
mupPR snapcraft#1547 closed: plugins: extract sitecustomize logic from python <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1547>00:23
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zyga-ubuntugood morning05:52
mvohey zyga-ubuntu!06:05
mvozyga-ubuntu: do you want me to do the reshuffle for 3814? looks like gustavo reviewed it last night06:05
zyga-ubuntumvo: looking06:06
zyga-ubuntumvo: yeah, go for it, thank you06:08
mvozyga-ubuntu: sure thing, happy to help06:09
zyga-ubuntumvo: thank you, I'm trying to go over https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/362106:18
mupPR #3621: cmd/snap-{confine,update-ns}: apply mount profiles using snap-update-ns <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3621>06:18
mvozyga-ubuntu: ok06:19
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Chipacagood morning all07:59
zyga-ubuntuhey Chipaca08:00
Chipacatoday's going to be less Chipacaful than usual: i've got physio in about an hour, and then i need to hop on a train to london, and then race back for a school run. I'll be working on the train, but connectivity is very spotty (and nonexistent in the underground portions of it)08:00
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: I made that package with %dir to ensure I understand what's going on08:01
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: ouch, sounds like a hard-to-focus day :(08:01
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: thank you!08:01
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: how did it go?08:01
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: I built it and didn't install it :') I was exhausted and collapsed sleeping :)08:02
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: I can try it and share it now08:02
Chipacano worries08:02
zyga-ubuntuone sec08:02
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: so the question is whether it gets cleaned up on removal08:02
Chipacaand if not, how to make it do that08:02
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: opensuse, right?08:03
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: ok, removing the package removes the directory08:04
zyga-ubuntuit was empty08:04
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: but it won't be08:04
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: what happens if you drop a file in it?08:05
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: trying with some hand-made files08:05
zyga-suseChipaca: it stays behind08:05
zyga-suseChipaca: you need a %postun section then08:06
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: note that there are two "variants", one on remove and one on purge08:06
zyga-ubuntuor actually, one on upgrade and one on uninstall08:06
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: look at the "Syntax" section there, then at the table inside it08:07
zyga-ubuntuyes, the values are actually $1 == 0 or $1 == 108:07
zyga-ubuntubecause words are long and rpm is old08:07
Chipacawe already have a %postun08:08
Chipacain fact it has a preun and a postun and both are the same (?)08:08
zyga-ubuntuso it needs to work on the cache dir08:08
zyga-ubuntuhmm? that's odd08:08
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: it's 0, 1, or more because it's “the number of packages of this name which will be left on the system when the action completes”08:11
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: aha, curious08:12
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: sorry, i misread08:13
Chipacathey're very similar but different08:13
Chipacaservice_del_preun and service_del_postun08:13
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Chipacazyga-ubuntu: do you know if service stopping happens in preun or postun?08:18
zyga-ubuntuI suspect in preun, but I don't know08:19
zyga-ubuntuit's not automatic08:19
zyga-ubuntuit must be done by our code explicitly08:19
* zyga-ubuntu notices he was off wifi all day08:19
pedronisthis continues to happen relatively often: Error: Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'updates' in fedora prepare08:19
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: the service_del_preun/_postun say they stop it (unless asked not to), but don't say _which_ stop it08:21
zyga-ubu1tu10:19 < zyga-ubuntu> I suspect in preun, but I don't know08:23
zyga-ubu1tu10:19 < zyga-ubuntu> it's not automatic08:23
zyga-ubu1tu10:19 < zyga-ubuntu> it must be done by our code explicitly08:23
zyga-ubu1tu10:19  * zyga-ubuntu notices he was off wifi all day08:23
zyga-ubu1tu10:19 < pedronis> this continues to happen relatively often: Error: Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'updates' in fedora prepare08:23
zyga-ubu1tu10:20 < zyga-ubuntu> pedronis: aha, thank you08:23
zyga-ubu1tu10:20 < zyga-ubuntu> pedronis: maybe fedora has some auto-mirror system and we choose a bad mirror08:23
zyga-ubu1tu10:20 < zyga-ubuntu> pedronis: I'll try to see what's the case there08:23
Chipaca<Chipaca> zyga-ubuntu: the service_del_preun/_postun say they stop it (unless asked not to), but don't say _which_ stop it08:23
zyga-ubu1tuwhich stop it?08:25
* zyga-ubu1tu looks08:25
zyga-ubu1tuChipaca: sorry, can you rephrase?08:26
Chipacazyga-ubu1tu: in https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Systemd_packaging_guidelines08:27
Chipacazyga-ubu1tu: it says that using "these macros" (%service_add_pre/_add_post/_del_preun/_del_postun) the default is to restart on upgrade and stop on removal08:29
Chipacazyga-ubu1tu: it doesn't say which macro actually does it08:29
zyga-ubu1tuah, I see08:30
zyga-ubu1tulet me expand them08:30
zyga-suseservice_add_pre: https://paste.gnome.org/prvbogtlc08:30
zyga-suseservice_add_post: https://paste.gnome.org/pbub2ldyo08:31
zyga-suseservice_del_preun: https://paste.gnome.org/p2aogqht008:31
zyga-suseservice_del_postun: https://paste.gnome.org/p6nylwgov08:31
zyga-ubu1tuChipaca: I think it's clear from those macros now08:32
zyga-ubu1tuChipaca: service_del_preun is stopping stuff08:32
zyga-ubu1tu(disable then optionally stop)08:33
zyga-ubu1tu(but optionally is actually on by default08:33
zyga-ubu1tuthen service_del_postun just removes any sysv migrated service files and reloads systemd08:34
mupPR snapd#3914 closed: snap-seccomp: skip mknod syscall on arm64 <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3914>08:34
zyga-ubu1tuChipaca: note that this is tumbleweed, leap _may_ use different macros08:34
zyga-ubu1tubut I think the spirit is the same08:35
Chipaca's fine. I remove the files in preun if $1=0, but after service_del_preun08:35
mupPR snapd#3908 closed: snap-seccomp, osutil: use osutil.AtomicFile in snap-seccomp <Created by mvo5> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3908>09:08
* Chipaca made a mess of things, but won a half hour back (?)09:08
zyga-ubu1tuerror: cannot refresh []: cannot refresh snap-declaration for "classic": Get https://assertions.ubuntu.com/v1/assertions/snap-declaration/16/QbSFwGGAgvG8zHl9nWLY7vEee8lhgFsp?max-format=2: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid09:09
zyga-ubu1tuthis is from a dragonboard that is on core 116609:09
Chipacazyga-ubu1tu: check system time09:10
zyga-ubu1tuChipaca: it's up-to-date now09:10
zyga-ubu1tucore syncs09:10
zyga-ubu1tuso, now I have a ppc box, an aarch64 box and an armhf box (with HDD) all available in case people want to log in09:11
Chipacazyga-ubu1tu: Pharaoh_Atem: how do you say "/var/cache" in rpmspeak?09:11
Chipacai'm guessing %{_sharedstatedir} is /var/lib09:12
Chipacaor is it /usr/lib09:12
zyga-ubu1tuChipaca: one sec09:13
Chipacadefinitely /var/lib. But what's /var/cache :-)09:13
zyga-ubu1tujuse use /var/cache09:14
zyga-ubu1tuor %{_localstatedir}/cache but YUCK09:14
zyga-ubu1tuwhen I see a distro that uses /smurfs for /var I'll regret09:15
zyga-ubu1tubut I don't regret not using those silly variables09:15
Chipacazyga-ubu1tu: and how does arch handle uninstall?09:18
zyga-suseChipaca: users do it09:19
zyga-suseChipaca: it's all on the wiki typically09:19
zyga-suseChipaca: there are scripts but they just mention "look at the wiki" I think09:20
zyga-susethough ...09:20
zyga-susemaybe not09:20
zyga-susele me recheck09:20
zyga-ubu1tuChipaca: confirmed, hand made09:27
Chipacazyga-ubu1tu: can you edit the arch wiki so https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Snapd doesn't talk about the ubuntu-core snap?09:28
zyga-ubu1tuChipaca: ok, shall I just rename that to 'core'09:31
zyga-ubu1tuChipaca: note that anyone can sign up and edit09:31
zyga-ubu1tuthough it will ask you a pacman question when you try to make an account :D09:32
zyga-ubu1tuso :D09:32
Chipacazyga-ubu1tu: but i'm racing to get a reasonable commit to #3866 in <5 minutes i have left before i need to run09:32
mupPR #3866: many: implement fetching sections and package names periodically <Blocked> <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3866>09:32
Chipacathere, that should do it09:33
zyga-ubuntuso gnome-shell sometimes crashes/logs-me-out when I exit my terminal09:34
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: also, it says to use --devmode to sideload stuff09:34
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: ouch09:35
popeyoops, ogra_ did you make any progress on nano pi ssh over usb?09:39
ogra_popey, not really09:45
ogra_i didnt forget about it :)09:46
popeyok. was hoping to take my nano pi to nyc, but not sure how to get it on the wifi there09:46
ogra_(there is no kernel driver fix yet )09:46
ogra_the only kernel were it wks is the 3.x BSP kernel09:47
popeycani re-run the network config thing over serial?09:47
popeywhat's the command?09:48
ogra_sudo consoole-conf09:48
ogra_alternative you can edit /etc/netplan/00-snapd-config.yaml09:49
popeyperfecto! thanks09:49
ogra_and run "netplan generate" and "netplan apply"09:49
popeyi love these console ui things. the conjure-up one is so pretty09:49
ogra_never tried it :)09:49
popeyi tried it at ubucon paris after dustin did a quick talk of it09:49
ogra_is it of any use in non-cloud ?09:50
popeySure, if there's something complex you want to deploy locally09:50
popey(I tried kubernetes and killed my laptop - it's a bit of a monster)09:50
popeyoddly console-conf has no exit option09:51
ogra_yeah, you need to run through it completely09:52
popeystrange, should have a [quit] option imo09:52
ogra_(it skips the use creation if a user exists)09:52
ogra_well, if invoked from a tty it should09:52
ogra_if invked on first boot we want to avoid that09:52
ogra_file a feature request at mwhudson's desk ;)09:53
popeywill do :)09:53
ogra_running gradio on my desktop ends up in a constantly popping up notification10:01
ogra_and yuo cant actually stop it ... urgh10:01
ogra_(i mean the whole app ... it keeps playing when closing it)10:02
popeybest place to file issues10:02
ogra_well, i see edge is 4 versions ahead10:02
* ogra_ tries that10:03
ogra_k, the notification only shows once with that10:04
mupPR snapd#3916 opened: add support for socket activation in apps <Created by albertodonato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3916>10:05
mwhudsonogra_: i was looking at console-conf bugs today, they've been kinda neglected recently :(10:22
mwhudsonpopey: there is an old plan around using console-conf for fixing your network config only10:22
ogra_mwhudson, well, it works fine already10:23
ogra_properly skips user stuff if a user exists10:23
ogra_i use it all the time to reconfigure network stuff on my boards10:23
ogra_the prob is really that it has no exit option when invoked manually10:24
ogra_so in case there is an actual network issue you can never get back to your tty because it will not exit on its own nor can you stop it manually10:24
mupPR snapd#3898 closed: interfaces/network: allow using netcat as client <Created by alfonsosanchezbeato> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3898>10:26
* ogra_ glares at that PR ... huh ? i ave been using netcat in snaps since 15.04 without probs 10:27
ogra_ah, but abeato doesnt ship it in his snap ... k10:28
abeatoogra_, the MP is just to avoid having to do that... in the end nc is part of core, and that should be something stable10:29
ackkwhere should I look for stuff that's failing in https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapd/builds/275400722 ?10:52
zyga-ubuntu       lookup api.snapcraft.io on [::1]:53: read udp [::1]:39352->[::1]:53: looks like a store issue10:54
ackkzyga-ubuntu, where did you see that?10:57
zyga-ubuntuackk: in the log you provided11:01
zyga-ubuntuackk: there are "folds" that can be expanded11:01
zyga-ubuntuackk: a qucik tip is to look for "error preparing" or "error executing"11:01
ackkzyga-ubuntu, ah yeah, found it in the raw log11:01
ackkzyga-ubuntu, gotcha, thanks11:01
ackkzyga-ubuntu, is it possible to kick the travis job again?11:02
zyga-ubuntuyes, let me do that for you11:03
ackkzyga-ubuntu, thanks11:03
mupPR snapd#3917 opened: cmd,dirs: treat manjaro the same as arch <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3917>11:07
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* zyga-ubuntu thinks about lunch now11:39
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mupPR snapd#3918 opened: hooks: substitute env vars when executing hooks <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3918>12:52
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niemeyerHey folks13:00
niemeyerWon't be on the stand up today, apparently.. power outage here for a while13:01
zyga-ubuntuniemeyer: ok13:01
niemeyerActually, I can join from the phone.. still enough battery.. hold on13:02
Dmitrii-Shogra_: I'll try the /snap/bin fix with a wayland session13:03
diddledanikey: you about?13:06
diddledancan I pm a sec?13:06
zyga-ubuntumvo: gustavo just joined the main one13:06
mvozyga-ubuntu: ok13:07
ogra_Dmitrii-Sh, oh, wit ... switching core to edge wont help since the profile.d snippet from the PR actually needs to come from the deb (it needs to live outside of the core snap in your session login setup)13:07
Dmitrii-Shogra_: hmm, shall I revert back?13:08
ogra_but 2.28 will have it ... https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/2-28-release-cycle-started/202613:08
Dmitrii-Shogra_: I haven't tried yet, multi-tasking at the moment13:08
ogra_Dmitrii-Sh, well, check the black window issue ... thats unrealted to the PATH stuff13:08
bloodearnestHeya folks. From within a strictly confined snap, I'd like to find out my system's default dns resolver, but I can't read /etc/resolv.conf. Any ideas?13:08
ogra_bloodearnest, add the network interface to your snap13:09
niemeyerSorry.. nevermind.. my phone reboots every time I join the hangout /o\13:09
ogra_(i think network is enough, perhaps network-bind though, if network alone doesnt help)13:09
niemeyermvo: Thanks, please move on without me13:09
bloodearnestogra_: thx, snap already has network and network-bind. Should that allow it to read /etc/resolv.conf?13:10
bloodearnestogra_: ah, the app doing the configuration doesn't have those plugs. Will try that, thanks13:11
ogra_bloodearnest, hmm, actually ... grepping for resolv in the source only reveals network-control ...13:11
ogra_and network-manager ...13:12
ogra_but that kind of binds your app to desktop only13:12
bloodearnestogra_: is read access to /etc/resolv.conf a security issue?13:25
bloodearnestfeels like network plug ought to give read access, at least?13:25
ogra_bloodearnest, yeah, it should ... ask jdstrand :)13:36
zyga-ubuntubloodearnest: let me check13:37
zyga-ubuntubloodearnest: nothing allows it explicitly, let me check abstractions13:37
__chip__hey all13:37
__chip__sorry i dropped :-/13:38
zyga-ubuntubloodearnest: it is provided through the nameservice abstraction that is used by a number of interfaces, including network13:38
zyga-ubuntubloodearnest: but because /etc/ is shared from the host, cna you please tell me if /etc/resolv.conf is a symlink?13:38
bloodearnestzyga-ubuntu: it is a symlink13:39
zyga-ubuntubloodearnest: and also tell me which distribution are you on ("snap version" output helps)13:39
zyga-ubuntubloodearnest: right, what's the target?13:39
bloodearnestto ../run/resolvconf/resolv.conf13:39
zyga-ubuntuok, let me check one thing13:40
zyga-ubuntubloodearnest: ok13:40
zyga-ubuntubloodearnest: it should still work because of the nameservice abstraction13:40
zyga-ubuntuaha, you are on 16.0413:40
zyga-ubuntucan you show me "dmesg | grep DENIED" please13:41
bloodearnestzyga-ubuntu: one possibly important detail: this inside a xenial lxd13:42
* ogra_ thinks read access to /etc/resolv.conf should be a basic part of the network interface ... its not like that could be harmful or significantly security relevant13:42
bloodearnestzyga-ubuntu: audit: type=1400 audit(1505394898.461:17247): apparmor="DENIED" operation="create" namespace="root//lxd-estore_<var-lib-lxd>" profile="snap.snapstore.hook.install" pid=4122 comm="snap-exec" family="inet6" sock_type="stream" protocol=6 requested_mask="create" denied_mask="create"13:43
ogra_thats just some ipv6 noise13:44
zyga-ubuntuogra_: it is13:45
ogra_what ? security relevant ?13:45
zyga-ubuntubloodearnest: in that case we may have a bug in lxd+snapd13:45
zyga-ubuntuogra_: is is allowed13:45
ogra_where ?13:45
ogra_grepping for esolv in te interfaces subdir reveals nothing in network.go13:46
ogra_is it allowed internally somehow ?13:46
__chip__hhmmm, the opensuse linode tests block on a prompt?13:47
* __chip__ goes to school run while pondering this13:47
sergiusensogra_ problem is /etc/resolv.conf is a symlink, so you will need access to what it points to too13:53
bloodearnestzyga-ubuntu: I still get permission denied when installing the snap on my host, with both the network and network-bind plugs13:55
bloodearnestso lxd probably red herring?13:55
mvozyga-ubuntu, ogra_: could you please check https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/59 ?14:06
mupPR core#59: fix object path used by usr/bin/xdg-open in core <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/59>14:06
mupPR snapd#3917 closed: cmd,dirs: treat manjaro the same as arch linux <Created by zyga> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3917>14:08
zyga-ubuntumvo: re, sorry14:18
matiasb_sergiusens, o/ hey, just checking... any updates on the metadata thing?14:26
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mupPR core#59 closed: fix object path used by usr/bin/xdg-open in core <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/59>14:31
jdstrandbloodearnest, ogra_: the network interface includes the nameservice apparmor abstraction and it has this rule: /etc/resolv.conf r,14:34
GNUtoo-ledeHi, with "Debian GNU/Linux 9.1 (stretch)", after doing apt install snapd I get: "Setup snap "core" (2849) security profiles (cannot update mount namespace of snap "core": cannot update preserved namespace of snap "core": fork/exec /usr/lib/snapd/snap-update-ns: no such file or directory)" when doing snap install hello-world14:35
jdstrandbloodearnest: is /etc/resolv.conf a symlink to somewhere? do you have security denials in the logs?14:35
GNUtoo-lede*snap install hello14:35
bloodearnestjdstrand: /etc/resolvf.conf is a symlink to ../run/resolvconf/resolv.conf14:37
jdstrandbloodearnest: that is also allowed by said abstraction. do you have a security denial in the logs? 'grep audit /var/log/syslog'14:38
ogra_jdstrand, aha, thanks !14:39
mupPR snapcraft#1542 closed: tests: add integration tests for build snaps <Created by elopio> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1542>14:40
jdstrandogra_: fyi, you might be interested in 'apparmor_parser -p /path/to/profile' to see if a particular rule is in a profile (the -p is a preprocessor and will dump all rules, including those that are added by abstractions, to stdout)14:42
bloodearnestjdstrand: just rebuilding the snap in strict mode to try again14:42
jdstrandhandy for grepping14:42
* ogra_ notes down 14:43
ogra_thanks once more !14:43
jdstrandnp :)14:43
mupPR core-build#20 closed: ubuntu-core-rootfs: deal with (broken) symlink in sync_dirs <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/20>14:44
Pharaoh_Atemzyga-ubuntu: %{_var}/cache works too :)14:44
Pharaoh_Atem%_var points to %_localstatedir14:44
Pharaoh_Atemwhich, of course, points to /var14:44
Pharaoh_Atemlikewise, %_usr points to %_prefix, which points to /usr14:45
bloodearnestjdstrand: ^^14:46
bloodearnestjdstrand: hmm, it's the configure hook that's trying to read /etc/resolv.conf14:47
bloodearnestcan I give that network plugs?14:48
bloodearnestI currently grant them on each app as needed14:48
bloodearnestor, from the configure hook, can I invoke an app that has network plug?14:51
mupPR core-build#21 opened: Release 0.7.43+ppa23 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/21>14:52
__chip__Pharaoh_Atem: tell me about %{_var}14:55
__chip__Pharaoh_Atem: or better: tell me where i can read about all things %{}14:55
__chip__Pharaoh_Atem: ah, i see _var in https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:RPMMacros?rd=Packaging/RPMMacros14:56
mvoogra_: so I pushed the initramfs fix to the ppa, I will build a new core now. who should I ping to update the kernel snap so that it includes the updated initramfs? or can I just trigger the pc-kenrel snap build?14:57
ogra_mvo, talk to ppisati14:57
ogra_just a no-change rebuild14:57
ogra_preferably for all of pc-kernel, pi2-kernel and dragonboard-kernel14:57
mvoogra_: yeah, we need the core in edge published first, right?14:57
ogra_not for the official kenels14:58
ogra_they use the deb directly during build14:58
mvoogra_: using our ppa:snappy-dev/image ?14:58
ogra_all kernels that use the snapcraft kernel plugin need the fix in core though14:58
ogra_mvo, yep14:58
mvoogra_: great14:59
ogra_after new-york split-initrd should be ready, then we wont need that mess anymore15:00
jdstrandbloodearnest: it is possibly to specify plugs for configure hooks iirc. let me look that up15:06
jdstrandbloodearnest: yeah, https://snapcraft.io/docs/build-snaps/hooks15:07
davidcallejdstrand: bloodearnest you might want this version: https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/snappy-docs/pull/9815:07
mupPR CanonicalLtd/snappy-docs#98: Refresh the whole page, add install and remove hooks <Created by caldav> <https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/snappy-docs/pull/98>15:07
pstolowskiniemeyer, hey, added https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/install-and-remove-hooks/2120 ; can you proof-read?15:09
mupPR snapcraft#1548 opened: meta: ensure main keys are ordered in snap.yaml <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1548>15:10
jdstranddavidcalle: thanks15:10
bloodearnestjdstrand: davidcalle: \o/ great success. Thanks!15:11
pstolowskidavidcalle, ^ might also be interesting for you, although I believe you captured all the important aspects already15:12
davidcallepstolowski: looking in a min, evilnick raised a fair point on the PR review: install hook only during initial install or subsequent revisions as well?15:13
* ogra_ finds the forum text pretty clear " it gets executed ... when the snap is installed for the first time "15:14
davidcalleogra_: ty ogra :)15:14
pstolowskidavidcalle, only initial. but you had that before: "The install hook is called upon initial install.", did you remove it since?15:14
davidcallepstolowski: was missing from the top summary15:15
sergiusensdavidcalle hey, mind updating the deprecations part of the site?15:16
sergiusensogra_ split initrd would be grand!15:17
sergiusensmy two year wait will be over ;-)15:17
ogra_sergiusens, i'm already using it for the splash screens ;) for actual modules and te like there are a few minor snapd changes missing that we'll solve in NY15:17
davidcallesergiusens: deploying in a moment, when ^ gets merged (pstolowski, please give a final ack)15:17
niemeyerpstolowski: It's a good base, thanks! I will tune it a bit further once I have a keyboard again15:17
pstolowskidavidcalle, I suggest tweaking the example yaml.. it's confusing with the extra plugs which will not work anyway15:19
davidcallepstolowski: it's fixed, I think, I switched to upower-observe15:20
pstolowskidavidcalle, ah, right, missed that, thanks15:24
=== JoshStrobl is now known as JoshStrobl|Store
pstolowskidavidcalle, lgtm, approved15:35
pstolowskidavidcalle, + a note about more advanced config got future consideration/updates15:35
oSoMoNwhen will the wayland interface be available for consumption?15:39
ogra_oSoMoN, https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/the-desktop-interfaces/2042 says 2.2815:41
davidcallepstolowski: noted, thanks15:41
oSoMoNogra_, indeed, I read that post on Monday but my brain is a colander…15:49
ogra_oSoMoN, just wait til you are my age !15:49
* ogra_ waves with his cane15:49
pstolowskidavidcalle, when will your update go live? also, is it going to be https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/wiki/hooks ?16:04
davidcallepstolowski: here https://snapcraft.io/docs/build-snaps/hooks , when Juju let me... Deployment of snapcraft.io is stuck right now because of some juju workers being down16:05
davidcalleSo, at some point in the next hour :)16:05
ogra_can you still call them workers if they dont wok ?16:05
pstolowskidavidcalle, cool. and I confused the wiki pages again ;)16:05
pstolowskiogra_, you don't stop calling someone a worker if he goes on vacation ;)16:09
ogra_yeah, but they went on strike !16:09
pstolowskiogra_, still a worker! union laws!16:11
ogra_snaps arent really happy if you call pulseaudio -k to have pulse restart16:23
sergiusensogra_ we should propose the removal of `-k` from pulseaudio's cli options ;-)16:25
ogra_well, i can also killall o pkill it :)16:25
=== codygarver79 is now known as codygarver
mupPR snapcraft#1549 opened: plugins: extract pip from python plugin <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1549>17:22
mupPR snapcraft#1548 closed: meta: ensure main keys are ordered in snap.yaml <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1548>18:01
mupPR core-build#22 opened: Simple tests <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/22>18:20
=== JoshStrobl|Store is now known as JoshStrobl
cachioniemeyer, is it possible to exclude 1 test from the spread execution'19:05
cachioI mean to run a whole suite but skip 1 test?19:06
niemeyercachio: Only if you mark it as manual at the moment19:06
cachioniemeyer, ok, that could work, thanks19:07
ryebotIs there a problem with the core snap on s390x? I keep getting this: https://gist.github.com/wwwtyro/a37bb84db21e84723eeb70d3d2c6719e19:13
ryebotfwiw, this is under lxd.19:13
ryebotsnap download works just fine19:26
ryeboter - `snap download core`19:27
mupPR snapcraft#1550 opened: demos: remove the py?-project demos <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1550>19:32
Dmitrii-Shogra_: irccloud-desktop runs fine http://paste.ubuntu.com/25535844/ - no black windows (--edge core + apt update as of19:44
Dmitrii-Sh date +%s19:44
Dmitrii-Shcouldn't check brave though:19:45
Dmitrii-Sh➜  ~ type brave19:45
Dmitrii-Shbrave is /snap/bin/brave19:45
Dmitrii-Sh➜  ~ brave19:45
Dmitrii-Shln: failed to create symbolic link '/home/dima/snap/brave/5/.config/gtk-2.0/gtkfilechooser.ini': File exists19:45
Dmitrii-Shthat's wayland btw19:46
bschaeferogra_, hey, soo if /dev/dri didnt mount on my raspi3 ... i would assume somethings wrong with the vc4 driver?19:50
bschaeferthough the strange this is this was happening the other day, but downloading the new image fixed it (seems like w/e is upgrading snap core seems to be causing issues?)19:51
bschaefer... hoping i dont need to download the edge image each day to avoid the core upgrading and causing vc4 issues ... though not sure why else dri wouldnt be there :)19:52
mupPR snapd#3919 opened: interfaces: updates for default, browser-support, desktop, opengl, upower and stub-resolv.conf <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3919>20:15
ogra_bschaefer, very weird, this doesnt happen for me at all, i can have my pi3 running for days (with daily refreshes of edge) and always have mir-kiosk on screen21:01
bschaeferhappened 2 days ago ... and today but i just downloaded the new iage21:07
bschaeferwhere core doesnt upgrade21:07
bschaeferall i see is strange binding errors for vc4 but that seems common21:07
bschaefer(looks like it tries to bind until it can bind)21:07
mupPR snapcraft#1528 closed: recording: record the machine information collected by uname <Created by elopio> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1528>21:08
bschaeferogra_, hmm its happened again21:27
bschaeferon the newest edge image21:27
bschaefercore            16-2.27.6+git374.6f26821  2935  canonical  core21:27
bschaeferand no dri folder21:27
ogra_very weird ...21:29
* ogra_ will monitor thaat the next days ... but i usually have my pi running in the office 24/7 and the mouse cursor is always up there ... 21:30
ogra_do you have HDMI constantly plugged in ?21:30
ogra_(perhaps the driver falls over when not getting EDID data or some such)21:31
ogra_(i'm also sure screenly would have told me if they ever observed something like this, we worked together a lot the last two/three weeks)21:33
bschaeferogra_, yeah its plugged in, ill give you a pastebin of syslog if you feel like digging through it21:36
ogra_well, not at this time, but yeah, i'll dig into it tomorrow (my pi is in the office, i'm not near it atm)21:37
bschaeferogra_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/25536380/21:37
ogra_dmesg would be good21:37
bschaeferalright! Yeah its only 2:37pm here21:37
bschaefersoo still pretty early in the day21:37
bschaeferogra_, and dmesg for tomorrow: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25536382/21:38
ogra_heh, 11:37pm  here ...21:38
bschaeferit seems multiple reboots messes it up21:38
bschaefero geez haha, have a good night!21:38
ogra_grepping for vc4 i dont see any unusual messages21:39
bschaeferyeah ... the only thing that looked strange was the bind = -517 but seems to happen wehn dri is mapped anyway21:40
xnoxryebot, it should work i don't think there is one in the stable channel though.22:16
xnoxogra_, is core snap available in the stable channel for s390x yet?22:16
ryebotI'm getting different behavior across different machines, so whatever the problem is, I think it's on my end right now.22:16
mupBug #1717375 opened: snap find behaviour? <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1717375>22:22
mupPR snapcraft#1551 opened: dirs: set plugin, schema, and library dir for snap <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1551>22:35
mupPR snapcraft#1550 closed: demos: remove the py?-project demos <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1550>23:20

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