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Mmike | Hello,! Is there any more documentation on git/launchpad integration, other than: https://help.launchpad.net/Code/Git ? | 07:57 |
Mmike | I'm trying to create a project that's git-based, I even created a team that's driving/maintaining the project, but I can't create repos for that project. That is, every repo I create is linked to my user, not to the team. | 07:57 |
Mmike | so I have ~mariosplivalo/myprojectname/+git/repo, instead of ~myprojectteam/myprojectname/+git/repo | 07:58 |
wgrant | Mmike: How are you creating the repos? | 08:00 |
wgrant | Normally you push to an explicit URL | 08:00 |
Mmike | wgrant, oh, so I can't create repo from the launchpad web-ui? | 08:01 |
wgrant | Mmike: You can request an import from an external repository through the web UI. But to create a hosted repo you just push to it. | 08:01 |
wgrant | It will automatically create it under the project if it doesn't already exist. | 08:02 |
Mmike | a-ha! Provided that I'm, of course, owner/member of the project | 08:02 |
* Mmike tries | 08:02 | |
wgrant | Mmike: If a project's code is public, anyone can create their own repo under lp:~user/project | 08:03 |
wgrant | But to create lp:project you need to be the project's maintainer. | 08:03 |
Mmike | wgrant, so, I just do 'git init' locally, add stuff in the repo, create/configure origin locally (that points to lp:project), and push ? | 08:04 |
wgrant | Mmike: Exactly. | 08:04 |
wgrant | Mmike: Also, it's common to have something like this in ~/.gitconfig: | 08:04 |
wgrant | [url "ssh://wgrant@git.launchpad.net/"] | 08:04 |
wgrant | insteadOf = lp: | 08:04 |
wgrant | So you can just say "git add remote origin lp:PROJECT" | 08:05 |
wgrant | And "git clone lp:~USER/PROJECT" | 08:05 |
wgrant | etc | 08:05 |
wgrant | er s/add remote/remote add/ | 08:05 |
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nacc | is it possible to see from a LP build recipe for a snap from a git repo what hash was used to build the snap (by revision)? | 16:29 |
cjwatson | nacc: it's shown on the snap build page | 16:29 |
nacc | even if just as the snap owner (so i can write up a changelog of what was just promoted to stable) | 16:29 |
nacc | cjwatson: excellent! | 16:29 |
nacc | cjwatson: thanks | 16:29 |
cjwatson | nacc: also snap_build.revision_id on the webservice | 16:29 |
nacc | cjwatson: this page? https://code.launchpad.net/~nacc/+snap/git-ubuntu ? | 16:30 |
cjwatson | nacc: no, on each individual build | 16:30 |
nacc | ah i see it | 16:30 |
cjwatson | linked from there | 16:30 |
nacc | cjwatson: thanks! | 16:30 |
cjwatson | np | 16:30 |
nacc | cjwatson: given that i can only see the last handful of builds on the web UI; is there a way to walk backwards from a snap revision (e.g., https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/dev/snaps/7620/rev/231/) to the build job that led to its upload (and thus its hash)? | 16:36 |
nacc | cjwatson: sorry for the bother, if you're busy, i can figure it out :) | 16:36 |
cjwatson | nacc: only using the API I'm afraid. I think there's store_upload_url or some such on each build | 16:36 |
cjwatson | or indeed store_upload_revision or some such | 16:36 |
cjwatson | you'd have to just iterate over builds until you find a match | 16:37 |
nacc | cjwatson: thanks, i'll dig into it | 16:48 |
acheronuk | an issue with ppa uploads at the moment? | 17:29 |
cjwatson | acheronuk: details please | 17:32 |
acheronuk | hmm. seems to be self resolving now. Our CI was getting muiliple "Unable to connect to SSH host ppa.launchpad.net; EOF during negotiation" | 17:32 |
cjwatson | acheronuk: nagios didn't report any problems at our end | 17:34 |
cjwatson | acheronuk: it could have been something on the network path between you and us | 17:34 |
acheronuk | that is what I'm thinking now, yes | 17:34 |
acheronuk | murphy's law dictates, as soon as I ask in here, the problem vanishes! | 17:35 |
bdmurray | cjwatson: I'm having trouble commenting on bug 1708494 - it keeps timing out on me. | 18:17 |
ubot5 | bug 1708494 in ppc64-diag (Ubuntu Zesty) "Update Package request for ppc64-diag" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1708494 | 18:17 |
kyrofa | bdmurray, cjwatson same here, I can't comment on anything | 18:25 |
bdmurray | kyrofa: Weird, I can comment on other bugs. | 18:28 |
kyrofa | bdmurray, weird indeed. I've tried two now | 18:28 |
bdmurray | Oh and the original one now. | 18:28 |
nacc | i got a timeout about ~1 minute ago | 18:28 |
nacc | and now it works | 18:28 |
* kyrofa tries again | 18:29 | |
nacc | so i assume transient issue | 18:29 |
kyrofa | Yep, working again | 18:29 |
kyrofa | Maybe a worker needed to be killed | 18:29 |
* nacc mourns the worker, but moves on | 18:29 | |
cjwatson | bdmurray: (unfortunately) standard problem - some internal bit of postgresql takes a lock for ~10mins and stops us creating temporary tables in the middle of bug triggers | 20:10 |
bdmurray | cjwatson: ack, thanks for the info | 20:10 |
kyrofa | cjwatson, trying to spin up snap builders, getting a timeout. Oops ID 7ca7f23762746fc1fcb5d8ed5a71802b | 20:26 |
acheronuk | lgw01 looks poorly again | 20:27 |
cjwatson | sorry I'm finished | 20:28 |
cjwatson | it's 9:30pm | 20:28 |
kyrofa | Anyone else here who can bring snap builders back to life? | 21:18 |
kyrofa | I've been getting timeouts for about an hour | 21:19 |
kyrofa | I guess no release for me today :( | 22:41 |
cjwatson | kyrofa: try now? | 23:14 |
cjwatson | (timeouts aren't a builder question, but you may find the database a bit happier now) | 23:14 |
cjwatson | lgw01 should be coming back up now too | 23:42 |
cjwatson | (it was un-usefully trying to sync precise images and failing due to a firewall rule) | 23:43 |
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