[00:17] the problem for example is if I open terminal window i have to use alt+tab to be able to start chrome [00:17] but when I do mouse is still focused on the terminal window [00:18] so if I right click on the chrome I get right click menu from terminal [00:18] just a weird behaviour with mouse [00:18] everything else seems to be fine === brainwash_ is now known as brainwash [07:36] AndrzejL: did you search launchpad? it could be a known issue [09:49] hi, need help to configure static ip in a machine with ubuntu server 17.10. anyone can help me? [10:00] I have Ubuntu 17.04 with Gnome DE. How do I switch to a specific workspace without taking the foreground window to that workspace? [Skipping all other workspaces in between] [12:23] brainwash: I did but I am NOT really shure what search terms to use, mouse is the only thing that comes to mind but the issue is so.. hard to describe that I am not sure if I even know how to ask [12:24] Also - exactly the same issue happened to me when using tumbleweed yesterday on this machine so I suspect it MIGHT be global# [15:28] The most interesting thing about the "unstable" version of Ubuntu is... that the stable versions failed to install on the 2009 mac mini while the 17.10 installed :). [15:28] Ubiquity in the 17.04 has a bug. It will not install grub properly. [15:29] In the same time 17.10 is free of this bug :) [15:39] I've found the culprit [15:40] Now need to find solution [15:40] My mouse is the culprit [15:40] Mad Cat RATZ 3 [15:41] https://askubuntu.com/questions/808963/ubuntu-16-04-lts-matcatz-r-a-t-3-mouse-cant-get-to-work [15:41] Silvercrest / Lidl mouse works 100% correct [15:45] And now so is the mad cat mouse [15:54] I am not a big ubuntu fan but I have to admit one thing [15:54] The desktop is very pretty and it has a solid feel of unity across the whole thing [15:55] not unity as a desktop but unity as in theme / general desktop feel [15:55] I like that. I like that a lot. [17:11] Hi, after I updated to ubuntu 17.10 my sound got garbage. I think I was reading somewhere that there would be less sound latency but since I'm on lowend computer less buffering means garbage sound. [17:12] low end? [17:12] a slow computer [17:13] right [17:13] give some details [17:13] AMD Athlon(tm) 5350 APU with Radeon(tm) R3 [17:14] my cpu is even weaker, and I have no issues with sound [17:15] I would check launchpad [17:15] maybe there is a known issue with pulseaudio [17:15] it's when I'm playing games. just playing a simple audio file still works. [17:16] when there is a lot of cpu load it gets garbaged. [17:16] well [17:16] pulseaudio should have a higher priority [17:18] ok. the worst thing is that teamspeak and discord sends loud garbage sound when it happens. [17:19] and this worked fine with ubuntu 17.04? [17:20] 17.04 and 17.10 have the same pulseaudio version though [17:21] oh. [17:22] maybe kernel related then [17:24] so, not sure what to suggest.. [17:24] other than filing a bug report [17:32] could be that I was running an old version of pulse audio before I updated. [17:35] I don't know [17:36] like I said, 17.04 has the same version [17:40] hmm could be that firefox is now using more cpu cores. I allways have that running in the background. [17:41] but that is true for 17.04 also [17:42] is your firefox up-to-date? [17:42] ff 55.0.2 [17:43] but that I know for sure I had an older version before the update. [17:45] I would check the system log [17:45] via journalctl [17:45] also the session log [17:46] ~/.xsession-errors [17:56] ok thanks [18:19] I could allways switch to alsa instead. [18:45] when are we supposed to start testing the upgrade path to artful? [22:38] Question: I see that the tray icon for Steam is working fine but I cannot get the Thunderbird or Whatsie to hide in tray. Am I missing a package or..? [22:39] Also another question. 17.10 comes with Unity by default right? Its the 18.04 that will come out with Gnome? [22:40] no, gnome3 will be default. [22:40] * in 17.10 that is [22:41] Ok... How do I check what is my current desktop in ubuntu? :D I am sorry but I am a kde user.. if it was kde I would know what it is :P [22:45] :P [22:45] that :P makes you not serious. [22:46] well :) [22:46] I am seriously not serious [22:47] as in I want to know the answer to the question... but I want to have some fun while I am getting it [22:49] because computers are fun ;P [22:56] System: Host: macbuntumini Kernel: 4.12.0-12-generic x86_64 bits: 64 gcc: 7.1.0 [22:56] Desktop: Gnome 3.25.91 (Gtk 3.22.19-0ubuntu1) info: gnome-shell dm: gdm3 [22:56] Distro: Ubuntu Artful Aardvark (development branch) [22:56] Right... :)