=== db is now known as Guest21398 [01:06] anyone here get same issue about login twice on lightdm === Guest21398 is now known as db` [01:50] Hiya. I'm new to ubuntu/lubuntu. I've been having issues trying to connect to my school's captive portal. I'm currently using Lubuntu 17.04 [01:50] Both chrome and firefox say that it can't find the DNS address of the captive portal === ois is now known as oisois [02:14] ois, please check your output $ cat /etc/resolv.conf or $ route -n [02:22] oisois: and also your proxy configuration of your web browser [02:27] The only thing not commented out in /etc/resolv.conf is nameserver [02:27] route -n doesn [02:27] list anything, fishcooker [02:28] (I would copy and paste the output, but I'm a machine that's connected to the internet and my lubuntu machine is the one failing the captive portal.) [02:38] This is incredibly odd. I ran sudo systemd-resolve theCaptivePortalAddress a couple of times and it comes back with a "resolve call failed.". But, every now and then it returns with an address before going back to resolve call failed. [02:40] Same-ish behaviour on Chrome and Firefox. Most of the time, they'll complain about not finding the DNS server, but once in a blue moon, I get the login page. However, attempting to request anything from it results in a dns failure again. [02:58] Good night y'all. [03:02] Hi everyone. I'm trying to install visual studio code on lubuntu, but I seem to have some dependency problems [03:03] Specifically, I don't have libgconf-2-4 , because it depends on gconf2-common, which "is not going to be installed" [03:05] ok, so I actually got it installed, now the screen flickers like crazy when I use it === TheMaster is now known as Unit193 [03:37] ok, new problem, why does the Lubuntu menu keep undoing my changes? [06:21] I'm about to install Lubuntu for the first time on an old hard drive of mine. Is there a quick beginner guide for doing this? [06:31] !install [06:31] Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [06:31] oh they left [07:46] Hey all... I just installed 17.04 on my real old Macbook Air (3,1) and it's generally working great. The one thing I haven't been able to figure out is how to get the backlit keyboard to work. I haven't had luck searching on the wiki or in the Ubuntu forums. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? [07:55] usually is some xset thing you can set [07:56] spr0ck3t: does anything happen if you run "xset led 3" ? [07:56] I'll explore that. Thanks [07:58] Nah nothing [07:58] well, "xset led " should work afaik [07:58] Thanks [07:58] maybe just xset led? I dunno [07:59] at least you have something to google now :p [12:03] I have come from Linux Mint to Lubuntu. In Grub and during the bootprocess there is still Linux MInt written, although I have removed all Mint packages. I changed also lsb release and issue. [12:05] I want to have the "Linux MInt Sonya..." removed, that's all. [18:42] hi