lubot9 | <ShiBonCip> @wxl23, me too | 00:00 |
lubot9 | <wxl23> And fyi I am using a VPN | 00:00 |
lubot9 | <ShiBonCip> on normal user the applet is sometimes not work well | 00:00 |
lubot9 | <wxl23> Permission issues? | 00:01 |
lubot9 | <ShiBonCip> so i have to do this | 00:01 |
lubot9 | $ pgrep nm-applet | xargs sudo kill -9 && sudo /usr/bin/nm-applet > /dev/null 2>&1 & | 00:01 |
lubot9 | <ShiBonCip> the applet sometimes appears | 00:01 |
lubot9 | <ShiBonCip> sometimes not | 00:01 |
lubot9 | <ShiBonCip> so i execute using sudo | 00:01 |
lubot9 | <ShiBonCip> you could try my way @wxl23 | 00:01 |
lubot9 | <wxl23> On Xenial ? I thought we fixed that issue a looooooong time ago | 00:02 |
lubot9 | <ShiBonCip> its 16.04 | 00:02 |
lubot9 | <ShiBonCip> ancient enough | 00:02 |
lubot9 | <wxl23> Huh. I've never had the issue | 00:02 |
lubot9 | <wxl23> But i also don't use OpenBox so that's a unique situation | 00:02 |
lubot9 | <ShiBonCip> how do i know if im using openbox? | 00:03 |
lubot9 | <ShiBonCip> openbox --config-file /home/chika.tambun/.config/openbox/lxqt-rc.xml | 00:03 |
lubot9 | <wxl23> @ShiBonCip, If you don't know if you are, you are XD | 00:03 |
lubot9 | <ShiBonCip> ic | 00:03 |
lubot9 | <ShiBonCip> i think i use it | 00:03 |
lubot9 | <wxl23> Oh you're on LXQt too | 00:03 |
lubot9 | <wxl23> I should be using it but have been lazy | 00:04 |
lubot9 | <tsimonq2> @wxl23, Do it, it's worth it | 00:04 |
lubot9 | <wxl23> Actually, I need to rebuild my whole machine due to originally installing 32 bit | 00:04 |
lubot9 | <tsimonq2> I've been using it for like a year now | 00:04 |
lubot9 | <wxl23> Multiarch helped let me use 64 bit kernel but really the system is part 32,part 64. It's a mess | 00:05 |
lubot9 | <wxl23> What's the tiling window manager of choice for Qt? | 00:06 |
lubot9 | <tsimonq2> @wxl23, ? | 00:08 |
lubot9 | <tsimonq2> awesomewm isn't GTK is it? | 00:08 |
lubot9 | <wxl23> Deeeerp? | 00:08 |
lubot9 | <wxl23> Not sure tbh | 00:08 |
lubot9 | <wxl23> I've also been thinking about going i3 so that may be my excuse | 00:09 |
lubot9 | <tsimonq2> There you go | 00:09 |
lubot9 | <AceHW> @wxl23, Puppy is my 2nd favorite distro | 00:24 |
lubot9 | <wxl23> @AceHW, Different strokes for different folks but puppy is just… weird | 00:25 |
lubot9 | <AceHW> Maybe you would find Knoppix to be more interesting? | 00:25 |
lubot9 | <wxl23> I'm happy with Lubuntu. 2nd fave would be Arch | 00:26 |
lubot9 | <VikingRedwolf> @wxl23, Which one? | 00:32 |
lubot9 | <wxl23> @VikingRedwolf, Riseup | 00:33 |
lubot9 | <tsimonq2> Oh and btw @wxl23 and @VikingRedwolf | 00:36 |
lubot9 | <wxl23> @tsimonq2, SOMEONE has been busy | 00:38 |
lubot9 | <tsimonq2> For sure :D | 00:38 |
lubot9 | <tsimonq2> I have scripts that do this for me | 00:38 |
lubot9 | <tsimonq2> | 00:39 |
lubot9 | <VikingRedwolf> @wxl23, Both of us 😊 | 00:45 |
lubot9 | <VikingRedwolf> I DON'T have scripts to design websites! | 00:46 |
lubot9 | <wxl23> You should! | 00:46 |
lubot9 | <VikingRedwolf> 😐 | 00:48 |
lubot9 | <VikingRedwolf> Yeah, like a script to modify the ubiquity slideshows, as someone suggested. I think it was Simón. | 00:49 |
lubot9 | <VikingRedwolf> @tsimonq2, That's slavery! | 00:50 |
lubot9 | leshqow was added by: leshqow | 04:10 |
lubot9 | <leshqow> hello, in pidgin telegram plugin big? | 04:17 |
lubot9 | <leshqow> rtc error 400 | 04:17 |
lubot9 | <leshqow> bug* | 04:17 |
lubot9 | <ShiBonCip> noted | 04:18 |
lubot9 | <leshqow> standard weather applet too? | 04:20 |
lubot9 | tttomat19 was removed by: tttomat19 | 05:53 |
lubot9 | <leshqow> guys | 07:09 |
lubot9 | <leshqow> standart weather program | 07:10 |
lubot9 | <leshqow> bug ? | 07:10 |
lubot9 | <ShiBonCip> what's package to be installed @leshqow ? | 07:11 |
lubot9 | <leshqow> standart applet | 07:14 |
lubot9 | <leshqow> @ShiBonCip, .) | 07:14 |
lubot9 | <leshqow> problem with location | 07:15 |
lubot9 | <leshqow> @ShiBonCip?) | 07:19 |
lubot9 | <ShiBonCip> i don't have... that's why i asked what applet tobe installed | 07:27 |
trnk[m] | ok Matrix now appears bridged | 17:19 |
trnk[m] | (to IRC) | 17:19 |
wxl | horray | 17:20 |
=== trnk[m] is now known as wxl[m] | ||
wxl | @tsimonq2: we can bridge matrix and telegram. matrix' IRC bridge is much nicer as there are actually nicks for each user. | 17:34 |
wxl | users can adjust their own nicks, too | 17:34 |
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #lubuntu-devel to: Lubuntu QA/Development | Lubuntu Artful Aardvark Beta 1 has been released! | | ||
wxl | oops | 17:42 |
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #lubuntu-devel to: Lubuntu QA/Development | Lubuntu Artful Aardvark Beta 1 has been released! | | Support: #lubuntu (NOT here) | Offtopic chat: #lubuntu-offtopic | This channel is bridged to Telegram ( & Matrix ( | This channel is LOGGED: | ||
wxl | @tsimonq2: another thing: fix those permalinks next time. might have made sense.. | 17:45 |
wxl | i'd change the short link now but then the original one will ultimately disappear afaik | 17:49 |
wxl | i could fix that with the web server but ugh | 17:49 |
wxl | maybe @redwolf should find us a plugin for wordpress that will allow us to have multiple links for a single article, or provide some additional url shortener option using our own domain | 17:50 |
=== wxl[m] changed the topic of #lubuntu-devel to: The lightweight flavor of Lubuntu! | Bridged to #lubuntu-devel on Freenode and as such Ubuntu IRC Guidelines apply: | Alternate encrypted chat at | ||
wxl | aw heck | 17:56 |
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #lubuntu-devel to: Lubuntu QA/Development | Lubuntu Artful Aardvark Beta 1 has been released! | | Support: #lubuntu (NOT here) | Offtopic chat: #lubuntu-offtopic | This channel is bridged to Telegram ( & Matrix ( | This channel is LOGGED: | ||
wxl[m] | @redwolf i advise adding a Matrix icon to for this, but arranging the Telegram icon and the Matrix icon to associate it with #lubuntu-devel since that is their main function | 17:57 |
wxl[m] | Redwolf: i mean | 17:57 |
=== dkessel_ is now known as dkessel | ||
lubot | <VikingRedwolf> OMG everything's connected! | 20:55 |
lubot | <AceHW> Cool | 20:57 |
lubot | <VikingRedwolf> The Matrix has you! | 20:57 |
lubot | <AceHW> What's with all the topic stuff? | 20:57 |
lubot | <AceHW> Lol | 20:57 |
lubot | <VikingRedwolf> Ye. It's long, isn't it? | 20:58 |
lubot | <AceHW> @VikingRedwolf, The Matrix has me? Maybe that's why everything tastes like windows | 20:58 |
lubot | <VikingRedwolf> 😂 | 21:04 |
lubot | <VikingRedwolf> Windows = Chicken | 21:04 |
* wxl stretches | 21:06 | |
lubot | <VikingRedwolf> Shush! | 21:06 |
wxl | @VikingRedwolf did my notes above make sense? | 21:09 |
lubot | <ShiBonCip> sounds good wxl | 21:20 |
lubot | <VikingRedwolf> huh? what notes? | 21:40 |
lubot | <VikingRedwolf> you mean the topic thingy? | 21:41 |
lubot | <VikingRedwolf> I'm doing the Riot / Matrix icon right now. I'll add to the social section. | 21:51 |
lubot | <VikingRedwolf> Stay tuned! | 21:51 |
wxl | i think the most important thing is associating them with #lubuntu-devel and not "being social" in general, @VikingRedwolf | 21:54 |
lubot | <VikingRedwolf> no, right. BUT we're using lubuntu-dev as we should do with the -offtopic one. I'll say it's associated with devel, don't worry | 21:54 |
wxl | kk | 21:55 |
lubot | leshqow was removed by: leshqow | 21:59 |
lubot | <VikingRedwolf> @leshqow, 😢 | 21:59 |
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