=== mamarley is now known as Guest45198 | ||
=== mamarley_ is now known as mamarley | ||
jussi | good morning all | 02:11 |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_kscreenlocker build #69: STILL FAILING in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_kscreenlocker/69/ | 02:52 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_kscreenlocker build #32: STILL FAILING in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_kscreenlocker/32/ | 02:52 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_kscreenlocker build #113: STILL FAILING in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_kscreenlocker/113/ | 02:52 | |
IrcsomeBot | <myfenris> Morning | 02:57 |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_kaccounts-providers build #62: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_kaccounts-providers/62/ | 03:08 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_kaddressbook build #75: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_kaddressbook/75/ | 03:08 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_kcharselect build #65: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_kcharselect/65/ | 03:08 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_latte-dock build #13: FAILURE in 4 hr 1 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_latte-dock/13/ | 03:08 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_knetwalk build #97: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_knetwalk/97/ | 03:08 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_kgeography build #64: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_kgeography/64/ | 03:08 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_calligra build #69: FAILURE in 4 hr 1 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_calligra/69/ | 03:08 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_kmail build #91: FAILURE in 4 hr 1 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_kmail/91/ | 03:08 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_libksieve build #79: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_libksieve/79/ | 03:09 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_gcompris build #52: FAILURE in 4 hr 1 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_gcompris/52/ | 03:09 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_kdenlive build #104: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_kdenlive/104/ | 03:09 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_kdev-python build #81: STILL FAILING in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_kdev-python/81/ | 03:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_kdf build #47: FAILURE in 4 hr 3 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_kdf/47/ | 03:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_latte-dock build #12: FAILURE in 4 hr 3 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_latte-dock/12/ | 03:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kmbox build #192: FAILURE in 4 hr 1 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kmbox/192/ | 03:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_syndication build #238: FAILURE in 4 hr 1 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_syndication/238/ | 03:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kwallet-pam build #268: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kwallet-pam/268/ | 03:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_user-manager build #173: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_user-manager/173/ | 03:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_kaccounts-providers build #75: FAILURE in 4 hr 3 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_kaccounts-providers/75/ | 03:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_calligra build #48: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_calligra/48/ | 03:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_akonadi-calendar build #203: STILL FAILING in 4 hr 3 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_akonadi-calendar/203/ | 03:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_klinkstatus build #51: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_klinkstatus/51/ | 03:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kmenuedit build #134: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kmenuedit/134/ | 03:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_ktimer build #94: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_ktimer/94/ | 03:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_trojita build #170: FAILURE in 4 hr 1 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_trojita/170/ | 03:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_kdepim-runtime build #107: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_kdepim-runtime/107/ | 03:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_ktimer build #48: FAILURE in 4 hr 1 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_ktimer/48/ | 03:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kscd build #127: FAILURE in 4 hr 1 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kscd/127/ | 03:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_plasma-sdk build #61: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_plasma-sdk/61/ | 03:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_kcharselect build #32: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_kcharselect/32/ | 03:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_kcharselect build #32: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_kcharselect/32/ | 03:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_ruqola build #57: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_ruqola/57/ | 03:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_akonadi-calendar-tools build #98: STILL FAILING in 4 hr 3 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_akonadi-calendar-tools/98/ | 03:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_plasma-integration build #72: FAILURE in 4 hr 3 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_plasma-integration/72/ | 03:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_pim-data-exporter build #192: STILL FAILING in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_pim-data-exporter/192/ | 03:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_knetwalk build #77: FAILURE in 4 hr 3 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_knetwalk/77/ | 03:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_akonadi-calendar-tools build #154: FAILURE in 4 hr 3 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_akonadi-calendar-tools/154/ | 03:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_ktimer build #31: FAILURE in 4 hr 3 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_ktimer/31/ | 03:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_libgravatar build #46: FAILURE in 4 hr 3 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_libgravatar/46/ | 03:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_plasma-integration build #149: FAILURE in 4 hr 3 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_plasma-integration/149/ | 03:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kdeedu-data build #114: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kdeedu-data/114/ | 03:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_spectacle build #149: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_spectacle/149/ | 03:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kde-cli-tools build #397: FAILURE in 4 hr 3 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kde-cli-tools/397/ | 03:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kpeople build #470: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kpeople/470/ | 03:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_ksquares build #40: FAILURE in 4 hr 3 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_ksquares/40/ | 03:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_kfourinline build #40: FAILURE in 4 hr 4 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_kfourinline/40/ | 03:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_ktp-desktop-applets build #71: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_ktp-desktop-applets/71/ | 03:12 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kube build #29: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kube/29/ | 03:12 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_ktouch build #100: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_ktouch/100/ | 03:12 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_kajongg build #6: FAILURE in 4 hr 4 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_kajongg/6/ | 03:12 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_okular build #226: STILL FAILING in 4 hr 3 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_okular/226/ | 03:12 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_kdiamond build #37: FAILURE in 4 hr 3 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_kdiamond/37/ | 03:12 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_mplayerthumbs build #52: FAILURE in 4 hr 3 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_mplayerthumbs/52/ | 03:12 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_krdc build #29: FAILURE in 4 hr 3 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_krdc/29/ | 03:12 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_knetwalk build #37: FAILURE in 4 hr 3 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_knetwalk/37/ | 03:12 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_plasma-nm build #124: FAILURE in 4 hr 4 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_plasma-nm/124/ | 03:12 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_plasma-nm build #272: FAILURE in 4 hr 4 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_plasma-nm/272/ | 03:12 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kde-dev-scripts build #359: FAILURE in 4 hr 3 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kde-dev-scripts/359/ | 03:12 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_marble build #255: FAILURE in 4 hr 4 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_marble/255/ | 03:12 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_ksysguard build #113: FAILURE in 4 hr 4 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_ksysguard/113/ | 03:12 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_breeze-gtk build #293: FAILURE in 4 hr 4 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_breeze-gtk/293/ | 03:12 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kaccounts-integration build #338: FAILURE in 4 hr 3 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kaccounts-integration/338/ | 03:12 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_polkit-kde-agent-1 build #36: FAILURE in 4 hr 3 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_polkit-kde-agent-1/36/ | 03:12 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_grantlee-editor build #86: FAILURE in 4 hr 3 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_grantlee-editor/86/ | 03:12 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_blogilo build #95: FAILURE in 4 hr 3 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_blogilo/95/ | 03:12 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kolf build #88: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kolf/88/ | 03:12 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_kleopatra build #42: FAILURE in 4 hr 3 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_kleopatra/42/ | 03:12 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kdev-python build #72: FAILURE in 4 hr 4 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kdev-python/72/ | 03:12 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_gcompris build #54: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_gcompris/54/ | 03:21 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kremotecontrol build #86: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kremotecontrol/86/ | 03:21 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kopete build #86: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kopete/86/ | 03:24 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_breeze-grub build #412: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_breeze-grub/412/ | 03:24 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_gpgmepp build #110: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_gpgmepp/110/ | 03:26 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_kwayland-integration build #113: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_kwayland-integration/113/ | 03:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_klinkstatus build #148: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_klinkstatus/148/ | 03:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kwayland-integration build #193: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kwayland-integration/193/ | 03:33 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_polkit-kde-agent-1 build #237: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_polkit-kde-agent-1/237/ | 03:34 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kmousetool build #77: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kmousetool/77/ | 03:36 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde build #107: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde/107/ | 03:37 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kruler build #199: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kruler/199/ | 03:38 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_systemdgenie build #96: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_systemdgenie/96/ | 03:38 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kqtquickcharts build #187: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kqtquickcharts/187/ | 03:38 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_plasma-workspace-wallpapers build #213: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_plasma-workspace-wallpapers/213/ | 03:38 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kbruch build #237: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kbruch/237/ | 03:38 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_plasma-workspace-wallpapers build #109: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_plasma-workspace-wallpapers/109/ | 03:38 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_poxml build #198: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_poxml/198/ | 03:38 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kcolorchooser build #218: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kcolorchooser/218/ | 03:38 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kwrited build #185: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kwrited/185/ | 03:38 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_gcompris build #60: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_gcompris/60/ | 03:38 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kimagemapeditor build #103: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kimagemapeditor/103/ | 03:39 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kdeedu-data build #244: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kdeedu-data/244/ | 03:47 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_isoimagewriter build #52: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_isoimagewriter/52/ | 03:48 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_libkexiv2 build #67: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_libkexiv2/67/ | 03:48 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_analitza build #172: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_analitza/172/ | 03:48 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_ktp-send-file build #113: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_ktp-send-file/113/ | 03:48 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_ktimer build #141: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_ktimer/141/ | 03:48 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kmag build #124: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kmag/124/ | 03:48 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_dragon build #149: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_dragon/149/ | 03:48 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_yakuake build #82: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_yakuake/82/ | 03:48 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_plymouth-kcm build #95: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_plymouth-kcm/95/ | 03:48 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kde-dev-utils build #207: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kde-dev-utils/207/ | 03:48 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kamoso build #154: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kamoso/154/ | 03:48 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_dragon build #67: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_dragon/67/ | 03:50 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_krita build #264: FAILURE in 4 hr 1 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_krita/264/ | 03:50 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_libkcddb build #165: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_libkcddb/165/ | 03:52 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kdenlive build #199: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kdenlive/199/ | 03:54 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kdf build #215: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kdf/215/ | 03:58 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_rsibreak build #105: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_rsibreak/105/ | 03:58 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_libktorrent build #55: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_libktorrent/55/ | 03:58 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_svgpart build #177: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_svgpart/177/ | 03:58 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_cervisia build #190: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_cervisia/190/ | 03:58 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kdesdk-kioslaves build #147: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kdesdk-kioslaves/147/ | 03:58 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_ffmpegthumbs build #113: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_ffmpegthumbs/113/ | 03:59 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kmouth build #79: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kmouth/79/ | 03:59 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_krita build #121: FAILURE in 4 hr 1 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_krita/121/ | 04:00 | |
=== superfly is now known as superfly_ | ||
=== superfly_ is now known as superfly | ||
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_ktp-approver build #108: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_ktp-approver/108/ | 04:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_krusader build #89: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_krusader/89/ | 04:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kiten build #97: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kiten/97/ | 06:52 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_konversation build #130: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_konversation/130/ | 06:52 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_ktp-filetransfer-handler build #111: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_ktp-filetransfer-handler/111/ | 06:52 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kwalletmanager build #184: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kwalletmanager/184/ | 07:08 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_ktp-kded-module build #122: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_ktp-kded-module/122/ | 07:08 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_breeze-gtk build #136: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_breeze-gtk/136/ | 07:08 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_ktp-contact-list build #116: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_ktp-contact-list/116/ | 07:08 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kcalc build #216: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kcalc/216/ | 07:08 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_khangman build #204: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_khangman/204/ | 07:09 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kaffeine build #134: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kaffeine/134/ | 07:09 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_ark build #264: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_ark/264/ | 07:09 | |
kfunk | does someone have an idea why calligra flow isn't packaged on Ubuntu? | 07:09 |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_ktp-approver build #104: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_ktp-approver/104/ | 07:09 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_filelight build #103: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_filelight/103/ | 07:09 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_ktp-auth-handler build #120: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_ktp-auth-handler/120/ | 07:09 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kaccounts-providers build #112: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kaccounts-providers/112/ | 07:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kio-stash build #43: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kio-stash/43/ | 07:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kgeography build #228: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kgeography/228/ | 07:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_ktp-accounts-kcm build #163: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_ktp-accounts-kcm/163/ | 07:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_jovie build #115: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_jovie/115/ | 07:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_libksane build #99: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_libksane/99/ | 07:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_gpgmepp build #230: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_gpgmepp/230/ | 07:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_kdesdk-thumbnailers build #81: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_kdesdk-thumbnailers/81/ | 07:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kigo build #174: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kigo/174/ | 07:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_ktnef build #127: STILL FAILING in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_ktnef/127/ | 07:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kubrick build #79: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kubrick/79/ | 07:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kturtle build #204: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kturtle/204/ | 07:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kalarmcal build #108: STILL FAILING in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kalarmcal/108/ | 07:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_kbreakout build #48: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_kbreakout/48/ | 07:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kde-dev-scripts build #202: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kde-dev-scripts/202/ | 07:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_kubrick build #78: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_kubrick/78/ | 07:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kgpg build #110: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kgpg/110/ | 07:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_keditbookmarks build #123: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_keditbookmarks/123/ | 07:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kfloppy build #165: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kfloppy/165/ | 07:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_ktuberling build #77: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_ktuberling/77/ | 07:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_lskat build #210: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_lskat/210/ | 07:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kpat build #118: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kpat/118/ | 07:11 | |
acheronuk | kfunk: is that one of the components marked 'unmaintained? | 07:11 |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_umbrello build #249: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_umbrello/249/ | 07:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_qtcurve build #136: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_qtcurve/136/ | 07:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_dolphin-plugins build #113: FAILURE in 4 hr 1 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_dolphin-plugins/113/ | 07:12 | |
kfunk | acheronuk: where do you see that mark? | 07:13 |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kdiamond build #122: FAILURE in 4 hr 1 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kdiamond/122/ | 07:13 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_konqueror build #223: FAILURE in 4 hr 1 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_konqueror/223/ | 07:13 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_step build #196: FAILURE in 4 hr 1 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_step/196/ | 07:13 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_bovo build #142: FAILURE in 4 hr 1 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_bovo/142/ | 07:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_kpat build #43: FAILURE in 4 hr 1 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_kpat/43/ | 07:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kmplot build #229: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kmplot/229/ | 07:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kshisen build #120: FAILURE in 4 hr 1 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kshisen/120/ | 07:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_katomic build #123: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_katomic/123/ | 07:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kwordquiz build #156: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kwordquiz/156/ | 07:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kde-cli-tools build #131: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kde-cli-tools/131/ | 07:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_picmi build #140: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_picmi/140/ | 07:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kfourinline build #125: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kfourinline/125/ | 07:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kbreakout build #177: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kbreakout/177/ | 07:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kross-interpreters build #98: FAILURE in 4 hr 1 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kross-interpreters/98/ | 07:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kjots build #57: FAILURE in 4 hr 1 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kjots/57/ | 07:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_granatier build #169: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_granatier/169/ | 07:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kblackbox build #124: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kblackbox/124/ | 07:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kgoldrunner build #137: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kgoldrunner/137/ | 07:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kdesdk-thumbnailers build #128: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kdesdk-thumbnailers/128/ | 07:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_elisa build #109: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_elisa/109/ | 07:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kmines build #147: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kmines/147/ | 07:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kbounce build #140: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kbounce/140/ | 07:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kinfocenter build #223: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kinfocenter/223/ | 07:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_labplot build #112: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_labplot/112/ | 07:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kteatime build #222: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kteatime/222/ | 07:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kdialog build #127: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kdialog/127/ | 07:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_sddm-kcm build #273: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_sddm-kcm/273/ | 07:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kfind build #187: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kfind/187/ | 07:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kalzium build #212: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kalzium/212/ | 07:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_minuet build #165: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_minuet/165/ | 07:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_konsole build #204: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_konsole/204/ | 07:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_kalarm build #76: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_kalarm/76/ | 07:14 | |
acheronuk | kfunk: wait. I was thinking of braindump | 07:21 |
acheronuk | kfunk: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/332364963/buildlog_ubuntu-artful-amd64.calligra_1%3A3.0.1-0ubuntu3_BUILDING.txt.gz | 07:21 |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_pim-sieve-editor build #80: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_pim-sieve-editor/80/ | 07:21 | |
acheronuk | ------ The following product(set)s/features can NOT be built ------ | 07:21 |
acheronuk | -- FEATURE_SCRIPTING: Scripting feature | No maintainer currently | 07:21 |
acheronuk | -- FEATURE_RDF: RDF feature | Soprano not found / No maintainer currently | 07:21 |
acheronuk | -- PART_QTQUICK: QtQuick Plugin that provides Calligra components | Qt OpenGL not found / QtDeclarative not found | 07:21 |
acheronuk | -- APP_STAGE: Stage app (for Desktop) | No maintainer currently | 07:21 |
acheronuk | -- APP_FLOW: Flow app (for Desktop) | Not yet ported to Qt5/KF5 | 07:21 |
acheronuk | so ^^^^ | 07:21 |
kfunk | -- APP_FLOW: Flow app (for Desktop) | Not yet ported to Qt5/KF5 | 07:21 |
kfunk | ah | 07:22 |
kfunk | thanks! | 07:22 |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_marble build #89: FAILURE in 4 hr 1 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_marble/89/ | 07:22 | |
* acheronuk swears at launchpad builds timing out :( | 07:23 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_knotes build #97: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_knotes/97/ | 07:24 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_akonadi-calendar-tools build #101: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_akonadi-calendar-tools/101/ | 07:24 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kgoldrunner build #66: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kgoldrunner/66/ | 07:27 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_ktp-approver build #103: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_ktp-approver/103/ | 07:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_kbreakout build #55: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_kbreakout/55/ | 07:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_palapeli build #81: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_palapeli/81/ | 07:34 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_breeze-gtk build #123: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_breeze-gtk/123/ | 07:34 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_akonadiconsole build #85: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_akonadiconsole/85/ | 07:36 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kfind build #90: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kfind/90/ | 07:38 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kde-cli-tools build #114: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kde-cli-tools/114/ | 07:38 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_okular build #95: STILL FAILING in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_okular/95/ | 07:38 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_dolphin build #84: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_dolphin/84/ | 07:38 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_kfourinline build #52: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_kfourinline/52/ | 07:38 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_ksquares build #76: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_ksquares/76/ | 07:38 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kreversi build #121: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kreversi/121/ | 07:38 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kleopatra build #99: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kleopatra/99/ | 07:38 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kdebugsettings build #110: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kdebugsettings/110/ | 07:38 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_bovo build #73: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_bovo/73/ | 07:38 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_gwenview build #108: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_gwenview/108/ | 07:39 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_katomic build #111: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_katomic/111/ | 07:39 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_kteatime build #104: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_kteatime/104/ | 07:47 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kmines build #74: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kmines/74/ | 07:48 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_umbrello build #103: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_umbrello/103/ | 07:48 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_parley build #107: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_parley/107/ | 07:48 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_ktouch build #99: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_ktouch/99/ | 07:48 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_k3b build #87: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_k3b/87/ | 07:48 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kdiamond build #71: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kdiamond/71/ | 07:48 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_plasma-browser-integration build #73: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_plasma-browser-integration/73/ | 07:48 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_latte-dock build #130: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_latte-dock/130/ | 07:48 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_ktp-contact-runner build #93: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_ktp-contact-runner/93/ | 07:49 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kmail-account-wizard build #78: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kmail-account-wizard/78/ | 07:49 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_pim-data-exporter build #70: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_pim-data-exporter/70/ | 07:49 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_konsole build #106: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_konsole/106/ | 07:50 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kiriki build #79: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kiriki/79/ | 07:50 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_sweeper build #53: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_sweeper/53/ | 07:52 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_klickety build #73: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_klickety/73/ | 07:54 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kigo build #103: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kigo/103/ | 07:58 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_libkcddb build #109: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_libkcddb/109/ | 07:58 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_klickety build #106: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_klickety/106/ | 07:58 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kwave build #111: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kwave/111/ | 07:58 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kjumpingcube build #71: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kjumpingcube/71/ | 07:58 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kactivitymanagerd build #131: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kactivitymanagerd/131/ | 07:58 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kdegraphics-thumbnailers build #88: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kdegraphics-thumbnailers/88/ | 07:59 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_kexi build #94: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_kexi/94/ | 07:59 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_lskat build #103: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_lskat/103/ | 08:00 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kcachegrind build #116: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kcachegrind/116/ | 08:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_bomber build #72: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_bomber/72/ | 08:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kalarmcal build #109: STILL FAILING in 59 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kalarmcal/109/ | 08:15 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_ktnef build #128: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_ktnef/128/ | 08:17 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_okular build #96: STILL FAILING in 43 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_okular/96/ | 08:26 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_konsole build #107: FIXED in 1 hr 32 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_konsole/107/ | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_ktouch build #100: FIXED in 1 hr 34 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_ktouch/100/ | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_bovo build #74: FIXED in 1 hr 44 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_bovo/74/ | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_ktp-filetransfer-handler build #112: FIXED in 2 hr 30 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_ktp-filetransfer-handler/112/ | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kcachegrind build #117: FIXED in 1 hr 12 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kcachegrind/117/ | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_qtcurve build #137: FIXED in 2 hr 11 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_qtcurve/137/ | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kteatime build #223: FIXED in 2 hr 8 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kteatime/223/ | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_keditbookmarks build #124: FIXED in 2 hr 11 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_keditbookmarks/124/ | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kigo build #104: FIXED in 1 hr 24 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kigo/104/ | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kgeography build #229: FIXED in 2 hr 12 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kgeography/229/ | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kdebugsettings build #111: FIXED in 1 hr 44 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kdebugsettings/111/ | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_ktp-approver build #104: FIXED in 1 hr 54 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_ktp-approver/104/ | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kfourinline build #126: FIXED in 2 hr 9 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kfourinline/126/ | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_knotes build #98: FIXED in 1 hr 59 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_knotes/98/ | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kbounce build #141: FIXED in 2 hr 8 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kbounce/141/ | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_labplot build #113: FIXED in 2 hr 8 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_labplot/113/ | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kaffeine build #135: FIXED in 2 hr 14 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kaffeine/135/ | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kfloppy build #166: FIXED in 2 hr 11 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kfloppy/166/ | 09:28 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_gpgmepp build #231: FIXED in 2 hr 12 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_gpgmepp/231/ | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_sddm-kcm build #274: FIXED in 2 hr 8 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_sddm-kcm/274/ | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kpat build #119: FIXED in 2 hr 11 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kpat/119/ | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_pim-sieve-editor build #81: FIXED in 2 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_pim-sieve-editor/81/ | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_elisa build #110: NOW UNSTABLE in 2 hr 8 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_elisa/110/ | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_konqueror build #224: FIXED in 2 hr 9 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_konqueror/224/ | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kdiamond build #123: FIXED in 2 hr 10 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kdiamond/123/ | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_step build #197: FIXED in 2 hr 10 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_step/197/ | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_umbrello build #104: FIXED in 1 hr 34 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_umbrello/104/ | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_katomic build #112: FIXED in 1 hr 44 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_katomic/112/ | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kdesdk-thumbnailers build #129: FIXED in 2 hr 8 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kdesdk-thumbnailers/129/ | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kdiamond build #72: FIXED in 1 hr 34 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kdiamond/72/ | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kiriki build #80: FIXED in 1 hr 32 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kiriki/80/ | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kgpg build #111: FIXED in 2 hr 12 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kgpg/111/ | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kalzium build #213: NOW UNSTABLE in 2 hr 9 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kalzium/213/ | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_dolphin-plugins build #114: FIXED in 2 hr 10 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_dolphin-plugins/114/ | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_ktp-approver build #105: FIXED in 2 hr 13 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_ktp-approver/105/ | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_ktp-accounts-kcm build #164: FIXED in 2 hr 12 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_ktp-accounts-kcm/164/ | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_ark build #265: NOW UNSTABLE in 2 hr 14 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_ark/265/ | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kleopatra build #100: FIXED in 1 hr 45 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kleopatra/100/ | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_granatier build #170: FIXED in 2 hr 8 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_granatier/170/ | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kde-cli-tools build #132: FIXED in 2 hr 9 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kde-cli-tools/132/ | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_libkcddb build #110: FIXED in 1 hr 25 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_libkcddb/110/ | 09:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kinfocenter build #224: FIXED in 2 hr 9 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kinfocenter/224/ | 09:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kactivitymanagerd build #132: FIXED in 1 hr 24 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kactivitymanagerd/132/ | 09:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_bovo build #143: FIXED in 2 hr 9 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_bovo/143/ | 09:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kfind build #188: FIXED in 2 hr 8 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kfind/188/ | 09:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kross-interpreters build #99: FIXED in 2 hr 8 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kross-interpreters/99/ | 09:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_parley build #108: FIXED in 1 hr 34 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_parley/108/ | 09:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kdialog build #128: FIXED in 2 hr 8 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kdialog/128/ | 09:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_marble build #90: FIXED in 2 hr 1 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_marble/90/ | 09:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kmines build #75: FIXED in 1 hr 35 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kmines/75/ | 09:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kreversi build #122: FIXED in 1 hr 45 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kreversi/122/ | 09:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_filelight build #104: FIXED in 2 hr 13 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_filelight/104/ | 09:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_picmi build #141: FIXED in 2 hr 9 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_picmi/141/ | 09:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kturtle build #205: FIXED in 2 hr 12 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kturtle/205/ | 09:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kmail-account-wizard build #79: FIXED in 1 hr 34 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kmail-account-wizard/79/ | 09:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kde-dev-scripts build #203: FIXED in 2 hr 12 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kde-dev-scripts/203/ | 09:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kdegraphics-thumbnailers build #89: FIXED in 1 hr 24 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kdegraphics-thumbnailers/89/ | 09:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kubrick build #80: FIXED in 2 hr 12 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kubrick/80/ | 09:31 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_konsole build #205: FIXED in 2 hr 8 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_konsole/205/ | 09:31 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_ktp-contact-list build #117: FIXED in 2 hr 14 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_ktp-contact-list/117/ | 09:31 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kwave build #112: FIXED in 1 hr 24 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kwave/112/ | 09:31 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 09:31 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kshisen build #121: FIXED in 2 hr 9 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kshisen/121/ | 09:31 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_katomic build #124: FIXED in 2 hr 8 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_katomic/124/ | 09:31 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kiten build #98: FIXED in 2 hr 31 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kiten/98/ | 09:31 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 10:15 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_kubrick build #79: FIXED in 2 hr 58 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_kubrick/79/ | 10:15 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 10:15 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_kdesdk-thumbnailers build #82: FIXED in 2 hr 59 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_kdesdk-thumbnailers/82/ | 10:15 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 10:15 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_kbreakout build #49: FIXED in 2 hr 59 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_kbreakout/49/ | 10:15 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 10:21 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_kpat build #44: FIXED in 3 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_kpat/44/ | 10:21 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 10:21 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_ktp-contact-runner build #94: FIXED in 2 hr 27 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_ktp-contact-runner/94/ | 10:21 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 10:22 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_akonadi-calendar-tools build #102: FIXED in 2 hr 52 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_akonadi-calendar-tools/102/ | 10:22 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 10:22 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_kfourinline build #53: FIXED in 2 hr 38 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_kfourinline/53/ | 10:22 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 10:22 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_kteatime build #105: FIXED in 2 hr 29 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_kteatime/105/ | 10:22 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 10:22 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_kbreakout build #56: FIXED in 2 hr 46 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_kbreakout/56/ | 10:22 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 10:22 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_akonadiconsole build #86: FIXED in 2 hr 40 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_akonadiconsole/86/ | 10:22 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 10:22 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_klickety build #74: FIXED in 2 hr 22 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_klickety/74/ | 10:22 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_plasma-integration build #73: STILL FAILING in 5 min 42 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_plasma-integration/73/ | 10:22 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_okular build #97: STILL FAILING in 11 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_okular/97/ | 10:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kdev-python build #73: STILL FAILING in 13 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kdev-python/73/ | 10:31 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 10:31 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_kaccounts-providers build #63: FIXED in 13 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_kaccounts-providers/63/ | 10:31 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 10:31 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_dolphin build #85: FIXED in 2 hr 47 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_dolphin/85/ | 10:31 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 10:31 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_knetwalk build #78: FIXED in 14 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_knetwalk/78/ | 10:31 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 10:31 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_k3b build #88: FIXED in 2 hr 38 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_k3b/88/ | 10:31 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 10:31 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_kalarm build #77: FIXED in 3 hr 11 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_kalarm/77/ | 10:31 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 10:31 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_ktimer build #95: FIXED in 14 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_ktimer/95/ | 10:31 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 10:31 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_ktp-desktop-applets build #72: FIXED in 14 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_ktp-desktop-applets/72/ | 10:31 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 10:31 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_kcharselect build #66: FIXED in 14 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_kcharselect/66/ | 10:31 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 10:32 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_ruqola build #58: FIXED in 14 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_ruqola/58/ | 10:32 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 10:32 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_klinkstatus build #52: FIXED in 14 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_klinkstatus/52/ | 10:32 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 10:32 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kdeedu-data build #115: FIXED in 14 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kdeedu-data/115/ | 10:32 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_plasma-integration build #74: STILL FAILING in 5 min 19 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_plasma-integration/74/ | 10:33 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Starting build #71 for job mgmt_pause_integration (previous build: ABORTED) | 10:40 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 10:41 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_plasma-workspace-wallpapers build #110: FIXED in 23 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_plasma-workspace-wallpapers/110/ | 10:41 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 10:41 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_gpgmepp build #111: FIXED in 23 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_gpgmepp/111/ | 10:41 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 10:41 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_ktouch build #101: FIXED in 24 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_ktouch/101/ | 10:41 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 10:41 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 10:41 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_kexi build #95: FIXED in 2 hr 36 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_kexi/95/ | 10:41 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_gcompris build #61: FIXED in 23 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_gcompris/61/ | 10:41 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 10:42 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_plasma-sdk build #62: FIXED in 25 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_plasma-sdk/62/ | 10:42 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 10:42 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_plasma-nm build #125: FIXED in 25 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_plasma-nm/125/ | 10:42 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kdev-python build #74: STILL FAILING in 7 min 27 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kdev-python/74/ | 10:43 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project mgmt_pause_integration build #71: ABORTED in 3 min 56 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/mgmt_pause_integration/71/ | 10:44 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_okular build #98: STILL FAILING in 15 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_okular/98/ | 10:49 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_discover build #90: FAILURE in 9 min 55 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_discover/90/ | 10:54 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_discover build #110: FAILURE in 12 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_discover/110/ | 10:56 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 10:59 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_kscreenlocker build #114: FIXED in 14 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_kscreenlocker/114/ | 10:59 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 10:59 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_kscreenlocker build #33: FIXED in 15 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_kscreenlocker/33/ | 10:59 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 11:01 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kopete build #87: FIXED in 43 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kopete/87/ | 11:01 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_discover build #91: STILL FAILING in 3 min 45 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_discover/91/ | 11:03 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_falkon build #23: STILL FAILING in 46 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_falkon/23/ | 11:03 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_discover build #111: STILL FAILING in 5 min 46 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_discover/111/ | 11:07 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 11:16 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_kscreenlocker build #70: FIXED in 31 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_kscreenlocker/70/ | 11:16 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 11:16 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_polkit-kde-agent-1 build #37: FIXED in 32 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_polkit-kde-agent-1/37/ | 11:16 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 11:17 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_polkit-kde-agent-1 build #238: FIXED in 33 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_polkit-kde-agent-1/238/ | 11:17 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 11:17 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_ksysguard build #114: FIXED in 33 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_ksysguard/114/ | 11:17 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 11:18 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_plasma-nm build #273: FIXED in 34 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_plasma-nm/273/ | 11:18 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_falkon build #24: STILL FAILING in 30 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_falkon/24/ | 11:39 | |
clivejo | acheronuk: could this be closed/resolved? https://phabricator.kde.org/T6531 | 11:51 |
clivejo | hi blaze | 11:52 |
blaze | hi clivejo | 11:53 |
clivejo | wxl: will this ever happen? https://phabricator.kde.org/T5119 | 11:53 |
acheronuk | I think so. 5.9.2 would need a new one | 11:53 |
clivejo | blaze: how be you? | 11:54 |
clivejo | acheronuk: what about this? https://phabricator.kde.org/T6479 | 11:55 |
acheronuk | task --> bin | 11:56 |
clivejo | wonder should we re-visit the default apps in the Kickoff favs menu? | 11:58 |
acheronuk | I would like to. was also wondering about updating that default user icon as well. maybe for a kubuntu gear | 11:59 |
clivejo | wanna open a task ? | 11:59 |
acheronuk | go ahead | 11:59 |
clivejo | LOL I mean't YOU open a task :P | 12:00 |
acheronuk | ok. I will in a little bit | 12:01 |
clivejo | opened one for Kickoff menu | 12:03 |
clivejo | I set my sddm background to the default plasma wallpaper and is looks nice (but is plasma 5.11 beta), would that be something we could do for artful? | 12:05 |
acheronuk | lol. impatient | 12:05 |
clivejo | just aware a lot of people aren't keen on the blue windoze style login! | 12:06 |
acheronuk | I think opensuse do that? | 12:06 |
acheronuk | could experiment | 12:06 |
clivejo | I would like artful to live up to its name | 12:06 |
* clivejo pokes ahoneybun | 12:06 | |
clivejo | wallpapaers would be nice | 12:06 |
* clivejo wanders off to build a wall | 12:07 | |
acheronuk | the 5.11 wallpaper had that very light blue though, which I don't think would contrast well with the login/avatar | 12:07 |
clivejo | 5.10? | 12:07 |
acheronuk | duh. 5.10 | 12:08 |
clivejo | the 5.11 one looks nice! | 12:08 |
* clivejo loves it | 12:08 | |
blaze | are those mexos bothering you too clivejo? | 12:08 |
acheronuk | I like it now :) | 12:08 |
clivejo | blaze: nope | 12:08 |
acheronuk | tempting to pinch it for artful! | 12:08 |
clivejo | I'm trying to keep something in | 12:08 |
clivejo | rather than out | 12:08 |
acheronuk | you having to pay for your own wall? | 12:09 |
clivejo | not only paying, have to build it myself too | 12:09 |
acheronuk | they should make trump do that | 12:10 |
acheronuk | but best not get into that in here..... | 12:10 |
clivejo | I'd make Max do it, but his help isn't appreciated | 12:11 |
ahoneybun | clivejo: | 12:12 |
ahoneybun | could you vote on the wallpapers | 12:12 |
clivejo | I though they were voted on, using flickr | 12:13 |
ahoneybun | acheronuk: you got your KC thing on the forums already | 12:13 |
ahoneybun | I'm using the forums clivejo | 12:15 |
ahoneybun | flickr was just the hosting | 12:15 |
acheronuk | ahoneybun: yeah, snowhog added it | 12:18 |
ahoneybun | nice | 12:18 |
ahoneybun | clivejo: https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php/72235-Kubuntu-Artful-Wallpaper-contest | 12:18 |
ahoneybun | https://imgur.com/a/jepdM | 12:26 |
ahoneybun | clivejo: acheronuk | 12:26 |
ahoneybun | highest voted on | 12:26 |
ahoneybun | those are the highest sizes and resolutions | 12:26 |
acheronuk | mmmmm.... chilli | 12:28 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> @acheronuk, Mmmmmmmmmmmm | 12:29 |
blaze | are they in public domain and legal to use? | 12:30 |
BluesKaj_ | Howdy folks | 12:30 |
acheronuk | blaze: someone has been checking | 12:36 |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project mgmt_tooling build #156: STILL UNSTABLE in 7 min 14 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/mgmt_tooling/156/ | 12:43 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Rik Mills: update kgamma branch override for plasma 5.11 | 12:43 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Failed tests: | 12:43 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- CI::SCMTest.test_cleanup_uri: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/mgmt_tooling/156/testReport/junit/junit/(root)/CI__SCMTest/test_cleanup_uri | 12:43 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- CI::SCMTest.test_init: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/mgmt_tooling/156/testReport/junit/junit/(root)/CI__SCMTest/test_init | 12:43 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- CI::SCMTest.test_tarball: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/mgmt_tooling/156/testReport/junit/junit/(root)/CI__SCMTest/test_tarball | 12:43 | |
ahoneybun | blaze: they have licensed to use | 12:57 |
ahoneybun | that was the required to submit them | 12:58 |
ahoneybun | https://packages.ubuntu.com/zesty/all/xubuntu-wallpapers/filelist | 12:58 |
ahoneybun | clivejo: acheronuk | 12:58 |
acheronuk | ahoneybun: and? | 12:58 |
ahoneybun | just looking on how to package the wallpapers | 12:59 |
acheronuk | no point looking at xubuntu. it has the in a completely different place | 13:00 |
ahoneybun | yea true | 13:00 |
ahoneybun | guess we would follow how Plasma does the default one | 13:00 |
acheronuk | https://packages.ubuntu.com/artful/plasma-workspace-wallpapers | 13:01 |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_discover build #92: STILL FAILING in 4 min 45 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_discover/92/ | 13:12 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_discover build #112: STILL FAILING in 5 min 50 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_discover/112/ | 13:13 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 13:19 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_kwayland-integration build #114: FIXED in 12 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_kwayland-integration/114/ | 13:19 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 13:19 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_plasma-pa build #67: FIXED in 11 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_plasma-pa/67/ | 13:19 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_discover build #93: STILL FAILING in 2 min 40 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_discover/93/ | 13:20 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_discover build #113: STILL FAILING in 4 min 47 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_discover/113/ | 13:23 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project mgmt_tooling build #157: STILL UNSTABLE in 4 min 54 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/mgmt_tooling/157/ | 13:54 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Rik Mills: add drkonqi | 13:54 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_drkonqi build #1: UNSTABLE in 22 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_drkonqi/1/ | 14:46 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_drkonqi build #1: UNSTABLE in 23 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_drkonqi/1/ | 14:46 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_drkonqi build #1: UNSTABLE in 23 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_drkonqi/1/ | 14:46 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_drkonqi build #1: UNSTABLE in 24 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_drkonqi/1/ | 14:48 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_drkonqi build #1: UNSTABLE in 24 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_drkonqi/1/ | 14:48 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_drkonqi build #1: UNSTABLE in 24 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_drkonqi/1/ | 14:48 | |
doko | hi | 15:03 |
doko | who knows about the kde autopkg testing, and why it's setup this way? | 15:04 |
doko | looks like every package has an acc and a testsuite test | 15:04 |
doko | what's the purpose of these two? | 15:04 |
* tsimonq2 nudges acheronuk ^^^^^^^^^ | 15:15 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project mgmt_docker » master build #1770: SUCCESS in 1 min 15 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/mgmt_docker/label=master/1770/ | 15:16 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project mgmt_docker » linode-01 build #1770: SUCCESS in 1 min 20 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/mgmt_docker/label=linode-01/1770/ | 15:16 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project mgmt_docker » swy-01 build #1770: SUCCESS in 4 min 15 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/mgmt_docker/label=swy-01/1770/ | 15:19 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project mgmt_docker » swy-02 build #1770: SUCCESS in 4 min 55 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/mgmt_docker/label=swy-02/1770/ | 15:19 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project mgmt_tooling_deploy » master build #79: SUCCESS in 25 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/mgmt_tooling_deploy/label=master/79/ | 15:20 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project mgmt_tooling_deploy » linode-01 build #79: SUCCESS in 29 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/mgmt_tooling_deploy/label=linode-01/79/ | 15:20 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project mgmt_tooling_deploy » swy-01 build #79: SUCCESS in 55 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/mgmt_tooling_deploy/label=swy-01/79/ | 15:20 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project mgmt_tooling_deploy » swy-02 build #79: SUCCESS in 1 min 3 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/mgmt_tooling_deploy/label=swy-02/79/ | 15:20 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project mgmt_docker » linode-01 build #1771: SUCCESS in 1 min 7 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/mgmt_docker/label=linode-01/1771/ | 15:22 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project mgmt_docker » master build #1771: SUCCESS in 1 min 11 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/mgmt_docker/label=master/1771/ | 15:22 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project mgmt_docker » swy-01 build #1771: SUCCESS in 4 min 2 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/mgmt_docker/label=swy-01/1771/ | 15:25 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project mgmt_docker » swy-02 build #1771: SUCCESS in 4 min 44 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/mgmt_docker/label=swy-02/1771/ | 15:25 | |
acheronuk | doko: most inherited from debian AFAIK. @Santa knows the most about the whys and wherefores | 15:27 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> Hi | 15:31 |
blaze | and what debian does is usually a riddle to me, documentation is not as full as it can be | 15:31 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> The acc test is meant to check the -dev dependencies | 15:32 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> The other one is the testsuite | 15:32 |
wxl | clivejo: are you sure it didn't happen? | 15:36 |
santa_ | so ... if the acc test fails we know we have to adjust the -dev dependencies. what it does is building the headers with the abi compliance checker; but not to test the abi but the fact that the headers are buildable | 15:37 |
santa_ | so if the thing fails with "foo.h missing", we find out where's foo.h, and we would add the package to the -dev depends | 15:38 |
santa_ | doko: ↑ | 15:38 |
santa_ | jftr both things are inherited from debian | 15:39 |
santa_ | and, in fact, I wonder if they are doing more harm than good, but that's kind of subjective | 15:39 |
acheronuk | wxl: clivejo https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/konversation | 15:40 |
wxl | oh yikes it's not even IN yakkety??? | 15:46 |
wxl | yes it will happen eventually | 15:47 |
wxl | i'm getting close to getting back involved | 15:47 |
acheronuk | yakkety is eol, so no-one cares | 15:48 |
wxl | oh well there's that | 15:48 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: getting close to =/ actually doing it | 15:52 |
tsimonq2 | Talk is cheap ;) | 15:52 |
wxl | tsimonq2: talk? you mean like when you talked about revising documentation while your privs were suspended? | 15:54 |
* wxl drops the mic | 15:54 | |
tsimonq2 | wxl: I'm already doing that, but not exactly 100% as said there | 15:55 |
tsimonq2 | Talk IS cheap | 15:55 |
wxl | too little too late :) | 15:55 |
* tsimonq2 throws the mic at wxl | 15:55 | |
tsimonq2 | wxl: Better Late Than Never | 15:55 |
wxl | the early bird gets the worm | 15:55 |
tsimonq2 | What if you're literally the only bird? | 15:56 |
tsimonq2 | >__> | 15:56 |
wxl | a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush | 15:56 |
tsimonq2 | hm? | 15:56 |
tsimonq2 | Don't get that one :P | 15:56 |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde build #105: FAILURE in 45 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde/105/ | 16:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_plymouth-kcm build #73: FAILURE in 45 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_plymouth-kcm/73/ | 16:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde build #83: FAILURE in 45 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde/83/ | 16:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_plymouth-kcm build #99: FAILURE in 45 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_plymouth-kcm/99/ | 16:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde build #115: FAILURE in 45 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde/115/ | 16:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_plymouth-kcm build #96: STILL FAILING in 45 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_plymouth-kcm/96/ | 16:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde build #49: FAILURE in 46 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde/49/ | 16:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_plymouth-kcm build #88: FAILURE in 46 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_plymouth-kcm/88/ | 16:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_plymouth-kcm build #34: FAILURE in 46 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_plymouth-kcm/34/ | 16:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_plymouth-kcm build #106: FAILURE in 45 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_plymouth-kcm/106/ | 16:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde build #41: FAILURE in 46 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde/41/ | 16:12 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde build #108: STILL FAILING in 46 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde/108/ | 16:12 | |
doko | santa_: but you can do that as when running the tests during the build | 16:14 |
doko | and no, it really does harm running these tests n * n times during autopkg test instead of n times during the build. that doesn't scale | 16:15 |
doko | IrcsomeBot: debian only runs the test of the package, not all the tests of the reverse dependencies | 16:16 |
santa_ | doko: so you are suggesting to run the test in the debian/rules? | 16:43 |
santa_ | so this way they won't be tirggered by reverse depends? | 16:43 |
santa_ | * triggered | 16:58 |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde build #106: STILL FAILING in 45 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde/106/ | 17:02 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_plymouth-kcm build #74: STILL FAILING in 45 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_plymouth-kcm/74/ | 17:02 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_plymouth-kcm build #35: STILL FAILING in 45 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_plymouth-kcm/35/ | 17:02 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde build #42: STILL FAILING in 45 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde/42/ | 17:02 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_plymouth-kcm build #107: STILL FAILING in 45 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_plymouth-kcm/107/ | 17:02 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_plymouth-kcm build #97: STILL FAILING in 45 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_plymouth-kcm/97/ | 17:02 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde build #84: STILL FAILING in 45 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde/84/ | 17:02 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde build #116: STILL FAILING in 45 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde/116/ | 17:02 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde build #50: STILL FAILING in 45 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde/50/ | 17:02 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde build #109: STILL FAILING in 45 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde/109/ | 17:03 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_plymouth-kcm build #100: STILL FAILING in 46 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_plymouth-kcm/100/ | 17:03 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_plymouth-kcm build #89: STILL FAILING in 46 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_plymouth-kcm/89/ | 17:03 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Starting build #72 for job mgmt_pause_integration (previous build: ABORTED) | 17:03 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project mgmt_pause_integration build #72: ABORTED in 9 min 3 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/mgmt_pause_integration/72/ | 17:13 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_kmenuedit build #54: FAILURE in 14 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_kmenuedit/54/ | 17:27 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kmenuedit build #62: FAILURE in 19 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kmenuedit/62/ | 17:32 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_milou build #40: FAILURE in 19 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_milou/40/ | 17:32 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_plasma-integration build #150: STILL FAILING in 19 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_plasma-integration/150/ | 17:32 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kscreen build #359: FAILURE in 19 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kscreen/359/ | 17:32 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_kmenuedit build #30: FAILURE in 19 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_kmenuedit/30/ | 17:32 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kmenuedit build #135: STILL FAILING in 20 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kmenuedit/135/ | 17:33 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_discover build #94: STILL FAILING in 20 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_discover/94/ | 17:33 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_kmenuedit build #88: FAILURE in 20 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_kmenuedit/88/ | 17:33 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_powerdevil build #59: FAILURE in 20 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_powerdevil/59/ | 17:33 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_plasma-sdk build #79: FAILURE in 20 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_plasma-sdk/79/ | 17:33 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_plasma-integration build #75: STILL FAILING in 21 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_plasma-integration/75/ | 17:34 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kwayland-integration build #119: FAILURE in 21 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kwayland-integration/119/ | 17:34 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_drkonqi build #2: FAILURE in 21 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_drkonqi/2/ | 17:34 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kmenuedit build #122: FAILURE in 23 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kmenuedit/122/ | 17:36 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_plasma-desktop build #280: FAILURE in 24 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_plasma-desktop/280/ | 17:37 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 17:49 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde build #85: FIXED in 36 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde/85/ | 17:49 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 17:49 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde build #43: FIXED in 36 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde/43/ | 17:49 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_drkonqi build #2: STILL UNSTABLE in 37 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_drkonqi/2/ | 17:50 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_drkonqi build #2: STILL UNSTABLE in 37 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_drkonqi/2/ | 17:50 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 17:50 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kde-cli-tools build #398: FIXED in 37 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kde-cli-tools/398/ | 17:50 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_powerdevil build #178: FAILURE in 1 hr 21 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_powerdevil/178/ | 19:12 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_oxygen build #151: FAILURE in 1 hr 9 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_oxygen/151/ | 19:12 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 19:20 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_plymouth-kcm build #101: FIXED in 1 hr 44 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_plymouth-kcm/101/ | 19:20 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 19:20 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde build #107: FIXED in 1 hr 43 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde/107/ | 19:20 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 19:20 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_breeze-gtk build #294: FIXED in 1 hr 32 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_breeze-gtk/294/ | 19:20 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_drkonqi build #2: STILL UNSTABLE in 2 hr 7 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_drkonqi/2/ | 19:21 | |
blaze | what about kdesudo->kdesu migration? | 19:27 |
blaze | is it on the radar somewhere? | 19:28 |
=== claydoh is now known as Guest90207 | ||
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kscreen build #52: FAILURE in 3 hr 16 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kscreen/52/ | 20:29 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_plasma-desktop build #280: FAILURE in 3 hr 16 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_plasma-desktop/280/ | 20:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_plasma-integration build #156: STILL FAILING in 3 hr 16 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_plasma-integration/156/ | 20:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_powerdevil build #144: FAILURE in 3 hr 17 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_powerdevil/144/ | 20:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kscreen build #188: FAILURE in 3 hr 17 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kscreen/188/ | 20:30 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_plasma-desktop build #119: FAILURE in 3 hr 18 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_plasma-desktop/119/ | 20:31 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 20:31 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kwayland-integration build #194: FIXED in 3 hr 18 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kwayland-integration/194/ | 20:31 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 20:31 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_plasma-workspace-wallpapers build #214: FIXED in 3 hr 18 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_plasma-workspace-wallpapers/214/ | 20:31 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_powerdevil build #84: FAILURE in 2 hr 44 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_powerdevil/84/ | 20:35 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kdeplasma-addons build #237: FAILURE in 5 min 52 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kdeplasma-addons/237/ | 20:35 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_ksysguard build #141: FAILURE in 4 min 40 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_ksysguard/141/ | 20:35 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kdeplasma-addons build #243: FAILURE in 7 min 54 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kdeplasma-addons/243/ | 20:38 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kdeplasma-addons build #110: FAILURE in 10 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kdeplasma-addons/110/ | 20:39 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_ksysguard build #115: FAILURE in 8 min 52 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_ksysguard/115/ | 20:40 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 20:40 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde build #117: FIXED in 3 hr 4 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde/117/ | 20:40 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 20:41 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde build #110: FIXED in 2 hr 52 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde/110/ | 20:41 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 20:41 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_plymouth-kcm build #108: FIXED in 3 hr 6 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_plymouth-kcm/108/ | 20:41 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 20:41 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_plymouth-kcm build #98: FIXED in 3 hr 6 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_plymouth-kcm/98/ | 20:41 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_plasma-desktop build #104: FAILURE in 3 hr 28 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_plasma-desktop/104/ | 20:41 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 20:41 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_user-manager build #174: FIXED in 3 hr 7 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_user-manager/174/ | 20:41 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_ksysguard build #76: FAILURE in 10 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_ksysguard/76/ | 20:41 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_plasma-integration build #38: FAILURE in 3 hr 29 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_plasma-integration/38/ | 20:42 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_plasma-vault build #91: FAILURE in 3 min 44 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_plasma-vault/91/ | 20:43 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_kscreen build #32: FAILURE in 3 hr 30 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_kscreen/32/ | 20:43 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_plasma-vault build #68: FAILURE in 3 min 35 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_plasma-vault/68/ | 20:44 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_plasma-vault build #92: FAILURE in 5 min 43 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_plasma-vault/92/ | 20:46 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kscreen build #360: STILL FAILING in 5 min 36 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kscreen/360/ | 20:47 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_plasma-integration build #151: STILL FAILING in 6 min 13 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_plasma-integration/151/ | 20:47 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_powerdevil build #179: STILL FAILING in 4 min 13 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_powerdevil/179/ | 20:47 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kmenuedit build #123: STILL FAILING in 5 min 37 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kmenuedit/123/ | 20:48 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_oxygen build #152: STILL FAILING in 3 min 46 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_oxygen/152/ | 20:48 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_plasma-desktop build #281: STILL FAILING in 5 min 3 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_plasma-desktop/281/ | 20:48 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 20:49 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_plymouth-kcm build #36: FIXED in 3 hr 36 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_plymouth-kcm/36/ | 20:49 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kmenuedit build #63: STILL FAILING in 7 min 52 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kmenuedit/63/ | 20:49 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_oxygen build #67: FAILURE in 8 min 12 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_oxygen/67/ | 20:49 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_oxygen build #152: FAILURE in 8 min 8 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_oxygen/152/ | 20:49 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kmenuedit build #136: STILL FAILING in 8 min 30 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kmenuedit/136/ | 20:49 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_plasma-integration build #76: STILL FAILING in 8 min 40 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_plasma-integration/76/ | 20:50 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kscreen build #53: STILL FAILING in 3 min 45 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kscreen/53/ | 20:50 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_plasma-desktop build #281: STILL FAILING in 3 min 50 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_plasma-desktop/281/ | 20:50 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 20:50 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kwrited build #186: FIXED in 1 hr 30 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kwrited/186/ | 20:50 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kscreen build #189: STILL FAILING in 3 min 42 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kscreen/189/ | 20:51 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 20:51 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kwallet-pam build #269: FIXED in 3 hr 1 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kwallet-pam/269/ | 20:51 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_plasma-integration build #157: STILL FAILING in 4 min 16 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_plasma-integration/157/ | 20:51 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_powerdevil build #145: STILL FAILING in 4 min 19 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_powerdevil/145/ | 20:52 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_ksysguard build #142: STILL FAILING in 3 min 36 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_ksysguard/142/ | 20:52 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_plasma-desktop build #120: STILL FAILING in 4 min 50 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_plasma-desktop/120/ | 20:53 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_powerdevil build #85: STILL FAILING in 4 min 46 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_powerdevil/85/ | 20:53 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_kdeplasma-addons build #238: STILL FAILING in 4 min 17 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_kdeplasma-addons/238/ | 20:53 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_ksysguard build #116: STILL FAILING in 3 min 47 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_ksysguard/116/ | 20:53 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_kdeplasma-addons build #244: STILL FAILING in 4 min 46 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_kdeplasma-addons/244/ | 20:54 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_ksysguard build #77: STILL FAILING in 4 min 47 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_ksysguard/77/ | 20:54 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_khotkeys build #131: FAILURE in 3 min 47 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_khotkeys/131/ | 20:54 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_plasma-vault build #69: STILL FAILING in 3 min 35 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_plasma-vault/69/ | 20:55 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kdeplasma-addons build #111: STILL FAILING in 5 min 50 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kdeplasma-addons/111/ | 20:55 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_plasma-vault build #92: STILL FAILING in 4 min 44 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_plasma-vault/92/ | 20:55 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_khotkeys build #144: FAILURE in 4 min 42 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_khotkeys/144/ | 20:56 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_plasma-vault build #93: STILL FAILING in 4 min 45 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_plasma-vault/93/ | 20:56 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_khotkeys build #78: FAILURE in 5 min 44 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_khotkeys/78/ | 20:57 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_oxygen build #153: STILL FAILING in 2 min 55 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_oxygen/153/ | 20:57 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_oxygen build #62: FAILURE in 2 hr 55 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_oxygen/62/ | 20:58 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_oxygen build #68: STILL FAILING in 4 min 22 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_oxygen/68/ | 20:58 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_systemsettings build #49: FAILURE in 1 hr 37 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_systemsettings/49/ | 20:58 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_drkonqi build #2: STILL UNSTABLE in 3 hr 47 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_drkonqi/2/ | 21:00 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_drkonqi build #2: STILL UNSTABLE in 3 hr 47 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_drkonqi/2/ | 21:00 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_kdeplasma-addons build #70: FAILURE in 30 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_kdeplasma-addons/70/ | 21:01 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_ksysguard build #31: FAILURE in 29 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_ksysguard/31/ | 21:01 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_systemsettings build #72: FAILURE in 1 hr 39 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_systemsettings/72/ | 21:01 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 21:01 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_kwayland-integration build #120: FIXED in 19 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_kwayland-integration/120/ | 21:01 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 21:02 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_drkonqi build #3: FIXED in 12 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_drkonqi/3/ | 21:02 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 21:02 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_breeze-grub build #413: FIXED in 21 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_breeze-grub/413/ | 21:02 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 21:02 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_drkonqi build #3: FIXED in 12 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_drkonqi/3/ | 21:02 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_plasma-vault build #1: FAILURE in 21 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_plasma-vault/1/ | 21:02 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_plasma-vault build #1: FAILURE in 23 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_plasma-vault/1/ | 21:02 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 21:03 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_drkonqi build #3: FIXED in 13 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_drkonqi/3/ | 21:03 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_khotkeys build #132: STILL FAILING in 4 min 34 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_khotkeys/132/ | 21:04 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_khotkeys build #145: STILL FAILING in 8 min 49 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_khotkeys/145/ | 21:10 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_discover build #95: STILL FAILING in 29 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_discover/95/ | 21:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_plasma-vault build #1: FAILURE in 30 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_plasma-vault/1/ | 21:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_okular build #263: NOW UNSTABLE in 20 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_okular/263/ | 21:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_khotkeys build #79: STILL FAILING in 9 min 47 sec: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_khotkeys/79/ | 21:11 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_kmenuedit build #55: STILL FAILING in 30 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_kmenuedit/55/ | 21:12 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_unstable_okular build #227: NOW UNSTABLE in 21 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_unstable_okular/227/ | 21:12 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_kde-gtk-config build #108: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_kde-gtk-config/108/ | 21:13 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde build #51: STILL FAILING in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_xdg-desktop-portal-kde/51/ | 21:13 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_discover build #114: STILL FAILING in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_discover/114/ | 21:13 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_plasma-desktop build #115: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_plasma-desktop/115/ | 21:13 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_sddm-kcm build #120: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_sddm-kcm/120/ | 21:13 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_powerdevil build #82: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_powerdevil/82/ | 21:13 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_breeze-plymouth build #114: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_breeze-plymouth/114/ | 21:13 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_breeze-grub build #98: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_breeze-grub/98/ | 21:13 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_plasma-desktop build #94: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_plasma-desktop/94/ | 21:13 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_powerdevil build #96: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_powerdevil/96/ | 21:13 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_plasma-integration build #56: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_plasma-integration/56/ | 21:13 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_breeze-plymouth build #81: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_breeze-plymouth/81/ | 21:13 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_kscreen build #32: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_kscreen/32/ | 21:13 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_kde-gtk-config build #32: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_kde-gtk-config/32/ | 21:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_kactivitymanagerd build #28: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_kactivitymanagerd/28/ | 21:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_plasma-workspace-wallpapers build #50: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_plasma-workspace-wallpapers/50/ | 21:14 | |
IrcsomeBot | <acheronuk> @CliffordTheBigRedDoggie I'm disabling nightly build for tonight. LP builders are 50% borked, and the rest are busy | 21:14 |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_kgamma5 build #91: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_kgamma5/91/ | 21:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_plasma-sdk build #80: STILL FAILING in 32 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_plasma-sdk/80/ | 21:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_plasma-desktop build #105: STILL FAILING in 24 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_plasma-desktop/105/ | 21:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_plasma-integration build #57: FAILURE in 4 hr 1 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_plasma-integration/57/ | 21:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_plasma-integration build #39: STILL FAILING in 23 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_plasma-integration/39/ | 21:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_kscreen build #71: FAILURE in 4 hr 1 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_kscreen/71/ | 21:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_plasma-sdk build #104: FAILURE in 4 hr 1 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_plasma-sdk/104/ | 21:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_plasma-sdk build #63: FAILURE in 4 hr 1 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_plasma-sdk/63/ | 21:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_ksshaskpass build #81: FAILURE in 4 hr 1 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_ksshaskpass/81/ | 21:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_milou build #98: FAILURE in 4 hr 1 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_milou/98/ | 21:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_kwayland-integration build #47: FAILURE in 4 hr 1 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_kwayland-integration/47/ | 21:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_powerdevil build #60: STILL FAILING in 33 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_powerdevil/60/ | 21:14 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_kscreen build #33: STILL FAILING in 23 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_kscreen/33/ | 21:15 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_plymouth-kcm build #75: STILL FAILING in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_plymouth-kcm/75/ | 21:15 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_kgamma5 build #21: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_kgamma5/21/ | 21:15 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_plymouth-kcm build #90: STILL FAILING in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_plymouth-kcm/90/ | 21:15 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_ksshaskpass build #69: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_ksshaskpass/69/ | 21:15 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_discover build #133: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_discover/133/ | 21:15 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_breeze-grub build #97: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_breeze-grub/97/ | 21:15 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_plasma-workspace-wallpapers build #72: FAILURE in 4 hr 2 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_plasma-workspace-wallpapers/72/ | 21:15 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Yippee, build fixed! | 21:20 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_drkonqi build #3: FIXED in 30 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_drkonqi/3/ | 21:20 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_unstable_okular build #99: NOW UNSTABLE in 31 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_unstable_okular/99/ | 21:22 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_okular build #80: STILL UNSTABLE in 41 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_okular/80/ | 21:31 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_stable_okular build #48: STILL UNSTABLE in 41 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_stable_okular/48/ | 21:32 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_plasma-pa build #81: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_plasma-pa/81/ | 21:32 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_plasma-pa build #35: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_plasma-pa/35/ | 21:32 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_user-manager build #116: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_user-manager/116/ | 21:33 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_user-manager build #60: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_user-manager/60/ | 21:34 | |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> @blaze> what about kdesudo-, Yep it's on my radar. | 21:41 |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_breeze-gtk build #76: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_breeze-gtk/76/ | 21:48 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_breeze-gtk build #74: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_breeze-gtk/74/ | 21:49 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_kwallet-pam build #49: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_kwallet-pam/49/ | 21:50 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_kwallet-pam build #104: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_kwallet-pam/104/ | 21:50 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_kinfocenter build #116: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_kinfocenter/116/ | 21:50 | |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> Well, be careful with the radar, because it's needed for partitionmanager. | 22:01 |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_kinfocenter build #39: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_kinfocenter/39/ | 22:02 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_oxygen build #51: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_oxygen/51/ | 22:02 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_oxygen build #63: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_oxygen/63/ | 22:02 | |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> @Santa, ...kdesudo is literally dead upstream. It's getting removed and the rdeps will be ported. | 22:27 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> Someone who knows the code implied that's not going to happen soon. | 22:29 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> So? | 22:30 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> I'll sit down and do the work ifneedbe | 22:30 |
valorie | I thought we *were* the upstream? | 22:30 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> We *are* kdesudo's upstream | 22:31 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> And upstream decided to stop development :P | 22:31 |
valorie | that was basically Riddell's baby | 22:31 |
valorie | as i recall | 22:31 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> Fine, go ahead and port partitionmanager away from kdesudo. In the meantime, please don't break partitionmanager. | 22:31 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> Alright | 22:31 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> $ reverse-depends src:kdesudo … Reverse-Depends … =============== … * apturl-kde (for kdesudo) … * gdebi-kde (for kdesudo) … * hplip-gui (for kdesudo) … * ubuntu-release-upgrader-qt (for kdesudo) … * unetbootin [amd64 i386] (for kdesudo) … * update-manager-kde (for kdesudo) … Packages without architectures listed are reverse-depende | 22:33 |
IrcsomeBot | ppc64el, s390x … All of these will get ported away, I don't care how long it takes. | 22:33 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> Same applies to kdelibs 4 based packages. | 22:36 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> Which there are little remaining, and after Applications 17.12 we need to follow Debian and remove the packages that are deprecated upstream. | 22:36 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> No, we don't "need to follow" debian | 22:37 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> There's no reason to do that other than your rush to do it | 22:37 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> Why do we need to continue shipping deprecated software? What's your justification for not following Debian in doing the removals? | 22:37 |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_plasma-workspace build #349: FAILURE in 10 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_plasma-workspace/349/ | 22:38 | |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> Because we would be making ubuntu worse? | 22:38 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> @Santa, I'm not rushing, this is already happening in Debian. | 22:38 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> I am arguing the opposite | 22:38 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> It's very counterproductive to allow users to install packages which have been deprecated upstream completely. | 22:39 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> Because the next lts would be an invalid platform to do porting stuff? | 22:39 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> Because they are removing them in debian because they don't want them in *buster* | 22:40 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> ? | 22:40 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> I'm arguing against keeping deprecated software around because it gives us additional overhead irt fixing security bugs that upstream isn't looking for, and maintaining software that's been deprecated. Think 5 years down the road, do YOU want to be responsible for doing work on the KDE 4 packages? | 22:41 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> Because our release schedule is different and it would be more convenient for us to do it after the 18.04? | 22:41 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> I certainly do not | 22:41 |
valorie | we actually have a policy: https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu/Policies#Dead_Upstream_.28.28NEW.29.29 | 22:41 |
valorie | if we want to change that policy we can do so | 22:42 |
valorie | until then, we should follow it | 22:42 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> If any of the following questions can be answered with No, the software must be removed from the archive. Otherwise an individual developer may decide whether the package should be removed. Regardless, all bugs must be closed as Invalid with a comment about the unmaintained status. One bug report must be created and not closed (status: Triaged/High) explaining the unmaintainedness and why it is kept in the archive regardless. â | 22:43 |
IrcsomeBot | software start successfully (without crash or other malfunctions)? Bitrot is a thing. … Is it likely that the software will continue to start in the forseeable future? Nope, see above, we can't guarantee that. … Does the core functionality of the software work as expected? See above. … Are there no known bugs that hinder the core functionality of the software such that it would be rendered useless for more than half the | 22:43 |
IrcsomeBot | … Are there no known crashes that cause data loss? See above. … Is anyone on the team able and willing to assess the quality every once in a while, but at least every 6 months? Not me. @acheronuk Santa @CliffordTheBigRedDoggie Any volunteers? … Is it necessary that the software is kept in the archive (e.g. scripted plasma widgets: no)? No, the stuff is deprecated upstream... … Does the general amount of known bugs | 22:43 |
IrcsomeBot | sufficiently marginal impact that we can distribute the software in good conscience? No lol | 22:43 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> Santa Are you volunteering to do maintenance on KDE 4 every 6 months at minimum? | 22:44 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> I doubt Rik and Clive want to. | 22:44 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> I certainly don't. | 22:45 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> Until 18.04 | 22:45 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> 18.04 has a support period. | 22:45 |
valorie | can we take this to the ML? | 22:45 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> A large one at that. | 22:45 |
valorie | I'm pretty sure we should discuss on a case-by-case basis | 22:45 |
valorie | and look for where we can work together and improve the situation | 22:46 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> @tsimonq2, And that's not a problem except for things like rekonq. | 22:46 |
valorie | rather than taking positions and defending them | 22:46 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> Well, I plan to do some hard porting of an app which I didn't have time to port because I have been helping you ( you = kubuntu) if I don't have kdelibs in 18.04... nice way to pay me back. | 22:48 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> And nice way to pay me back after the permissions suspension. | 22:49 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> I guess I will have to find other distribution to do my stuff once again. | 22:49 |
wxl | @Santa, I'm not sure these threats come off as very productive. Perhaps it might be better to try to be more collaborative? And barring that as an option, stepping down graciously? | 22:51 |
wxl | ^^ referencing the Code of Conduct, of course. | 22:51 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> @tsimonq2, Oh, and biased from top to bottom. | 22:51 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> @wxl, Not threats, just facts. And I said I was willing to keep kdelibs4 until 18.04 since seems feasible. | 22:53 |
wxl | @Santa I mean you're welcome to your opinion and my guess is you have good reason but if you actually wish to see some reasonable action on it, you're just making it more unlikely by appealing to people so negatively. | 22:53 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> Santa I personally don't have confidence that anyone will maintain the KDE 4 packages because you disappear from time to time and I don't think Rik and Clive are willing. I know I can be around for the next 3-5 years but will you? It might work for the first 6-18 months, who will maintain it then? | 22:54 |
wxl | @Santa, saying you're going to find another distribution and implicating that people are endebted to you for your volunteering does not come off as constructive. Is that not clear? | 22:55 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> There isn't much to maintain in a lts @tsimonq2 | 22:55 |
valorie | @santa, I'm sad to hear you say "you=kubuntu" | 22:55 |
valorie | we're us | 22:55 |
valorie | all of us | 22:56 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> @Santa, When's the last time you've done that work? I certainly have done it before. | 22:56 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> Security bugs? Fine, lets remove rekonq. | 22:56 |
wxl | Since no one is here to speak for Rik or Clive or the rest of the team, this should be moved to the mailing list. | 22:56 |
valorie | there is nobody against you, and this is a technical discussion | 22:56 |
valorie | please both of you back off | 22:56 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> @acheronuk Feel like commenting, or ML? | 22:56 |
valorie | tsimonq2: this means you | 22:56 |
wxl | Take it to the mailing list. We need everyone's involvement with such a major decision. | 22:56 |
valorie | we can improve the situation package by package | 22:57 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> @tsimonq2, Because there isn't much to maintain except security bugs. | 22:57 |
valorie | that's why we have policies | 22:57 |
wxl | Take it to the mailing list, @Santa. | 22:57 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> @Santa, Have you seen the amount of open security bugs? Also, upstream won't do that for us because it's deprecated there, we'll have to find and fix security bugs ourselves/ | 22:58 |
IrcsomeBot | * tsimonq2 stops talking | 22:58 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> The security bugs of what? | 22:58 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> KDE packages | 22:58 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> Haha | 22:58 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> I've fixed several within the past month | 22:58 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> Not joking | 22:59 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> Open your eyes, please | 22:59 |
wxl | Stop. | 22:59 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> How many have you fixed in amarok? | 22:59 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> Santa Just because I haven't fixed any in amarok doesn't strenghten your point. | 23:00 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> Some packages aren't prone to have security issues. | 23:00 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> Hahahahahahahahaha, nice one | 23:00 |
IrcsomeBot | <tsimonq2> Santa When's the last time you've done security work? | 23:01 |
wxl | Simon, shut your mouth. Seriously. | 23:01 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> Simon I have been seeing kde security issues for almost a decade. | 23:01 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> Some things have a probability close to 0 to have security issues. | 23:02 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> The most usual things: ark's directory traversals, konqueror/kdelibs not doing htts well, now kauth stuff. | 23:04 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> And yes I saw you did some stuff with kmail. | 23:04 |
wxl | If you care about this, bring it up on the mailing list, @Santa | 23:05 |
tsimonq2 | I'm doing that right now., | 23:05 |
wxl | @tsimonq2: I wouldn't bother if I were you. It's on him if he wants to suggest a change of policy/action | 23:05 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> I agree with @Valoriez that the thing needs to be assesed case by case. | 23:06 |
tsimonq2 | wxl: Ok. But when b-cycle opens I plan on filing removal bugs with exactly why maintaining these packages is a liability, one by one. | 23:06 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> So basically you are going on your own. | 23:07 |
tsimonq2 | I could ask the same question to you. | 23:07 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> If so, I don't see the point in discussing it on the mailing list. | 23:08 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> @tsimonq2, Well, it's not the same thing. | 23:08 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> I want to maintain stuff, you are willing to remove it. | 23:09 |
wxl | @Santa, either you care about this and bring it up on the mailing list, or things proceed as normal. | 23:09 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> Meaning normal, simon removing requests for removal | 23:11 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> * filing requests for removal | 23:11 |
wxl | if it's removed upstream, that's entirely normal | 23:11 |
IrcsomeBot | <Santa> No, removing kdelibs when they are still 3rd party apps using it is not. | 23:12 |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_kwrited build #71: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_kwrited/71/ | 23:12 | |
wxl | bring it up on the mailing list | 23:13 |
valorie | @santa, checking for reverse depencies has got to be a normal part of the process | 23:15 |
valorie | we're not going to just yank anything without checking | 23:15 |
tsimonq2 | valorie: Correct. | 23:16 |
valorie | kdelibs can't go until everything we now release doesn't rely on them | 23:16 |
valorie | either because we stop releasing the thing, or because it's been ported | 23:16 |
valorie | KDE devels have been working on porting all the way through | 23:17 |
valorie | we can help with that, for stuff we like and want to keep releasing | 23:17 |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project zesty_stable_kwrited build #136: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/zesty_stable_kwrited/136/ | 23:20 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project artful_stable_polkit-kde-agent-1 build #37: FAILURE in 4 hr 0 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/artful_stable_polkit-kde-agent-1/37/ | 23:41 | |
-kubuntu-ci:#kubuntu-devel- Project xenial_unstable_plasma-workspace build #350: STILL FAILING in 59 min: https://kci.pangea.pub/job/xenial_unstable_plasma-workspace/350/ | 23:42 | |
ahoneybun | another https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-restricted-addons/+bug/1709166 | 23:57 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1709166 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Refresh Restricted Addons" [Undecided,In progress] | 23:57 |
ahoneybun | simon's brother or dad? | 23:57 |
tsimonq2 | ahoneybun: Nope | 23:57 |
tsimonq2 | No relation to Bryan | 23:57 |
ahoneybun | just crazy to have two with the same last name in Lubuntu | 23:57 |
wxl | admittedly gQuigs is about as good of a nick as tsimonq2. | 23:58 |
wxl | OH NO IT"S FILE 666 | 23:59 |
wxl | oops wrong channel XD | 23:59 |
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