
tasdikrahmanhello there, I have this weird issue with the ntp.service not starting at boot time.11:26
tasdikrahmanI traced the bug report here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ntp/+bug/157759611:26
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1593907 in ntp (Ubuntu Zesty) "duplicate for #1577596 ntpdate startup routine prevents ntp service from launching up on Ubuntu 16.04 server on system boot" [High,Fix released]11:26
tasdikrahmanI am on xenial with systemd version 22911:27
tasdikrahmanIs there a fix available for this?11:27
tasdikrahmanis this the right channel to ask this query?11:33
=== freyes__ is now known as freyes
tasdikrahmanHey guys, I am experiencing this weird issue with the ntp.service not starting at boot time.11:51
tasdikrahman^ my bad11:51
=== tdaitx_ is now known as tdaitx
=== dkessel_ is now known as dkessel

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