
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:54
m0nkey_Greetings from the BSD side :D16:52
m0nkey_There will always be a place in my heart for the penguin16:54
* penguin42 beats on m0nkey_'s atrium16:59
* m0nkey_ throws poo at penguin4217:00
* penguin42 dodges17:00
m0nkey_So I have time to kill before my flight17:00
m0nkey_What can I do at IAD airport without getting into trouble?17:00
penguin42watch Die Hard 217:01
m0nkey_Ooh, I have that movie on my Plex17:20
diddledana good one would be any that involve hijacked planes21:10
diddledangive yourself a good scare before you fly :-p21:10
zmoylan-pi10 best plane crashes in movies... :-P https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOrt2yXcGZk21:12
daftykinsdiddledan: kitty tax: http://i.imgur.com/1QOjPRj.jpg21:13
* diddledan cuddles the kitty burrito21:39
daftykinsi think you mean a purrito, sir21:40
daftykinsmy friend called it that when she would roll her lad up in a towel to give him his medication21:40
daftykinswith no paws free he'd just lap up the fluid of antibiotics, i think it was21:41
* zmoylan-pi remembers my dad wearing motorbike gauntlets using a bic pen as a pea shooter to deliver a pill to cats throat...21:47
zmoylan-pii think the thing they recommend now is grind the pills up in butter and rub it on their fur if they're difficult22:00
zmoylan-pithey'll lick it off22:00
daftykinsa mate of mines parents had a diabetic cat, now that would be mad22:07
zmoylan-pipin prick cat to test blood sugars, then jab cat with insulin, then pop down to a+e for stitches and sympathy... :-P22:19
daftykinstake cat for added bonus :D22:21
zmoylan-pion plus side, you'll know who the most infected person there is as cat will want to sleep on lap of person with highest temperature... :-P22:22
diddledanI really wish people would stop posting my router's IP address on the Internet. I don't even get how they randomly chose my IP anyway!! They're like "blah blah 192.168.x.x" and I'm like STFU, quit telling everyone where I am!22:43
* m0nkey_ pings
* zmoylan-pi pings 3 times while saying 'there's no place like home'...23:49

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