
=== bluesabre_ is now known as bluesabre
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers!06:07
jibelbonjour oSoMoN06:07
didrocksgood morning06:13
oSoMoNbonjour jibel, didrocks06:15
didrockssalut oSoMoN06:16
seb128good morning desktopers06:29
seb128salut les frenchies06:29
didrocksrebonjour seb128 ;)06:30
seb128re Didier :-)06:30
oSoMoNsalut seb12806:32
* oSoMoN -> school06:32
=== fossfreedom_ is now known as fossfreedom
flexiondotorgMorning France!06:48
pittibonjour tout le monde !07:34
pittididrocks: bonne anniversaire !07:34
* pitti te donne une grande accolade07:34
didrocksmerci pitti ! /me te donne une accolade en retour07:48
didrockset bonjour :)07:48
willcookemorning all07:51
willcookeHappy birthday didrocks!07:51
didrocksthanks willcooke! Good morning :)07:54
willcookeHi Laney08:05
Laneyhappy birthday didrocks08:07
Laneywhat have you got planned?08:07
Laneyhey willcooke08:07
Laneyyou good?08:07
willcookeKids are all ill, so up at 5:30 this morning#08:09
willcookeHowever, when I looked outside this morning I was pleased to see the fence is still there08:09
willcookeSo not all bad08:09
didrocksthanks Laney, nothing fancy no, normal day for me :)08:10
LaneyI opened the windows so that I could hear the storm, but it didn't wake me up08:10
* Laney sends didrocks an e-card08:16
Laneythose were great08:16
Laneyalthough opening an .exe attachment on an email from a sketch website to play a 'happy birthday' animation ...08:17
Saviqduflu: if you're still around, bug #1716861 seems to be the root cause for the mis-logins I reported08:17
ubot5bug 1716861 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Keyboard input received in wrong order in shell elements" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171686108:17
Laneynot sure I'd do that any more08:17
Saviqshould try that on wayland, too08:17
seb128hey willcooke Laney08:20
willcookemorning seb12808:20
didrocksoh yeah, old good times08:21
Laneyoh, I thought seb128 was off today08:23
dufluSaviq: Yes I saw the bug. Sounds fantastic08:27
Saviqduflu: seems it's Xorg-only after all, can't reproduce under Wayland08:30
seb128Laney, nop, I'm working today then off for the w.e, I pondered taking the week but I want to keep enough day for having a good block off in decembre08:35
seb128Laney, good work figuring that gdm fallback session bug08:36
willcookedesktoppers, we've officially been asked to help package the community wallpapers as nhaines hasn't had time to do it.  Any takers?08:50
willcookeI have the wallpapers08:50
willcookecommunity that is, still waiting on the mascot and offical wallpaper08:51
willcookekoza, duflu seb128 - anything for the Bluetooth meeting today?09:00
dufluwillcooke, not that I know of but logging in anyway09:00
Laneywillcooke: put them on a bug pls, I can probably look later09:00
willcookeLaney, merci!09:01
kozawillcooke, not that I know of except on some announcements - waiting there already09:01
Laneytrying to get lgw01 scalingstack back online first09:01
Laneyso the test queues get marginally less sad09:01
seb128willcooke, crap, I forgot about that meeting again :-/09:20
seb128I didn't have anything to mention there09:20
willcookeLaney, desktoppers - wallpapers: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-wallpapers/+bug/171688509:46
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1716885 in ubuntu-wallpapers (Ubuntu) "Community Wallpapers need packaging for 17.10" [Undecided,New]09:46
Laneyshould probably email ubuntu-docs if the wallpaper is going to miss the freeze :/10:10
willcookeLaney, I'm going to the office in an hour or so, I'll strong arm them and get the wallpaper uploaded today10:31
willcookeLaney, but yeah, I will email docs now anyway10:31
willcookeLaney, done10:35
jbichadidrocks: is it ok if I merge glib 2.54 from Debian?10:52
nabhashhi , I am having troubles installing a graphics card on my ubuntu , any help ?12:07
Gargoylenabhash, fill in some blanks, and someone might be able to assist. (Version of ubuntu, make of gfx card, what you have already tried, etc)12:10
Gargoylenabhash, see here:- http://rurounijones.github.io/blog/2009/03/17/how-to-ask-for-help-on-irc/12:12
nabhashthanks gargoyle : ubuntu 19.04 . AMD R9 270  i insytallled Amdgpu-pro driver12:12
nabhashoups ubuntu 16.0412:13
Gargoylenabhash, via the built in control panel or did you download separately?12:13
nabhashdownload separately12:14
GargoyleOK. Search for "Software and updates" an launch the utility. Then look in the additional drivers tab (This is how you do it for nvidia, not sure if AMD is the same)12:15
nabhashwhen i do dpkg -l amdgpu-pro    it is listed12:17
GargoyleWell, if you're messing around with dpkg directly, then I'm sure you know what you're doing!12:18
nabhashactually i don't lol12:20
nabhashi get ii in the begining of list , what does that mean ?12:20
GargoyleSo do you have no GUI at all?12:23
nabhashcolin1 , i thought so ii<blank>  means installed and no error12:24
nabhashGargoyle : I have both ... a monitor plugged on the card ( funny enough I have AMD radeon HD 8800 on "about this compueter " on the gui ) and i also access it thru putty on another machine12:26
willcookeoff to London12:28
didrocksjbicha: I did it yesterday evening12:28
didrocksjbicha: just didn't push because wanted to test for a day first :)12:28
didrocksdidn'tspot anything funky right now12:29
jbichadidrocks: cool, glad I asked then :)12:29
GargoyleSo if you search in the launcher for "additional drivers" or "software & updates" there is a config tool which will confirm what you have active12:29
didrocksjbicha: I plan to upload a alt-tab fix in G-S tomorrow morning, I can handle the update at the same time if you don't mind12:29
Gargoylenabhash, Also, running "sudo apt-get install -f" will check and fix for any broken dependencies (Which can happen when using dpkg to install stuff directly)12:31
nabhashGargoyle : i am doing updates now , but on other software I had amdgpu-pro enabled12:31
jbichadidrocks: go ahead, you can sync mutter from Debian experimental then too12:31
didrocksjbicha: ok, will handle both!12:32
nabhashGrgoyle : sudo apt-get install -f    will check for all what's installed ?12:32
Gargoylenabhash, "man apt-get" for a full description of what it does.12:33
=== jdstrand_ is now known as jdstrand
nabhashare there any diagnostic tools i can download and check my system hardware ( ubuntu 16.04)13:04
didrocksI think those kind of questions/discussions should rather be on #ubuntu (this is the channel for developping the next ubuntu version)13:06
ogra_(actually for developing the *desktop* for the next ubuntu version even)13:07
didrocksjbicha: 3.26 mutter isn't in debian yet, correct?13:07
nabhashok thanks for your help anyway13:10
jbichadidrocks: mutter 3.26 is in experimental (but you'll need to wait a few hours for LP to let you sync it)13:18
didrocksjbicha: ah, I was looking at the pts13:19
jbichait's in experimental because mozjs52 isn't working on all architectures13:19
didrocksjbicha: mutter is not going to be a sync anyway, correct? as we have the s390x arch ignore13:33
xnoxdidrocks, hi, i was wondering if i'm allowed to experiment with gdm css for the lock screen. I want ubuntu logo, ubuntu release, ubuntu dot pattern, ubuntu background all over it.13:34
didrocksxnox: you have ubuntu logo already13:34
xnoxdidrocks, *caugh* unity-launcher *caugh*13:34
xnoxdidrocks, ah, i must be out of date.13:34
didrocksxnox: that's not gdm or the lock screen?13:35
didrocksxnox: please don't upload anything before we see it13:35
didrocksand have willcooke and us in the loop :)13:35
didrocksxnox: also, test on multi-monitors13:35
didrockslike, if you display an image, gdm doesn't handle multi-monitors well13:35
xnoxdidrocks, sure.13:36
didrocks(it scales the image across all visible area)13:36
GargoyleI've got three screens and want to see something other that the purple vomit pattern with the grey input boxes! So happy to test if you can show me how.13:38
didrocksxnox: for the logo, take latest ubuntu-settings btw13:40
didrocks(and reboot ofc ;))13:40
vithiriThis is potentially not the right forum, so my apologies in advance, but does anyone know if the global menu bar is planned to make a come-back in or post 17.10?13:41
oSoMoNspeaking of multiple monitors, my settings used to be retained across reboots (at home I use only my external monitor, my laptop screen is off), now they aren't any longer, at boot both monitors are on13:44
didrocksvithiri: as I mentioned on planet ubuntu (https://didrocks.fr/2017/08/03/ubuntu--guadec-2017-and-plans-for-gnome-shell-migration/), no global menu is planned13:44
oSoMoNknown issue?13:44
vithirididrocks, Ah, I've missed that one. Thanks! :)13:45
didrocksyw ;à13:46
seb128oSoMoN, bug #1716341 , would be useful if you could upstream it (if you don't have a GNOME bugzilla account it's a good opportunity to open one ;-)14:03
ubot5bug 1716341 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "Settings for external monitor are deleted after reboot, suspension, log out" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171634114:03
seb128oSoMoN, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=gnome-control-center14:03
seb128jbicha, ^ do you know if that's a known regression in 3.26?14:04
oSoMoNseb128, doing14:07
seb128oSoMoN, thanks14:15
willcookeLaney, wow, 12MB! I can't work out what I did wrong there, but thanks for being awesome!14:17
oSoMoNseb128, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=78762914:19
ubot5Gnome bug 787629 in Display "Settings for external monitor are deleted after reboot, suspension, log out" [Normal,New]14:19
jackpot51After the BlueBorne revelations, we are looking for ways to disable Bluetooth by default. Is there a good way to do this?14:29
mdeslaurjackpot51: you can probably blacklist the bluetooth modules by adding something to /etc/modprobe.d14:31
mdeslaurnot sure what they're called though14:31
mdeslaurmaybe just "bluetooth" would be sufficient14:31
Laneywillcooke: probably destroyed the quality, but I can't tell :P14:33
Laneyshould we wait for the default wallpaper or not bother?14:35
ogra_mdeslaur, i thought kernel stack protection saves you from it (dont we have that on in all our kernels) ?14:36
mdeslaurogra_: saves you from remote code execution, doesn't save you from remote kernel DoS14:37
jackpot51mdeslaur: I want the user to be able to enable it in the control center. Essentially, I need to rfkill block bluetooth, but only once14:40
mdeslauroh, I see14:40
mdeslaurnot sure where the best place to do that would be14:41
mdeslaurcyphermox: ^14:41
willcookeLaney, just be round to design, no sign of marcus, going looking again...14:44
willcookeNew laptop, same wifi woes.16:04
seb128willcooke, same chipset?16:15
willcookeDont think so, can't remember.  No, can't be cos this is 5Ghz16:16
willcookeProlly the wifi here16:16
seb128others don't see the issue though16:17
seb128it's in the office right?16:17
seb128I never had such problem there16:17
ogra_seb128, just sell willcooke your laptop then ;)16:33
kenvandineogra_, lol16:33
kenvandineproblem solved!16:33
seb128buy Dell instead of Lenovo16:35
=== JanC is now known as Guest39146
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
seb128oSoMoN, btw you mentioned yesterday libreoffice stucked in proposed, bug #1712873 is tagged block-proposed as discussed before your week off, feel free to untag (then you said there was test issues, the i386 is still the kernel/java segfault one?)16:57
ubot5bug 1712873 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "autopkgtests failures on i386 and s390x for 5.4.0, assumes wrong architecture" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171287316:57
oSoMoNseb128, I *think* the i386 failures are caused by the kernel/java segfault, but haven't really looked into them yet17:03
seb128oSoMoN, k, let me know if you need me, I'm off tomorrow/friday but drop me an email and I might get to it before monday17:04
oSoMoNack, thanks!17:05
oSoMoNbut enjoy your time off!17:05
willcookeRighty ho, will live tweet the GNOME release party.17:07
willcookenight all17:07
oSoMoNnighty night17:54
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
vithiriThe area where the title bar of maximized windows meet the top panel looks a bit jarring in 17.10. Will it become more seamless before the release, or will that be targeted at some later point?19:29
jbichavithiri: would you like to file a bug for that double gradient issue against ubuntu-themes?20:04
vithirijbicha, is it ubuntu-themes or light-themes?20:14
jbichaubuntu-themes now20:15
jbichaat least the source package is ubuntu-themes20:16
vithirijbicha, I'm not certain that it's not a design decision, but here it is: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-themes/+bug/171702320:27
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1717023 in ubuntu-themes (Ubuntu) "Jarring double gradient when window is maximized" [Undecided,New]20:27

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