
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfce4-statusnotifier-plugin 0.2.0 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-xfce4-statusnotifier-plugin-0-2-0-released-tp49735.html (by Viktor Odintsev)07:39
Unit193xfce4-statusnotifier-plugin still isn't in our packageset. :/10:03
bluesabreUnit193: yeah, updates to it are supposed to be automatic, but in my experience, they definitely are not10:24
Unit193bluesabre: xfdashy did eventually get in, though.10:24
bluesabreUnit193: yeah, but it was probably after somebody requested a full refresh of some packageset10:25
bluesabreIt usually goes... 1) wait for it, 2) nothing happens, 3) ask for it, 4) get told it's automatic, but sure I'll do it, 5) new packages appear10:26
Unit193Gotta out wait it.10:28
Unit193Only took me 3 years of waiting for one package to get in. :P10:28
Unit193bluesabre: Solution: Go for MOTU.10:30
bluesabreknome, ochosi: 7 days to UI freeze :)11:41
flocculantakxwi-dave: re final beta - if we're going to shout on x.org we'll want to get that ready soon :)16:27
flocculantthat said maybe we should wait till beginning of next cycle and hope people care enough then *shrug*17:54
flocculantfrom what's been said recently in here - maybe more new stuff turning up xfce wise in ppa's we can point people at17:54
bluesabreDefinitely going to be a lot of activity at the beginning of next cycle, we should have updated things in PPAs before the cycle starts19:03
flocculantbluesabre: ok - that sounds like some attempt at a plan then 19:09
flocculantakxwi-dave: ^^19:10
bluesabreUnit193: awesome!22:20
Unit193Quite, should be pretty nice.  I've entirely switched to it, but still on indicator-sound. :322:21
bluesabresame here (except using pa-plug instead)22:27
Unit193Right, meant I'm sticking with ind-sound over pa-plug still. :322:28
Unit193Though it doesn't seem to conflict with -sound+volumed as much.22:28
ninetlsbluesabre: Unit193: I even replaced systray with sn-plugin!22:29
ninetlsthere were some apps which have used systray, I wrote a lib to replace systray with sn for them lol22:30
ninetlsa lib to load via LD_PRELOAD22:30
bluesabreninetls, neat :D22:31
Unit193LD_PRELOAD isn't my friend, or I'd use the nice one to get rid of headerbars and csds.  However, if you were to link it... :D22:31
ninetlsthey are no universal22:32
ninetlsI need a separate lib for each app I want22:32
Unit193!info gtk3-nocsd22:34
ubottugtk3-nocsd (source: gtk3-nocsd): Disable Gtk+ 3 client side decorations (CSD). In component universe, is extra. Version 3-1 (artful), package size 38 kB, installed size 79 kB22:34
Unit193Backported sn-plugin to Xenial and Zesty in 'extras'22:44
ninetlssn-plugin in xenial?22:45
ninetlsit uses gtk 3.1822:46
Unit193You had asked for it, yep.  I don't usually backport stuff to Xenial anymore. :>22:47
ninetlsI asked only to show it to my friend :D22:47
ninetls"I'm to lazy to compile something myself, I'm a REGULAR USER, understand?"22:48
Unit193Oh, I'm too lazy to compile things myself, I'd package it before I'd compile. :P22:48
ninetlsI always package everything too22:49
ninetlseven when I just want to test something22:49
Unit193Oh good, it's not just me then.22:49
ninetlsit's really simple in my arch22:50
ninetlsI just download existing pkgbuild and edit the code it downloads :D22:50
Unit193Well, Firefox sync and 'the lounge' are two exceptions.  The former works great with uwsgi, the latter is some node horror show that I just put in lxc.  Yeah, since Debian/Ubuntu splits dev files, I build in a clean chroot.  Same idea.22:51

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