
=== owner_ is now known as fareast
fareastword up02:48
fareastI just realized I could run flipboard on linux02:48
fareasthow many android apps have a port on here02:48
fareastI am not using ubuntu but am using elementary and I think it is like the same thing right?02:49
fareastIn all honesty should I be running an android emulator02:49
fareastwhat is going to get me the best experience from a linux machine as far as apps?02:50
fareastI am looking for using it as a desktop option02:50
fareastI currently love windows 10 and see nothing wrong with it although I don't like how unpersonal windows has become it is just too easy especially if you work in IT02:50
Bashing-omfareast: Better to ask in ##linux .02:51
fareastthanks for the response02:51
fareastsee you guys later02:51
EriC^^morning all05:46
ducassegood morning05:52
EriC^^hey ducasse o/06:17
EriC^^how are you?06:17
ducassehi EriC^^, all good here. you?06:21
EriC^^good thanks06:22
ducasseany plans for the day? :)06:23
EriC^^plan to do a little coding for some script now06:24
EriC^^i want to add a "top useful comments" to the right side of youtubextras.com06:24
EriC^^what about you?06:25
ducassenot sure, maybe i'll try to finish a few chapters of the python book. i was also given an external disk a while back i've been planning to encrypt and write a backup script for.06:27
ducasseplus a udev trigger, so i just need to plug it in.06:27
EriC^^i want to right a udev script or maybe a keyboard shortcut for the hdmi plug out/plug in, sometimes it doesn't switch back to laptop output06:30
ducasseeither should be quite easy, udev rule would be nicer06:32
ducasseis 'xrandr --auto' enough to fix it when this happens?06:33
EriC^^the screen works properly, the sound doesn't switch sometimes though06:37
EriC^^sometimes it switches, then when i logout and back in it'll go back to hdmi, it's kind of odd06:38
ducasseright, that sounds weird. maybe there are log messages from pulse?06:40
EriC^^that's a good idea, i'll check it out06:40
EriC^^hey immu06:59
lordievaderGood morning07:22
EriC^^morning lordievader o/07:22
lordievaderHey EriC^^, how are you?07:25
EriC^^good thanks, what about you?07:26
immuhow are you doing?07:27
ducasse\o lordievader07:27
immulordievader, good morning07:27
immuhi ducasse07:27
EriC^^immu: good thanks, how are you?07:27
lordievaderDoing good here :)07:28
lordievaderHey immu07:29
immuhad my breakfast and taking with my sister on skype :) you all07:30
BluesKajhowdy all12:09
brunch_mornin' Blueskaj12:09
BluesKaj'Morning brunch_12:11
brunchI installed unity12:24
brunchdon't try to stop me12:24
brunchaaaah I missed it much12:29
brunchit's the best DE, don't understand the hate :(12:29
TJ-It's terrible on high-res and multi-monitor systems12:31
brunchI'm on high-res on a multi-monitor setup12:34
TJ-I have 6 hi-res monitors; unity is unusuable on this setup. It gets in the way, puts applications on the wrong monitor, doesn't figure out the correct res for maximised windows on a single monitor, and other issues12:35
brunchoh I just use the big screen attached to my laptop12:36
TJ-And that sidebar launcher thing always gets in the way, or pops out when I move to a monitor on the left, or it sometimes would grab the mouse and prevent it moving to the left monitor12:38
TJ-the problem with unity was it's origins was in creating a GUI for phones/tablets and then forcing hi-res desktops to use the same layout, which simply doesn't scale properly for hi-res systems (forcing app menu's to the single top taskbar for example - until revolt forced the intro of the option to prevent that)12:39
daftykinsbrunch: heh you're only delaying the inevitable12:50
TJ-I solved the PSX controller missing buttons issue - turned out both devices I was testing with (a dualshock 2 and a dance-mat) had hardware failures (broken traces on their flexible ribbons). I had more of those devices stored away and fetched them and everything works fine12:56
TJ-So I wasted almost a day thinking there was a problem with the evdev/libinput stuff12:56
immuEriC^^, hi ducasse BluesKaj :)14:12
oerheksnice video immu14:40
oerheks.. especially the universal access menu .. still watching14:41
oerhekscursor size, nice14:42
nicomachusimmu: what Telegram app was that?14:49
nicomachusjust a desktop client from Telegram itself?14:49
oerhekssnap i guess14:52
oerhekstelegram-sergiusens ?14:52
immui am not sure as i didn't make the videos14:53
immubut you will get it in the app store14:53
nicomachuswell I'm using an app called Franz that wraps Telegram in with a lot of others, I was going to recommend it. Haha14:55
EriC^^hey immu14:55
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
lotuspsychjegood evening to all16:25
ducassehey, lotus! :)16:26
ducassewb :)16:26
lotuspsychjehey ducasse how are you?16:26
immulotuspsychje, ducasse hi16:26
lotuspsychjehi immu16:26
immuwhats up16:26
ducassei'm sleepy - zZzZzZ... :)16:27
lotuspsychjerainy here, movienight16:27
lotuspsychjeand short break on irc16:27
immuhot here16:27
immudry and hot16:27
ducassewatching what?16:27
immusend a small video of your rainyday16:27
lotuspsychjeducasse: a french movie16:28
lotuspsychjeimmu: im not a social mediafreak :p16:28
lotuspsychjeimmu: your gonna have to trust my word16:28
immui just wanted to see a rainy day on your side of the planet16:29
ducasseit's been raining here too, but not atm - just really grey16:29
lotuspsychjeimmu: google belgium forecast16:29
ducasseimmu: a picture, if that helps you ;) https://dl2.pushbulletusercontent.com/SDJCbL6WDROx9KC71STPInaEyEGNL37L/20170908_182947.jpg16:32
lotuspsychjeducasse: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0926759/16:33
immulotuspsychje, thats lovely thnx16:33
lotuspsychjewas pretty decent16:33
immunice backyard :)16:33
ducassethe skies look a lot darker irl, bad camera on that phone16:36
ducasselotuspsychje: not heard of it, french movies don't get much coverage here16:37
lotuspsychjeducasse: i see16:40
lotuspsychjeducasse: nordic and english then?16:40
ducasseyup, mostly.16:43
ducassei saw a poster for 'it' today, will probably go see that.16:44
lotuspsychjeducasse: lets hope its gonna be better then dark tower :p16:45
lotuspsychjeducasse: is it totaly new, or the remake of the old one?16:45
lotuspsychjehey BluesKaj16:45
BluesKajhi lotuspsychje16:46
ducasselotuspsychje: remake, aiui16:47
lotuspsychjei guess !wayland might need a remake soon also16:47
ubot5`Wayland is a display server protocol that is intended to replace X. More information can be found at http://wayland.freedesktop.org/ . Ubuntu is instead focusing on development of !Mir; see its factoid for more information.16:47
lotuspsychjerip mir :p16:48
ducassehi BluesKaj :)16:48
BluesKajhey ducasse16:48
BluesKajI've been wondering about wayland, and the good news is there's work progressing towards nvidia support for it16:50
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: work in wich way you know?16:52
BluesKajdon't ask me were i saw that,m but it's nvidia linux devs afaik16:52
ducasseBluesKaj: do you know what the actual problem is/has been? just reluctance?16:54
BluesKajyes, thaink they needed a kick in the butt to get moving on wayland support ...probly just "benign neglect"16:55
ducasselaziness, in other words :)16:55
BluesKajthink it was on one of the fedora project pages or one of it's developers blogs16:58
BluesKajwell I'm off to to some yardwork for a couple hrs ...BBL17:01
ducassedon't think i've seen a "how do i configure this?" wayland question before in #ubuntu, in many ways i'm not looking forward to them17:01
lotuspsychjewouldnt know where to start17:02
ducassewell, i've played with it for a while, and there are plenty of things i know how to do in x11 that is just completely missing17:03
lotuspsychjelets c lol17:04
lotuspsychjejesus thats some heavy stuff17:05
ducasseso, stuff like hidpi and resolutions, for example - is that up to the individual compositors to handle?17:10
lotuspsychjei have no idea ducasse17:10
ducasselooks like it, from the little i can find17:14
ducassegood find :) i'm on the arch wiki myself, always my first stop :)17:19
lotuspsychjehey EriC^^17:23
daftykinsmmm that wiki situation is a sad one17:26
daftykinsseemed like such a minefield every time i tried to improve a 'buntu page, though17:26
* lotuspsychje_ hates lags grrr17:28
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
lotuspsychjei posted the mms prob on a belgium provider forum17:32
daftykinsah har17:32
daftykins90% of replies "so that's the guy that uses MMS" :D17:32
lotuspsychjea guy posted his mms settings17:32
lotuspsychjeand their all the same, so probably its provider block somehow17:33
daftykinshrmm, yeah definitely a weird one! although i once had a quirk with a telco in England where texts wouldn't send and i'd get charged, it was because the SIM had an incorrect "message service center" built in17:35
daftykinsthe phone i had at the time had no way to change that, so i had to just pop into the telco shop and get a newer SIM17:35
daftykinsnot sure if the age of SIM is relevant to your client17:36
lotuspsychjeaha thats an idea daftykins17:36
lotuspsychjethey sent the new simcard through the mail17:36
ducasseEriC^^: here we go, silvian returns...17:36
immulotuspsychje, ask your carrier to msg you the settings to your phone17:36
immuinstall and reboot17:36
lotuspsychjeducasse: troll?17:36
daftykinsyeah settings aren't gonna help17:37
lotuspsychjedaftykins: the weird thing was, on the phone apn settings there was a whole list of apn's17:38
daftykinsyeah usually android handsets just guess and you have to pick (but only for data)17:38
ducasselotuspsychje: "i know *everything*", except he really doesn't17:38
lotuspsychjeducasse: uh-oh17:38
daftykinsmine only has my data one, then the mms one17:38
lotuspsychjedaftykins: this provider is a 'branch' of another bigger provider, perhaps they block new customers of same settings?17:40
lotuspsychjei had this with my phone once17:40
lotuspsychjemain provider had to enter some number in router, but they took too long to do it17:41
lotuspsychjeso phone didnt work17:41
EriC^^hey lotuspsychje daftykins ducasse17:41
EriC^^lotuspsychje: i watched pirates of the carribean today, it was kind of fun17:42
daftykinslotuspsychje: ooooh is it an MVNO perhaps? mobile virtual network operator, use anothers' equipment but operate on their own17:42
immuwhat EriC^^ ?17:42
immui watched wonder woman?17:42
immulotuspsychje, which phone you got?17:43
lotuspsychjedaftykins: not really, its a new existing provider, but also uses same dsl lines in belgium17:43
lotuspsychjeimmu: i got ubuntu aquarius 4.517:43
lotuspsychjeimmu: but this mms problem is on a galaxy A3 201717:43
daftykinscan't remember, did touch die entirely on phone?17:44
lotuspsychjedaftykins: updates stopped on july 201717:45
daftykinsand that's it forever more?17:45
lotuspsychjebut im still using it atm17:45
lotuspsychjedaftykins: i should install the ubports image now17:45
lotuspsychjethat projects continues the job17:46
daftykinsnicomachus: oh i read a claim that oreo is using mobile data even with wifi on and connected, but i always turn mobile data off manually so i've no idea if it's true :D17:46
lotuspsychjedaftykins: also turnoff data myself17:46
daftykinsi only pay for 500MB/month :)17:47
lotuspsychjei got prepaid, 50 euro for few months17:48
EriC^^lotuspsychje: did you see shotcaller yet?18:07
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: not yet you?18:07
EriC^^nope not yet18:08
lotuspsychjetv time here guys18:08
lotuspsychjefirst ep of the voice of flanders18:08
lotuspsychjelaterz all18:08
EriC^^the voice of flanders?18:09
EriC^^simpsons flanders?18:09
immumaybe we should google it ?18:09
immuThe Voice van Vlaanderen18:12
EriC^^i'm hyped for the america's got talent show18:15
EriC^^every year i watch it on youtube, pretty close this year18:15
Bashing-omEriC^^: mmcblk0p2 == ? AHCI set in nios ? and recon this is a NVME device where we want the boot parameter nvme_load=YES  ??18:42
EriC^^Bashing-om: that's one of the hybrid tablet pc's18:43
daftykinsnah MMC is non-NVMe :)18:43
Bashing-omdaftykins: :) .. Oh when can we return you to ubuntu support direct ... Oh me oH My :)18:45
EriC^^let's make ubuntu great again!18:52
immuEriC^^, yeah18:53
Bashing-omEriC^^: Great ... I miss 10.04 !18:53
daftykinsback when times were simple :)19:00

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