[01:48] jdstrand, thx! [02:32] * RAOF learns about the new (symver) dpkg-symbols modifier. Woot! [02:45] RAOF: What's that? [02:46] Take the version of a symbol from the symbol version 😀 [02:47] So, to pick a random example: [02:47] (symver)MIR_SERVER_45 0.25 [02:48] To make all those symbols resolve to a version dependency of >= 0.25 [04:50] good morning [04:52] morning [04:52] salut didrocks [05:01] salut jibel [05:01] didrocks, tu es là de bonne heure ce matin. Ca va ? [05:02] jibel: ça va bien, en fait, je commence souvent vers 7h avant que Martin ne se réveille, je ne lance pas IRC tout de suite par contre [05:02] jibel: et toi, comment ça va ? [05:06] didrocks, très bien, tout le monde part à l'école enfin un peu de calme :) [05:07] héhé, j'imagine :) [05:07] Martin dort encore, j'ai une heure de tranquilité :p [05:16] ah moi j'ai jusque 17h ;) [05:17] Morning didrocks, jibel [05:22] Morning duflu [05:35] hey duflu [05:40] hey desktopers [05:45] hey ricotz [07:05] Hi everyone! [07:05] duflu: I've updated the patch we were talking about yesterday :) [07:06] and subscribed ubuntu-sponsors. I hope it'll go in (and upstream too!) :) [07:06] colinl, thanks. I'm not a sponsor myself, and I know the sponsors queue can be weeks deep. So it's good to get it in there early [07:07] I'm crossing fingers :) [07:07] TBH I already push my patched package to my users' desktops, but I'm sure that'll cause me more work as long as it's not upstreamed [07:25] in the "fun bugs" style: [07:26] - in a terminal, gnome-screenshot -a -> works as expected [07:26] in the dock "quicklist" -> it doesn't [07:47] didrocks, do you debug it? [07:47] I can confirm, it's weird [07:50] seb128: I don't right now, on other things [07:50] seb128: it's the only option which isn't upstream btw [07:50] k, I'm poking a bit [07:50] seb128: I wonder if it's related to "run in a terminal" [07:50] which one? [07:50] the "take a Screenshot of selected area" desktop entry [07:50] the take a screenshot of a win doesn't work either for me [07:50] in the context menu [07:50] oh [07:51] it did for me, or didn't? [07:51] let me retry [07:51] you're right, I thought I saw the flash first [07:51] (as it's really subtile clues that it's been taken [07:51] ok, so one upstream option doesn't work either [07:52] would be easier to push on bugzilla thus :p [07:52] seb128: could be related on a race grabbing something from wayland [07:52] to* [07:52] could be [07:52] I'm looking at the env [07:52] I would say try a "sleep 1 &&" [07:53] just to rule that out [07:53] the syslog has [07:53] gnome-screensho[9531]: Unable to use GNOME Shell's builtin screenshot interface, resorting to fallback X11. [07:53] (unsure how you can reload the desktop file though without reloading the shell) [07:53] hum? [07:53] and when ran on a terminal [07:53] no message I guess? [07:53] no [07:53] maybe an env issue [07:53] yeah [07:53] I think the action is dbus activated [07:53] well, the shell should have all dbus env… [07:53] but yeah, good lead! :) [07:57] morning [07:59] happy friday willcooke [08:00] hey willcooke, happy friday [08:00] didrocks, no diff in the env, sleep delay doesn't make a difference [08:02] ahoy [08:02] hey Laney [08:02] hey seb128, happy friday [08:02] waht's up [08:03] wh [08:03] at [08:03] seb128: interesting… Have you tried Terminal=true? (maybe even on the main element for debugging as I don't know if that can be overriden per desktop action) [08:03] hey hey Laney [08:05] didrocks, let me keep looking a bit [08:05] Laney, it's friday! [08:06] even *F*riday :) [08:06] hey didrocks!!! [08:06] fry day ? ;) [08:06] ah good old friday [08:06] my friend [08:09] * Laney has 999999999999 emails [08:10] seems prodstack swift was a bit sad overnight [08:11] testing thunderbird's limit? [08:16] oho [08:16] *mutt* could deal with it easily :P [09:06] anyone knows the difference between org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power button-power vs power-button-action? [09:07] (we were already overriding the first one, the second seems to be the "new" one?) [09:08] greppingin g-s-d source code doesn't show up button-power [09:09] didrocks, those are old deprecated/removed in g-sd [09:09] didrocks, https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-settings-daemon/commit/?id=50564cde [09:10] ah, making sense, so changing semantic and so removed [09:10] ones we kept for usd/ucc? [09:10] hum, I don't know if we depends on it for ucc [09:10] * didrocks looks [09:10] yep [09:10] we still use them there [09:10] nod [09:10] ok, so just adding the new override [09:10] we have a few reverts for dropped stuff like that [09:11] I wonder if it worths adding to migration keys [09:11] are it seems it's not a one to one [09:11] maybe doesn't worth it [09:12] mmm [09:12] those reverts might be a good thing to look at generally though, nice idea [09:12] what migrated to what? [09:12] maybe some others can be migrated sensibly [09:12] for our users button-power -> power-button-action [09:13] like if gsd upstream dropped something and we kept it, see what it was dropped for, maybe something to migrate there [09:13] Laney: unsure anyone have cycles to look at usd/ucc for those [09:13] but yeah, maybe some others can be migrated [09:13] power-button -> power-button-action? [09:13] fine, that's just an idea [09:13] wfm [09:13] well they dropped it [09:13] then added back under another name [09:13] https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-settings-daemon/commit/?id=69d9d8b [09:14] (go GNOME go) [09:14] so yeah migrationg makes sense [09:14] let me look if the enum is the same [09:16] https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-settings-daemon/ubuntu/files/head:/debian/patches/ some more reverts in there [09:17] the enums are different [09:18] and there isn't a one to one mapping [09:18] let's override the default for now [09:18] with interactive, as we discussed the other day [09:19] +1 [09:20] didrocks, the enum seems similar, there was just a logout action at the end which isn't there anymore [09:20] no? [09:20] are you sure? [09:21] I http://paste.ubuntu.com/25488815/ [09:21] have this ^ [09:21] there is logout, the numbers don't match [09:21] no more shutdown, a "blank" as well which was != from nothing [09:21] ah ok [09:24] didrocks, that's what I was looking at, http://paste.ubuntu.com/25488823/ [09:24] so wrong thing I guess [09:25] seb128: interesting that it doesn't match the enums schema file… [09:25] anyway I don't think there is much need to migrate [09:25] so yeah, interactive for all is good :-) [09:25] yeah, I don't think it's the most important settings to migrate [09:25] (and I'm not one telling that, note it down!) [09:25] :p [09:25] "that day"… [09:26] ok, pushing this for the ubuntu session [09:30] Trevinho: hey, did you work (I don't remember if there is a branch you proposed on the gtk theme) about separators? [09:30] https://didrocks.fr/images/artful-shell-transition/dock_settings_finale.png [09:31] -> I guess we are not supposed to have separators at all in the title bar [09:31] speaking of theme [09:31] (next to settings, we can see one, same next to the minimize/maximize/close buttons) [09:31] does anyone else find that the spaces between items on the GNOME menus looks buggy [09:31] like in the shell appmenu and in the context menus on the launcher [09:32] (actually, there are separators, but they are aligned) [09:32] it seems the same under adwaita (if I tested that correctly) [09:33] you meant the separators are taking a whole line? [09:33] instead of just separate? [09:33] https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/lib/exe/fetch.php?tok=4ff128&media=http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FImRfmSe.png [09:33] that ^ [09:34] I mean there is like 1km space between sections [09:35] so yeah, maybe it's just one line [09:35] but lines are big [09:35] the space looks even bigger than a line of text [09:36] yeah [09:36] it seems like the separators are taking a while menu entry [09:36] whole* [09:37] (with the extra spaces between it, I think that's why it looks bigger) [09:37] it didn't bug me much TBH, but I can see why you don't like it [09:37] let's see if we get more people thinking it's a bug [09:40] flexiondotorg: hey! Once you get time, as you are working on the gtk theme, do you mind looking at the g-c-c alignement issue + double border on the side panel? ^ [09:51] didrocks, andyrock - the badge support for dock, is there a branch I can point to for the newsletter? [09:51] didrocks, so gnome-screenshot makes the dbus call telling the shell to take a screenshot but the shell doesn't do it, it works if I change the focus though [09:52] didrocks, seems like a shell bug/limitation [09:52] didrocks, the context menu "takes a grab" or some modern equivalent, or at least makes the screenshooting fail [09:52] the file is never creates on disk [09:53] didrocks: in headerbar yes [09:53] which makes the screenshoting fail/display the "can't talk to shell" warning [09:53] the gerror is "can't open file" [09:53] which is the file shell is supposed to write [09:54] willcooke: andyrock proposed it to dash to dock, but it's under review: https://github.com/micheleg/dash-to-dock/pull/590 [09:54] didrocks, perfect, thanks [09:55] good work andyrock [09:55] seb128: some of those options are upstream, correct? [09:55] didrocks, yes, https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-screenshot/tree/src/org.gnome.Screenshot.desktop.in#n23 [09:56] in any case even if they were not, the issue is a shell one [09:56] yeah [09:56] * andyrock is working on the rest of api right now [10:01] Trevinho: also, it seems that it doesn't really support people tweaking the button to the left: http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=350870Capturedcrande20170908114547.png [10:03] didrocks: I remember I had that issue, but I think it's related to how that app is done... [10:03] Like using two bars. Thus the issue [10:04] Trevinho: would make sense, I told the guy to report it to bugzilla anyway [10:57] @didrocks: I'll get what I worked on landed and then look at g-c-c borders after. [11:13] seb128, finally got round to reading the meeting notes from this week while writing the news letter - it's been a busy week! Really exciting to see lots of fixes and improvements going in. Thanks desktoppers, good work! [11:13] :) [11:27] willcooke, indeed :-) [12:07] hi! [12:08] are packages upstream versions already frozen for Artful ? [12:09] not exactly, but we are bug fixing rather than introducing new features now, and there is a freeze in place enforcing that [12:09] thanks [12:09] so it depends what is in the upstream version [12:10] colinl, what package are you looking after? [12:10] seb128: nothing special. I'm just in the process of fixing a few bugs we hit at work on Xenial, trying to work with upstream maintainers to get them integrated. I guess i'll file bugs with debdiffs once the patches will go in upstream :) [12:10] and then SRU bugs for Xenial [12:15] colinl, that sounds like a good idea, bugfixes and fine for artful for a while [12:15] ok :) [12:16] am I right in believing it's better to have my patches ack'd upstream before submitting them to Launchpad? [12:18] colinl: as a general rule, we'd prefer to minimise the number of patches we need to maintain. [12:19] colinl: when moving forward to a new upstream version, each of those patches could break and need to be fixed [12:19] completely understandable - that's why I'm trying to get them upstream too :) [12:19] yeah that's better [12:19] then cherrypicking to the package is fine [12:19] a backport patch is a lot simpler though: the way to port it forward is to delete it :-) [12:19] indeed :) [12:20] well, I hope my patches will get some maintainer attention (it's sometimes hard in big projects :) ) [12:37] seb128, Laney - could you proof read the weekly newsletter when you get a mo? [12:39] sure [12:46] willcooke: who is responsible for firefox/thunderbird, at least in current development versions? [12:47] doko, nobody [12:47] which is an issue we know [12:48] ok, good =) doesn't help migration of the current packages ;p [12:49] right, patches/help are welcome [12:49] it's one of the reasons we want to drop some archs, cf -devel list discussion [12:49] though currently armhf is failing and that one needs fixing [13:26] chrisccoulson, when are we going to get firefox 55 in artful? [13:37] kenvandine: ^^^ fix the armhf build ;-P [13:38] doko, oh... :-p [13:38] * kenvandine runs and hides [13:43] he really ran ... [13:43] kenvandine, somebody needs to fix it but we don't have a maintainer, you are welcome to give it a try [13:43] lol [13:44] i crashed gnome-shell somehow [13:44] though foundations said they would help to fix the armhf issue [13:44] can foundations take rust instead? [13:44] willcooke, can you copy/share it to me in some other way? I don't know where my ubikey is and my google auth is not working for some reason so I'm out of 2fa [13:45] chrisccoulson, that would be an idea :-) [14:05] willcooke: the snaps section is a copy of last week's? [14:05] Laney, yeah, I moved it while I was copy and pasting to wordpress [14:05] I wont put it in the email [14:05] ta [14:06] ok [14:06] I guess that's what the yellow thing is [14:07] ya [14:18] k, that'll do pig [14:19] :) [14:50] chrisccoulson, seb128: I provided the initial packages for the backports. the agreement was that these would be maintained by the desktop team. you're already doing all the llvm backports for mesa anyway, [15:03] didrocks: it looks like your prediction was right https://bugzilla.gnome.org/787446 [15:03] Gnome bug 787446 in general "panel: Disable top bar transparency (by default)" [Normal,New] [15:25] jbicha: yeah, I was expecting this to happen, seeing the time it took us to get good transparency/blur on Unity… [15:39] doko, I don't think desktop has been touching any of those packages in the recent cycles [15:40] seb128: sure, tjaalton does on a regular basis [15:40] or isn't he -desktopish? [15:41] doko, he isn't [15:42] ohh, great [15:45] nah, hwe [17:11] night all, have a good one [21:56] oh goodness no [21:56] https://didrocks.fr/images/artful-shell-transition/new-theme-main-view.png [21:57] who thinks that looks good? [22:04] ahoneybun: please be more respectful [22:05] fwiw, there's a good chance the GNOME 3.26 top bar won't be translucent [22:07] (imho it would look still being a little translucent but if it's darker than the panel :) ) [22:20] * acheronuk looks at his customised plasma 5 with transparent panels [22:27] with that wallpaper it does not look good with transparent [22:28] Evenin' [22:30] Anyone got any thoughts on why "gnome-software --gapplication-service" is running at 450% cpu? [22:34] This is 17.10 with all the latest updates to about 10 mins ago. [22:35] Actually, launching gnome software spins up another 4 processes and takes it to 750% [22:39] killall = gone. No side effects! :/ !?