IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> Lol | 00:04 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> Ok | 00:04 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> Idc, it's all cool <3 | 00:04 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> I have the Mastodon and twitter | 00:25 |
valorie | excellent! | 01:02 |
valorie | i haz watered plants and dinner eaten | 01:02 |
valorie | ahoneybun: would you mind doing that ubuntu site review of the beta? | 01:04 |
valorie | on mastodon | 01:04 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> Done | 01:08 |
valorie | danke! | 01:08 |
valorie | boosted, retweeted, etc. | 01:08 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> Danke? | 01:09 |
valorie | oops, that is thanks in german | 01:10 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> Ahh | 01:10 |
valorie | bitte is please, but oddly bitte bitte is you're welcome | 01:11 |
valorie | which makes no sense to me | 01:11 |
valorie | I've been told to just think of them as "words of politeness" | 01:11 |
valorie | lol | 01:11 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> Pleased to please you? | 01:12 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> Aka your welcome? | 01:12 |
valorie | maybe | 01:12 |
valorie | many of our sayings morphed so much through the years they make no logical sense either | 01:12 |
valorie | I suppose all languages are like that | 01:12 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> Our language's biggest problem is the use of ies and s | 01:14 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> Babies | 01:14 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> Learning when you do what | 01:15 |
valorie | our language's problem is that the rules are so seldom followed | 01:15 |
valorie | everything is an exception | 01:15 |
valorie | because it's cobbled together from so many languages | 01:16 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> It's like our population at this point, a mixing pot | 01:16 |
valorie | making plurals is an excellent example | 01:16 |
valorie | yep | 01:17 |
IrcsomeBot | <Sick_Rimmit> Good morning friends, I am delighted to join the council, very exciting. It's going to be lots of fun working with you all 😍 | 07:13 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> Mornig Rick. Same here. Looking forward to it. | 08:32 |
IrcsomeBot | <Sick_Rimmit> Congratulations to @ahoneybun and @acheronuk too, Looking forward to working with you guys. | 10:11 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> Same here @Sick_Rimmit and @acheronuk | 10:12 |
IrcsomeBot | <Sick_Rimmit> Hope all is OK with you @ahoneybun | 10:12 |
IrcsomeBot | * acheronuk completes the round of mutual back slappinh | 10:12 |
IrcsomeBot | <Sick_Rimmit> Just going to reboot my machine back in a few minutes | 10:12 |
IrcsomeBot | <Sick_Rimmit> 😃 | 10:12 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> Let's just say I can't wait till I get back to 8 hours of sleep again | 10:15 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> Right now I'm on 4-5 need more... | 10:15 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> you on curfew? plenty on snoozing time if so, surely? | 10:21 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> I'm not but I don't have power for AC | 10:23 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> And I can't sleep when it's hot like this | 10:23 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> ah. now I see | 10:27 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> community council vote cast 😀 | 10:27 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> For the UCC | 10:50 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> yes | 10:51 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> Yep try not to be bias lol | 10:51 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> I was 100% fair to all the people I wanted to win. :P | 10:52 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> XD | 10:54 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> @CliffordTheBigRedDoggie "Ubunhtu Community Council 2017 election" | 11:00 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> we are not the only ones who 'typo' on those polls. 😛 | 11:01 |
clivejo | mine wasnt a typo, I thought thats how it was spelt | 13:07 |
* yofel was fair to all people he knows (which is about half of that list..) ^^ | 13:07 | |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> I'm not sure who I talked to yofel about the server | 13:14 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> There should be an email about the ticket | 13:14 |
yofel | hmkay, I'm not sure how much of that I got, but I'll dig a bit deeper then. You get your life sorted first, this can wait a bit. | 13:17 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> We'll see how much I have left if I get a UCC spot lol | 13:34 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> For right now we have the bytemark server too tho | 13:34 |
clivejo | don't think I know any on that list | 14:20 |
clivejo | what strange names | 14:20 |
clivejo | Lapchynksi is that Polish? | 14:21 |
acheronuk | do KC get ops on our channels? or is that separate? | 14:25 |
yofel | you do, but I think we need to set that by hand | 14:25 |
clivejo | good lord, he already trying to take over! | 14:25 |
yofel | same goes for the ACL for this chan now that you mention it | 14:25 |
yofel | how did that work again... | 14:25 |
acheronuk | right. I can see I'm on the LP teams. so it's not automatic once on those | 14:27 |
acheronuk | clivejo: haha | 14:30 |
yofel | acheronuk: your perms here are now set | 14:33 |
yofel | what's rick's nick again? | 14:33 |
acheronuk | | 14:37 |
acheronuk | Sick_Rimmit on | 14:37 |
yofel | your permissions are now also set for #k, #k-d and #k-o | 14:38 |
acheronuk | are those used through chanserv? | 14:38 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> Any idea about permissions in here? | 14:38 |
yofel | same as in the others | 14:39 |
yofel | acheronuk: yes, chanserv | 14:39 |
acheronuk | ok. wiki pages are not out of date then :) | 14:39 |
yofel | you can list the flags yourself and now also edit them for other people | 14:40 |
yofel | ok, Rick's flags are now set as well | 14:40 |
acheronuk | how do I list? | 14:40 |
yofel | msg chanserv flags #kubuntu-council | 14:41 |
yofel | the (kcouncil) part is the flag template, see chanserv template | 14:42 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> Lovely to see these things being set so early one! | 14:42 |
acheronuk | yofel: hmmm. that doesn't work yet for me | 14:42 |
yofel | weird | 14:43 |
yofel | [ChanServ] 5 acheronuk +Aefiortv (kcouncil) (#kubuntu-council) [modified 13m 11s ago, on Sep 12 14:28:31 2017] | 14:43 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> (Photo, 449x91) | 14:45 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> just echo's that back at me | 14:45 |
yofel | maybe it needs an explicit /msg o.O | 14:47 |
acheronuk | I did '/msg chanserv flags #kubuntu-council' | 14:47 |
yofel | can you run any command on chanserv? like help? | 14:50 |
acheronuk | nope | 14:50 |
yofel | does case matter maybe? 'ChanServ' | 14:51 |
acheronuk | I tried that :/ | 14:52 |
yofel | then I'm out of ideas, sorry :/ | 14:53 |
acheronuk | I disconnect and reconnect. you never know | 14:53 |
acheronuk | *I'll | 14:53 |
clivejo | there was someone who was good at setting that all up | 14:54 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> He's good at IRC stuff | 14:56 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> Ask Unit193 | 14:56 |
yofel | technically both of you now have permission to idle around in #ubuntu-ops if you're interested. Just ask someone to add you to the ACL there when you join so you don't get booted out immediately | 15:00 |
acheronuk | at the moment seems little point | 15:00 |
acheronuk | ok. sorted now. hexchat was hiding the message from me :P | 15:59 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> Weird | 16:28 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> because I am messaging chanserv, but it's not actualy in these channels, so hexchat uses some weird algorithm to decide what tab/windo to send them to! | 16:31 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> but you can override that, as I have now :) | 16:31 |
acheronuk | I wish I could get on better with konversation :/ | 16:36 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> Konversation works fine here with my znc setuo | 16:43 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> *setup | 16:43 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> I'm going to look at irccloud later on once I get internet back | 16:43 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> I may look at building the new konversation expermental branch in KCI | 16:53 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> Nice @acheronuk | 17:13 |
valorie | we need to get this chan logged | 20:12 |
valorie | and our telegram bot acked by the irc council | 20:12 |
valorie | I think I wrote an email to them once but never followed up | 20:12 |
valorie | I mean we warn/brag that it's logged | 20:13 |
valorie | but there is no logbot | 20:13 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> Right | 20:19 |
clivejo | what is ubuntulog3 then? | 20:21 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> (Photo, 608x643) @shitpost | 20:22 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> Offtopic | 20:28 |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> @clivejo, An infiltrator? | 20:49 |
valorie | hmmmmm, wxl, tsimonq2, looking at nzoueidi - testimononials from philw but also gsilvapt | 21:43 |
valorie | and part of linux padawans? | 21:43 |
tsimonq2 | valorie: nzoueidi is a really really awesome guy | 21:44 |
wxl | yep | 21:44 |
valorie | voting is taking awhile! | 21:44 |
valorie | ok | 21:44 |
tsimonq2 | Took me a minute to vote, because I feel like I'm involved enough in the community that if I don't know they, I won't vote them for CC | 21:44 |
valorie | mmm, the community is pretty big | 21:45 |
valorie | I've not used the forums for instance, for years | 21:45 |
valorie | don't know the translators at all | 21:45 |
valorie | or the snappy people | 21:45 |
valorie | which is why I read the wiki pages for all the folks I didn't know | 21:45 |
valorie | the least informative was #12 | 21:56 |
valorie | :-) | 21:56 |
valorie | but heck, they stepped up, and I Will Not | 21:56 |
valorie | so they got a vot | 21:56 |
valorie | e | 21:56 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> Damn I was in the running for KC and UCC lol | 21:57 |
valorie | you are gonna be busy | 22:04 |
tsimonq2 | Busier than me? :P | 22:04 |
valorie | more meetings, maybe! | 22:14 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> If I win anyway | 22:14 |
valorie | I didn't look at your page again, since I know ya | 22:15 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> Ahh | 22:35 |
IrcsomeBot | <ahoneybun> I'm sure I'll have my meeting | 22:35 |
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