ubports_bot | Project daily-hammerhead build #316: SUCCESS in 11 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-hammerhead/316/ | 00:25 |
ubports_bot | Project ota-push build #987: SUCCESS in 1 min 51 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/987/ | 00:27 |
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun | ||
* nerdboy wouldn't mind seeing grouper build | 01:28 | |
nerdboy | somebody actually did a new kernel for that (believe it or not) | 01:29 |
nerdboy | pretty sure that's the oldest nexus7 | 01:31 |
nerdboy | running 7.1.2 apparently, but the Big Kernel Upgrade was to 3.4.113 | 01:32 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> Hey nerdboy are you a nerdbot? | 04:11 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> @UniversalSuperBox, 😝 | 04:11 |
ubports_bot | Project vivid-rootfs-armhf build #122: SUCCESS in 1.5 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/vivid-rootfs-armhf/122/ | 04:27 |
ubports_bot | Project ota-push build #988: SUCCESS in 0.43 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/988/ | 04:27 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> @ubports_bot, You and me both! | 04:48 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> @Jakob, I think i see the main issue with pop messages not being deleted. There isn't a configured "Trash" folder by default for POP3, which is where your message is trying to be moved to. Needs add a check before deleting the first message to create a local trash folder if it doesn't exist. | 06:14 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> @Martin, 👍 | 06:14 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @DanChapman, Will the dekkod be always unconfined? | 07:34 |
tgBot | <harishsays> https://www.forbes.com/sites/quora/2017/09/09/i-worked-with-elon-musk-and-learned-that-intelligence-is-not-the-key-to-success/ | 07:35 |
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk | ||
tgBot | <DanChapman> @Flohack not sure right now. It needs to be unconfined so it can work like an actual mail client and not some half arsed intermittent mess that you get with click confinement and messaging protocols. Spent too many years trying to work with confinement and it's just a royal PITA. Plus Dekko isn't just a UT application, so i don't want it to have to work drastically different across platforms. Don't get me wrong i'd love for it to run confined but a | 07:48 |
tgBot | cost? dekkod has been running all night on my phone, received 465 notifications across 5 email accounts and it only used 2% battery over 6 hours. Not bad IMHO | 07:48 |
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun | ||
tgBot | <Flohack> ^^ | 07:51 |
tgBot | <Flohack> No Im just asking bc im curious | 07:51 |
tgBot | <Flohack> Maybe we should think about giving confinement a whole new idea | 07:51 |
tgBot | <Flohack> Currently it blocks many great ideas. And hey, my desktop has no confinement and I am also having no issues | 07:52 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> 😃 +1 to that! It really is broken for some usecases | 07:52 |
tgBot | <Flohack> People who use Ubuntu Touch could be called a bit more aware of security and maybe they dont click each stupid clickbait 😆 | 07:52 |
tgBot | <Flohack> +1 Notification works!!! | 07:52 |
tgBot | <Flohack> Awesome, I can tell Alberto we´ve made a good progress | 07:53 |
tgBot | <David_Gamiz_Jimenez> Time tu push up this patreon community! :D https://www.patreon.com/dekkoproject | 07:55 |
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk | ||
ubports_bot | Project daily-fp2 build #334: SUCCESS in 13 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-fp2/334/ | 08:23 |
ubports_bot | Project ota-push build #989: SUCCESS in 1 min 8 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/989/ | 08:24 |
tgBot | <Flohack> So @DanChapman the notifications use the module idea for account-polld? How much work was it to get it done? | 08:50 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> No it just pushes the notification straight to the postal service over dbus. (I stole the push_client from account-polld) It didn't really seem to make sense to store the notifications and then wait for the next polld run to pass them on to the post service. This way I don't need to store anything and just act as a proxy. … Code for the plugin is here https://gitlab.com/dekkoproject/ubuntu-notification-plugin | 09:00 |
tgBot | <Field10pg> @DanChapman, Good job Dan excellent notifications. Uauuuuuu | 09:48 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> @Field10pg, 👍 | 10:17 |
tgBot | <Georgecloon> Is anyone here succesfully using whatsapp on UT with LoquiIM? | 10:30 |
tgBot | <Cesar_Herrera> @DanChapman Is there a place to put bugs about Dekko? | 10:31 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> @Cesar_Herrera AFK right now but there's a link to the issue tracker in the open store info 😊 | 10:35 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @DanChapman, There is a bug that in reply to a mail I do not get the OSK ;) | 10:35 |
tgBot | <Cesar_Herrera> @DanChapman, Thanks | 10:35 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> @Flohack, not a dekko bug 😊 i presume it's a focus issue in unity8 (or somewhere else) for multi window apps. Just pull the indicator panel down a little and close it and the keyboard should pop up | 10:37 |
tgBot | <Flohack> ^^ ok | 10:37 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> webbrowser has the same issue with private mode | 10:40 |
tgBot | <Andre Büsgen> @Georgecloon, For mW it worked after several attemtps | 10:55 |
tgBot | <Georgecloon> @Andre Büsgen, With encryption as well? | 10:56 |
tgBot | <Andre Büsgen> To be honest I only checked whether registration works. I don't use WhatsApp. Only for some group conversations. | 11:03 |
tgBot | <Georgecloon> Unfortunately it's the largest IM service where I live | 11:07 |
tgBot | <Georgecloon> And I'd rather not carry another phone just for whatsapp. | 11:08 |
tgBot | <Andre Büsgen> i tried ubports on my oneplus but it's not in an usable state for me. I will have to wait some time before my main device goes ubports ;) | 11:18 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> WhatsApp is always the stumbling block. For that convenience you have to sell your soul though … | 11:27 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> Hopefully anbox will works soon on ut | 11:29 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> Then you won't have to sell your soul | 11:29 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> @Vijay Kumar, is anybody even working on making that happen? | 11:29 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> I am not but there are people working on it and on Ubuntu desktop it is working also.. | 11:30 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> If you like there is a tg group for anbox | 11:31 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> @anbox | 11:31 |
tgBot | <Jaume Al habla desde el zapatofóno> @DanChapman, How can I help? | 11:31 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @Vijay Kumar, By using whatsapp you still sell it a bit ^^ | 11:31 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> @Flohack, You would do that for the stupid friends who won't leave WhatsApp . Wouldn't you if you could ? | 11:32 |
tgBot | <Flohack> sure | 11:33 |
tgBot | <Flohack> I dont say selling your soul is bad per se ^^ | 11:33 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/OUFaNtlo/file_474.webp | 11:36 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> (damn nothing witty to say) | 11:36 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> Their business model is about control. If you sidestep that they will outflank you quite rapudly | 11:37 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> Rapidly even | 11:37 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> If my family or friends aren't on telegram then they will have to call, sms or email me, simple as that. I can't be bothered with having 101 IM apps and I don't even try and persuade them to use the one i like... I just call them 😊 | 11:39 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> Maybe an Asteroid OS hack is a compromise? | 11:39 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> @Vijay Kumar, I'm not really interested in using it, thanks anyway. I've just havn't heard about anybody still working on it specifically for UT | 11:41 |
tgBot | <ahayzen> @DanChapman, They sound suspiciously like this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+bug/1623861 which we thought may have regressed at one point. But depends on your qtubuntu version as well | 11:44 |
ubot5` | Ubuntu bug 1623861 in Canonical System Image "Switching between two windows of the same app using quick swipe from right edge breaks focus" [High,Fix released] | 11:44 |
tgBot | <Flohack> hmm and also this here: https://github.com/ubports/ubports-touch/issues/52 | 11:45 |
tgBot | <ahayzen> Florian can you link that bug I just posted in that GitHub issue it maybe related and help debug | 11:47 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> Perhaps related to my 'training message' freeze. Which I must file a bug report on | 11:47 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> @ahayzen aha! that does indeed seem very similar. Thanks | 11:47 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @ahayzen, Done ;) | 11:48 |
tgBot | <eszklar> @ Dan Chapman: I'm using Dekko 2 with Gmail and am receiving notifications on my Nexus 5 with is then pushed to my Pebble watch via the RockWork app. Fantastic. | 11:49 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> @DanChapman, Yup. 😊 | 11:49 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> @eszklar, hah nice! 😃 | 11:51 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> I was going to get a pebble watch at one point. I wonder how much I can pick one up for nowadays | 11:51 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> ooo pebble steel for £60 | 11:51 |
tgBot | <eszklar> @ Dan Chapman: I have a plain Pebble, but it was cheap. Nice to be able to use it in some capacity once Fitbit fully kills Pebble. | 11:55 |
tgBot | <ahayzen> @Flohack, Thanks :-) | 11:56 |
tgBot | <eszklar> Wondering if Asteroid OS would ever come to UBPorts. | 11:56 |
tgBot | <Walid> there is any chance to have android wear application or similar in ubports? | 11:58 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> @eszklar, I was thinking that if you absolutely MUST have WhatsApp, keep it in an isolated box on your wrist … | 11:59 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> January 2015: 50% more WhatsApp messages than SMS texts, globally | 12:06 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @eszklar, Just need someone to make a syncing app for it, I'm sure it would be welcomed | 12:07 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> And I'm sure they would get all the help they'd need in the AsteroidOS IRC channel | 12:08 |
ubports_bot | Project daily-mako build #109: SUCCESS in 12 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-mako/109/ | 12:55 |
ubports_bot | Project ota-push build #990: SUCCESS in 50 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/990/ | 12:56 |
tgBot | <eszklar> @Lorxu, True, would be interested in AsteroidOS working with UBPorts myself. | 13:10 |
tgBot | <Andre Büsgen> Which device would you guys recommend for the best ubports compatibility now and in the future? | 14:39 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> fairphone 2 is pretty solid. Just hard to come by in a short time 😊 | 14:40 |
tgBot | <Andre Büsgen> wasn't it about 600€? If so this is too expensive for me at the moment :). But it's woth a fair device it think. | 14:42 |
tgBot | <Andre Büsgen> It would be great if all their components were free as in freedom, too. At least for the firmware | 14:43 |
tgBot | <Field10pg> @DanChapman, all the reason | 14:54 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> Andre yeah they are expensive, but afaik that one has the most complete port. Nexus 5 is also a good device | 14:54 |
tgBot | stefanomelchior was added by: stefanomelchior | 14:55 |
tgBot | <mymike00> @ahayzen, how did you wrote `Florian` with the link to his profile even if he's got a username? | 15:28 |
tgBot | <Flohack> ^^ | 15:32 |
tgBot | <bastos777> @mymike00, Good question. | 15:34 |
tgBot | <bastos777> @DanChapman thank you for the notifications | 15:36 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> 👍 | 15:36 |
tgBot | <bastos777> is there a way to link notifications only to prefered contacts? | 15:37 |
tgBot | <bastos777> for example only to adresses of adress book? | 15:38 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> No but that's a great idea! | 15:38 |
tgBot | <bastos777> Are notifications work also if Dekko is closed? | 15:39 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> Could you create an issue for that please and describe how you would like it to work https://gitlab.com/dekkoproject/dekko/issues/new | 15:39 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> yep you can close dekko. The service will also restart after a reboot so no need to reopen dekko | 15:40 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> Thinking about it... a silence notifications for thread feature would also be nice. especially for noisy mailing lists and threads your not really interested in | 15:42 |
tgBot | <Andre Büsgen> @DanChapman, Do you have one? If so how is the build quality? | 15:49 |
tgBot | <Andre Büsgen> a Fairphone to be clear | 15:49 |
tgBot | <Jose Barakat> Question: Is it possible to install a UBPorts ROM in a tablet with MTK 8317T CPU (Acer Iconia B1) ? | 15:54 |
tgBot | <mymike00> only if there is already a port fot it, and I don't thinko so. see https://ubports.com/page/get-ubuntu-touch here supported devices | 15:56 |
tgBot | <ahayzen> @mymike00, Just typed @ then started typing the name then clicked on it | 15:58 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> @mymike00, Sometimes Telegram forgets how to username. | 15:58 |
tgBot | <mymike00> @UniversalSuperBox, ah ok😂😂 | 15:59 |
tgBot | <ahayzen> 😂🙈 | 15:59 |
tgBot | <Jose Barakat> @mymike00, How can I help support unsupported devices like mine? | 16:00 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> @Jose Barakat, There are hundreds of devices out there, all unique. In any real scenario it is likely to be so long before your tablet is supported that it would be antique | 16:04 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> Supported tablets are even more rare than supported phones | 16:06 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> That is the honest answer | 16:07 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> @Andre Büsgen, Yes I have one. Good build quality but a bit heavy for my liking | 16:07 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> On th upside though you would definitiely noticed if somone nabbed it out of your pocket | 16:08 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> 😃 | 16:08 |
tgBot | <Jose Barakat> @Stereofont, Thanks. Now I know it's time to buy a new one. Supported by both Android and UBPorts. | 16:10 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> BQ M10 FHD is supported. May still be in their clearance section | 16:11 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> But you cannot dual boot | 16:12 |
=== JanC is now known as Guest34418 | ||
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
tgBot | <Andre Büsgen> @DanChapman, Thanks. I will think of Fairphone when it's time to get a new smartphone ;) | 16:22 |
tgBot | H was added by: H | 16:29 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> Linux Phone Crowdfunder Hits $200k, Is ‘Ahead of Trend Line to Succeed’ … http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/09/linux-phone-crowdfunder-hits-200k-ahead-trend-line-succeed | 16:57 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> I'm sorry to spam... But sheesh... This might actually happen.... | 16:58 |
tgBot | <geminis65> dekko para desktop? | 17:00 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> @kz6fittycent, Great. still waiting for it to ship. ;) | 17:04 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> Yeah. If it actually makes it there's that. However their laptop is apparently shipping... | 17:05 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> And a tablet too I think | 17:06 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Yeah, but they had the normal crowdfunder problems. I'll believe this phone when I see it. | 17:06 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> And we can make a decision on it as a project when that happens. :) | 17:06 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> Same here. | 17:06 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> @geminis65, sorry i'm not sure I follow. what are you wanting to know? | 17:17 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> @DanChapman, Is there a Desktop version? | 17:19 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> Ah ok thanks @Stereofont | 17:20 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> @geminis65 there's a snap you can install or you can build it from source https://dekkoproject.org/download/ | 17:21 |
tgBot | <Milan Korecky> @DanChapman Hi Dan, I was not online for some days. Thanks very much: notifications works, but should it already work sending new e-mails? I have the N5. BR. | 17:22 |
tgBot | H was added by: H | 17:22 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> @DanChapman, I think you forgot to change an option in _config.yml. :) | 17:22 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> Hah yeah i keep forgetting to do that! In fact i will fix that now while i update the click package info | 17:23 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> @Mohannes, bloggit | 17:24 |
tgBot | <Milan Korecky> I can receive, but not to send. It freezes the app. | 17:24 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> @Mohannes, sweet | 17:24 |
tgBot | Erwin Yükselgil was added by: Erwin Yükselgil | 17:25 |
tgBot | <Milan Korecky> @UniversalSuperBox HI Dalton, any news OTA2 please? Thanks. BR. | 17:26 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Well, it's in rc right now | 17:26 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> @Milan Korecky, Milan freezing or just not respoding when hitting send? One bug workaround is you need to press enter key after each recipient email address. It should do that automatically when the text field loses focus. Could this be it? | 17:26 |
tgBot | <Flohack> history | 17:27 |
tgBot | <Flohack> lol sry | 17:27 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> And it's being tested. Guess we didn't really think through the idea of being able to release during a conference? | 17:27 |
tgBot | H was added by: H | 17:28 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> @H, Having fun? | 17:28 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @UniversalSuperBox, No we did not ^^ | 17:29 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> @UniversalSuperBox, Oh, it's a new form of spam. Great. | 17:29 |
tgBot | H was added by: H | 17:29 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> @DanChapman, well said man | 17:29 |
tgBot | <hawk_is_here> @UniversalSuperBox, He told me that he is getting kicked out from the group | 17:30 |
tgBot | <Flohack> Could we have good usernames pls | 17:31 |
tgBot | <hawk_is_here> @UniversalSuperBox, He's my friend... I told him about our targets | 17:31 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Hmm, alright | 17:31 |
tgBot | <hawk_is_here> Ooh | 17:31 |
tgBot | <Flohack> But please set yourself some reasonable name | 17:31 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> All I see is him leaving on his own accord | 17:31 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> @kz6fittycent, no. if canonical couldn't do it, they won't do it. We are the hope in this realm. Great if I'm wrong, but I probably won't be. | 17:31 |
tgBot | <hawk_is_here> @wayneoutthere, It actually don't matter even they achieve the target | 17:32 |
tgBot | <hawk_is_here> We are currently engaged in different goal | 17:33 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> right. they need people like us who will build greatness not on the payroll. | 17:33 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> hopefully the two projects at least help each other to some level | 17:33 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> but it woudl be greta to see $200K over here | 17:33 |
tgBot | <hawk_is_here> @wayneoutthere, Man, everyone is great... never underestimate anyone... | 17:34 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> true sorry didn't want to say they aren't great but that we should all work together and focus | 17:34 |
tgBot | <Flohack> "Dear Librem founders, in case your phone doesnt make it, take your money and put it to UBports" 😆 | 17:34 |
tgBot | <twinkybot> Hi all, I wanted to just to say hello and give my thanks to all who make the UT on FP2 possible. I was waiting for this now for at the very least for two years | 17:34 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> @Flohack, yes, like that | 17:34 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @wayneoutthere, 🤣 | 17:34 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> anyway, my message to all 705 of you is this: don't quit, pick up the steam, give another 10 minutes per day to this and we will see cool things happen quickly | 17:35 |
tgBot | <Milan Korecky> @DanChapman, Freezes. With the enter closes super quickly the sending window. New email appears in Outbox, without being send. If I try to send new one the first one is moved to Drafts, and the new one is in Outbox. Nothing goes out in the end. | 17:35 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> THe log file should tell you why it's jsut sitting in outbox. What mailservice do you use? | 17:37 |
tgBot | <Milan Korecky> Gmail | 17:37 |
tgBot | <Milan Korecky> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/VAfxSs0k/file_476.jpg | 17:40 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> Milan please file an issue here https://gitlab.com/dekkoproject/dekko/issues along with the log | 17:42 |
tgBot | <Milan Korecky> Ups, I will learn now how to fill an issue. 😱, OK I will try. | 17:44 |
tgBot | <twinkybot> @neothethird BTW did anyone ever try to get in contact with the FSF? | 17:44 |
tgBot | <neothethird> @twinkybot, Ummmm, no, not yet. I don't know how fond they'd be with us using the proprietary android drivers ... Maybe they'd be up for some sort of campaign to create a completely free reverse-engineered phone, but if you look at the respects-your-freedom certified devices, they're all crazy old and slow... | 18:20 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> If you use proprietary drivers, don't even try | 18:21 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> Even Replicant doesn't get their certification | 18:21 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> It's a waste of time | 18:21 |
tgBot | <twinkybot> But they are still trying as far as I know. Maybe they can share so me resources. | 20:05 |
tgBot | * JeffiG | 20:31 |
tgBot | <salarelv> @DanChapman, Dan, is the snap still from March? My snap info shows no updates | 20:47 |
ubports_bot | Project daily-bacon build #265: SUCCESS in 11 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-bacon/265/ | 21:02 |
ubports_bot | Project ota-push build #991: SUCCESS in 1 min 0 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/991/ | 21:03 |
tgBot | <Sconio> @kz6fittycent, +1 order ! | 21:11 |
tgBot | <deedend> @Sconio, Good! I have ordered the other day! | 21:25 |
tgBot | <deedend> It's not possible to have a matrix bridge for this group? | 21:26 |
tgBot | <Sconio> I do not know, it's a good idea! | 21:27 |
tgBot | <mymike00> there's a irc bridge... | 21:28 |
tgBot | <Sconio> ?? | 21:29 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @deedend, +1 | 21:35 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> Irc bridge is uncomfortable to use | 21:35 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> Would be nice to have a direct matrix - telegram bridge, as it is in Halium chat | 21:35 |
tgBot | <mymike00> i don't use it so I didn't know...🤗 | 21:36 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> It's possible to have both at the same time though | 21:36 |
tgBot | <Sconio> 👍 | 21:36 |
tgBot | <Sconio> how ? | 21:37 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> All we need to do is to add a bot here (@tchncs_bot) and make a matrix room on tchncs instance | 21:37 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> Matrix.org doesn't support that bridge at the moment | 21:38 |
tgBot | <Sconio> can you do it ? | 21:38 |
tgBot | <Sconio> oh ok | 21:38 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> tchncs.de has https://github.com/SijmenSchoon/telematrix enabled by default and it works through @tchncs_bot | 21:38 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @Sconio, yes I can sir | 21:39 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> not sure if im allowed though | 21:39 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> we never got to a conclusion with @UniversalSuperBox | 21:39 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> I hesitate because we use tchncs in the Halium group | 21:40 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @UniversalSuperBox, and I find it super convenient | 21:40 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> It makes a subpar experience for IRC users. But TeleIRC should keep working. But I also need to look into it more. | 21:40 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> real talk | 21:41 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> think about it man | 21:41 |
tgBot | <Kévin> Gent, i've highlighted a fix to repair the online account owncloud (never implemented on the phones): https://github.com/ubports/calendar-app/issues/30 it's not the most relevant place for it. Do i need to link it somewhere in the github ? | 21:42 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> (Photo, 1233x722) https://irc.ubports.com/iguKF4gv/file_478.jpg halium chat | 21:46 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> (Photo, 1280x558) https://irc.ubports.com/0jDYghh7/file_480.jpg ubports chat | 21:46 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> which one is more comfortable to read? | 21:46 |
tgBot | <bastos777> Halium for sure! | 21:47 |
tgBot | <mymike00> yep, but can't you use Telegram😁? | 21:48 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> I hate using Telegram for non-personal stuff | 21:48 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> I use it now, so it seems I can | 21:48 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> though I can't on UBports (webapp is too slow) | 21:48 |
tgBot | <mymike00> @vanyasem, oh, I understand... | 21:48 |
tgBot | <mymike00> @vanyasem, I agree on that | 21:49 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @vanyasem, I can get distracted by my GF if I chat here | 21:49 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> she's not on Riot, so in that case I could just close Telegram and focus on my work | 21:50 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> does that count as a valid argument? :) | 21:50 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> If there is a bridge and someone spams from Matrix can they be blocked without disabling the bridge? | 21:55 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> If there's a mod in the Matrix room with an app that supports the mod tools, I'd suppose | 21:55 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> yes, you can kick (or ban) that person from the room | 21:55 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @Stereofont, The proper bridges create an user per, well, user. So you can just kick/ban them as if they're just a single user, the bridge relays it | 21:57 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> @Lorxu, exactly 👍 | 21:57 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> If the mod there and admin here disagree? | 21:57 |
tgBot | <vanyasem> plz don't over-complicate stuff | 21:58 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> Then an admin here can go through blocked Telegram list and unblock IIRC | 21:58 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> @vanyasem, A good argument but about only one person. I don't know if there is a downside to others that needs to be considered also | 22:00 |
tgBot | <pavi4de> @DanChapman, I also follow the same rule. I just am replacing telegram with riot. That lead to my mom telling my relatives about riot and they were like WTH is it? 😄 | 22:24 |
tgBot | <mymike00> @DanChapman, I'm trying to make more people install Telegram, but it's hard...😱😉 | 22:27 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> @mymike00, I just go: "want to reach me? Install Telegram". | 22:31 |
tgBot | <LarreaMikel> There is already a ubports group on matrix.. but I think that is not in tchncs | 22:31 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> "You don't have whatsapp?" | 22:31 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> "No, I don't have whatsapp. Fuck you." | 22:32 |
tgBot | <mymike00> @per_sonne, yeah, like that. but it doens't work always...😭 | 22:32 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> Who cares. If they don't want to reach you, they don't deserve to have you as a contact on Telegram. | 22:32 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> - "You're being a dick, just install whatsapp!" … - "Maybe I should install MY FIST ON YOUR FACE?!" | 22:33 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> In Brazil, when WhatsApp was blocked people flocked to Telegram. When WhatsApp was unblocked they mostly went back. Peer pressure is very difficult to overcome | 22:34 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> *oh snap* (literally snap) | 22:34 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> @Stereofont, That's why I make people follow me. Want to reach me? Telegram. Every. Single. Time. | 22:35 |
tgBot | <pavi4de> @LarreaMikel, Matrix is decentralised, you dont need the channel to be on same server. | 22:35 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> Just the other day, my company wanted me to use Google Authenticator. I told them: "I don't use Android". | 22:36 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> "Oh, you have an Iphone?" | 22:36 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> "nope". | 22:36 |
tgBot | <LarreaMikel> @pavi4de, don't know how the bot works... | 22:36 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> @per_sonne, We have a couple TOTP apps. | 22:36 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> I don't know, I show them. | 22:37 |
tgBot | <per_sonne> I'm using them right now. | 22:37 |
tgBot | <pavi4de> @LarreaMikel, tchncs is just one server in the huge matrix network. It also runs a bot which connects the matrix and telegram networks making them look kind of good atleast on matrix side. | 22:38 |
tgBot | <pavi4de> It runs this software on its matrix server https://github.com/SijmenSchoon/telematrix | 22:38 |
tgBot | <LarreaMikel> yep, I can see it working on the halium group. | 22:38 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> "Keep it simple" is good general principle. Would seven bridges be wise? | 22:39 |
tgBot | <pavi4de> @vanyasem, lol good one 😊 | 22:40 |
tgBot | <pavi4de> @vanyasem, Obviously the matrix one is better formatted. | 22:41 |
tgBot | <pavi4de> I still dont understand why some groups are still stuck in the past(telegram) | 22:41 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> I know that, for example, @bhushanshah sits in IRC, Matrix, and Telegram. | 22:41 |
tgBot | <padraic7a> @Kévin, 👍nice one. That's something I have been hoping for. | 22:41 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> So it's not really helpful to "grow the audience" when people sit in all three to get the best experience anyway. :/ | 22:42 |
tgBot | <pavi4de> Tensor client is available for Ubuntu also. People do install it. | 22:42 |
tgBot | <pavi4de> We have the Kitsune working on it. | 22:42 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Yes indeed. | 22:43 |
tgBot | <pavi4de> https://github.com/delijati/tensor/ | 22:43 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Like I said, we'll need to give a bit of thought to it. Really no sense in trying to argue about it right now | 22:44 |
tgBot | <pavi4de> Here is a dot click package to enter matrix world https://github.com/delijati/tensor/releases/download/v0.6.1/tensor.delijati_0.6.1_armhf.click | 22:45 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Yes, there is also uMatriks | 22:45 |
tgBot | <blendergeek0> @Lorxu, Replicant gets FSF's endorsement as a fully free operating system though none of the hardware (the s3, s2, etc.) gets the FSF's RYF (Respects Your Freedom) certifcation because of nonfree bootloaders. … See this page: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-non-gnu-distros.html for FSF's statement on Replicant. | 23:29 |
nerdboy | lineage without gapps is apparently non-Android... good to know | 23:34 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> What's the reason for contacting the FSF and becoming certified? | 23:35 |
nerdboy | being able to claim you comply with their criteria | 23:38 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Aaaaaand...? | 23:38 |
nerdboy | not looked what they pick about os-wise, but fdroid apps have to be open source and other stuff | 23:39 |
* nerdboy did not memorize the list | 23:39 | |
nerdboy | any app that touches "non-free resources gets a big fat (red) worning | 23:41 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Indeed | 23:42 |
nerdboy | *warning even | 23:42 |
nerdboy | anything worse than that doesn't make it in at all afaict | 23:43 |
* nerdboy trying really hard not to work on sunday for a change | 23:47 |
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