
tenplus1hi folks10:05
tenplus1Q. wasn't ubu 17.10 supposed to move from python 2.x to 3.x this release so it can be removed ???10:06
FauxI thought so. https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2017-June/039826.html10:07
tenplus1cause libsmb client and in turn mpv and gimp still need python 2.6 to work...10:07
FauxThe plan was to remove it from the base install, I thought, not from the archive.10:08
Faux[not an official answer]10:08
tenplus1still got 2 months to go <fingers crossed> it might still happen :) heh10:08
FauxPretty sure it won't be removed from the archive. It's still a supported piece of software upstream, with more users than most of the crap in there.10:09
tenplus1weirdly enough I'm using LUA and it's a lot more friendly/smaller10:09
pietHello, I have a feature request for Ubiquity.10:16
pietCurrently, I think it's far too easy to select advanced options like full disk encryption and LVM.10:17
pietThis often leads to problems for beginners, who without thinking tick those options, which regularly causes difficulties for them which they can't solve.10:17
pietI think it would perhaps be better if in the Ubiquity installation dialogue, both full disk encryption and LVM would be "tucked away" behind an Advanced button or something similar.10:17
pietcjwatson and others: what do you think?10:17
dokopitti: alive!10:43
juliankpiet: Really? I had to setup everything manually because ubiquity refused to do either LVM, LUKS, or GPT; but I really don't know which one anymore10:52
juliankI think I had to manually setup grub because ubiquity did not install it correctly10:53
juliank(It might be that it did not handle LVM without a separate /boot or something, which is crazy)10:54
juliankI should reinvestigate that10:54
juliankNo wait, I did not setup encryption at all10:55
juliankSo, I tried installing Ubiquity with LVM on a UEFI system, but ended up doing all LVM stuff in the terminal because it was not available in ubiquit10:55
juliank(in 16.04.something)10:56
pietjuliank: sometimes these options are greyed out in the Ubiquity dialogue, sometimes not. I haven't investigated under qwh11:00
piet...which circumstances it's greyed out yet.11:00
juliankI don't think I ever saw any, but I might be wrong11:00
juliankt's been a few months11:00
juliankIn any case, I found the partitioning far too inflexible11:01
juliankThe disk was to be setup like this: small ESP followed by LVM partition with a / and a /home logical volume11:02
juliankBoth logical volumes fairly small, as we can grow them later11:02
juliankDid not manage to do that in Ubiquity, although that's essentially the optimal setup11:02
juliank(My own machine has the LVM in a LUKS, but that's another topic)11:03
pietI think it would be better if those options would be more "tucked away", so it would be cearer that only advanced users should apply them11:03
pietcearer = clearer11:04
juliankI also I think it was creating mbr partitions all the time, despite being on an UEFI machine11:04
julianks/partitions/partition tables/11:04
juliankpiet: Ah, you mean the two shortcuts below the "Erase disk and install Ubuntu option"?11:07
pietjuliank: yes11:07
juliankSo I guess the problem with Ubiquity is that it supports LVM and encryption in that screen, but the partition editor supports neither11:07
juliankLooking at the editor, when you want to create a partition, it only offers you file systems11:08
pietperhaps that too, but mainly the problem is (in my opinion) that these options are only suitable for advanced users. Now they are too accessible for inexperienced users.11:08
pietPutting them behind an "advanced" button or something, would make that clear11:09
juliankpiet: Well, I don't see the use case for the options anyway11:09
juliankI mean if you are advanced user, you likely want to setup partitions to your liking and not use a "erase disk and install ubuntu option"11:10
juliankSo IMHO, the partitiion editor should support that and the options can go away on the "easy" page11:10
pietjuliank: Good idea! If they would disappear completely, that would be fine as well11:11
pietdisappear from the "easy" page, that is11:11
pietjuliank: could you perhaps make this happen?11:12
juliankubiquity is not really my kind of thing11:13
pietMaybe you can talk to the devs who oversee Ubiquity?11:14
piethave to go now, bye11:18
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juliankcyphermox: your gpg key contains a mathieu-tl@ubuntu.com UID, but: 550 5.1.1 <mathieu-tl@ubuntu.com>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual alias table20:25
juliankmaybe revoke it?20:25
maxbHello, is this the right place to suggest someone override an autopkgtest failure? python3-lxml (source: lxml) in artful currently segfaults on importing lxml.etree - the fix is in proposed, but is blocked by an unrelated issue with the snapcraft autopkgtest. The snapcraft issue is discussed here, including there apparently being a fix upstream.23:38

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