ijash | elky: what do you mean of prime card? | 05:07 |
elky | ijash: erm i meant nvidia optimus. https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/NVIDIA_Optimus | 05:08 |
Flannel | zlsyx: Since that sounds like computer science homework, maybe ##cs? | 05:08 |
Flannel | zlsyx: I don't see a specific "operating systems" channel | 05:08 |
ijash | elky: i still don't understand. i am using desktop gpu | 05:10 |
elky | Flannel: zlsyx #osdev is kinda a generic operating systems channel | 05:10 |
elky | ijash: then i am unable to help you sorry | 05:10 |
ijash | elky: let me read about it in a moment | 05:11 |
elky | ijash: since we're talking other channels perhaps #nvidia might have ideas | 05:12 |
ijash | i see, i'll try to join that channel | 05:12 |
ijash | elky: gtx 950 isn't supported with nvidia optimus | 05:14 |
elky | ijash: ok, then i'm out of suggestions | 05:14 |
ijash | elky: well, thank you then | 05:14 |
mallu | can someone please take a look at this and tell me how I can get this rewrite rule working? https://gist.github.com/anonymous/0eb88f12fc814a91f1e0bbf49adcab70 | 05:15 |
glitsj16 | ijash: Are you using KDE (KWin) by any chance? That needs TripleBuffering to avoid tearing with some nvidia cards.. | 05:17 |
void07 | ACPI Gives error at boot is slowing down booting. Connected the Laptop HDD to Desktop, It still Gives error, Now booting in Desktop's linux also gives same error. I think its sone kind of log problem. But reinstalling didn't fix it either. What should I do? My HDD is perfectly fine. Now after connecting to PC, Linux says Desktop HDD is also have problem. Used all distros. Started since I messed up with X.org. Help me. | 05:35 |
=== deathonater is now known as Smeef | ||
jojero | hi guys | 05:57 |
jojero | can anyone help me to have this? | 05:57 |
jojero | http://bit.ly/2wK9Yvk | 05:57 |
jojero | im new to linux :( | 05:57 |
jojero | http://bit.ly/2oD1i9w | 05:59 |
hateball | jojero: whats your question? | 06:02 |
hateball | you link to a wallpaper, what does that have to do with anything? | 06:02 |
jojero | hey its you again :) | 06:02 |
jojero | I wanna ask how to install the numix-icon-theme-bevel | 06:03 |
jojero | seems the ppa cant find it | 06:03 |
jojero | sudo apt-get install numix-icon-theme-bevel | 06:03 |
jojero | E: Unable to locate package numix-icon-theme-bevel | 06:03 |
jojero | I found the steps here | 06:04 |
jojero | http://bit.ly/2eI3V28 | 06:04 |
hateball | jojero: If you've added a PPA, you need to "sudo apt update" first | 06:04 |
_pronet_ | sudo apt-add-repository ppa:numix/ppa | 06:05 |
hateball | nice, the numix website doesnt even have a valid SSL cert, feels promising | 06:05 |
_pronet_ | Then sudo apt-get update | 06:05 |
_pronet_ | then sudo apt-get install numix-gtk-theme numix-icon-theme-bevel | 06:06 |
jojero | sudo apt-get install numix-gtk-theme numix-icon-theme-bevel | 06:07 |
jojero | E: Unable to locate package numix-icon-theme-bevel | 06:07 |
_pronet_ | But id prefer 'Circle" | 06:07 |
jojero | it cant found the theme bevel :( | 06:07 |
_pronet_ | than Bevel | 06:07 |
jojero | oh let me try | 06:07 |
void07 | ACPI Gives error at boot is slowing down booting. Connected the Laptop HDD to Desktop, It still Gives error, Now booting in Desktop's linux also gives same error. I think its sone kind of log problem. But reinstalling didn't fix it either. What should I do? My HDD is perfectly fine. Now after connecting to PC, Linux says Desktop HDD is also have problem. Used all distros. Started since I messed up with X.org. Help me. | 06:08 |
jojero | E: Package 'numix-icon-theme-circle' has no installation candidate | 06:09 |
_pronet_ | jojero: what happens when you "sudo apt-get update"? | 06:10 |
jojero | lol I just remove the ppa sorry sorry | 06:10 |
jojero | I try again XD | 06:10 |
jojero | yea done | 06:12 |
jojero | I already sellect in xfce4-appearance-settings | 06:12 |
jojero | but it wont apply on my icons :/ | 06:13 |
vlt | !enter | jojero | 06:13 |
ubottu | jojero: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone. | 06:13 |
_pronet_ | jojero: Restart and try again. | 06:15 |
ijash | glitsj16: no i am using unity. 17.04 | 06:20 |
_pronet_ | void07: Try disabling "USB BIOS LEGACY SUPPORT" in the Bios. | 06:20 |
Krj7709 | fresh install, something preventing names to resolve... can ping ips but cant ping domain.tld's | 06:21 |
void07 | _pronet_ ,I am using Non-UEFI installed Ubuntu | 06:26 |
void07 | _pronet_ Im using SATA HDD. Not USB HDD | 06:27 |
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nalgene | Hello. Will Ubuntu 17.10 bring the option to encrypt the home directory with ext4's native file-based encryption? | 08:04 |
ducasse | nalgene: not afaik, and 17.10 support is in #ubuntu+1 | 08:05 |
nalgene | thanks ducasse | 08:08 |
Zwei | Hello, I'm trying to add the test toolchain ppa, but I get this error: http://codepad.org/YoDRkJ69 | 08:23 |
Zwei | I've googled around but not 100% sure how to fix this. Should I do some of the solutions mentioned here? https://askubuntu.com/questions/49040/apt-could-not-find-a-distribution-template-error | 08:24 |
Zwei | I want to double check since I want to minimize downtime. Thank you. | 08:24 |
nalgene | Does encrypted swap + hibernate work in Ubuntu (>= 17.04)? | 08:25 |
brainwash | nalgene: did you read this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnableHibernateWithEncryptedSwap | 08:37 |
brainwash | Zwei: I suggest asking doko in #ubuntu-devel | 08:40 |
brainwash | Zwei: he is the ppa maintainer | 08:41 |
Zwei | brainwash: thank you! | 08:41 |
nalgene | brainwash: Yes, but that's a hacky procedure written for 12.04, like 10 releases ago | 08:41 |
brainwash | nalgene: maybe you want full-disk encryption instead then | 08:42 |
brainwash | nalgene: why do you think something may have changed in 17.04+? | 08:43 |
akik | launching ubuntu 16.04 from azure marketplace into azure, configures the admin user sudo for NOPASSWD:. any comments? | 09:09 |
ikonia | does ubuntu provide that image ? | 09:10 |
ikonia | or is it someone else providing that image | 09:10 |
akik | ikonia: the details for it say "PUBLISHER Canonical" | 09:10 |
akik | i can put a screenshot up | 09:10 |
ikonia | no need | 09:11 |
ikonia | maybe raise a bug against it | 09:11 |
akik | it's not a bug per se but a configuration issue | 09:11 |
akik | here it is https://imgur.com/a/gPmEp | 09:12 |
akik | "I am getting this software from Canonical" | 09:13 |
akik | where should i file a bug on that? | 09:14 |
akik | the admin user is configured through cloud-init | 09:14 |
akik | ikonia: it could be it's following this documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/linux/using-cloud-init | 09:31 |
akik | sudo: ['ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL'] | 09:32 |
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ki9a | shouldn't apt-get upgrade be a safe operation? One of the things that just got updated was pgsql to 9.5 completely breaking stuff here | 10:18 |
brainwash | ki9a: file a bug report | 10:21 |
brainwash | installing a new package version may break something despite all the testing | 10:22 |
brainwash | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/postgresql-9.5 | 10:24 |
Ben64 | ki9a: what version of ubuntu | 10:26 |
brainwash | only 16.04 has pgsql 9.5 | 10:26 |
ki9a | Ben64: 16.04 | 10:28 |
ki9a | brainwash: ok | 10:28 |
Ben64 | but 16.04 always had 9.5 | 10:29 |
brunch | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE | 10:29 |
brunch | Which option should I get in order to break gnome the least? | 10:30 |
brunch | whilst having KDE the most functional | 10:30 |
hateball | that page is outdated, by default sddm and not kdm is used | 10:31 |
hateball | brunch: dunno if the telepathy breakage is still present, otherwise nothing should break regardless of package | 10:31 |
ki9a | Ben64: i upgraded from the LTS before that over a year ago | 10:31 |
Ben64 | ki9a: ok? you said apt-get upgrade and "pgsql to 9.5" which suggests you were on <9.5 before | 10:32 |
brunch | guess I'll install the full thing. If anything breaks I'll just format :D | 10:32 |
ki9a | Ben64: right; *today* 9.3 got updated to 9.5 (well 9.5 got installed alongside 9.3, but when I connect to it I get connected to 9.5) | 10:33 |
hateball | brunch: I am talking about https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/+bug/1451728 btw | 10:33 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1451728 in kaccounts-integration (Ubuntu) "[master] kde-config-telepathy-accounts package install error" [Critical,In progress] | 10:33 |
ki9a | Ben64: the lts upgrade was referring to how i might have gotten 9.3 with 16.04 | 10:33 |
hateball | brunch: which version of ubuntu are you using? | 10:33 |
brunch | aarvadark | 10:33 |
brunch | or however it's spelled... 17.10 | 10:34 |
hateball | so 17.10? which is not supported in here :p | 10:34 |
brunch | yeah but it should be about the same | 10:34 |
hateball | but that bug shouldnt be present there at any rate | 10:34 |
Ben64 | ki9a: well that's obviously a problem | 10:34 |
fishcooker | with this disk space condition is it possible todo do-release-upgrade on this box http://vpaste.net/5U93a | 10:40 |
hateball | fishcooker: no | 10:41 |
hateball | and iirc do-release-upgrade will tell you so | 10:41 |
fishcooker | noted hateball i've just tried sandboxing why is it necessary to open ssh here http://vpaste.net/9WRk8... | 10:48 |
fishcooker | so how much disk i should provide for this purpose | 10:48 |
hateball | fishcooker: pretty sure it will tell you | 10:50 |
hateball | "upgrader will need to fetch so and so" | 10:50 |
fishcooker | hateball: disk as twice as disk usage now, enough? | 10:52 |
ducasse | there should be a step that says "upgrader needs x gb of space to continue", iirc | 10:52 |
hateball | fishcooker: what ducasse (and I) said | 10:55 |
hateball | but if you doubled the disk, yes then it will be fine | 10:55 |
fishcooker | noted | 10:55 |
Sweepyoface | Hi, so I configured a second network interface as seen here: https://hastebin.com/pebusajuha.css | 10:56 |
Sweepyoface | when I do 'curl --interface eth0 ipv6.icanhazip.com' I get the IP I configured there | 10:56 |
Sweepyoface | if I omit the interface flag, I get the default eth0 address. Why is eth0:1 acting like eth0? | 10:57 |
rmk1 | Hello | 10:58 |
rmk1 | I just updated and rebooted my machine (running 16.4.3), and now the audio jack doesn't work anymore | 10:58 |
rmk1 | It doesn't even show headphones as an option. | 10:59 |
rmk1 | Any ideas on how to get some diagnostics on that? | 10:59 |
rmk1 | lspci | grep -i audio outputs 00:1f.3 Audio device: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H HD Audio (rev 31) | 11:00 |
BluesKaj | Hi folks | 11:00 |
iot17 | Hey guys, i'm doing a quick survey (10 questions) about "Internet of things". I would be very thankful if you could take some time and fill it in. Cheers! https://www.umfrageonline.ch/s/iot17 | 11:15 |
lotuspsychje | iot17: no polls here plz | 11:17 |
iot17 | Ok, sorry | 11:18 |
hggdh | ,mode hggdh+R | 11:36 |
ballpen[m] | is there any alternative to etherape? | 12:06 |
ballpen[m] | etherape is nice but the diagrams are messy | 12:06 |
slipttees | How to change this background? https://imagebin.ca/v/3ZZ4b3BLYxDg | 12:07 |
slipttees | i try change splash.png inside isolinux folder and not working! :/ | 12:07 |
ballpen[m] | also is there any software available to do voip call between multiple linux machines connected on a local network | 12:07 |
hateball | ballpen[m]: p2p or pbx-based like asterisk? | 12:10 |
ballpen[m] | hateball: anything will do | 12:16 |
ballpen[m] | no wait | 12:16 |
ballpen[m] | p2p would be better | 12:16 |
Richard_Cavell | nacc: I'm using linux-steam from the repos. Is there any suggestion that the one from Valve is better? | 12:22 |
hateball | Richard_Cavell: The package is only a launcher to fetch the steam installer, it then updates itself in your ~/ anyhow | 12:23 |
hateball | Richard_Cavell: the upside to using the ubuntu package is that it also creates some udev rules that make steam controller and ds4 work properly | 12:24 |
Crayboff | I believe I'm running into the same issue as https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1708852 however I cannot figure out how to implement the suggested fixes. Can someone please assist me with this? | 12:31 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1708852 in linux (Ubuntu) "Touchpad not detected" [Medium,Fix released] | 12:31 |
ioria | Crayboff, are you on zesty (17.04) ? | 12:37 |
Crayboff | @ioria, yes I am | 12:37 |
ducasse | Crayboff: that says 'fix released' yesterday | 12:37 |
ioria | Crayboff, uname -r ? | 12:37 |
Crayboff | ducasse: I've installed all available updates through the software updater. | 12:38 |
Crayboff | ioria: 4.10.0-33-generic | 12:38 |
ioria | Crayboff, please try in terminal sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade | 12:38 |
ducasse | Crayboff: it takes time to propagate to the mirrors | 12:38 |
Crayboff | ioria: Thank you, I'll try that. | 12:39 |
Crayboff | ducasse: I know you can't promise anything, does propogation generally take a couple of days or are we talking week+? | 12:39 |
ducasse | Crayboff: we're talking about hours/days, it varies mirror to mirror | 12:41 |
Crayboff | If the issue persists and I want to attempt the kernal fix one of the patch commentors posted http://people.canonical.com/~khfeng/lp1708852/ how would I go about installing that | 12:43 |
Crayboff | Or should I stay far away from this | 12:43 |
ducasse | Crayboff: just download and install the dkms package linked in the thread | 12:43 |
Crayboff | ioria: ran it, it installed a python3 update and some updates for the update manager. I'll attempt restarting to see if maybe we're lucky and that fixed it all | 12:43 |
Crayboff | ducasse: tried that and it didn't work :/ | 12:44 |
Crayboff | I'll try restarting to see if doing that update solved the problem. Wish me luck! | 12:44 |
Unhammer | https://i.imgur.com/lbUckmi.jpg anyone know why "Turn on network" would be grayed out? (Xubuntu 17.04) | 12:48 |
ducasse | Unhammer: probably because it can't see a network interface (like if no driver is loaded) | 12:49 |
Unhammer | hm | 12:51 |
Unhammer | when I try "rmmod iwlwifi; rmmod iwldvm" on my other computer, it's different | 12:51 |
Unhammer | the menu | 12:51 |
Unhammer | https://i.imgur.com/l5BuczY.png | 12:54 |
Unhammer | ie. the "Turn on network" is still blue and ticked | 12:54 |
ducasse | that still has mobile broadband, which is also a network interface. idk - i don't use network manager, it was just a guess. | 12:57 |
ducasse | _can_ the first computer see a network interface, and is a driver loaded? | 12:57 |
Unhammer | hm, so ethernet would have to be unloaded too | 12:57 |
ducasse | yep, aiui | 12:58 |
Crayboff | Unfortunately both offered DKMS packages, despite installing successfully (no visible errors in terminal) seem to have made any difference in the usability of my trackpad. | 12:59 |
Crayboff | I guess I just have to wait for the patch to be pushed out? | 12:59 |
ducasse | Crayboff: either that, or this is not the bug you're experiencing at all | 13:03 |
Crayboff | ducasse: How would you recommend I pursue resolving this? | 13:04 |
ducasse | Crayboff: are you using the exact same machine? | 13:05 |
ducasse | ideapad 320-14IKB? | 13:06 |
Crayboff | You know what, it's a slightly different model. ideapad 320-15ABR | 13:06 |
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ducasse | then you might be using an entirely different touchpad. | 13:07 |
ducasse | in either case, remove the dkms packages since you don't need them, then wait for the kernel update and see. if it still doesn't work, best thing is probably to file a bug. you might want to try a mainline kernel first, though. | 13:09 |
Crayboff | how would I remove the dkms package | 13:10 |
Crayboff | And what do you mean by trying a mainline kernel? | 13:10 |
ducasse | 'sudo apt purge packagename' to remove | 13:11 |
ducasse | !mainline | 13:11 |
ubottu | The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds | 13:11 |
ducasse | ^^ try the latest one, see if the driver(s) there work. | 13:12 |
ducasse | Crayboff: 'sudo apt purge elantech-0608-dkms' will get rid of it, you need to do this before installing a mainline kernel. | 13:16 |
Crayboff | ducasse: thank you so much for your help, I purged dkms, there was a warning/error saying that some things it was trying to remove weren't there | 13:20 |
Crayboff | I'm going to try installing the mainline kernel build now | 13:20 |
Crayboff | ducasse: I got this error: Errors were encountered while processing: linux-headers-4.13.0-041300-generic | 13:22 |
Crayboff | Oh i didn't download the headers file that had _all installed | 13:23 |
Crayboff | guess I'll try again | 13:23 |
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Crayboff | err _all in the name too | 13:24 |
ezio | can anyone tell me why add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php -y && apt-get update && apt-get install -y apache2 php5.6 php5.6-curl php5.6-sqlite php-xdebug is resolving php7.1 dependencies? | 13:26 |
ezio | on 16.04 | 13:26 |
ezio | this is the first line of a vagrant bento/ubuntu-16.04 script | 13:26 |
corentin | ezio: probably because you have other PPAs? | 13:29 |
ezio | How do I see what ppas? | 13:29 |
ezio | How do I tell what ppa is resolving 7.1 | 13:29 |
corentin | look in /etc/apt/sources.list.d | 13:29 |
ezio | I wonder what put them in there and whether I have the right box | 13:31 |
corentin | ezio: check apt-cache madison <package? | 13:36 |
corentin | ezio: check apt-cache madison <package> | 13:36 |
corentin | ezio: it will show you available versions for the package, and origin url. | 13:36 |
corentin | you could also try something like: sudo apt-get install <package>=<version> | 13:37 |
ezio | lol xenial/main | 13:39 |
ezio | corentin, E: Version '5.6' for 'php' was not found | 13:46 |
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donofrio | is myspell-en-us a part of the default 17.04 repo's I only see (myspell-en-au myspell-en-gb myspell-en-za) | 13:49 |
Furai | http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/zesty/man7/uri.7.html << so according to this manpage there are uris like ghelp: or man: | 13:51 |
Furai | How do I even use those? | 13:51 |
Furai | Also, I can't seem to find a way to add my custom uri. | 13:51 |
MacroMan | Not specifically Ubuntu, what is the Ā¬ character called? | 13:54 |
MacroMan | It's above the grave (backtick) on my UK keyboard | 13:55 |
albech | Trying to install Ubuntu on my older Mac Mini. I have created a usb boot stick, which works fine on my other pc, but for some reason the mac mini wont see it. It is a 64bit mac mini btw so the amd64 version is what im trying to install | 13:56 |
ducasse | MacroMan: 'logical negation' | 13:57 |
MacroMan | ducasse: Thanks. That was hard to track down. | 13:58 |
lmat | When I run docker build on a Dockerfile containing from ubuntu:14.04; , I get "Get https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/library/ubuntu/manifests/14.04: unauthorized: incorrect username or password" | 14:00 |
ducasse | MacroMan: also called the 'not sign', btw | 14:01 |
ducasse | albech: have you tried looking at the mac pages of the ubuntu wiki? | 14:02 |
albech | ducasse: reading those.. just trying something with the partitioning of the usb.. brb | 14:03 |
lmat | webkit2gtk and libwebkit2gtk don't exist on ubuntu 14.04? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/webkit2gtk | 14:20 |
lmat | Sorry, I'm a bit new. | 14:20 |
lmat | this means no-go, right? https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=trusty&searchon=sourcenames&keywords=webkit2gtk | 14:22 |
CreativeWolf | Heya all :) | 14:22 |
hispeed67 | hopefully simple question. how do i change the font size (specifically, font is too small in the address bar for chrome) | 14:23 |
ioria | !info libwebkit2gtk-3.0-25 trusty | 14:23 |
ubottu | libwebkit2gtk-3.0-25 (source: webkitgtk): WebKit2 API layer for WebKitGTK+. In component main, is optional. Version 2.4.10-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 (trusty), package size 14059 kB, installed size 59863 kB | 14:23 |
lmat | oh my | 14:24 |
lmat | ioria: Thanks | 14:24 |
hispeed67 | anybody familiar with system fonts in ubuntu? | 14:40 |
ducasse | hispeed67: https://askubuntu.com/questions/470065/google-chrome-address-bar-font-has-gone-too-large-how-can-we-reduce-it#470373 | 14:42 |
hispeed67 | thanks ducasse.. that's a bit complex. ill just check out opera. | 14:54 |
Kingsy | Anyone in here use CalDav ? | 14:55 |
=== Attoy_ is now known as Attoy | ||
rfshark | what is recommend ram size? | 15:00 |
MacroMan | rfshark: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements | 15:01 |
rfshark | 512 MiB RAM (system memory) | 15:02 |
rfshark | lol | 15:02 |
rfshark | very good | 15:02 |
MacroMan | Obviously with 512 ram, you wouldn't get much done | 15:03 |
rfshark | :( | 15:03 |
MacroMan | Just about run the OS and that's it | 15:03 |
rfshark | then how much? | 15:03 |
MacroMan | On my gnome desktop with some modest applications open, I'm using 6gb of memory | 15:04 |
nacc | MacroMan: you want to use all of your RAM | 15:04 |
slipttees | Hi guys. How set Autoconfirm EULA dpkg install? | 15:05 |
MacroMan | I've just closed Netbeans, my biggest drain, and now I'm only using 4.8g, so a bit beter | 15:05 |
MacroMan | nacc: How do my you mean? | 15:05 |
MacroMan | nacc: Not sure it'd be a good sign to always be going into swap | 15:05 |
MacroMan | rfshark: For the most part though, 2gb should be enough for every day usage | 15:07 |
nacc | MacroMan: swap != ram | 15:07 |
slipttees | dpkg -i draftsight -y. but have EULA to confirm... how I can autoconfirm? | 15:07 |
MacroMan | I know that | 15:07 |
nacc | MacroMan: you don't want any single bit of RAM to not be occupied | 15:07 |
nacc | MacroMan: that's sort of the point of RAM | 15:07 |
rfshark | thanks MacroMan :) | 15:07 |
MacroMan | nacc What are you talking about? | 15:08 |
nacc | MacroMan: how much RAM your system is using isn't really a metric of anything | 15:08 |
nacc | MacroMan: it *should* be using all of it | 15:08 |
MacroMan | If I had 100% mem usage, the next thing I did, even move the mouse, would cause swap usage | 15:08 |
nacc | Richard_Cavell: i don't think there is a linux-steam package in ubuntu | 15:08 |
nacc | MacroMan: not true. Only if it the next thing you did required something to be swapped out. | 15:09 |
nacc | MacroMan: given you are on a desktop, your cursor, windowing artifacts, etc. would be resident. | 15:09 |
MacroMan | Which is pretty much anything if there is no spare mem left | 15:09 |
nacc | MacroMan: um, no. | 15:09 |
nacc | MacroMan: read what I just wrote. | 15:09 |
MacroMan | You're clearly trying to be a smart arse with the way ram technically works, but for everyday purpose and conversation, it's fine to have a % of memory used and have some spare | 15:10 |
MacroMan | I'm aware that even "empty" ram is still set to some value. It's just not very useful value | 15:11 |
nacc | MacroMan: no, I am very genuinely telling you how memory works in Linux | 15:11 |
nacc | MacroMan: but moving on... | 15:13 |
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ducasse | MacroMan: http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | 15:16 |
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ioria | MacroMan, let's say this: cached files in your ram (that you see full) is 'low-priority ram', and itās *instantly* freed as soon as it's needed for other apps | 15:17 |
MacroMan | I'm aware of this | 15:18 |
ioria | MacroMan, so more cached stuff, better it is | 15:18 |
MacroMan | I was just helping rfshark quickly. I really don't need the downlo on ram | 15:19 |
MacroMan | Thanks for thinking I do though | 15:19 |
nacc | MacroMan: they asked for recommended RAM size and you gave them the minimum? and then said how much memory your system is using. | 15:20 |
nacc | MacroMan: that was why i pointed out how much memory your system is actively using is a red herring. | 15:20 |
ioria | btw, running ubuntu server 16.04 (with lxde) on 256 mb | 15:20 |
MacroMan | Wow | 15:21 |
MacroMan | ioria: How do you run anything other than the OS? | 15:21 |
MacroMan | Genuine question | 15:22 |
ioria | MacroMan, a lot of services disabled , activated only when needed | 15:22 |
MacroMan | I've thought about doing something similar for fun, but with a lfs install | 15:22 |
MacroMan | Never found the time thoughj | 15:22 |
ioria | yeah | 15:23 |
MacroMan | ioria: On the other end of the spectrum, I'm running 16.04 (with Gnome) on 32gb | 15:26 |
MacroMan | Overkill I know | 15:27 |
ioria | MacroMan, nope, good for vm | 15:27 |
MacroMan | It's only my desktop lol | 15:27 |
mike_papa | Hello. My xubuntu 16.04 does this when waking up from sleep: https://i.imgur.com/S0NQ8IT.png | 15:55 |
mike_papa | Apps in background work (I can use them with keyboard only). Cursor is "busy" around gray window, and regular arrow on it. | 15:56 |
mike_papa | Gray rectangle seems to be leftover after login window, or power off/logout/suspend window. Any ideas how to deal with it? | 15:57 |
Radkos | hi all | 16:07 |
Radkos | I've a dumb question. How can I limit my ubuntu 14.04's system max usable RAM? | 16:08 |
tgm4883 | Radkos: uh, why? | 16:08 |
Radkos | I've tried with cgroups but it's broken, no service no nothing has to load everything from scratch | 16:08 |
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Radkos | I need to limit it because some programs are just overflowing my ram | 16:09 |
tgm4883 | Radkos: that doesn't make any sense, and limiting your RAM is just going to make your system run worse | 16:10 |
nacc | Radkos: so you'd rather they are killed? | 16:10 |
Radkos | and the system is becoming unresponsive and can't wait for virtual memory | 16:10 |
Radkos | I've already activated OOM they are being killed like 4 minutes after hang which is too much time | 16:11 |
Radkos | it makes sens I will limit my user's ram but system is gonna use the whole ram. that's what I want | 16:11 |
nacc | Radkos: use ulimit on your shell? | 16:12 |
Radkos | ulimit is not suitable | 16:12 |
tgm4883 | Radkos: well that isn't what you asked... | 16:12 |
Radkos | I can't start every program from the shell | 16:12 |
nacc | Radkos: well, cgroups aren't what you want either | 16:12 |
nacc | Radkos: sure you can `bash -c ...` | 16:12 |
Radkos | I don't wan't to start from there | 16:12 |
Radkos | what do you suggest other then cgroups | 16:13 |
Radkos | and why there isn't any cgroups service and config in 14.04 after libcgroups1 being installed? is it depreciated? | 16:13 |
nacc | Radkos: i don't think there is any such thing as a "cgroups" service | 16:13 |
nacc | Radkos: and I don't know what you mean by config, it's a filesystem. That's how you configure it | 16:14 |
Radkos | my bad cgconfig | 16:14 |
tgm4883 | I thought it was a handful of programs | 16:15 |
pavlos | Radkos: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/34334/how-to-create-a-user-with-limited-ram-usage | 16:16 |
Radkos | do I need to use the mount section of the config file | 16:16 |
nacc | afaict, there is no cgconfig in 14.04 | 16:17 |
nacc | it's available in 16.04 and later | 16:17 |
Radkos | pavlos, I've been there | 16:18 |
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Radkos | I've to manually load /etc/cgconfig file which doesn't seems to work out | 16:18 |
Radkos | I've tried with /etc/security/limits.conf either but it's only applyable for virtual memory | 16:20 |
tgm4883 | The comments here https://askubuntu.com/questions/564744/wheres-cgconfig-in-trusty suggest that cgconfig is broken in trusty and that you need to apply the workarounds | 16:21 |
Radkos | do you suggest other way than that and ulimit (ulimit doesn't seems to work out) | 16:29 |
Radkos | just for the test I've set ulimit -m 50000 | 16:29 |
Radkos | and started gimp from the shell - it got 100 mb ram and still not closing | 16:30 |
Radkos | I might accept ulimit workaround if it actually works | 16:30 |
nacc | Radkos: did you read the manpage? | 16:30 |
nacc | Radkos: "many systems do not honor | 16:30 |
nacc | this limit" | 16:30 |
nacc | Radkos: not sure if Linux counts as such, just pointing tha tout | 16:31 |
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Radkos | yes it seems this ubuntu is in that list | 16:33 |
tgm4883 | Radkos: out of curiosity, which program is causing so much trouble and how much ram do you have? | 16:36 |
nacc | Radkos: have you tried just using cgroups manually? | 16:36 |
nacc | might need the hwe kernel to get a more useful cgroupfs, but it should work then | 16:37 |
Radkos | it's one bad coded game - rocketleague is it's name - I have 8 gb of ram - the game uses 2,7 gb at start but after time it gets more and more until the whole system hangs up | 16:38 |
Radkos | I've come to a point where I got also 3 gb of swap used | 16:38 |
Radkos | can you imagine :D I want to force that game to close whenever it gets too much ram - activated OOM as it was deactivated at first - but without big difference I have like 5 minutes hang until it closes | 16:39 |
Radkos | @nacc how can I use cgroups manually? | 16:40 |
Radkos | with cgexec? | 16:40 |
nacc | Radkos: well, i've used them in the past (on more recent systems than 14.04) with something like `cd /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/user/<username>; mkdir <cgroupname>; cd <cgroupname>; echo <max> > memory.max_usage_in_bytes; echo $$ > tasks; exec <other process>` | 16:41 |
Radkos | that way it will be per process? | 16:43 |
nacc | Radkos: the above will create a memory cgroup and then put the current process in it | 16:45 |
nacc | Radkos: if you put your shell in it, then you get what you want | 16:45 |
nacc | Radkos: cgexec will just existing cgroups | 16:46 |
Radkos | gonna try it, tnx | 16:47 |
nacc | Radkos: *will just use existing cgroups | 16:49 |
john_doe_jr | When u mount a remote directory using sshfsā¦how long does the mount last before disconnecting? | 16:55 |
vlt | john_doe_jr: Forever. | 16:56 |
john_doe_jr | vit | 16:56 |
john_doe_jr | do I have to specify reconnect or anything like that in the options? | 16:56 |
vlt | john_doe_jr: Iād say you donāt have to. | 16:57 |
ioria | john_doe_jr, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHFS#Keep_Alive | 16:58 |
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curlyears | hiegh hough | 17:18 |
curlyears | bug problems, I think. Problem is,I am not clear how to identify which software is screwing up | 17:19 |
curlyears | when I have long uptimes (in excess of about 8 hours), something in my system breaks. Usually, when I am reading emails, if I click on a link, the OS transfers me to the browser and opens the link. After whatever it is changes, after I click on the link in email, I have to MANUALLY go to open my browser (unless I leave the browser with a tab alre | 17:21 |
curlyears | ady open). This is extremely irritating, as i click a lot of links in my emaisl | 17:21 |
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ioria | curlyears, and your default browser is ? | 17:25 |
rfshark | n00bs only use ubuntu? | 17:27 |
Loshki | rfshark: not just noobs. The out of the box experience is good with *buntu | 17:28 |
rfshark | The out of the box experience? | 17:29 |
curlyears | firefoxz, of course. Thunderbird as email. I suspect the problem is either in Thunderbird or ubuntu | 17:29 |
tgm4883 | rfshark: that would be the default install experience. Did you come here with a support question or just to talk about ubuntu? | 17:30 |
curlyears | although I do also run into a problem with my system getting very h=eavily loaded when viewing consecutive pages on thingiverse. It gets to the point where anout e ver 20-30 seconds, the system just freezes, and won't even respond to key presses ior mouse movement/clicks. | 17:30 |
rfshark | for supprot question tgm4883 | 17:30 |
Loshki | rfshark: basically, how easy is it to bring up a system from scratch (when you take it out of the 'box', so to speak) | 17:31 |
curlyears | thenm, after about 10 sseconds it returns to "normal" function. This must be a problem in Firefox, I presume | 17:31 |
tgm4883 | rfshark: then state your question and leave the commentary for the #ubuntu-discuss channel | 17:31 |
rfshark | ok | 17:31 |
ioria | curlyears, does it grey out ? | 17:32 |
curlyears | ioria: yes | 17:32 |
ioria | curlyears, ls /var/crash is empty ? | 17:32 |
curlyears | ioria: next time I run into that problem, I'll check /va/crash | 17:33 |
Loshki | curlyears: which os version, btw? | 17:33 |
curlyears | s/va/var | 17:33 |
curlyears | Loshki: 16.04.1LTS (IO accept all update pushes from unbuntu.com, so I shouldf be up to date | 17:34 |
ioria | curlyears, cat ~/.xsession-errors | 17:35 |
curlyears | ioria: no such file | 17:40 |
ioria | curlyears, it's an hidden file in your home dir ; ls -al ~/.xsession-errors ; you should have it | 17:42 |
curlyears | openConnection: connect: No such file or directory | 17:44 |
curlyears | cannot connect to brltty at :0 | 17:44 |
curlyears | response to trying to cat the file, which does show up in ls -al, and which apparently does have content | 17:44 |
brainwash | curlyears: I think you have to look inside ~/.cache/upstart/ for logs | 17:46 |
Bashing-om | curlyears: ^^ that is the contents of the file ( mine here also ) . | 17:48 |
Kanov | if I do "apt-get dist-upgrade", is it necessary to do apt-get upgrade also? | 17:54 |
Kanov | or if I do apt-get upgrade and then apt-get dist-upgrade? | 17:54 |
curlyears | hmmm... most of the files in that dir contain what appears to be binary information | 17:56 |
Kanov | In other words: if one wants to upgrade their system entirely, is "dist-upgrade" more than enough? | 17:56 |
Ben64 | Kanov: yes | 17:56 |
Ben64 | but you do need an "apt-get update" first | 17:57 |
oerheks | it was dist-upgrade, with systemd/16.04 it is full-upgrade | 17:57 |
Kanov | yeah Ben64 i know that | 17:57 |
Kanov | oerheks: im sure those commands do the same thing, or am i wrong | 17:57 |
oerheks | Kanov, it does, and both are still valid for now ( 16.04) | 17:58 |
oerheks | same with apt or apt-get | 17:58 |
curlyears | systemd. what's alll the grief I see being posted by people about systemd, anyway? | 17:58 |
curlyears | ioria? | 17:58 |
de_bac | hi there! Im having some trouble with i3wm. I have recently installed ubuntu16.04, and due to some hardware issue I was booting w/ 'acpi=off', thinking I had to. This meant I had to use a usb keyboard, but despite that everything else (including i3) was working. When I realized that acpi=off was causing the keyboard problem I removed it from the ke | 17:58 |
de_bac | rnel params, but now i3 wont work. I can tell programs are still running because my cursor changes when i run the shortcut for opening a terminal, but all i can see is my background. any thoughts? | 17:58 |
oerheks | curlyears, there is no grief.. just rumours | 17:58 |
p3rL | hello, how do i download a tar.gz data without saving it | 17:58 |
p3rL | i want folder | 17:58 |
p3rL | inner folders | 17:59 |
Sweepyoface | Thats not how archives work | 18:00 |
brainwash | de_bac: I would test with a newer kernel | 18:00 |
p3rL | HELP i want to download a tar achive inner data without saving the tar just download the archive data how do i download it by usng wget ?? | 18:01 |
Sweepyoface | Thats not how archives work | 18:01 |
frostschutz | p3rL, wget -O - http://.../something.tgz | tar -xzv -C ~/dump/it/here | 18:01 |
p3rL | i tried this | 18:01 |
p3rL | i got error | 18:01 |
p3rL | gzip: stdin: not in gzip format | 18:01 |
p3rL | tar: Child died with signal 13 | 18:01 |
Ben64 | p3rL: you can't | 18:01 |
p3rL | why | 18:01 |
frostschutz | then maybe it's not a tar | 18:01 |
Ben64 | because it doesn't work that way | 18:01 |
Sweepyoface | Thats not how archives work | 18:01 |
Sweepyoface | a tar.gz is just a file | 18:02 |
Sweepyoface | you have to save it before decompressing | 18:02 |
p3rL | actually the problem is my disk is full when i download the tar i cant extract it disk full | 18:02 |
Ben64 | so clear some space | 18:02 |
p3rL | when i extract disk full thats why i only need inner data | 18:02 |
de_bac | brainwash: im using Now follows a summary of the probes I have just done. | 18:02 |
de_bac | Just press ENTER to continue: | 18:02 |
de_bac | Driver `coretemp': | 18:02 |
de_bac | * Chip `Intel digital thermal sensor' (confidence: 9) | 18:02 |
de_bac | To load everything that is needed, add this to /etc/modules: | 18:02 |
de_bac | #----cut here---- | 18:02 |
de_bac | # Chip drivers | 18:02 |
Sweepyoface | what ben said | 18:02 |
p3rL | i dnt hv enough space in my vps | 18:02 |
Sweepyoface | so clear some?? | 18:03 |
p3rL | already cleared from by side but | 18:03 |
p3rL | there is not much disk | 18:03 |
Sweepyoface | you have bigger problems than extracting an archive if your disk is full | 18:03 |
Ben64 | get more space / clear more space / deal with not being able to do what you want | 18:03 |
brainwash | de_bac: use a pastebin service | 18:03 |
brainwash | de_bac: https://paste.ubuntu.com/ | 18:04 |
p3rL | is there any another way ? | 18:04 |
EriC^^ | p3rL: you could put the tar on a temporary ram filesystem | 18:04 |
oerheks | p3rL, use a live iso, so it sticks in ram | 18:04 |
Sweepyoface | Nope, you can't extract a tar before having the whole file | 18:04 |
Sweepyoface | If he has less disk than he has ram | 18:05 |
Sweepyoface | that's a much bigger problem | 18:05 |
EriC^^ | huh | 18:05 |
p3rL | Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on | 18:05 |
de_bac | brainwash: dont know what was happening, just tried saying im running kernel version 4.13 | 18:05 |
p3rL | /dev/vda1 15G 14G 230M 99% / | 18:05 |
p3rL | 230 mb free only | 18:05 |
compdoc_ | not much | 18:05 |
Sweepyoface | soo.. free space or get more space | 18:06 |
EriC^^ | p3rL: how did you try to empty some space btw? | 18:06 |
p3rL | i dnt hv full rights | 18:06 |
p3rL | am user | 18:06 |
p3rL | :) | 18:06 |
Sweepyoface | get your own vps then? | 18:06 |
Sweepyoface | you can get plenty more than 15G for less than $5 | 18:06 |
oerheks | not an ubuntu issue there | 18:07 |
curlyears | p3rL: Pay ATTENTION!!! You cannot extract onctnets from an archived collection without having a local ciopy ion your harddrive. | 18:08 |
brainwash | de_bac: did you test with a default i3wm session (default config)? | 18:08 |
de_bac | brainwash: actually, no! | 18:08 |
de_bac | let me see.. | 18:08 |
de_bac | brb | 18:08 |
de_bac | brainwash: haha, wow. Yep that was it. | 18:11 |
de_bac | thanks for the help! now to figure out what in my config was causing it | 18:11 |
brainwash | de_bac: do you start a compositor with your custom session? | 18:12 |
brainwash | that's usually a culprit | 18:12 |
de_bac | brainwash: yep, compton was the problem. | 18:17 |
brainwash | heh :) | 18:17 |
brainwash | maybe you can manage to properly configure it | 18:17 |
ducasse | de_bac: i3 does not support compositors | 18:17 |
brainwash | why wouldn't it? | 18:18 |
de_bac | brainwash: haha, it was just blowing my mind that somehow it was connected to me switching acpi=off, I just didnt consider it was something in my config! | 18:18 |
de_bac | ducasse: also, I use compton on another machine, worked great | 18:18 |
ducasse | brainwash: officially, that is. it's covered in the docs. | 18:18 |
de_bac | ahh, good to know. | 18:18 |
brainwash | de_bac: that could be said for every windows manager then | 18:19 |
ducasse | de_bac: i'm not saying it won't work, but if it breaks the devs don't want to know about it. | 18:19 |
brainwash | window | 18:19 |
ducasse | de_bac: are you using a display manager to start i3? | 18:21 |
ducasse | de_bac: if so, you can find out why the config doesn't work by checking ~/.xsession-errors - any error output will be there | 18:21 |
=== shiva__ is now known as in1t3r_ | ||
magkneetoe | http://paste.ubuntu.com/25485504/ | 18:45 |
magkneetoe | I cannot fix that error. Any tips? thanks | 18:46 |
ducasse | magkneetoe: problem with the key for the runescape repo - ask them to fix it. | 18:47 |
magkneetoe | ducasse, thx | 18:50 |
pavlos | magkneetoe: wget -O - https://content.runescape.com/downloads/ubuntu/runescape.gpg.key | apt-key add - | 18:51 |
ducasse | magkneetoe: also, disable the proposed repo. it's for testing - it's not intended for end-users. | 18:51 |
magkneetoe | I turned it off ducasse | 18:54 |
magkneetoe | pavlos, what does that do? http://paste.ubuntu.com/25485558/ | 18:55 |
oerheks | magkneetoe, you need sudo to add the key | 18:56 |
pavlos | magkneetoe: it gets the gpg key and adds it ... you need sudo to run it | 18:56 |
magkneetoe | right oerheks pavlos ok | 18:56 |
oerheks | linux error messages are pretty informative | 18:56 |
magkneetoe | I see, it says root | 18:57 |
magkneetoe | i missedit. I am quite blind | 18:57 |
magkneetoe | obv | 18:57 |
ducasse | magkneetoe: put the sudo in front of apt-key, not wget | 18:57 |
pavlos | magkneetoe: wget can run as normal user and bring in the gpg.key. As oerheks noted, you need sudo apt-key add - | 18:59 |
pavlos | magkneetoe: you can verify the key was added with sudo apt-key list | 19:03 |
brunch | heya! nvidia-prime is giving me a huge headache | 19:04 |
brunch | is there a way not to use it at all, and just use the discrete card? | 19:04 |
compdoc_ | take two aspirin, and come back in the morning | 19:04 |
brunch | can I simply uninstall nvidia-prime? | 19:04 |
brunch | what's the worst that would happen? :Ć | 19:04 |
ducasse | brunch: if this is for 17.10, ask in #ubuntu+1 | 19:04 |
brunch | alright my bad | 19:05 |
brunch | thought it would be the same here | 19:05 |
ducasse | brunch: it isn't, it's a development release and not supported here. ask there to make sure you get proper advice. | 19:05 |
magkneetoe | pavlos, i see it but i still get an error ... so lame | 19:06 |
pavlos | magkneetoe: please pastebin the error | 19:06 |
magkneetoe | pavlos, http://paste.ubuntu.com/25485617/ | 19:08 |
oerheks | magkneetoe, you just downloaded the key, and did not add it.. | 19:08 |
oerheks | read back howto add the key with sudo | 19:09 |
magkneetoe | I'm dead xD | 19:09 |
magkneetoe | ok | 19:09 |
Polesch | Need some basic ubuntu help.. I can't execute any commands or change permissions, I get "filesystem is read only" | 19:10 |
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ducasse | magkneetoe: you added the key ok, like i said there is a problem with the signature in the repo - you need to talk to them. | 19:11 |
Trel | On Ubuntu (server) 16.04, what is the recommended way to get PHP5 for apache, since it doesn't seem to be offered in the repos anymore? | 19:12 |
oerheks | Polesch, filesystem read only, then there is a glitch/closed dirty, you will need to run fsck to correct this | 19:12 |
oerheks | !fsck | 19:12 |
ubottu | fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot | 19:12 |
Polesch | I only just installed 16.04 in vmware workstation | 19:13 |
ducasse | Trel: in short, there is no supported way. there is a ppa, though - use at your own risk. | 19:13 |
oerheks | Trel, it is not in the repos, php7 is .. you need a PPA like this one, but carefull, it is unsupported here https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/ubuntu/php | 19:14 |
Polesch | Nope, nothing working. | 19:16 |
Polesch | I wish linux was less of a pain, I'd like to use it | 19:16 |
oerheks | maybe your issue is with vmware, i don't know about that | 19:16 |
* oerheks only uses bare metal | 19:16 | |
nacc | Polesch: perhaps pastebin the output of `dmesg` | 19:17 |
Polesch | Probably vmware issue. | 19:18 |
Polesch | https://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=51306 | 19:18 |
Polesch | I'll try ubuntu on bare metal when I can get PCIe passthrough working | 19:21 |
pavlos | magkneetoe: found this link for 17.04, see last post if it helps you ... http://services.runescape.com/l=0/m=forum/forums.ws?415,416,73,65901728 | 19:22 |
Polesch | I'm in a difficult situation where I'm heavily dependent on both Windows and Ubuntu at the same time | 19:22 |
Trel | oerheks: I'll take a look at that. Would it be more recommended to compile the latest php5 myself and use fpm or cgi with apache? | 19:23 |
chrisml | how do i install en_GB.UTF-8 locale? | 19:23 |
ducasse | Trel: then you would be responsible for updates, and it's just as unsupported. with the ppa at least you get updates. | 19:24 |
Trel | I only need to hold out until the software I'm trying to use works correctly with php7 | 19:24 |
Trel | So I wouldn't mind handling the updates myself | 19:24 |
ducasse | chrisml: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales' | 19:25 |
Guy1524 | hey guys, I have nvidia prime installed on my optimus laptop, and for some reason my Intel GFX Card only works on my old 4.4 kernlel, and not my newest 4.10 kernel (16.04.3) | 19:28 |
Guy1524 | nvidia works on all kernels | 19:28 |
chrisml | ducasse does that definitely work? | 19:29 |
chrisml | ducasse cool i can just do apt-get install language-pack-en :D | 19:33 |
ducasse | chrisml: that's only translations, it doesn't activate or generate locales | 19:34 |
chrisml | ducasse it said Generating locales (this might take a while)... | 19:35 |
ducasse | chrisml: then it probably runs dpkg-reconfigure from the postinstall script. if you need to check if it's activated, that's how you do it. | 19:37 |
chrisml | ducasse got ya | 19:38 |
=== ShalokShalom_ is now known as ShalokShalom | ||
B14CK-SPID3R | hello guys, i want to mount a raspberry pi img file to emulate it inside qemu. but when i try this command i give an error message : sudo mount -v -o offset=47185408 -t ext4 ~/qemu_vms/2017-04-10-raspbian-jessie.img /mnt/raspbian | 19:58 |
B14CK-SPID3R | and this is my err message : mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0, | 19:59 |
B14CK-SPID3R | missing codepage or helper program, or other error | 19:59 |
jbergok | i have a laptop with windows, but dont have access to cd-rom or usb, is there a way i can install ubuntu on the same hard disk as windows? do i need to preformat to make a new partition and then boot into an installer or what do i do? | 19:59 |
jbergok | if i use unetbootin and choose hard disk install it gives me an error ubnldr.mbr error 0x0000007b | 20:00 |
compdoc_ | B14CK-SPID3R, a usb image isnt going to be the ext4 filesystem type | 20:01 |
compdoc_ | jbergok, unetbootin is horrible | 20:02 |
jbergok | compdoc_, what should i use? | 20:02 |
B14CK-SPID3R | compdoc: thank you sir, but i tried -t auto too and it didn't work too ! | 20:02 |
akik | B14CK-SPID3R: have you tried losetup and kpartx method? | 20:03 |
B14CK-SPID3R | akik: no, i didn't. this is output of fdisk -l command : Disk 2017-04-10-raspbian-jessie.img: 4 GiB, 4285005824 bytes, 8369152 sectors | 20:04 |
B14CK-SPID3R | Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes | 20:04 |
B14CK-SPID3R | Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes | 20:04 |
B14CK-SPID3R | I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes | 20:04 |
B14CK-SPID3R | Disklabel type: dos | 20:04 |
B14CK-SPID3R | Disk identifier: 0x402e4a57 | 20:04 |
akik | BlackDex: sudo losetup -fv 2017-04-10-raspbian-jessie.img; sudo kpartx -av /dev/loop0 | 20:04 |
akik | B14CK-SPID3R: sudo losetup -fv 2017-04-10-raspbian-jessie.img; sudo kpartx -av /dev/loop0 | 20:04 |
akik | B14CK-SPID3R: it's not ok to paste many lines here | 20:05 |
B14CK-SPID3R | akik: oh sorry your right. excuse me :) are you sure this work well for my purpose? | 20:05 |
B14CK-SPID3R | *you | 20:05 |
akik | B14CK-SPID3R: try it. it can be used to access "hard disk in a file" | 20:06 |
B14CK-SPID3R | akik: ok i tried it. it opens boot folder with a lot of files :-? now how can i do with them? | 20:08 |
akik | B14CK-SPID3R: look into /dev/mapper. you should see all the partitions there | 20:08 |
akik | B14CK-SPID3R: then you can mount /dev/mapper/loop0something | 20:09 |
akik | e.g. /dev/mappper/loop0p1 | 20:09 |
B14CK-SPID3R | akik: oh, thank you so much | 20:09 |
akik | B14CK-SPID3R: what do you see in /dev/mapper ? | 20:10 |
B14CK-SPID3R | yup i saw two folders with names loop0p1 and loop0p2 so i use mount /dev/mapper/loop0p1 /mnt/raspbian and try it for loop0p2 folder too. | 20:12 |
B14CK-SPID3R | akik: and now i see linux file system in /mnt/raspbian .. it works. does it? | 20:14 |
akik | B14CK-SPID3R: you tell me. if you don't get any errors then it works | 20:15 |
B14CK-SPID3R | akik: :) so it works .. Thank you man for helping :X | 20:16 |
xtuh | Hi, how to make openvpn service to start? | 20:23 |
Crayboff | After installing a the recommended mainline and the daily mainline kernels (at different times), my undetected trackpad is now being detected however it only works for 5-10 seconds after startup before becoming unresponsive. Does this sound like a kernel bug issue to you guys or should I be looking somewhere else? | 20:30 |
brainwash | Crayboff: did you check the system log? | 20:31 |
Crayboff | brainwash: What is the filepath to that log? | 20:31 |
Crayboff | is it syslog in /var/log | 20:32 |
Crayboff | ? | 20:32 |
brainwash | probably | 20:32 |
brainwash | or use "journalctl" | 20:32 |
oerheks | journalctl +1 | 20:33 |
Crayboff | There are a lot of lines in there, am I looking for something specific? | 20:34 |
brainwash | I assume that you have to scroll to the very bottom | 20:35 |
brainwash | look for lines related to your issue | 20:35 |
Crayboff | found some stuff, let me pastebin it for you and see if you can glean anything from that | 20:37 |
Crayboff | brainwash: Here's an example of what I'm seeing: https://pastebin.com/raw/Ay6wkNFG At the end when it stops is when I believe my trackpad stops responding entirely. | 20:41 |
Crayboff | there are no other references to the trackpad or the manufacturer of it that I can tell | 20:42 |
oerheks | Crayboff, lspci should give a clue | 20:43 |
brainwash | bug 1683508 | 20:44 |
ubottu | bug 1683508 in linux (Ubuntu) "touchpad not working (elan_i2c invalid report id data)" [Medium,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1683508 | 20:44 |
Crayboff | oerheks: here are the results of that: https://pastebin.com/raw/capDuxPd | 20:44 |
brainwash | I would try the workaround mentioned in this bug report | 20:44 |
Crayboff | Darn that's sad he didn't get a response. I will try that to see if it helps in the slightest | 20:45 |
brainwash | if it does, you could automate it by creating a systemd service which fires after the system has booted | 20:46 |
Crayboff | Unfortunately it didn't do anything for me | 20:46 |
brainwash | :/ | 20:46 |
brainwash | check the log again | 20:47 |
craigbass76 | I've finally gotten my Wordpress blog (actually it will be a novel, but it's easier to work on it for me if it's in Wordpress) to spit everything out as one big html, which I can then print to pdf. I'd like to be able to get it into odt though... Is there such a tool as a pdf to odt, or html to odt converter anyone's heard of? | 20:47 |
Crayboff | brainwash: https://pastebin.com/raw/cP6YZ8wi looks very similar to what shows up in the log when i reboot the computer, but this time with no trackpad use | 20:49 |
MeiR | does someone around here use or know the OMD monitoring system? | 20:49 |
MeiR | they have no a dedicated channel, so i'm asking here | 20:49 |
kenrin | craigbass76: Don't know if it works but this looks good: https://github.com/gutschke/pdf2odt | 20:51 |
brainwash | Crayboff: not sure then. you could give ubuntu 17.10 beta a try, and see if the issue has been resolved | 20:52 |
brainwash | Crayboff: booting the live usb | 20:52 |
tgm4883 | MeiR: not really a ubuntu question, you could ask in #ubuntu-offtopic or if your question is checkmk based in the #check_mk channel | 20:52 |
brainwash | Crayboff: other than that, I think that you will have to create an upstream bug report | 20:52 |
onicrom | i've removed the unattended upgrades package from my install but i still see firewall logs of my server reaching out to ubuntu own ip addresses on the internet, is there something else that | 20:53 |
onicrom | 's doing that? | 20:53 |
MeiR | thanks tgm4883, will try my luch there | 20:53 |
MeiR | luck* | 20:53 |
Crayboff | brainwash: is that upstream bug report something I submit to bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ or is there a better place for that? I can't run that ubuntu-bug linux command because I'm running the mainline kernel | 20:53 |
Crayboff | or should I submit it to both? | 20:54 |
brainwash | https://bugzilla.kernel.org/ | 20:54 |
onicrom | popularity-contest | 20:55 |
onicrom | thanks | 20:55 |
brainwash | Crayboff: well, ubuntu kernel maintainers will tell you to test latest kernel version, and eventually to file an upstream bug report | 20:56 |
brainwash | Crayboff: don't forget to test with 17.10 beta first though | 20:56 |
Crayboff | will do. Thank you very much for your assistance, brainwash! | 20:57 |
brainwash | you're welcome :) | 20:57 |
linuxnoob011 | hi all. was in here earlier this week with some ubuntu networking issues. continuing to struggle, but have some updates that might help you folks troubleshoot. anyone have some time to spare? | 21:03 |
lordcirth | linuxnoob011, just say your question, saves time | 21:04 |
linuxnoob011 | lordcirth decent amount to type. basically, i cannot get any network interface to work on my ubuntu 16.04 comp. just did a fresh install. neither ethernet nor wireless works. so i bought a usb ethernet port and a usb wireless card. neither one works. can sometimes get an intermittent connection, but i usually quickly lose it. if i configure to make only the usb wireless card works, it'll work from time to time, but not consistently (but more than a | 21:05 |
linuxnoob011 | minute or so) | 21:05 |
linuxnoob011 | really at a loss for what could be causing this. feel like 4 network devices, two of which are brand new, cannot be failing | 21:06 |
linuxnoob011 | for what it is worth, nothing is wrong with the network itself. have another ubuntu 16.04 comp that plays just fine with the router | 21:06 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: what are the hardware details (device details) | 21:06 |
linuxnoob011 | i'll do my best to get you this info, but because i have no internet on the relevant comp, i can't copy/paste outputs | 21:07 |
linuxnoob011 | if this gets tiresome, guess i can take pics with my phone and upload to imgur | 21:07 |
linuxnoob011 | nacc want the info on the nics first? | 21:07 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: yeah, i think so | 21:07 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: there's less fiddly stuff with wired | 21:08 |
linuxnoob011 | so the built in ethernet is the QCA8171 gigabit ethernet (qualcomm atheros) | 21:08 |
linuxnoob011 | and the built in wireless is an inten centrino wireless-N 2230 | 21:09 |
craigbass76 | kenrin: Almost -- it makes each pdf page into an image. I may want to edit it. html to odt might work better. Still looking... | 21:09 |
linuxnoob011 | the wifi usb card is panda--model PAU06 | 21:09 |
linuxnoob011 | usb ethernet is a startech--usb3100s | 21:09 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: ok, the intel wireless not working is surprising (also i didn't know atheros did non-wifi) | 21:10 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: anything in dmesg? | 21:10 |
linuxnoob011 | depends on the device i am using. basically, the usb ethernet is lame and requires a driver from the internet--without internet, ic an't get it to play nice, so i guess i understand that failure | 21:11 |
linuxnoob011 | on the native ethenet, dmesg reports the link goes up and down repeatedly | 21:11 |
linuxnoob011 | i assume the ethernet device is damaged/not in working shape, but i guess it could be software related | 21:11 |
linuxnoob011 | nothing disconcerting on either wireless device from dmesg | 21:11 |
linuxnoob011 | i've assigned static ips to all devices and taken them away from the networkmanager, which i hate | 21:12 |
linuxnoob011 | (i.e., they are not managed) | 21:12 |
craigbass76 | kenrin: pandoc maybe, if I can get page breaks working... | 21:12 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: ok, so your wireless device is detected but doesn't associate (the intel) | 21:12 |
linuxnoob011 | ip addresses are reported in ifconfig, but no connectivity | 21:12 |
linuxnoob011 | yes, nacc | 21:12 |
linuxnoob011 | ping just hangs | 21:12 |
linuxnoob011 | sometimes it says destination host unreachable | 21:13 |
linuxnoob011 | but usually literally just hangs--returns nothing | 21:13 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: what about iwconfig? | 21:13 |
linuxnoob011 | both wireless devices show up there (although obvi not the ethernet devices) | 21:13 |
linuxnoob011 | they are not assocaited with an AP | 21:13 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: ok, without association, probably they don't actually have network | 21:14 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: did you configure the wifi cxn for the intel device? | 21:14 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: not the IP, but the wifi auth | 21:14 |
linuxnoob011 | hmm, might have faked myself out when i disabled the network manager. do you know the CLI way of connecting to an AP without the network manager? | 21:15 |
linuxnoob011 | if not, i'll google | 21:15 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: nmcli (which is still networkmanager) is the easiest, i think. otherwise, you can do it from /etc/network/interfaces (install wireless-tools and `man wireless`) | 21:16 |
linuxnoob011 | do i have to enable the network manager service to use nmcli (i had assumed but maybe not) | 21:16 |
linuxnoob011 | i'm game to re-enable network manager to troubleshoot | 21:16 |
linuxnoob011 | just want to be clear about what i'm doing | 21:17 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: yeah, i think so, but not sure either | 21:18 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: easiest is to just use n-m | 21:18 |
linuxnoob011 | 100% down--will re-enable the service now | 21:18 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: oh i see, you can also use iwconfig directly to associate | 21:18 |
linuxnoob011 | sorry, struggling a bit here nacc | 21:23 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: np | 21:23 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: NM isn't working? | 21:23 |
linuxnoob011 | yeah, thought i knew the command for nmcli but it threw up an error | 21:24 |
linuxnoob011 | nacc--having trouble associating either through nmcli or iwconfig | 21:31 |
linuxnoob011 | not sure i have the nmcli command right | 21:31 |
linuxnoob011 | but i'm pretty sure about the iwconfig one | 21:31 |
linuxnoob011 | iwconfig $device essid $AP key $password | 21:31 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: yeah that looks right | 21:32 |
linuxnoob011 | i got an invalid argument on the password... | 21:32 |
linuxnoob011 | guess i'll try enclosing it in quotes | 21:32 |
linuxnoob011 | no help | 21:32 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: is it an ascii password? | 21:32 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: needs to be s:password, if so | 21:32 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: see `man iwconfig` | 21:32 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: passphrase is not supported, as well, so depends on what you're doing | 21:32 |
linuxnoob011 | got it, so it's ascii--the work around is to put s: in front? | 21:34 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: that's my reading, yeah | 21:34 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: that tells iwconfig the password is ascii not hex | 21:34 |
linuxnoob011 | is that like the bash equivalent of str() | 21:34 |
linuxnoob011 | got it | 21:35 |
linuxnoob011 | differenterror | 21:35 |
linuxnoob011 | SET failed on device wlp8s0 | 21:35 |
linuxnoob011 | wlp8s0 is the internal wireless card | 21:35 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: did it give any further messages? | 21:35 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: or anyting in syslog / dmesg | 21:35 |
linuxnoob011 | semicolon--invalid argument | 21:36 |
linuxnoob011 | wil check logs | 21:36 |
de_bac | Howdy again :) Ive been pulling my hair out trying to change my screen resolution. The default display manager is only showing one option, where everything is waaay too small. Tried creating and adding a new mode using xrandr, but it just returns a "failed to get size of gamma for output default". | 21:36 |
de_bac | so close to having this machine functional, I would love to stop squinting!! :D Any thoughts greatly appreciated | 21:37 |
nacc | de_bac: do you have a hidpi display? | 21:37 |
linuxnoob011 | nacc--nothing in dmesg that concerns me. just ubuntu reporting info about the usb wifi card i have (namely that it has loaded the firmware) | 21:37 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: ok | 21:38 |
de_bac | :nacc yes! | 21:38 |
linuxnoob011 | nacc--nothing in syslog. some errors being thrown up by my vpn, but those don't affect the current user (i have a split tunnel set up) | 21:38 |
nacc | de_bac: on gnome there is gnome tweak tool, instll that ... fonts -> scaling factor, set it to 2 | 21:38 |
nacc | de_bac: i think there is something similar for unity if on unity | 21:38 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: ok | 21:38 |
de_bac | nacc: exploring it now... | 21:39 |
de_bac | thank you :0 | 21:39 |
linuxnoob011 | i'm tailing the main syslog file and when i try to associate with the network, no new lines appear | 21:39 |
de_bac | :) | 21:39 |
nacc | de_bac: yw | 21:40 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: ok, were you able to fix the syntax error? | 21:40 |
linuxnoob011 | yes, nacc. different error upon appending s: to the front of the password | 21:40 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: what was the rror? sorry, invalid argument? | 21:41 |
de_bac | nacc: hmm... this might do it. I have to log out real quick to test something.. | 21:41 |
linuxnoob011 | yeah, they both throw up "invalid argument." with the wrong syntax, it just says, "invalid argument $password" | 21:41 |
linuxnoob011 | with the rightsyntax, it says: "SET failed on device wlp8s0; invalid argument" | 21:41 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: ok, so you're running `iwconfig wlp8s0 key s:<password>` ? | 21:42 |
linuxnoob011 | hmm, i'm running: iwconfig $device essid $AP key $password | 21:42 |
linuxnoob011 | will run your line word for word | 21:42 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: oh that would work, rather | 21:42 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: sorry, forgout about the SSID | 21:43 |
linuxnoob011 | all good | 21:43 |
linuxnoob011 | i'm truly at a loss here | 21:43 |
linuxnoob011 | like, not all of these network devices are failing | 21:43 |
linuxnoob011 | they work on other comps--the usb ones that is | 21:43 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: well, right now it's not 'failing' in that sense | 21:43 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: we're not telling it to connect properly | 21:43 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: it's not associated, so it's actually working fine :) | 21:44 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: if you *just* do `iwconfig $device essid $AP` does it work? | 21:44 |
linuxnoob011 | so a bit of context: i just moved. in my old apartment, this comp worked fine, both internal ethernet and internal wifi | 21:44 |
linuxnoob011 | it did not return an error nacc | 21:45 |
linuxnoob011 | and iwconfig reports association | 21:45 |
linuxnoob011 | with the relevant AP | 21:45 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: ok, that's good | 21:45 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: now if you do `iwconfig $device key s:$password` | 21:45 |
de_bac | nacc: so, it works OK for unity, but in i3 programs like firefox/atom/spotify are still way too small :/ | 21:46 |
linuxnoob011 | nacc--same error as before when i was using the correct syntax | 21:46 |
linuxnoob011 | <linuxnoob011> with the rightsyntax, it says: "SET failed on device wlp8s0; invalid argument" | 21:46 |
CreativeWolf | Heya all :) | 21:47 |
CreativeWolf | I've been trying to set up a network printer and the cups jobs log shows this "Unsupported booklet value Default, using booklet=off!" | 21:47 |
nacc | de_bac: no idea on i3, sorry | 21:48 |
CreativeWolf | Any pointers to get a printout? :) | 21:48 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: i'm not sure, sorry -- it seems like possibly your AP is rejecting the auth (although i would think you would see it try and fail) | 21:49 |
linuxnoob011 | i mean, i can confirm these commands work on another ubuntu box in this same apartment with the same AP | 21:49 |
ycyclist | Anyone know of a package that takes a script that sources in environments and compiles it to be a standalone? | 21:49 |
linuxnoob011 | but like, this is absurd behavior from ubuntu. i dont even understand what could be wrong | 21:49 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: tbh, this sounds like hardware issues. Possibly the card(s) got unseated? | 21:50 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: as to the other devices, I don't know | 21:50 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: do the USB devices, e.g, work in the other already working computer? | 21:50 |
linuxnoob011 | it can't be hardware nacc--some of the hardware is obviously fine | 21:50 |
linuxnoob011 | nacc, yes, both usb devices for sure work | 21:50 |
linuxnoob011 | they are brand new and work on the other ubuntu box | 21:50 |
linuxnoob011 | like i guess the mobo or something on the problematic ubuntu box could be failingin some way that dooms any nic i dare to connect to the ubuntu box? | 21:51 |
oerheks | linuxnoob011, in such situation, did you try to restart your router? sometimes this solves unlogical issues. | 21:52 |
oerheks | * with networking, that is | 21:52 |
linuxnoob011 | oerheks i have not tried that today. so i'm happy to do that | 21:52 |
linuxnoob011 | (brb obviously) | 21:53 |
de_bac | does anybody here have experience with xrandr? pretty sure if I fix the "failed to get size of gamma for output default" I will be able to fix this. | 21:56 |
linuxnoob011 | hey nacc and oerheks just rebooted my router | 21:58 |
linuxnoob011 | gonna try to connect from the troublesome ubuntu box | 21:58 |
oerheks | :-) | 21:58 |
linuxnoob011 | nacc oerheks: same behavior on the internal nic | 22:01 |
linuxnoob011 | gonna try the usb wireless card | 22:01 |
linuxnoob011 | no go on the usb wireless card either. with the usb wireless card, i see a ModemManager error | 22:02 |
linuxnoob011 | but there are clear issues here. like the usb wireless card not even lit up (i.e., the display lights are off) | 22:03 |
oerheks | linuxnoob011, not sure that you have undone changes, maybe you can test a live iso too? | 22:05 |
CreativeWolf | Can someone help me with a printer issue please? - I've been trying to set up a network printer and the cups jobs log shows this "Unsupported booklet value Default, using booklet=off!" | 22:09 |
linuxnoob011 | nacc oerheks: just confirmed the usb wifi card 100% works on another computer | 22:11 |
linuxnoob011 | it had worked on the ubuntu computer in my previous apartment--it worked plug n play, so it isn't like there's a missing driver that could explain the failure | 22:11 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: this is a desktop with a fresh install of 16.04, iirc | 22:13 |
linuxnoob011 | pavlos it's a laptop running the desktop version of 16.04. since i was last in here, i plugged in a few usb devices to see if i could get them to work | 22:17 |
linuxnoob011 | and the answer is: only intermittently | 22:17 |
linuxnoob011 | was really hoping this would set of a lightbulb in someone's head | 22:17 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: is there a switch on the side of the laptop to disable wifi? | 22:18 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: I came late in the chat, I will read up | 22:18 |
linuxnoob011 | pavlos there is a button to disable wifi. not sure if it works in ubuntu | 22:20 |
linuxnoob011 | (i.e., it might just play nicely with windows) | 22:20 |
linuxnoob011 | so here's what i jsut did. the usb wireless card i bought--i just plugged it into another computer with a essentially fresh 16.04 ubuntu install (i.e., a different fresh ubuntu install) | 22:21 |
linuxnoob011 | it worked fine | 22:21 |
linuxnoob011 | the commands i ran earlier to assocaite with an AP worked fine | 22:21 |
linuxnoob011 | if this is hardware related, it has to be something that affects ALL network devices, whether usb or internal | 22:21 |
linuxnoob011 | otherwise, it is software, right? | 22:21 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: the laptop is an hp pavilion , do you recall the model# | 22:21 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: so i've not yet seen you run the commands from the USB device on the lappy? | 22:22 |
linuxnoob011 | the laptop is a lenovo | 22:22 |
linuxnoob011 | y410p | 22:22 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: you only did it for the builtin device? | 22:22 |
linuxnoob011 | ah, i did it for the usb too nacc | 22:22 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: man, I forgot everything :) | 22:22 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: did you get the "invalid arguemnt" response? | 22:22 |
linuxnoob011 | nacc: yes | 22:23 |
linuxnoob011 | pavlos: no worries. you guys are awesome for doing what you can here. i'm super frustrated, but this obvi is not your guys' fault and i appreiate the help | 22:23 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: what kind of auth is this? WEP, WPA, WPA2? | 22:24 |
linuxnoob011 | wpa2, nacc | 22:24 |
linuxnoob011 | also nacc, i misspoke--i get the same error on my other ubuntu box when i use the cli | 22:24 |
linuxnoob011 | but the usb wireless card assocaites fine through the network manager | 22:24 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: hrm, yeah, iwconfig doesn'ts upport wpa2 :) | 22:25 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: nm does | 22:25 |
linuxnoob011 | nacc face...palm. my bad for not raising this earlier | 22:25 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: you want wpa_supplicant | 22:25 |
linuxnoob011 | kk, think that should be installed but will confirm and install as needed, and look up the command to connect | 22:26 |
linuxnoob011 | be back in a few | 22:26 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: alternatively, just use NM :) | 22:26 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: wireless is a pain :) | 22:26 |
linuxnoob011 | im game to use network manager. how about i clear out etc/network/interfaces to its default state (configuration of the loopback device) | 22:27 |
linuxnoob011 | and restart the network manager service? | 22:28 |
linuxnoob011 | do i need to set the configuration file for network manager to manage my devices? i think that's off by default | 22:28 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: i'm not 100% on that -- i think you can just tweak the setting from teh GUI | 22:28 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: oh but if you manually changed it | 22:28 |
linuxnoob011 | yeah, i did. gonna revert back to defaults and enable NM | 22:30 |
linuxnoob011 | ok, i currently have a wireless connection | 22:32 |
linuxnoob011 | i've been this far before, but as soon as i plug in the usb ethernet port, my connectivity grinds to a halt | 22:33 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: problem solved? :) | 22:33 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: don't do that? :) | 22:33 |
linuxnoob011 | and as far as i can tell, i'll just randomly lose connectivity at some point | 22:33 |
linuxnoob011 | well if i plug in the regular ethernet (not usb), i also believe i will lose connectivity | 22:33 |
linuxnoob011 | that is, if i cycle through settings enough, i usually get wireless to work. but if i try to use ethernet, everything fails. and furthermore, wifi fails at some point regardless | 22:34 |
linuxnoob011 | so in the time ive just been typing, i've done nothing to the relevant ubuntu machine | 22:35 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: are you usre on that atheros model #? | 22:35 |
linuxnoob011 | wireless connectivity is gone | 22:35 |
linuxnoob011 | i jsut ran a ping on | 22:35 |
linuxnoob011 | and it hung | 22:35 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: did you get disconnected? | 22:35 |
linuxnoob011 | didn't return anything | 22:35 |
nacc | (check syslog) | 22:35 |
linuxnoob011 | nope | 22:35 |
linuxnoob011 | ah | 22:35 |
linuxnoob011 | will confirm | 22:35 |
nacc | e.g., a disassociation | 22:35 |
linuxnoob011 | nacc yeah, does look like i got disconnected | 22:38 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: right, so, so far, nothing "wrong" | 22:38 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: inasmuch as you got disconnected, and are ... well, disconnected | 22:38 |
nacc | that you got disconnected is not great | 22:38 |
nacc | but that could happen for lots of reasons | 22:38 |
linuxnoob011 | checking back in. so even retstarting network manager did not restore connectivity. as usual, cycling through settings enough times yields a temporary connection. but the connection is not long lasting, even when I do absolutely nothing to the computer | 22:43 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: are you far away from the router/AP? if the signal is not strong enough, wifi disconnects. | 22:44 |
linuxnoob011 | so nacc, i guess the question is: why do I get permanently, irreparably disconnected? | 22:44 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: i think the 'cycling' is a red herring | 22:44 |
linuxnoob011 | pavlos: I the machine is literally next to the router--a short ethernet cable's distance away | 22:44 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: but i have no diea | 22:44 |
nacc | linuxnoob011: i need to step away for a bit, though, sorry | 22:45 |
linuxnoob011 | nacc: I have no restored the network settings to their defaults. i commented every line of etc/network/interfaces except the configuration of the loopback device, which is configured in the interfaces file by default | 22:45 |
linuxnoob011 | makes sense nacc--thanks for trying! | 22:45 |
linuxnoob011 | pavlos any last minute ideas before i throw in the towel? this computer is borderline useless without any means to connect to the internet, so this is a prety big blow if there is no fix. but if there is no fix, there is no fix | 22:46 |
linuxnoob011 | like im essentially just going to throw out a decently powerful laptop | 22:47 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: it might be some module is loaded and needs to be blacklisted but no idea which module | 22:47 |
linuxnoob011 | hm, that's a decent point. i'll google around w.r.t. my specific card. again, figure this would have been an issue in my previous apartment, but i guess when i did a fresh install, i grabbed 16.04.3 where previously i had used 16.04.2 | 22:48 |
linuxnoob011 | hard to believe that'd screw me over, but maybe some module causes problems in this ubutu environment but not the old one | 22:48 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: is there a module called, ideapad-laptop (you can find that with lsmod | grep ideapad | 22:52 |
linuxnoob011 | pavlos that command returns four lines. the top line is: ideapad_laptop | 28672 | 0, where the pipe delimits columns | 22:53 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: so there is such a module | 22:54 |
linuxnoob011 | pavlos seems so | 22:54 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: lets backlist it and reboot, the command is, echo "blacklist ideapad-laptop" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf | 22:55 |
JimmyNeutron | Anyone use Webex on Ubuntu 16.04.3 x64? It was working a few days ago and now it's broken. Trying to determine what cause it to fail. | 22:55 |
linuxnoob011 | pavlos rebooting now | 22:59 |
ycyclist | Say, what does this do? gzip -c $tarfile | cat $script - > $out ??? | 23:00 |
ycyclist | Say, what does this do? gzip -c $tarfile | cat $script - > $out ??? | 23:00 |
linuxnoob011 | pavlos i have internet connectivty on reboot. do oyu know of a handy command to determine which device is supplying connectivity? both wifi cards purport to be associated with an AP | 23:02 |
linuxnoob011 | i tried pinging with double verbosity | 23:02 |
ycyclist | Say, what does this do? gzip -c $tarfile | cat $script - > $out ??? | 23:02 |
ycyclist | I'm having a hard time searching for - > | 23:02 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: ifconfig will tell you the various interfaces and IP they may have | 23:02 |
ycyclist | I suspect it's some kind of equivalent to >>, as the two files should be joined. | 23:03 |
FredTheNoob | Hello, I'm doing a ubuntu installation, it's a good practice to encrypt the root partition and then home partition? or only the home partition? I mean I have the system divided into 4 partitions 1./boot 2. / 3./home 4./swap | 23:03 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: try ifconfig | nv termbin.com 9999 and give that link | 23:03 |
linuxnoob011 | hmm, returned command not found, pavlos | 23:04 |
linuxnoob011 | in particular, nv was the cmd not found | 23:04 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: nc not nv | 23:04 |
linuxnoob011 | ah! | 23:04 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: short for netcat | 23:05 |
linuxnoob011 | pavlos--both nics have ip addresses | 23:05 |
linuxnoob011 | hence the q re connectivity | 23:05 |
ycyclist | Okay, I see an item on example of cat manpage. I wish it was a little better. | 23:06 |
ycyclist | https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/16357/usage-of-dash-in-place-of-a-filename | 23:07 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: on your NetwrokManager (top right) you can get connection info, which ip to which interface | 23:07 |
linuxnoob011 | pavlos i guess i'm confused--it isn't that i don't know what info (e.g. ip address) corresponds to which interface. it is that i do not know which interface is actually interfacing with the net. like, both purport to be ready and active and associatd with the AP. i guess i could isolate an interface, e.g. "ping -I $interface $address" | 23:08 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: you said wired does not work, only wireless. right? if you give that nc command, the link would be 4 chars, eg. http://termbin.com/1bwv | 23:09 |
jimberly528274 | Hello, would anyone be able to help me with a dual-boot problem? | 23:09 |
linuxnoob011 | oh! the last four chars are ohnh | 23:10 |
linuxnoob011 | is that helpful pavlos? | 23:10 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: sure, I will form the link as http://termbin.com/ohnh | 23:10 |
jimberly528274 | I have a Lenovo T460, formerly Windows 7, upgraded to Windows 10, currently booting on UEFI. I accidentally installed Ubuntu 16.04 in BIOS (I think). I am trying to figure out how to remove it. I have found bits and pieces of advice all over the internet, but am finding mixed recommendations. For example, I read something that said the Boot-Repair disk should not be used with Win7 machines that have been upgraded to Win10. | 23:11 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: wired does not work so no ip, wifi got .161 and the usb dongle got .166 | 23:11 |
linuxnoob011 | pavlos yes, although ethernet not plugged in. been keeping it not plugged in as it had been on my list of suspects for "making my wireless no longer work" | 23:12 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: unplug the dongle and you should have just wifi, .161 | 23:12 |
jimberly528274 | Sorry--also, I installed Ubuntu 16.04 in a dual boot. I'd like to remove and reinstall, or fix to boot in UEFI. | 23:12 |
linuxnoob011 | that is, plugging in ethernet seemed to immediately kill my wifi (without giving ethernet connectivity) | 23:12 |
linuxnoob011 | pavlos: would you like me to plug in ethernet to the internal ehternet port (i.e., not using the usb ethernet dongle i have) and see if i run into problems? | 23:12 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: no, I prefer you have one active connection and update your laptop | 23:13 |
linuxnoob011 | got it | 23:13 |
linuxnoob011 | will unplug the dongle now | 23:13 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: when you connect a wired cable, you say it drops the wifi ... | 23:13 |
linuxnoob011 | pavlos: dongle unplugged, and i still have connectivity. and yes, that had been my impression, but givn how fast wifi was going down on its own, my impression could have been...spurious | 23:14 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: ifconfig should give you the wlp8 deice wiht .161 | 23:15 |
linuxnoob011 | pavlos: yes, it does return that ip. so you mentioned updating my laptop. should i run an update and upgrade? | 23:15 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: both ... sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade | 23:16 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: why wired does not work, no idea. | 23:16 |
linuxnoob011 | seeing some very depressing speeds on this poor internal wireless N card haha. but it's working | 23:16 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: at least you have one connection now | 23:17 |
linuxnoob011 | yes. this comp had been my plex server, and i unfortunately need a wired connection for it to continue in that capacity. but this is far better than nothing if this connectivity sticks | 23:17 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: the connection info on NM should tell you the speed (54 Mb/s | 23:17 |
linuxnoob011 | 130 Mb/s now. guess the initial wave of downloads was just slow (it showe 3 Mbps) | 23:18 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: depends on net traffic, time of day, etc | 23:18 |
pavlos | brb | 23:19 |
linuxnoob011 | pavlos kk, thanks so much. jsut having basic wifi is a huge game changer. the update and upgrade is finished. let me know if you'd like me to do other things before I try to connect ethernet--i haven't done that since blacklisting the module you indicatd | 23:19 |
Nukien | Having an issue with a ZFS root system now dropping into grub-rescue with "error: no such device 8E22ED6A21E028C" | 23:20 |
Nukien | That device is the correct fs_uuid for the zfs pool though | 23:20 |
Nukien | This is in a 16.04.3 system | 23:20 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: I suggest you reboot the laptop ... to make sure it will always connect via wifi | 23:21 |
Nukien | That uses grub 2.02~beta2-36ubuntu3.12 but I've seen slightly later version for 17.x | 23:21 |
Nukien | Any easy way to install a beta3 version on 16.04 ? | 23:21 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: did laptop reboot ok? | 23:25 |
linuxnoob011 | pavlos: jsut rebooted, confirmed connectd still via internal wifi | 23:26 |
pavlos | Nukien: do you mean 16.04.3 ? | 23:26 |
linuxnoob011 | so b lacklisting looks like it has truly helped, so like--thank you. you just saved an i7 lappy that i was getting pretty close to takng a baseball bat to | 23:26 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: sudo lshw -c network ... the is a configuration line, does it list a driver= ? | 23:27 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: there* | 23:27 |
linuxnoob011 | pavlos: driver is listed as iwlwifi, verions 4.10.0-33 | 23:28 |
linuxnoob011 | to be clear, pavlos, that's the driveron the wifi (hence, iwlwifi) | 23:28 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: so it does not list anything for enp7s0 | 23:28 |
linuxnoob011 | it does, the driver is alx | 23:29 |
linuxnoob011 | (which afaik is correct for the ethernet card) | 23:29 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: so plug a network cable and let's hope it gets an ip, see ifconfig again | 23:29 |
linuxnoob011 | pavlos: plugged in, computer shows a wired connection, network manage flashing the wifi symbol, as if it is working--going to give it some time | 23:31 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: NM will show in connection info the 2 interfaces and their ip's | 23:32 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: ifconfig will do the same | 23:32 |
Nukien | pavlos, Yes, 16.04.3 | 23:34 |
Nukien | Given grub issues, and I believe beta3 had some tweak for zfs ... | 23:35 |
Nukien | What's the easiest way to get it on the system ? | 23:35 |
linuxnoob011 | pavlos: the network manager symbol (in the top right of ubuntu desktop) has stopped flashing. the drop down gui menu for the NM shows a wired connection and the wifi connection. ifconfig shows no ip for the ethernet connection | 23:35 |
pavlos | Nukien: sudo apt dist-upgrade | 23:37 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: can you give me ifconfig | nc termbin.com 9999 again | 23:37 |
Nukien | pavlos, Heh, I don't want a whole dist-upgrade, just want a backport of grub beta3 ... | 23:39 |
linuxnoob011 | pavlos: mgy3 | 23:39 |
Nukien | Have to stay on LTS for now | 23:39 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: dmesg | grep enp7s0 ... do you see any errors | 23:40 |
cfoch-al1 | Hello, I am doing a thesis for graduation about Cheese... how can I estimate how many users does Cheese have? | 23:42 |
linuxnoob011 | link is not ready, pavlos followed by successive waves of link up and link down | 23:42 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: using NM, edit the wired connection, General should have 2 checkboxes and ipv4 method should be DHCP | 23:43 |
Bashing-om | Nukien: https://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop . that is the 16.04.3 image . | 23:43 |
linuxnoob011 | pavlos: all of those things are true. ipv6 is disabled (it is disabled system wide) | 23:44 |
linuxnoob011 | pavlos: to be clear, autoamtic (DHCP), not "address only," right? | 23:44 |
cfoch-al1 | do you record how many downloads Cheese have in your reposĀ” | 23:44 |
cfoch-al1 | ? | 23:45 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: let's restart network ... sudo systemctl restart network-manager | 23:45 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: correct, we hope wired will pick up an address from DHCP | 23:46 |
linuxnoob011 | pavlos: NM icon doing the flashing thing where it seems to be wroking. ethernet port lights are on | 23:47 |
linuxnoob011 | well, the orange indicator is. not the green (i think the green one means data is being transerred) | 23:47 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: ifconfig will tell you if enp7 got an ip | 23:47 |
linuxnoob011 | it did not, pavlos. to be fair, in my original set up, i had trouble getting network manager to play nice with my ethernet and i just opted to assign a static ip in /etc/network/interfaces | 23:48 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: NM will tell you if wired has an ip | 23:48 |
linuxnoob011 | pavlos: ifconfig says that enp7s0 does not have an ip. it's possible my ethernet port broke in the move--i kind of doubt it, but possible | 23:49 |
pavlos | the interfaces file should have just 2 lines auto lo | 23:49 |
pavlos | iface lo inet loopback | 23:49 |
pavlos | try another port | 23:49 |
linuxnoob011 | pavlos another port? i only have one ethernet port on this laptop | 23:50 |
linuxnoob011 | and pavlos my interfaces file has other lines, but they are all commented out at this point | 23:50 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: I meant another port on the router | 23:50 |
linuxnoob011 | the only uncommented lines are the two you name | 23:50 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: as long as they are commented, they dont affect | 23:51 |
linuxnoob011 | ah, i tried that a few days ago, but will try again given we seem to have made some progress | 23:51 |
=== Schnabeltierchen is now known as Guest98477 | ||
linuxnoob011 | yeah, hashtag (#) at the beginning of each line other than the two lines you name | 23:51 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: at least you have wifi, but cannot find out why wired does not come up. Driver is alx | 23:51 |
tgm4883 | hashtag... | 23:51 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: NM should handle the connections | 23:52 |
linuxnoob011 | hahaha, sorry, just millennial/non-computer-savvied all over the place tgm4883 | 23:52 |
tgm4883 | :) | 23:52 |
pavlos | I call it pound, I'm old school | 23:53 |
linuxnoob011 | pavlos: the ethernet card has an ipv6 address | 23:53 |
linuxnoob011 | i'll throw it out to netcast again | 23:54 |
linuxnoob011 | termbin.com/8u9g | 23:54 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: I think that;s the loopback in v6 notation | 23:55 |
linuxnoob011 | pavlos: that makes sense. NM stopped flashing and when i ran ifconfig, no ip address assigned to enp7s0 | 23:55 |
linuxnoob011 | ethernet port shows solid green and flashing yellow/organge | 23:56 |
linuxnoob011 | and i KNOW this ethernet port on my router works, as it had been working on the other ubuntu box as of an hour ago | 23:56 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: I have to go in a few, if someone else can continue helping you to get the wired enp7s0 up ... unlikely the enternet port on the laptop died | 23:57 |
linuxnoob011 | pavlos no worries--thank you so much. like, you literally saved a laptop today | 23:58 |
pavlos | linuxnoob011: I'll check tomorrow ... | 23:58 |
linuxnoob011 | if anyone else wants to help me get a wired connection up in ubuntu 16.04, i'd super appreciate it. hard to make use of a gigabit connection using a wireless N card ^^ | 23:59 |
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