
bdx@team, getting some interesting errors trying to create a model right now http://paste.ubuntu.com/25518159/01:05
bdxnot sure if this is associated with the outage that is/was going on01:06
bdxrick_h: ^01:06
rick_hbdx: looking01:09
rick_hbdx: :/ that looks ungood01:10
bdxthings went downhill .... earlier I only couldn't destroy a model01:10
rick_hbdx: heh, looking into it01:11
rick_hbdx: ok, I can confirm unable to create a model on aws atm, testing other clouds. I'm seeing different error feedback01:14
bdxrick_h: "ERROR cannot obtain authorization to collect usage metrics" - seems to be inline with what you were saying earlier about identity not being reachable after the outage or something01:15
rick_hbdx: yea, but the debug page on identify is good, checking others01:15
axwwallyworld: FYI, the vsphere stuff has turned into a bigger PITA than I expected. so probably will be a week after all01:54
wallyworldrighto. there's no rush to release 2.2.4 this week if we think we could do something for vsphere by end of next week. if not, it will just have to wait for 2.301:55
axwwallyworld: I think it's best to wait for 2.3, it's not a small change01:56
wallyworldok, sgtm01:56
wallyworldbabbageclunk: a very small PR if you have a chance https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/784403:33
babbageclunkwallyworld: sure!03:35
wallyworldyay, ty03:36
babbageclunkwallyworld: approved03:46
wallyworldthumper: pr 7832, you still going to land that?04:47
babbageclunkwallyworld: Am I right in thinking that we only need to have a signature for jujud?05:19
wallyworldyeah, as that's what's uploaded and run on the machines, and what we version05:19
babbageclunkcool cool.05:19
babbageclunkI'm going to write this up just to get it all straight in my head.05:20
thumperwallyworld: yeah, I thought it had07:54
wallyworldthumper: np, just thought i'd check07:58
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thumpermorning folks21:11
rick_hbabbageclunk: is a happy camper hah21:23
thumperis he?21:29
rick_hthumper: ping when you're free22:03
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