[12:53] morning [13:00] <_stink_> yo [13:14] Morning [13:29] <_stink_> rick_h: how's the leg coming along? [13:30] Slow and steady. They're coming today to take away the post surgery machines I had at home. [13:30] 2 weeks of PT down, 10 more to go [13:40] <_stink_> sounds good, but dang what a long haul [14:11] rick_h: Nice [14:12] rick_h: Can you walk on it yet? [14:18] cmaloney: yea with my leg brace [14:19] https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41LngJAF7HL._SX342_.jpg [14:20] Ah, nice. How is the crotch-rubber? [14:21] Pain in the butt but life goes on [14:21] Understood. At least you're walking on it. That's all that matters. [14:28] Yea I can drive now, have my handicap sticker to keep walking down [14:28] And basically movement is short bursts [14:28] Do a little, rest, do a little rest [14:28] That's good