davlefou | Bonjour, lundi! | 09:23 |
Bader | pavlushka: upward/forward compatibility but it's more commonly used for the same software. | 11:15 |
Bader | pavlushka: for instance, phpMyAdmin is not upward compatible with mysq>l5.6 | 11:16 |
pavlushka | Bader: phpmyadmin is not compatible any later vesion of mysql other than the supported mysql version. | 12:23 |
pavlushka | Bader: is that what you said? | 12:23 |
pavlushka | or meant to say | 12:24 |
pavlushka | *compatible with | 12:24 |
pavlushka | or specificly later than 15.6 | 12:25 |
nzoueidi | o/ | 15:30 |
Chikore | Hi everyone ! | 16:49 |
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