swift110 | hey all | 00:32 |
laravel | Good Morning mate users | 01:18 |
laravel | so quiet | 01:18 |
dhaval | i get this type of error | 06:01 |
dhaval | https://thepasteb.in/p/y8h65nr4EBJuO | 06:01 |
dhaval | when i open openerp-client on ubuntu mate | 06:02 |
dhaval | when i open openerp-client v 5.0.11 | 06:02 |
dhaval | please help to solved this error | 06:03 |
dhaval | when i open openerp-client is coming and going | 06:04 |
dhaval | and display in terminal above error | 06:04 |
dhaval | please help to solved this error | 07:01 |
Blackisle | morning all - any evolution users here using the alpha/beta 17.10? | 07:42 |
DarkJarris | diogenes_, i reinstalled with ahci on a different drive, boot time is 26 seconds now :D | 08:54 |
DarkJarris | thanks for the help last night | 08:54 |
diogenes_ | DarkJarris, I'm glad it helped :) | 08:55 |
dominio | Algun español? | 16:55 |
Menzador | !es | dominio | 16:57 |
ubottu | dominio: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 16:57 |
swift110 | hey all | 19:18 |
ricardo_ | boa tarde etor tentando instalar um pacote mais qundo dou o comando ele da esta menssagem impossível acessar arquivo: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado | 19:27 |
ricardo_ | Erros foram encontrados durante o processamento de: | 19:27 |
ricardo_ | file:///home/ricardo/avast-linux-home-edition-1.3.0.deb | 19:27 |
Mikelevel | ricardo_~ este é um canal em inglês | 19:30 |
ricardo_ | como posso fazer um contato | 19:30 |
ricardo_ | em portugues | 19:31 |
ricardo_ | estou usando o ubuntu pela primeira vez | 19:32 |
Mikelevel | en #ubuntu-pt | 19:32 |
ricardo_ | veleu | 19:32 |
mate|31448 | wow. hello everyone | 21:34 |
coffeeclip | is the ubuntu mate download page broken? Where are the images stored so thatI can download them without a broken webpage picker? | 22:14 |
sixwheeledbeast | I don't believe so, there where reports of an incorrect checksum but I would think that's been sorted by now. | 22:29 |
sixwheeledbeast | Looks like the website has been changed and uses js if you have that disabled in your browser? | 22:31 |
sixwheeledbeast | Or alternatively http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-mate/releases/ | 22:34 |
coffeeclip | js is enabled, I can see the error happening when it tries to run the function setAtch() | 22:37 |
coffeeclip | err setArch() | 22:37 |
coffeeclip | tested in two browsers, firefox and chrome, nogo in either one, | 22:37 |
coffeeclip | okay, now it works | 22:38 |
_Anna_ | How can I tell whether Qt and SDL are installed and which version? | 23:55 |
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