
adrian_1908Hello. I activated the "proposed" repo to get a recent Firefox version, and disabled it at a later time. I'm afraid that also pulled in a few other things that now cause dependency conflicts when installing software. Is there a way to "pin" Firefox but downgrade the rest?00:23
tsimonq2adrian_1908: You are probably looking for this: https://wiki.debian.org/AptPreferences00:24
tsimonq2adrian_1908: Basically, enable it in sources.list and do the apt pinning, and it'll automatically pick it up00:24
adrian_1908I'll check that out!00:24
adrian_1908Hmm, i can't seem to figure out how to pin firefox. apt full-upgrade wants to uninstall it too.00:50
tsimonq2adrian_1908: Here, let me give you a pastebin of mine00:51
tsimonq2adrian_1908: You could probably do it better, and you should modify it to your needs, but here :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/25487138/00:51
adrian_1908tsimonq2: I'll give that a try, thanks.00:52
tsimonq2yw :)00:54
adrian_1908tsimonq2: This would remove the Firefox from proposed, but install the up-to-date Firefox from Zesty I presume?00:55
tsimonq2adrian_1908: Sure, like I said, modify it to your needs ;)00:56
* tsimonq2 would remove *zesty* if I were you00:56
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mnagelcan somebody check for me if the python3-sklearn package is broken or if i broke my setup? i am on artful and if i do ' python3 -c "import sklearn.linear_model" ' i get an exception15:39
naccmnagel: works fine for me in artful15:41
mnageli get ...15:42
mnagelImportError: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/sklearn/utils/sparsefuncs_fast.cpython-36m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so: undefined symbol: PyFPE_jbuf15:42
naccmnagel: do you have any PPAs or pypi modules etc. installed15:43
mnagelno ppa, python stuff all from the apt repositories, no pip, pypi, virtualenvs, ... everything I manually installed was for python3, not python2. i do have the pycharm snap installed and generally use it. but the problem also arises from command line.15:46
naccmnagel: strange, like i said, i'm on stock 17.10 and don't see it15:50
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
petersaintsIs there any specific reason why Firefox is frozen at version 50 on Artful?17:58
naccpetersaints: it's stuck in proposed17:58
petersaintsproposed in at 5417:59
petersaintsall the supported releases are already at 55. 18:00
lotuspsychje!info firefox artful18:00
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 50.1.0+build2-0ubuntu1 (artful), package size 46470 kB, installed size 112768 kB18:00
petersaintsit's weird, but I guess that it's not a priority right now since Artful is still in Development and it will only have its official Beta for the oficial "flavor" at the end of the month.18:01
naccpetersaints: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2017-September/039962.html18:02
naccpetersaints: the other releases are at 55 due to security. there is no security for artful yet18:02
netsrotis there any way I can recompile only weston to change keybindings and not compiling everything like wayland protocols and mesa?18:04
naccpetersaints: to be clear, 54 is stuck becuase it fails to build on armhf and ppc64el, see the above ML discussion18:04
ducassenetsrot: you can rebuild the package, should be plenty of guides online18:05
petersaints@nacc I had the impression that it should have been something like that. I hope that it gets sorted out in the next few weeks. I'd love to install Artful on "bare metal" once the Beta comes out :P18:33
brainwashnacc: so, ubuntu+1 is meant to be tested without an internet connection?18:58
brainwashthat would "no security" imply18:58
naccbrainwash: huh?20:22
naccbrainwash: there is no security pocket for an unreleased version of ubuntu20:22
ballyhooI am having an issue with launching electron applications that are installed as snaps via the software center. Here is the error that I am getting when opening the snap. https://paste.ubuntu.com/25492873/22:15
ballyhooIf I install the snap with classic confinement it doesn't have an issue. Is there some problem with using snap's sandboxing and electron apps in 17.10?22:15
naccballyhoo: seeing if i can reproduce it22:18
naccballyhoo: tbh, looks like a bug in the snap22:18
ballyhooIt also applied to the Discord snap22:18
ballyhooSame error with Discord.22:19
naccballyhoo: i'm on artful and just installed the wavebox snap (not classic, as it's not a classic snap). ran `wavebox` and it started fine22:19
ballyhooWell, now. I wonder where the issue lies on my side.22:20
ballyhooI'm not well-versed in JS or Electron, so I'm rather lost.22:20
naccballyhoo: now, the cursor is tiny (hidpi issue?) in the app, but it did start22:20
naccballyhoo: i'd file a bug with the snap owner22:21
ballyhooOkay, will do.22:21
ballyhooThanks for your help!22:21

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