omar_ | hola | 00:15 |
ubuntu-mate | ayuda para la instalacion | 02:37 |
=== Guest6344 is now known as BlueRavenGT | ||
TaZeR | which setting do u need help with? | 09:56 |
TaZeR | i know some of them but not all | 09:56 |
voltron | aaa | 10:32 |
voltron | hello | 10:32 |
voltron | how to turn off battery broken notifications | 10:32 |
voltron | plz someone help me | 10:32 |
voltron | plz someone help me | 10:33 |
voltron | hello | 10:36 |
voltron | is anybody here | 10:36 |
voltron | ??? | 10:36 |
TaZeR | open up dconf editor and navigate to /org/mate/power-manager and then untick notify-low-capacity | 10:53 |
aptanet | Is anyone running the beta with Mutiny? I'm finding the dock massively buggy and have reported a selection of bugs. | 11:21 |
aptanet | I'm digging in the hope I can be more help that just reporting that it isn't working properly! | 11:23 |
luis_ | samsung printer problem | 11:25 |
deskwizard | Howdy! Any of you seen something like that before? I get this pretty much everytime the machine wakes up from sleep. Fullscreen chrome/chromium, with the nvidia driver. Nouveau driver completely hangs chrome on wakeup. | 12:27 |
deskwizard | I was having green flickers in VLC when it overlaid the UI so I disabled gpu composition, worked for VLC, I was hoping it'd fix both but no cigar | 12:29 |
mate|12801 | Hello ! | 14:08 |
mate|12801 | I experience some problems getting the full image for rapsberry pi3. Do someone know what is happening with it? Seems the download finishes at around 950 mb. Impossible to unzip. | 14:09 |
mate|12801 | Any suggestion? | 14:09 |
mate|12801 | Hope this is the right place to ask... if not, please tell me how to ask! :) | 14:10 |
mate|12801 | or maybe where ;) | 14:10 |
messett | lütfen türkçe bilip yardımcı olabilecek kimse var mı? | 14:25 |
messett | yardımcı olabilecek kimse yok mu? | 14:34 |
austin | Wow | 16:00 |
=== mojtaba_ is now known as mojixyz | ||
=== wr is now known as Guest57028 | ||
=== richard is now known as Guest99029 | ||
Guest99029 | hello? anybody there? | 23:39 |
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