fdsfde | are there any plans to drop firefox? | 02:49 |
nacc | nettlejam: brainwash: i responded in the bug and duped it | 03:21 |
fdsfde | that is really ridiculous ubuntu still ship the default browser which has less market share than IE | 03:40 |
valorie | fdsfde: what browser would you prefer? | 03:57 |
fdsfde | chrome of course | 04:33 |
valorie | that isn't free open source software | 04:36 |
valorie | that said, I use chrome | 04:37 |
valorie | I wouldn't want it supplied by default however | 04:37 |
valorie | you are free to argue for your POV on Ubuntu-devel or so | 04:46 |
fdsfde | chrome is free and open source | 04:56 |
Bashing-om | fdsfde: It is chromium that is the open source app . | 04:59 |
ducasse | fdsfde: ...and it most definitely isn't free software | 06:06 |
valorie | in Kubuntu we'll move to Falkon as soon as it's ready | 06:11 |
valorie | but not for this next release | 06:11 |
ducasse | interesting. i had not heard of that one before. | 06:15 |
valorie | it's a rename of a new project that recently joined the KDE community | 06:20 |
valorie | not sure it's available as anything but a snap still | 06:20 |
valorie | probably not had an official release yet | 06:20 |
ducasse | nacc: ok, i've tested the same snaps here on artful, and they work just fine. i guess it's no use in me filing a bug since i can't reproduce the problem? note: the last poster mentioned installing from software center and i used cli, could that have any impact? | 11:11 |
BluesKaj | Howdy folks | 12:55 |
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
nacc | ducasse: i suppose it coudl, but i assume they would both end up in `snap install...` | 14:42 |
ducasse | me too, but assumptions can bu a bad thing :) | 14:50 |
erle- | how much will Gnome(TM) in Ubuntu be customized? | 16:01 |
erle- | will it finally be similar to Gnome from other distros? | 16:01 |
erle- | for example will finally you stop breaking Nautilus through patches? | 16:02 |
ducasse | aiui a custom theme is used by default, but a more standard session is available. one of the reasons for moving to gnome was to avoid patches, iirc. | 16:09 |
erle- | themes are fine | 16:12 |
erle- | I am talking about low-level patching of Nautilus and other core apps | 16:12 |
ducasse | from what i've heard the whole idea was to get rid of patches, but you should really ask the devs for details on that. | 16:13 |
erle- | thanks | 16:15 |
AndrzejL | Heh... I was going to blame ubuntu for my arch linux cups server problems. Turns out it was the arch server and lib32-glibc that was the culprit ;)... | 17:21 |
AndrzejL | Question for you folks | 17:48 |
AndrzejL | How to add PlayOnLinux application launcher to the "Open with application"? | 17:48 |
AndrzejL | For example - I want to add Microsoft Office 2007 as my main docx file app | 17:49 |
AndrzejL | Ok I've found a possible bug... | 22:29 |
AndrzejL | I have changed the wallpaper and the lock screen wallpaper | 22:30 |
AndrzejL | and I've disabled animations | 22:30 |
AndrzejL | now everytime I am unlocking the desktop I see a pink rectangle for a second or two before the screen unlocks | 22:31 |
maxb | I've upgraded two laptops to artful now | 23:56 |
maxb | Both have failed to boot properly due to systemd-networkd-wait-online waiting forever | 23:56 |
maxb | It seems like this is too obvious a bug... | 23:57 |
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