
dufluMorning jibel05:53
dufluand afternoon05:53
duflu+ afternoon jamesh05:54
duflu+ morning seb12805:54
jameshhi jibel, duflu05:54
dufluet al05:55
jibelhi duflu jamesh and everyone05:56
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers!06:10
dufluMorning oSoMoN06:15
oSoMoNhey duflu06:15
didrockshey duflu06:18
didrockswelcome back oSoMoN, comment étaient tes vacances ?06:18
dufluHi didrocks06:18
oSoMoNsalut didrocks! très bonnes vacances, je suis paré pour la rentrée :)06:22
seb128good morning desktopers06:46
oSoMoNgood morning seb12806:47
seb128lut oSoMoN, wb! bonnes vacances de ce que j'ai lu :-)06:48
oSoMoNoui, excellentes, ça fait du bien!06:49
didrocksre seb12806:49
dufluMorning willcooke07:53
dufluAll caught up?07:53
willcookeDoing my ESTA now07:53
dufluFun fun07:53
willcookeThey actually ask for your social media details07:53
willcooke(albeit optional)07:53
dufluwillcooke, yeah. BTW I noticed mine was approved but the email never arrived. Had to check the web site07:54
willcookeduflu, good tip, thanks07:54
dufluStrange. It wasn't in spam, or anywhere07:54
didrockshey willcooke07:55
willcookemorning didrocks07:56
seb128hey willcooke07:58
willcookemornng seb12808:00
Laneyyeahhhhhhhhhhh boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii08:02
seb128hey Laney08:04
Laneyhey seb12808:05
Laneybon weekend?08:05
didrockshey hey Laney08:05
Laneysalut didrocks08:06
Laneyhow goes?08:06
didrocksgood good! Nice to have bearable temperatures for a couple of weeks now :)08:07
seb128Laney, très bon, et toi ?08:07
didrocksand you?08:07
Laneyyeah it was GREAT!08:14
Laneywine tasting at a party, hopefully got some good results08:14
Laneythen we helped dig up a tree and accidentally cut through the phone cable08:15
Laneyand yesterday climbing/coffee shop/pub08:15
didrockswhy waiting for results? I thought you have a lot of different kind of wines but only on French08:15
didrocksso, easy pick :)08:15
didrocksoh? not friday yet?08:15
didrocksargh, phone cable isn't fixed yet I guess?08:15
Laneyactually I didn't know which the french one was any more08:16
Laneythe test was blind08:16
Laneymaybe it did win!08:16
didrocksdoesn't change, you would obviously recognize it :p08:17
didrocks(hem, is it a little bit too much for a monday morning? ;))08:17
Laneythere was one that a lot of people didn't like ...08:17
didrockshow many were you to choose this wine?08:18
Laney20 or so08:18
Laneyit was after people had already had cocktails and beer though08:22
Laneynot a very scientific test :P08:22
Laneyno palate cleansers either08:22
didrockswell, it is scientific…08:23
didrocksthe same will happen at the wedding :)08:23
dufluHmm. Anyone familiar with building GTK? AFAICT an artful system requires the Mir backend be enabled, but that also requires content-hub packages that no longer exist in artful08:23
didrocksso same conditions08:23
duflu^ alan_g08:23
colinlduflu: I managed to build it last week when working on my patch08:23
duflucolinl, yeah I know it's possible to build but you will get random occasional crashes if the mir symbols are missing08:24
dufluIt works long enough for some testing08:24
colinloh, OK08:24
alan_gduflu: that shouldn't be the case. AIUI the content-hub rdeps were dealt with.08:24
alan_gBut I didn't touch GTK myself.08:25
Laneyhey duflu08:25
Laneyhow are you building it?08:25
dufluLaney, awkwardly08:25
dufluFrom git08:25
Laneythere's this awesome debian/patches/no_content_hub patch in ubuntu :/08:26
dufluTa Laney08:26
duflualan_g, yeah the problem is the references to content_hub in upstream git08:28
dufluLaney, sounds like that patch can be proposed to upstream now?08:29
alan_gMakes sense08:29
Laneymaybe, probably ask kenvandine when he's around08:29
* didrocks reboots for some testing08:30
Laneydoes it break copy and paste or something to not have content-hub?08:30
alan_gLaney: only when running on Mir08:30
dufluLaney, more obscure - I have to build without Mir support to work around it which then eventually/randomly crashes on the first reference to a mir symbol (even when not using mir)08:30
Laneyalan_g: yeah :P08:30
Laneyit just seems weird to commit patches to break stuff08:31
dufluSad maybe, but not weird to remove code that depends on something that no longer exists08:33
alan_gIt does. But how else do you drop things that are no longer relevant?08:33
seb128duflu, alan_g, Ken re-enabled the mir backend for this cycle but reverted the content-hub code08:33
dufluFair enough. It all makes sense. Just the usual upstream != ubuntu08:34
seb128yeah, we should commit those upstream08:34
seb128or just get the mir backend deleted upstream08:34
* Laney shrugs08:34
Laneyif the backend only exists now to please Ubuntu then we should carry it in Ubuntu08:35
Laneyin other words - if we delete things upstream because we deleted them in Ubuntu then it's not really an upstream backend is it08:35
seb128duflu, alan_g, see https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/3.22.15-0ubuntu208:35
seb128Laney, ?08:35
seb128we distro patch sometime to easy work08:36
dufluYeah sounds reasonable08:36
dufluI just needed educating08:36
Laneythe conversation is about deleting content-hub related code in upstream git08:36
Laneybecause it was removed in Ubuntu08:36
seb128that's just one option08:37
seb128upstream can continue building with content-hub also08:37
seb128that project still exists even if it's not in artful Ubuntu08:37
Laneyyes, that's what I'm talking about08:38
seb128building with content-hub?08:38
Laneyhow it's not clear that this patch should be committed upstream08:39
seb128well that patch is an hack08:39
seb128whatever is commited upstream requires for upstream to decide on a direction08:39
seb128not do workarounds based on Ubuntu availability08:39
didrockshum, another package not updated in vcs08:40
LaneyI think we're in violent agreement?08:40
ricotzoSoMoN, hi, please don't forget to push your libreoffice changelog change08:40
didrocksok, retesting, bbiab08:44
oSoMoNricotz, hey, done08:47
willcookehey oSoMoN wb!  Good hols08:47
oSoMoNhey willcooke! yeah, great time off!08:48
ricotzoSoMoN, thx08:49
seb128Laney, I think we are in agreement yes, I just don't think your "if the backend only exists now to please Ubuntu then we should carry it in Ubuntu" is true, it's quite the opposite, we have no interest to maintain it in Ubuntu but the  Mir team still showed interested and maybe they want to keep having it upstream08:49
seb128Laney, or the statement is true but the backend is not to please Ubuntu08:49
Laneyseb128: ok, I'll explain what I meant by that, but it's not to start an argument08:50
Laneyat that point I thought that people were trying to argue for committing the no_content_hub patch upstraem08:51
Laneyso I was saying that if we just commit it then we're saying that content-hub not being available in Ubuntu is good enough reason to break copy and past in the upstream Mir backend08:51
Laneyin which case the Mir backend really would exist only for Ubuntu's benefit, and if we just do whatever we want to it because of Ubuntu's requirements then maybe it would be better to have it as a distro patch08:52
seb128I understand what you mean08:52
seb128it's just the way you worded it made it sound like we were not working upstream08:53
Laneynah, it would have been working upstream but not in the nicest way :P08:53
seb128it sounded a bit like the usual "Ubuntu doesn't work upstream as usual"08:54
seb128which would be unfair to say08:54
seb128but yeah, I agree with you08:54
seb128either that backend needs to be properly maintained or deprecated08:54
Laneylike you'd want to do --without-content-hub or something to do it properly08:54
Laneybut I think we probably should just carry this patch and at some point deprecate -> remove the backend08:54
Laneyassuming nobody upstream wants to maintain it08:55
willcookeESTA approved - that was pretty quick08:57
willcookeduflu, also no email though08:57
dufluYeah I waited a week or two before getting curious08:58
oSoMoNdidn't get an e-mail either, had to check back08:58
jibelouch control-center crashed when I paired a new device :/09:00
Laneyhey willcooke09:01
oSoMoNis it a known bug that the poweroff button in the menu doesn't do work any longer?09:04
seb128new g-c-c has quite some segfault09:04
seb128oSoMoN, do you have an extension like the suspend button one?09:04
oSoMoNseb128, indeed09:09
oSoMoNI didn't remember I had installed it09:09
seb128I had the issue with it09:09
oSoMoNuninstalling the extension did the trick09:10
oSoMoNinterestingly, displaying the poweroff dialog made vlc quit/crash09:10
oSoMoNno crash file09:11
oSoMoNlooks like vlc exits properly when the dialog is displayed09:12
oSoMoN[0000001d1f13d6a8] core playlist: stopping playback09:12
oSoMoNQObject::~QObject: Timers cannot be stopped from another thread09:12
jibeli've this problem where gnome-software uses 100% cpu. Any information I could collect while it is in this state?09:12
Laneyjibel: install debug symbols, attach to it with gdb, get a backtrace with all threads (t a a bt)09:13
Laneyalso, hi!09:13
Laney(also, back in a minute)09:13
didrocksurgh, I forgot to take a coffee this morning09:14
didrockswas heading down testing this patch + add another one09:14
didrockslet's fix that09:14
jibelLaney, Hi, okay09:14
didrocksjibel: current iso doesn't boot or it just me?09:28
didrocks(nor live session or ubiquity-dm for me)09:28
didrocks(I mean the /pending from today, trying /current now)09:30
jibeldidrocks, I didn't check the results this morning, let me check09:36
didrockshum, /current is stuck at boot as well, it could be boxes/kvm/qemu as well…09:37
jibeldidrocks, current work and yesterdays' image too09:38
jibeldidrocks, the image hangs on boot with qxl09:38
didrocksjibel: oh, new regression, or known? I didn't get any issue but installed my vm a long time ago…09:39
jibeldidrocks, known09:39
didrockslet me try chaning session, I'm currently under wayland09:39
didrocksthx jibel for confirming :)09:42
jibeldidrocks, it boots fine09:43
jibeldidrocks, VMs don't work very well under wayland.  https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_debug_Wayland_problems#Not_all_keys_can_be_sent_to_a_remote_desktop_or_a_virtual_machine09:46
jibelfor me it's a showstopper, I cannot type anything especially with a french kb layout09:46
didrocksjibel: yeah, I tried on Xorg just in case, same issue, so probably the QXL thing you told09:46
jibeldidrocks, the boot issue is bug 171135809:47
ubot5`bug 1711358 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "20170817 - ISO hangs on boot on qemu with splash screen enabled and qxl graphics driver" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171135809:47
* didrocks opens09:47
jibelLaney, not very useful output http://paste.ubuntu.com/25513564/09:51
Laneyit found the symbols?09:52
jibelapparently not and I get this warning warning: Could not load vsyscall page because no executable was specified09:53
LaneyI would run it like $ gdb -p $(pidof gnome-software) /usr/bin/gnome-software09:54
jibel/usr/bin/gnome-software (deleted)09:56
jibels maybe g-s behaves like this because its been upgraded under its own feet09:56
jibelLaney, no difference if I specify the executable. And the running process does not match the executable on disk10:00
Laneyit was upgraded?10:01
Laneynever tried to get debug symbols in such a situation10:01
Laneymaybe you can get the matching dbgsym packages and get gdb to use them somehow ...10:01
Laneythere's some code in gnome-software that's meant to prompt you to restart in this situation, it's not meant to misbehave10:02
jibelLaney, apparently so. the process was running since sept. 6th same day than last upgrade of g-s10:02
jibelg-s was not running any ui, just the bakground process was running. And it started running crazy after reloading its list of packages this morning10:03
jibeli'll downgrade and re-upgrade to see if I can reproduce10:04
didrocksFYI, current gnome-session postinst (in release pocket) fails until GNOME Shell migrates (currently autopkgtest running in proposed). I just added a || true for now in gnome-session to have it not failed until the migration. I'll then later on remove this and add a versioned dep.10:47
didrocks(next upload is staged in bzr, so don't push a new gnome-session until the current one migrates from proposed to the release pocket)10:52
popeyhuh, just filed bug 1716377 which is probably what didrocks is talking about11:35
ubot5`bug 1716377 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) "update-alternatives: error: alternative path /usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/gnome-shell.css doesn't exist" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171637711:35
seb128popey, looks like it, it should already be fixed in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-session/3.25.90-0ubuntu411:39
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 3 in Launchpad itself "Custom information for each translation team" [Low,Fix released]11:40
jdstrandseb128: hi!12:47
jdstrandseb128: after apt-get upgrading (after not doing it for a while) I noticed the hplip-gui's icon is in the upper right instead of a drawer in the lower left (that's cool), but the icon is teensy. what package would I file a bug against for this?12:49
seb128jdstrand, hey12:50
seb128jdstrand, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell-extension-appindicator/+filebug12:51
jdstrandseb128: thanks12:54
seb128jdstrand, yw12:56
jdstrandseb128: fyi, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell-extension-appindicator/+bug/171639213:07
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1716392 in gnome-shell-extension-appindicator (Ubuntu) "icon for hplip-gui and dropbox are very small" [Undecided,New]13:07
jackpot51jdstrand: is your screen HiDPI?13:11
jdstrandjackpot51: it is13:23
jdstrandI should mention that13:23
kenvandinejdstrand, i guess we shouldn't be uploading snaps to the store with wayland or desktop interfaces yet right?13:24
jdstrandkenvandine: you can, snapd will just ignore them13:25
jdstrandkenvandine: ignore the missing interfaces13:25
kenvandinethey were automatically rejected13:25
jdstrandkenvandine: it will install the snaps themselves fine13:25
kenvandineshould i request manual review?13:25
kenvandineyeah, that's what i was thinking13:25
jdstrandkenvandine: yes. I can make sure the review tools are updated for the new interfaces (I thought I already did that...)13:25
kenvandinejdstrand, done, thanks!13:26
jdstrandkenvandine: ok, for now just ping me. I remember I did fix the review tools but didn't request a store sync yet cause there were other unrelated changes I wanted to make13:28
jdstrandkenvandine: I ran the review tools again and think you have to re-request a manual review13:37
kenvandinejdstrand, done13:39
jdstrandkenvandine: ok, approved13:40
kenvandinejdstrand, i guess i requested the review of the latest upload, which was i38613:42
kenvandinejdstrand, what's the easiest way to get the amd64 upload approved?  upload a rebuild?13:42
kenvandineor can i just request a manual review on the older revision?13:42
jdstrandkenvandine: request a manual review again13:43
jdstrandyeah, on the older revision13:43
kenvandinejdstrand, done, sorry about that :)13:44
jdstrandkenvandine: yuo needed a snap decl for the dbus name. what I normally do is grant that and re-run the tools to make sure I got it right, but because of the unknown interfaces, it went back to you13:44
kenvandinei'm going to need to ask for auto-connect for gnome-logs to logs-observe13:45
jdstrandkenvandine: done13:46
kenvandinethx again13:46
jdstrandkenvandine: yes, please ask in the forum13:46
kenvandinewill do13:46
didrocksjackpot51: hey, FYI, I may add the distro logo to GDM as fedora did (https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/gdm/blob/master/f/org.gnome.login-screen.gschema.override) via an override. I don't know if you are taking our ubuntu-settings package or not, but if you do, you would either replace the distro logo or ship your own override.13:47
didrocks(still have to figure out the correct size and match for it)13:48
jackpot51Thanks didrocks, we are already setting that gsetting in pop-default-settings14:39
jackpot51We don't install ubuntu-settings, although I wilp be keeping track of those settings for good defaults. These are our gsetting overrides: https://github.com/system76/pop-default-settings/blob/master/debian/pop-default-settings.gsettings-override14:43
* kenvandine should really update hexchat-indicator to use app indicator instead of the messaging indicator15:43
seb128to do what? display an indicator when you have msgs?15:44
kenvandinei really miss the indicator15:44
seb128I miss having a decent IRC client15:44
seb128the hexchat UI is crap :-/15:45
* kenvandine hugs hexchat :)15:45
seb128it doesn't work for me15:45
kenvandineyeah... but it's the best i've found15:45
seb128compared to xchat-gnome where it was easy to see which channels have ping/activity15:45
kenvandinei loved xchat-gnome15:45
kenvandinei just can't live without the indicator15:47
kenvandineit's killing me!15:47
ahayzenHi, not sure if this has been noticed in the fit & finish styling fixes for 17.10. In Ubuntu GNOME 17.04 with dash to dock visible, when an app is maximised (eg Firefox) the title does not centre with the clock. http://imgur.com/a/5cJ47 Does this also occur in Ubuntu 17.10 or has it been fixed? If not would it be possible when maximised for the title be aligned to the monitor centre? (and should I report a bug somewhere?)15:55
xnoxahayzen, depends which of the two behaviours are considered buggy =)15:57
ahayzenthe title not being centred when maximised :-)15:59
ahayzenas in monitor centred15:59
ahayzenbut guess there could be an argument that it should be window centred as it could look funny with certain content15:59
didrocksahayzen: please report a bug. I'm unsure we can fix this easily TBH, (as it's the dock pushing it more right)16:01
didrocksofc, in intellihide, no issue :)16:01
ahayzenright, which project should i report it against? :-)16:02
didrocksahayzen: I think we need to move the date in that case, so, gnome-shell16:02
didrocks(gnome-shell package in launchpad)16:02
Laneythat's going to look weird16:04
didrocksyeah, I'm unsure what should be done16:04
didrocksmoving the window decorator or app is weird as well16:04
didrocksdoesn't seem to have any good answer of the correct behavior16:05
Laneyindeed, and not really even possible with apps that draw their own titlebar16:05
ahayzeni think the biggest problem is older apps that use the title though, most apps that use a gtkheader/draw their own don't have a title16:06
Laneythey often put other information there16:07
Laneyidentifying information for the current 'view'16:07
seb128let's put the date on the right16:09
seb128that solves it ;-)16:09
ahayzeni've reported bug 1716432 to track the issue :-)16:11
ubot5`bug 1716432 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "With dash to dock enabled, title in window is not centred aligned to clock when the window is maximised" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171643216:11
* didrocks reboots for a last gdm test and then off16:21
* Laney has the dentist16:27
Laneyback later on16:28
seb128Laney, good luck16:43
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
willcookenight all17:46
jackpot51didrocks, I modified pop-default-settings so that all the pop-session items should be installable alongside ubuntu-session and ubuntu-settings without overriding those gsettings18:27
immuhi all19:00
ubot5`bdmurray, BenC, cyphermox, infinity, micahg, rbasak, sil2100: DMB ping.19:01
sil2100Eh, we need to get c-yphermox and i-nfinity off the list19:02
bdmurraysil2100: only half of that statement is truee19:02
sil2100Ah, the vote ended?19:03
sil2100Woohoo, I didn't see the official announcement yet19:03
=== CrazyMelon is now known as CrazyLemon
=== musalbas- is now known as musalbas
=== dkessel_ is now known as dkessel
=== andyrock_ is now known as andyrock

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