jamesbenson | morning everyone | 14:51 |
jamesbenson | I am using maas v.2.2.2 (previously used 2.1.5) and I can't seem to commission any of my servers any more. Through idrac, I see it fails the ntpd and stops at the boostrap login. Any suggestions? | 14:52 |
roaksoax | jamesbenson: how does it fail ? do you have the latest images ? | 14:55 |
jamesbenson | roaksoax: I believe so, the images are all synched. I'm not sure how else to check if it failed since I can't even ssh into the machines only able to view them from idrac... | 14:56 |
jamesbenson | 16.04 LTS, amd64 on Dell R610, Dell R710, and Dell R410. | 14:57 |
jamesbenson | is what I'm trying to get up and running again. | 14:58 |
jamesbenson | I did an upgrade from 2.1.5 to 2.2.2 and didn't seem to work, so I deployed another VM with maas fresh with 2.2.2 and tried, failed as well, same issues. | 14:58 |
roaksoax | jamesbenson: if you could share the error that you see in the console, it would be great | 15:06 |
jamesbenson | roaksoax: I can even do a screen share if you want :-) | 15:07 |
roaksoax | jamesbenson: no need for screenshare, but a screenshout would be ok | 15:11 |
jamesbenson | https://pasteboard.co/GK2v5gG.png | 15:12 |
roaksoax | jamesbenson: that seems like it booted into centos | 15:14 |
jamesbenson | yes, which royally confuses me.... | 15:14 |
jamesbenson | I only have ubuntu selected.... | 15:15 |
roaksoax | jamesbenson: so was this machine previously installed with centos ? | 15:15 |
roaksoax | jamesbenson: is this machine UEFI ? | 15:15 |
jamesbenson | nope, ubuntu. | 15:15 |
jamesbenson | bios | 15:15 |
jamesbenson | I can make it uefi if needed. | 15:15 |
jamesbenson | in images and settings, only ubuntu 16.04LTS is selected, cent is not selected anywhere. | 15:16 |
roaksoax | jamesbenson: what it looks to me is as if centos is installed on the disk, and the machine failed to PXE boot | 15:16 |
jamesbenson | Actually I re-did the raid as well, so it is completely clean | 15:16 |
roaksoax | rigt, but if you have no centos images in maas | 15:16 |
roaksoax | there's no reason why it should boot centos | 15:16 |
jamesbenson | it pxe's, I've watched it... it shows | 15:16 |
roaksoax | jamesbenson: can you record a video of the whole process ? | 15:17 |
jamesbenson | i know, I was very confused as why maas is using cent | 15:17 |
jamesbenson | :-/. recommended product? | 15:17 |
jamesbenson | and this centos thing is happening with ::all:: of the ones I try to commission. (We only use ubuntu here). | 15:20 |
jamesbenson | roaksoax, I PM'ed you a viewing option. | 15:20 |
jamesbenson | Trying to record something now. | 15:26 |
jamesbenson | I'm going to upload it to youtube... | 15:33 |
jamesbenson | server is still booting. | 15:33 |
mup | Bug #1716750 opened: VM deployed by MAAS has limited network functionality <onsite> <MAAS:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1716750> | 19:33 |
mup | Bug #1716784 opened: Ephemeral boot error: alloc magic is broken at 0x94eceac0: 94e05880 <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1716784> | 22:25 |
mup | Bug #1716784 changed: Ephemeral boot error: alloc magic is broken at 0x94eceac0: 94e05880 <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1716784> | 22:43 |
mup | Bug #1716784 opened: Ephemeral boot error: alloc magic is broken at 0x94eceac0: 94e05880 <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1716784> | 22:46 |
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