
maxbbug 171430100:06
ubottubug 1714301 in systemd (Ubuntu Artful) "systemd-networkd hangs my boot (wireless)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171430100:06
=== naught101_ is now known as naught101
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CountryfiedLinuxAnyone else having problems installing Snaps from Store in the beta?06:17
CountryfiedLinuxI got a weird error when trying to install a snappy package from Software.06:38
CountryfiedLinuxAny suggestions?06:39
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AndrzejLhow do you change the pink background behind the lock screen?12:17
AndrzejLAs in when you pull the screen up to unlock it there is a pink background behind it...12:18
AndrzejLThis to be exact12:46
AndrzejLI have had it with those *** snakes on the *** plane...15:49
AndrzejLsudo install plasma-desktop sddm15:49
AndrzejLapt :)15:52
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=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
vithiriHow can I check if my session is Wayland or Xorg?19:51
vithiriOkay, I should have Googled that.19:51
vithirihttps://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/202891/how-to-know-whether-wayland-or-x11-is-being-used :)19:52
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lucas-arghey all22:01
lucas-argany reason why ubuntu is using firefox 50 in 17.10??22:02

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