=== ssweeny_ is now known as ssweeny | ||
ubports_bot | Project daily-hammerhead build #318: SUCCESS in 11 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-hammerhead/318/ | 00:25 |
ubports_bot | Project ota-push build #997: SUCCESS in 1 min 49 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/997/ | 00:27 |
tgBot | <Kévin> Is there an ubport app devel group in telegram, if yes can someone invite me ? | 00:32 |
tgBot | <Kieran> Does anyone know where the manifest is for turbo? or in general how are the ubports image is built, I can only find information on the ported devices, not the official ones | 00:42 |
tgBot | <Kieran> also it turns out I can't revise a sentence very well, pardon the grammar | 00:43 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> The official ones have no available device tree. | 00:43 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Anywhere. Except maybe to Canonical. | 00:44 |
tgBot | <Kieran> so are we still building the exact canonical images? | 00:44 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Well, we're building with their HAL | 00:44 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> But it's our software | 00:44 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> That they made mostly. :P | 00:44 |
tgBot | <Kieran> so if I wanted to fix a bug, how would I go about building the same image as the ubports server? | 00:45 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Well, if it's a bug in the Android bits, you can't. But if it's a bug in the Ubuntu portion, you just need to fix and rebuild that package. | 00:46 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> And then install it using dpkg | 00:46 |
tgBot | <Kieran> ah I see, that's awkward. Thank you | 00:47 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Unless you're really sure it's a bug in the Android bits, it's probably fixable | 00:48 |
tgBot | <valx7> Is there a live image to test in a phone without installing, like LiveCD in PCs/notebooks? | 01:15 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> No. | 01:16 |
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun | ||
ubports_bot | Project vivid-rootfs-armhf build #124: SUCCESS in 1 hr 30 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/vivid-rootfs-armhf/124/ | 05:57 |
ubports_bot | Project ota-push build #998: SUCCESS in 7 min 59 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/998/ | 06:05 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @Kévin, There is an app devel group but I cant get you invited, you dont have a username set ;) | 06:49 |
tgBot | Matcher84 was added by: Matcher84 | 07:25 |
tgBot | <bastos777> @DanChapman can I deactivate automatic email recall? I do not want to get my mails automatically but I want to refresch by demand. Is this possible? | 07:47 |
tgBot | <Milan Korecky> @Flohack Hi, I have seen there was new Marius uAdBlock update today including some translations, where can I find it in weblate? Thanks | 07:51 |
tgBot | gennadii1981 was added by: gennadii1981 | 08:00 |
tgBot | <gennadii1981> Honor 6x? | 08:01 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> https://youtu.be/2k2rCl-dLfA | 08:02 |
tgBot | <Vijay Kumar> Nothing related to ubuntu os... But the word is there in song ... 😁 | 08:03 |
tgBot | <gennadii1981> Ubuntu and Honor 6x? | 08:06 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @gennadii1981, Nothing I can tell you about this, just I talked with a Honor guy on Gamescom, and we will get in touch with them about ideas ;) | 08:07 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> @bastos777, No not right now, dekkod is always on. If you disable IDLE for the account it changes to polling so you could give it a really large poll check interval. But the action to manually sync is only accessible with mouse right now. May i ask your usecase for wanting to do so? | 08:08 |
ubports_bot | Project daily-fp2 build #336: SUCCESS in 13 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-fp2/336/ | 08:23 |
ubports_bot | Project ota-push build #999: SUCCESS in 1 min 6 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/999/ | 08:25 |
tgBot | <bastos777> @DanChapman, My general usecase for eMails on mobile is, that I want to read eMails only when I am in the mood to do. I am a very curious guy, so if my phone or my pebble smartwatch is notifying, I interrupt what I am currently doing. This is not good neither for my health nor for my social interaction nor for focussed work. | 08:35 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> So just being able to stop notifications would be enough? Manually syncing will decrease the usability and proved a worse experience. | 08:36 |
tgBot | <bastos777> My personal notifying is only activated for SMS, calls and messengers. But even for messengers I put some groups, e.g. this one on silent mode. | 08:37 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> You can disable the notifications in system settings if you don't want them. | 08:39 |
tgBot | <bastos777> @DanChapman, Yes.This would be OK for me. The next enhancement could be to activate selected contacts for notifications. This would be perfect. | 08:41 |
tgBot | <bastos777> @DanChapman, Ah! Thanks.Will do this for the time beeing! | 08:41 |
tgBot | <Cesar_Herrera> @DanChapman, This is very important and not all the people knows it. | 08:42 |
tgBot | <JSJoubert> @UniversalSuperBox, Ahh Ryzen 1700 and its 16 cores. Glad AMD is back and giving us some alternative CPU's to pick from. Just did a BIOS update ob my motherboard the weekend. Been alot since the launch. I am sure the improvements are all in the background | 09:31 |
tgBot | <hawk_is_here> @JSJoubert, New Radeon GPU is also Great, … But for Portables... | 09:53 |
tgBot | <hawk_is_here> Nothing is there | 09:54 |
tgBot | <JSJoubert> I have the RX 480. Performance is still great for what I use | 10:17 |
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk | ||
tgBot | <Ern_st> @Flohack, Done, thanks. | 12:46 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> @Ern_st added you 😊 | 12:48 |
ubports_bot | Project daily-mako build #111: SUCCESS in 12 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-mako/111/ | 12:55 |
ubports_bot | Project ota-push build #1000: SUCCESS in 49 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/1000/ | 12:56 |
tgBot | <blendergeek0> @Flohack, Can you add me to this app dev group? | 13:30 |
tgBot | <DanChapman> Done | 13:31 |
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
tgBot | <popeydc> Can someone port UBports to this please? :D | 13:46 |
tgBot | <popeydc> (Photo, 977x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/2RURHpAM/file_490.jpg | 13:46 |
tgBot | <popeydc> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/KP5Ckidd/file_491.mp4 | 13:46 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/Toq05X06/file_492.mp4 | 13:48 |
tgBot | <neothethird> @popeydc, would be perfect for donald trump | 13:48 |
tgBot | <popeydc> lulz | 13:48 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Actually, now that I think about it... If the price is right on that, it'd make a great "Bank app phone" for all the people who need one. | 13:49 |
tgBot | <salarelv> Try to type a IBAN on that | 13:52 |
tgBot | <salarelv> It needs a dedicated backspace button | 13:53 |
tgBot | <neothethird> haha | 13:53 |
tgBot | <salarelv> If somebody would build a Smartwatch with a Fingerprint reader and a hardware password vault (no direct access from the OS) | 13:57 |
tgBot | <salarelv> So i could login into banks and ssh with one swipe of my finger | 13:57 |
tgBot | <hawk_is_here> @popeydc, Which model? … Which Android version??? | 14:01 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @hawk_is_here, I think that may actually be Android 5 | 14:03 |
tgBot | <hawk_is_here> @Lorxu, It seems to me as KitKat "4.0.4" | 14:04 |
tgBot | <JBBgameich> It has android 7 I think | 14:04 |
tgBot | <JBBgameich> I read about that phone today, I think it's called Jelly | 14:05 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @hawk_is_here, Possible too, but I thought the top bar was still black on 4 | 14:05 |
tgBot | <JBBgameich> https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jellyphone/jelly-the-smallest-4g-smartphone/ | 14:06 |
tgBot | <hawk_is_here> @Lorxu, Well it purely depends on the OEM. … I had 2.3 long way back... … I think some Samsung duo or something with similar UI. UI can be deceiving... | 14:07 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> Why is the first thing I think with any Kickstarter project "but why?" | 14:07 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> @hawk_is_here, The icons in the top bar look stock though | 14:07 |
tgBot | <popeydc> its android 7 | 14:09 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> Yeah, JBB showed a link, I just... did not expect that | 14:10 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> It just... looks old? | 14:10 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> I guess because everything is big these days | 14:10 |
tgBot | <hawk_is_here> @popeydc, Alright... thanks to blow off the suspense | 14:11 |
tgBot | <hawk_is_here> For this one | 14:11 |
tgBot | <hawk_is_here> Customization would be required | 14:11 |
tgBot | Brian Reid was added by: Brian Reid | 14:18 |
tgBot | <neothethird> Welcome :) | 14:20 |
tgBot | <Josué> does anybody have a video of UP (ubports) tested on a Nexus 5? | 14:56 |
tgBot | <Flohack> Erm? You mean how it looks like? | 15:07 |
tgBot | <Flohack> I can do one later maybe =) | 15:07 |
tgBot | <Josué> yeah, I just want to see if it's "usable" | 15:09 |
tgBot | <Josué> I got a N5 a couple of years ago with the sole purpose of using it with linux, but it was impossible. The battery life was like 2h and very little actually worked | 15:10 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> @Vijay Kumar, I think this is related much to ubuntu. Community, people, friendly, warm, meaningful... | 15:11 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> @bastos777, listen to the #audiocast we cover this topic of how we can build an actual smart phone here instead of a crack cocacine interruption device which they mainly now are | 15:12 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> @JBBgameich, sweet. honestly the thing I miss most about cell phones is when they fit in my pocket. I could use them with one hand. The closest thing I owned was the HTC wildfire. I told my wife the other day how I wish someone woudl drop something this size back into the market as it's perfect. … It could have been a 'tad' smaller even so this Jelly thing looks perfect for me and with UBports? Niiiiice. … | 15:16 |
tgBot | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTC_Wildfire | 15:16 |
MCMic | Yeah nowadays if you take a small device you get something slow | 15:17 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> yeah... which need not be. No surprise they already have 1.25 MILLION bucks behind them. haha. I'm tempted but not without knowing 100% it could go Ubuntu | 15:19 |
tgBot | <janc13> did you guys see https://www.armis.com/blueborne/ ? | 16:07 |
tgBot | <harishsays> https://thenextweb.com/2017/09/12/google-down-gmail-youtube-maps/ | 16:14 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> @harishsays, #audiocast another reason to avoid putting everything in the cloud | 16:15 |
tgBot | <harishsays> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/mSLCTZh5/file_493.webp | 16:15 |
tgBot | <wagafo> @Josué, I'm using a N5 as daily driver with no issues at all. My battery lasts all day with a normal use (checking messages each 2 or 3 hours, a couple of daily calls, using some apps during the day). Except for not being able to record videos with the camera, I don't see any major problem. | 16:19 |
tgBot | <Josué> @wagafo, Nice! do you use any apps? like twitter or anything? | 16:22 |
tgBot | <wagafo> @Josué, I'm not very social, but I use uNav (GPS navigation), the web browser, telegram, webwhatsapp, chess, you name it. | 16:24 |
tgBot | <Josué> @wagafo, Wow, I'm definitely giving it a go this week. Thank for the info, man. | 16:31 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> @janc13, yiiiiiiiiiiiikes... man.... | 16:41 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> @harishsays, ironic. the next #audiocast has this in the topic | 16:43 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @Josué, Yes I think its in a g good state. Basically what I use daily (on the BQ, but does not matter): Telegram, Email, Webbrowser, Token Authenticator, Webapp for public transport, twitter Webapp. Hm what else 😆 | 16:46 |
tgBot | <Ern_st> @Josué, Early version of Ubport : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJZXcfixLxk | 16:51 |
tgBot | <Josué> @Ern_st, Yeah, I I saw that one, but it doesn't really show much. Thank you though | 16:53 |
tgBot | <Josué> @Flohack, More than enough, hopefully notifications work. I had almost given up on UP, so happy this channel exists! | 16:55 |
tgBot | <Flohack> Telegram notifications should work | 16:55 |
tgBot | <bastos777> @wayneoutthere, Are your audiocasts only available over phone app or is there a link to access via browser? | 16:56 |
tgBot | <sverzegnassi> @nfsprodriver @neothethird Still have to review your PRs, sorry. Apparently I can't leave Paris as my flight has been cancelled 😂😂😂 | 17:32 |
tgBot | <Mathox> Silly question, how do you created the bot for irc bridge? | 17:56 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> It's TeleIRC. | 18:05 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> That's hosted on a box. | 18:05 |
tgBot | <Jujuyeh> I just saw the iPhone X... no home button, just swipe!!! Hmmm.... It sounds familiar... | 18:31 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @Jujuyeh, Of course they steal, like Microsoft, look what people made, and then steal it and make a slick desing over it ^^ | 18:31 |
tgBot | <Jujuyeh> Wireless charging, wow... My Nokia Lumia 920 already had that | 18:32 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> @Flohack, Well, you need to use the experience of other people to make your product better. :) | 18:42 |
tgBot | <anpok> my palm had that | 19:00 |
tgBot | <anpok> just found my pre3 .. I wonder if it still works | 19:01 |
tgBot | <neothethird> @sverzegnassi, Oh no, airberlin? No pressure though, and good luck finding a place to sleep | 19:01 |
tgBot | <sverzegnassi> easyJet actually... There was a national strike in France today -.- | 19:04 |
tgBot | <neothethird> ah, ok :/ that sucks | 19:04 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @anpok, you wann come to ubucon germany with me? ^^ | 19:06 |
tgBot | <sverzegnassi> @neothethird, At least I found a flight tomorrow morning, so I'll be back at home at 11am... It's just that it's the second time I'm saying that I'm leaving but I don't 😂😂😂 | 19:08 |
tgBot | <mymike00> good luck 🍀 | 19:09 |
tgBot | <neothethird> @mymike00, +1 | 19:09 |
tgBot | <anpok> @Flohack, hmmmm have to think about that | 19:11 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> @Jujuyeh, Yes but who could possibly resist a talking sh%t emoji | 19:13 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @anpok, We need a few nice hosts ^^ | 19:14 |
tgBot | <samzn> Congratulations to Apple on releasing the Nokia N9 | 19:15 |
tgBot | MCAdkins was added by: MCAdkins | 19:42 |
tgBot | <hawk_is_here> I was waiting for Nokia 9 | 19:44 |
tgBot | <hawk_is_here> But they didn't launched it in my country | 19:44 |
tgBot | <hawk_is_here> 😡😡😡 | 19:44 |
tgBot | <tipode_incognito> Did Apple steal the gesture features from ubuntuphone? | 19:45 |
tgBot | <MCAdkins> Weren't those gestures in Web OS 8 years ago? | 19:46 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> @UniversalSuperBox, See here. :) | 19:46 |
tgBot | <neothethird> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/cfLp4U4y/file_494.mp4 | 20:21 |
tgBot | <Tuxian> @tipode_incognito, No, from BlackBerry OS10. | 20:28 |
tgBot | <neothethird> @Tuxian, No, from the first book created by johannes gutenberg in the 1400s | 20:31 |
tgBot | <BrisPete> @neothethird, No, that's not the first book (just the first printed book). Codices date back at least another 1200 years, possibly more. | 20:33 |
tgBot | <neothethird> ok, now we know who has to sue apple | 20:33 |
tgBot | <Tuxian> @neothethird, Well, maybe the first men used them when painting animals on the cave wall. | 20:34 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Do we get to sue apple | 20:34 |
tgBot | <neothethird> @Tuxian, too bad they didn't file a software patent | 20:34 |
tgBot | <BrisPete> @UniversalSuperBox, You could try - but I'd bet they'd find a counter sue! | 20:34 |
tgBot | <Mathox> @UniversalSuperBox, Thanks! | 20:48 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> His does cloned SIM work though? Watch roams while phone stays home… | 20:50 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> How* | 20:51 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Magic, I'd suppose | 20:51 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> @UniversalSuperBox, And if you lose your watch… | 20:52 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> An Apple SIM maybe | 20:55 |
ubports_bot | Project daily-bacon build #267: SUCCESS in 11 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-bacon/267/ | 21:02 |
ubports_bot | Project ota-push build #1001: SUCCESS in 1 min 3 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/1001/ | 21:03 |
tgBot | <delijati> is someone urrently working on bacon? | 21:18 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> @bastos777, sorry. busy day, haha … https://soundcloud.com/ubports | 21:27 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> let us know what you think about El Casto | 21:29 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> I know @Flohack loves it because we plugged his frogs | 21:29 |
tgBot | <LarreaMikel> @delijati, It's a core device... So I suppose that the ubports developers are with it. | 21:29 |
tgBot | <Flohack> @wayneoutthere, Yeahhhh ❤️ | 21:36 |
tgBot | <Flohack> I AM THE BASS PLAYER! | 21:36 |
tgBot | <valx7> How it test Ubports in a smartphone? … Just installing and see what happens? … And what about debugging info to upload to Ubports website? | 21:37 |
tgBot | <nfsprodriver> Many musicians here! | 21:38 |
tgBot | <neothethird> @valx7, if you have one of the supported devices, just install it: github.com/ubports/ubports-installer … If not, it will definitely not work out of the box, but you can go down the difficult road of porting halium.org to the device to make it work, but that's a very very very difficult process. | 21:43 |
tgBot | Ziyad Yehia was added by: Ziyad Yehia | 21:45 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> Hey there Ubports! | 21:45 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> I have just discovered your work and wanted to say it's AMAZING :D | 21:45 |
tgBot | <neothethird> \o welcome and thank you :) | 21:45 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> I have recently dropped my phone (gravity eh?) and I am thinking of basically getting an old Nexus 5 and put ubuntu phone on it | 21:47 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> Would you guys mind if I asked some questions that I have? | 21:47 |
tgBot | <neothethird> Sure, ask away :) | 21:47 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> Thanks :D ! | 21:48 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> (Photo, 539x208) https://irc.ubports.com/1H0zrnzp/file_496.jpg Gasp, a time traveller | 21:48 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> haha don't worry — the time travel code is on github XD | 21:48 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> So yeah, the first question (I have 4) is related to the updates | 21:49 |
tgBot | <neothethird> @Ziyad Yehia, is it free and open source though? | 21:49 |
tgBot | <Lorxu> (Sticker, 477x512) https://irc.ubports.com/thnasgY4/file_497.webp | 21:49 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> On ubuntu, theres a software repo that you can just pull updates from. Since ubuntu phone is no longer maintained by canonical, is the software up to date? | 21:49 |
tgBot | <neothethird> Yes, we can use all the latest packages from the repositories, as well as our own PPAs with custom phone-specific software. We're still based on Ubuntu 15.04, but we are working on switching to 16.04 at the moment | 21:52 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> Thanks Jan! — That brings me beautifully on to Question number 2 — Is there an anticipated delivery date for the Ubuntu 16.04? | 21:53 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> And if I got a phone now with 15.04, how would I upgrade it to 16.04 later? | 21:53 |
tgBot | <neothethird> No, we don't want to make any promises yet. We're working towards the switch from two sides. One side is installing our packages on 16.04 and making them work, another is backporting newer software versions (Qt, etc) to 15.04 and our current devices so we have a smooth sailing transition | 21:55 |
tgBot | <neothethird> @Ziyad Yehia, Let's solve that problem as soon as we're there. If there are severe architectural changes, you will have to do a clean install, but we don't know if that will be the case yet. A simple upgrade might work, but as i said, it's not known yet. It also depends on factors like the future of .click packages... We'll see | 21:57 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> Ok Cool... | 21:57 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> This is very helpful, thank you | 21:57 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> Question 3 was regarding the nexus phones. Does The nexus 5x work too? Or just The Nexus 5? | 21:58 |
tgBot | <neothethird> At the moment there's no image for the nexus 5 x. | 21:58 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> hahaha glad I learned that upfront! :P | 21:59 |
tgBot | <neothethird> it's been in development at some point, but not the highest priority now, since we have so many other projects that are more urgent. you can see all current devices here: https://ubports.com/page/get-ubuntu-touch | 22:00 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> And finally, is it possible to write shell scripts to interact with phone functionalities? As a rudimentary example, could you perhaps use cron to automate an SMS message? | 22:00 |
tgBot | <neothethird> you can script just like on the desktop, with the exception that the root filesystem is usually read-only, which can be changed by the user. I'm not sure if there's a straightforward commandline interface for sms, but something is definitely there. A quick startpage.com search gave me https://askubuntu.com/questions/615013/are-cli-commands-available-for-ubuntu-touch-s-sms-phone-and-camera-service-if, that should still work, but there might also be | 22:04 |
tgBot | easier way utilizing a higher system level. in any case, i'm sure we'd be open for a pull request for a nice cli api for sending sms | 22:04 |
tgBot | <neothethird> i should add that there's no systemd in 15.04, only upstart | 22:05 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> I wonder where one would find documentation on these things? | 22:07 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> The phone functionalities, I mean | 22:08 |
tgBot | <Josué> hey people, I just installed UP on a N5 from the stable channel. Just one question, what's the best email app? | 22:11 |
tgBot | <neothethird> Documentation is a hurtful topic, an area were we have *a lot* of work to do. Searching the web for ofono might be a good place to start, if you're looking for higher levels, like the apps, it will all be available on docs.ubports.com at some point, but that's still under construction. docs.ubuntu.com, wiki.ubuntu.com and readme files inside repositories at github.com/ubports are your options | 22:11 |
tgBot | <nfsprodriver> Josué Dekko (not in the OpenStore but in cdimage.ubports.com server) or for tester Dekko 2 in the OpenStore. | 22:12 |
tgBot | <neothethird> @Josué, if your mailprovider supports a webinterface, you might want to try that. Else than that, there's a new version of dekko in development | 22:12 |
tgBot | <Josué> thanks | 22:13 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> Ok, so are there any major drawbacks that I should be aware of? | 22:13 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> It seems like its a very noble work in progress, so It's fair to expect there to be some snags | 22:14 |
tgBot | <neothethird> @Ziyad Yehia, drawbacks compared to what? | 22:14 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> a smartphone running android | 22:14 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> Ah that reminds me, is the app store functional? I heard that it was closed? | 22:16 |
tgBot | <valx7> It sholud be an Android app that could test how compatible is a smartphone to install Ubports on it. | 22:17 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> @valx7, Only those listed are compatible. They are few and an app is not necessary. You can simply read the list | 22:19 |
tgBot | <neothethird> @Ziyad Yehia, To be honest, yes, there are. For one, there are less apps. We have a lot of awesome app developers who programmed their respective asses off to deliver the basics you'd expect, but some stuff is still missing. If you heavily depend on WhatsApp or can't live without another closed source android app, you'll have a hard time on Ubuntu Touch. … Bugs? Yes, there are some, i'm not gonna lie. For me there's nothing so severe to stop me | 22:19 |
tgBot | using my FP2 as a daily driver, though. And of course we're making constant improvements. If you're a developer, you're of course very welcome to help us shape the future of ubuntu touch and make the system better ;) | 22:19 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> I think the work you guys are doing is fantastic. People should have privacy and control over the devices they use especially the ones that are always at arms reach. | 22:21 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> I am also thinking from the pragmatic day to day use side. | 22:21 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> Does Evernote work? | 22:22 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> thats one app I use often. | 22:22 |
tgBot | <neothethird> @Ziyad Yehia, thank you :) that's what we're shooting for | 22:23 |
tgBot | <nfsprodriver> There's an evernote account plugin can be used by the Notes app and other apps, but I never treid that :) | 22:23 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> Offline reading and offline maps are weak areas but like Jan I used UT as sole phone, for a year, without major problems | 22:23 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> I was using it full time until my Nexus 4 died | 22:23 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> F | 22:24 |
tgBot | <neothethird> @UniversalSuperBox, i agree | 22:24 |
tgBot | <nfsprodriver> @Stereofont, You can use OSMScout as offline map app. | 22:24 |
tgBot | <BrisPete> @Ziyad Yehia, You can sync Notes with Evernote. It's in the Ubuntu Store but hasn't made it into the Openstore yet. It's not fully featured compared to Evernote. | 22:25 |
tgBot | <neothethird> @nfsprodriver, uNav as well | 22:25 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> As long as I can add notes to my evernote inbox its fine :) | 22:25 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> @nfsprodriver, True. It is there but I didn't get on with it well | 22:25 |
tgBot | <nfsprodriver> Right, but advantage for OSMScout are the map packs instead of tiles and the included way points. | 22:25 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> @neothethird, uNav offline? | 22:26 |
tgBot | <neothethird> @Ziyad Yehia, the old one used by canonical still works, but it will be discontinued soon. we have our own (and better :D ) one at openstore.ubports.com | 22:26 |
tgBot | <nfsprodriver> @Stereofont, Yeah, my E4.5 often crashed due to less memory. Now I'm on N5 and it works much better. | 22:26 |
tgBot | <neothethird> @Stereofont, yes, there's instructions on how to set it up inside the app. Not very easy, but if you need it, it can be done | 22:26 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> @nfsprodriver, Yes. I was spoiled by Osmand | 22:27 |
tgBot | <neothethird> I never tried it, though. I'm very happy that roaming is free in the eu now, so i don't have to download so much :D | 22:27 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> @nfsprodriver, Ah. Interesting. Thanks. Mine was 4.5 | 22:28 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> @neothethird, In the UK we have that at the moment … sigh | 22:29 |
tgBot | <neothethird> @Stereofont, :'( don't leave | 22:30 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> @neothethird, Oh, yeah? Well, US carriers will give you the low low roaming rate of $20/50MB! | 22:30 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Freedom. | 22:30 |
tgBot | <neothethird> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/swdzWT7j/file_498.mp4 | 22:31 |
tgBot | <BrisPete> @neothethird, Don't want to leave. Unfortunately the idiots are in charge of the asylum. | 22:31 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> Thats a lot of freedom. | 22:31 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> @neothethird, Every night I cry myself to sleep | 22:31 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> #UBportsSadGroup | 22:31 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> @UniversalSuperBox, You mean Gb? | 22:32 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> @valx7, If you have a Nexus 5, Oneplus One, or Fairphone 2 it is compatible. If you have another device that didn't ship with Ubuntu Touch, it is not compatible | 22:32 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> @Stereofont, no. | 22:32 |
tgBot | <neothethird> @UniversalSuperBox, today i learned there are #hashtags in telegram | 22:32 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> I am curious about the terminal app... Can I do anythin I want on the system with the terminal or is it slightly nerfed? | 22:32 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/WjRyyus0/file_499.mp4 | 22:34 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> @kz6fittycent, They're pretty neat. Help you search for topics. | 22:34 |
tgBot | <neothethird> @Ziyad Yehia, you *can* do anything, but it can be finicky, since you can't do your hacking-on-two-keyboards-on-the-same-time thing. For some actions, you also have to ssh into localhost to bypass confinement, but in principle it's possible | 22:34 |
tgBot | <kz6fittycent> @UniversalSuperBox, #nooooooo | 22:34 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Now click it | 22:34 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> what's confinement? | 22:34 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> It's apparmor rules to keep apps from doing Bad Things | 22:35 |
tgBot | <nfsprodriver> @kz6fittycent, Mee too | 22:35 |
tgBot | <nfsprodriver> @neothethird, Me too | 22:35 |
tgBot | <neothethird> @UniversalSuperBox, plus some good things | 22:35 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Kinda like how SElinux works on Fedora | 22:35 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> @neothethird, Exactly how SELinux works on Fedora | 22:35 |
tgBot | <BrisPete> @UniversalSuperBox, Only if people know about them and use them. | 22:36 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> I presume you can still "sudo" things, right? | 22:37 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> I am just trying to gauge my expectations of how this works before I spend £100 on a nexus 5 haha | 22:37 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> In my head, its like a linux desktop but on a phone. | 22:38 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Yeah... It doesn't work that well | 22:38 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> @UniversalSuperBox sudo you mean? | 22:39 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> Except it is also a desktop | 22:39 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> That's why a lot of people were very upset at it... You can't apt-get or do other fun things unless you make the system image read-write which can potentially break future ota updates | 22:39 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> But yeah, you can use an HDMI adapter and use your phone as a desktop | 22:40 |
tgBot | <UniversalSuperBox> Works with the nexus 5 | 22:40 |
tgBot | <neothethird> @Ziyad Yehia, it's where we want to get, definitely. Not gonna lie, we're not there yet, but with some fiddeling, you can almost do anything | 22:40 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> I can't apt-get install? | 22:41 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> (Sticker, 280x512) https://irc.ubports.com/PwTu5nnt/file_500.webp | 22:42 |
tgBot | <neothethird> @Ziyad Yehia, you can, but you have to mount your root file system writable and the installed packages get overwritten by the next update: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ImageBasedUpgrades/ If you don't want that, you can also only update your phone using apt-get, but that doesn't guarantee that it will always work | 22:44 |
tgBot | <neothethird> (Sticker, 512x384) https://irc.ubports.com/Wzt9QsR3/file_501.webp | 22:44 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> By "next update", you mean the 16.04 one? | 22:47 |
tgBot | <neothethird> no, we deliver regular image based upgrades, basically exchanges of the whole (usually non-writable) root filesystem. That way, you normally don't have to unpackage deb packages on slow phone hardware. It's an architecture decision canonical made | 22:49 |
tgBot | <neothethird> updates on the stable channel usually come every one or two months | 22:50 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> This may be a bit of a sticking point | 22:51 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> Because the root file system is not writable, does that mean I cant create files and directories? | 22:53 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> or the the non-writability for things outside the home folder? | 22:53 |
tgBot | <neothethird> you can in the home folder | 22:53 |
tgBot | <neothethird> that's where all the magic usually happens on ubuntu touch | 22:53 |
tgBot | <neothethird> applications are also installed as .click packages in the home folder | 22:54 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> So how would one install something from the ubuntu repos? | 22:56 |
tgBot | <neothethird> apt | 22:56 |
tgBot | <neothethird> @neothethird, this | 22:56 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> Oh man. | 22:57 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> Thats dissapointing | 22:58 |
tgBot | <neothethird> yeah, that's one of the points that's currently annoying. Canonicals vision was, that in a snap world, you don't have to mess with your rootfs anymore, but unfortunatelly we're not there yet | 22:58 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> a snap world? What's that? | 23:00 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> haha canonical missed the point that its fun to do so XD | 23:00 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> and the repos are epic being able to do that stuff on the move would be so badass, especially with the internet of things gaining momentum. | 23:01 |
tgBot | <neothethird> @Ziyad Yehia, snaps are a new kind of package, that is not unpackaged like debs, but mounted as a squashfs filesystem. Has some great potential, as it's faster and more secure: snapcraft.io | 23:03 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> Thats pretty epic to be fair | 23:07 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> Can it not cause bloat though? If like 10 snaps all have the same dependencies? | 23:07 |
tgBot | <anpok> especially when you consider that it also expands to the OS itself.. and gives you some nice tools to build your own | 23:08 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> @anpok How do you mean? That sounds cool | 23:08 |
tgBot | <anpok> if you run ubuntu core your bootloader would pick an os snap that contains the actual rootfs from some partition.. it will either pick the newest one .. or the last one that worked (in case of a rollback) | 23:10 |
tgBot | <neothethird> @Ziyad Yehia, For very common stuff, there's something called platform snaps, where you have for example stuff that all gnome or kde apps depend on anyways. but else than that, it's not that big of a problem, since snaps are still compressed and are just mounted, not uncompressed | 23:11 |
tgBot | <anpok> so you have a pain free update process.. one of the reasons why snappy is picked by many iot vendors | 23:11 |
tgBot | <anpok> @Ziyad Yehia, Also .. think of security issues .. if there is a common library with vulnerability .. you have to rely on the people shipping the snaps to push a sec. update soon. Some organizations do integrate their CI with snappy .. i.e. inkscape releases new snaps a few times a day | 23:13 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> So are apps on the ubuntu phone, snaps? | 23:13 |
tgBot | <anpok> no .. clicks .. the predecessor.. | 23:14 |
tgBot | <anpok> but the company I work for is considering to ship the linux iot stuff with it.. | 23:15 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> @nfsprodriver, we should poll how many.... i've noticed there does seem to be a a few... I"m actually in the middle of writing a 'special something' but I forgot how long it takes to record without a band! :( | 23:16 |
tgBot | <wayneoutthere> @Lorxu, when she dropped her phone it fell at the speed of light | 23:17 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> So if I am getting this right, snaps are a way to install new software on your phone... | 23:19 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> So could I perhaps take a repo package and convert it to a snap and then it would work? | 23:19 |
tgBot | <anpok> for certain definitions of "work" | 23:21 |
tgBot | <anpok> @Ziyad Yehia, not phone yet.. | 23:22 |
tgBot | <neothethird> with 16.04, that will work | 23:23 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> @neothethird, That is quite startling, actually | 23:23 |
tgBot | <neothethird> we can use all the help we can to get there. If we can pull this off, it's going to be ridiculously awesome | 23:24 |
tgBot | bluff was added by: bluff | 23:24 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> Paradigm shift | 23:24 |
tgBot | <neothethird> welcome :) | 23:24 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> Well then we would have a session of converting repos to snaps. | 23:25 |
tgBot | <neothethird> @Stereofont, yeah, essentially. Canonical was really close, that's why we can't give up | 23:25 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> So let me summarise this: 1) We've got privacy all good. 2) We have open app store, but its not too populated yet. 3) One cannot alter the root file system (without sacrificing updates), but everything below the home folder is fair game. 4) You cant really apt-get things (because of point 3) but after 16.04 we can convert the repos to snaps 5) Its not really a phone that you can change everything on because of point 3 again. | 23:27 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> Am I in the right ball park? | 23:28 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> @Ziyad Yehia, No phone is 'private' | 23:28 |
tgBot | <neothethird> you can apt-get install, and many people do, but it's overwritten by system upgrades. but essentially yes. | 23:29 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> Can I not just write a script of all the stuff that I install? | 23:30 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> And then everytime there is an update just run that script again? | 23:30 |
tgBot | <neothethird> yep | 23:30 |
tgBot | <neothethird> you might have to fiddle with the partition sizes as well, if you want to go crazy installing deb packages, but that would also be possible in a script | 23:31 |
tgBot | <TronFourtyTwo> A missing point is that using containers (chroot or lxc) is possible to bypass the read only file system | 23:31 |
tgBot | <TronFourtyTwo> See Libertine for example | 23:32 |
tgBot | <TronFourtyTwo> (Sticker, 512x148) https://irc.ubports.com/KoLIP9he/file_502.webp | 23:35 |
tgBot | <TronFourtyTwo> or the OnTheRoad app, you can find it in the OpenStore | 23:35 |
tgBot | <TronFourtyTwo> (Sticker, 512x148) https://irc.ubports.com/gy3bARgq/file_503.webp | 23:35 |
tgBot | <neothethird> https://openstore.ubports.com/app/ontheroad.emanuelesorce | 23:40 |
tgBot | <neothethird> right, it's a nifty tool | 23:40 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> haha this is confusing, not gonna lie | 23:41 |
tgBot | <Stereofont> WorkaroundOS 😎 | 23:43 |
tgBot | <Ziyad Yehia> hahaha exactly XD | 23:43 |
tgBot | <neothethird> (Sticker, 512x384) https://irc.ubports.com/HUUvp1HD/file_501.webp | 23:44 |
tgBot | <nfsprodriver> According to https://github.com/ubports/ubports-touch/issues/240 Can you give me the image file so I can edit it for Nexus 5? | 23:44 |
tgBot10 | <Stereofont> All phones are tracking mechanisms | 23:47 |
tgBot9 | <Ziyad Yehia> @Stereofont You mentioned that no phone is "private". doesnt ubuntu phone aim to give privacy to the users of the phone? | 23:48 |
tgBot10 | <Stereofont> The point is that the core OS is not intentionally spying on you | 23:49 |
tgBot10 | <neothethird> Some problems can be solved by hardware only, like the baseband module being connected to the chipset on most phones, but on an os level, ut is definitely better than android with google services or ios | 23:49 |
tgBot10 | <Stereofont> @neothethird, +1 | 23:51 |
tgBot10 | <Ziyad Yehia> Hmm ... | 23:55 |
tgBot10 | <Ziyad Yehia> Thanks so much for your help today everyone! | 23:55 |
tgBot10 | <Ziyad Yehia> Its getting quite late here so I'm gonna shoot off to sleep. But I have definitely learned a lot about the OS from chatting with you all today. | 23:56 |
tgBot10 | <neothethird> @Ziyad Yehia, sure, always happy to. Let us know if you need something else 👍 | 23:56 |
tgBot10 | <neothethird> @Ziyad Yehia, good night | 23:56 |
tgBot10 | <Ziyad Yehia> Bye :) | 23:56 |
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