ubports_bot | Project daily-hammerhead build #320: SUCCESS in 11 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-hammerhead/320/ | 00:25 |
ubports_bot | Project ota-push build #1007: SUCCESS in 1 min 46 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/1007/ | 00:27 |
tgBot10 | <hwpplayer1> https://www.starryhope.com/10-alternative-browsers-for-ubuntu-linux/ | 00:30 |
tgBot10 | <kz6fittycent> I got my n4 running, albeit not well (digitizer is messed up). … Anyway, when I flash it to ubports, I just leave off the —bootstrap, correct? … It's already running UTouch | 01:40 |
tgBot10 | <Ern_st> not really sure, when —bootstrap is removed is to switch from stable to devel both under ubport | 02:17 |
tgBot10 | <nfsprodriver> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/cA42yPkw/file_517.bmp | 02:28 |
tgBot10 | <Ern_st> instead of the google stuff at the start up ? | 02:30 |
tgBot10 | <kz6fittycent> I'll just do bootstrap. It's no big deal | 02:39 |
tgBot10 | <Ern_st> you'll loose your data utouch | 02:41 |
tgBot10 | <UniversalSuperBox> @Ern_st, Nah, that's a different option. Bootstrap just means 'flash boot.img and recovery.img'. | 02:48 |
tgBot10 | <Ern_st> @UniversalSuperBox, thanks for the clarification | 02:48 |
tgBot10 | <nfsprodriver> @Ern_st, Yes https://github.com/ubports/ubports-touch/issues/240 | 03:13 |
tgBot10 | <Ern_st> @nfsprodriver, ok cool, can you do one for the nexus 4 on your template § | 03:14 |
tgBot10 | <Ern_st> ? | 03:14 |
tgBot10 | <nfsprodriver> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/55L90FTU/file_519.jpg | 03:27 |
tgBot10 | <nfsprodriver> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/EZIAk5tI/file_521.jpg | 03:31 |
tgBot10 | <nfsprodriver> Good night! | 03:33 |
tgBot10 | <Ern_st> Seems good ! thanks | 03:34 |
tgBot10 | <kz6fittycent> Lol I got ubports on the Nexus 4... Screen is so bad I can't install anything lol | 03:46 |
tgBot10 | <Ern_st> yep without digitalizer ... it's dead | 03:53 |
tgBot10 | <gennadii1981> Ubuntu на Honor 6x please 🙏 | 03:55 |
tgBot10 | <vanyasem> @gennadii1981, нет. | 03:58 |
tgBot10 | <vanyasem> https://forums.ubports.com/topic/206/will-you-port-to-device-x | 03:59 |
tgBot10 | <kz6fittycent> Speaking of ports, I wonder how hard is might be to port to the lg ls970 which is the same as the mako with the exception of it's radio and camera. I can flash Ubuntu touch and it works minus the camera and... Radio. | 04:05 |
tgBot10 | <gennadii1981> А будет ли и когда можно спросить? | 04:07 |
tgBot10 | <vanyasem> @gennadii1981, the official language of this chat is English | 04:08 |
tgBot10 | <vanyasem> будет ли вообще — не думаю | 04:09 |
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun | ||
ubports_bot | Project vivid-rootfs-armhf build #126: SUCCESS in 1.4 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/vivid-rootfs-armhf/126/ | 04:27 |
ubports_bot | Project ota-push build #1008: SUCCESS in 0.47 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/1008/ | 04:27 |
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk | ||
tgBot10 | Tomi was added by: Tomi | 05:05 |
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun | ||
tgBot10 | <neothethird> Welcome:) | 05:49 |
tgBot10 | <Flohack> @vanyasem, I like your direct approach: No. Lol | 06:07 |
tgBot10 | <vanyasem> there are too many port requests already, let's be real about it | 06:17 |
tgBot10 | <Flohack> Sure. In the end its a sad story that porting is not easier :) | 06:18 |
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk | ||
tgBot10 | <theMitu> Hi, what's the status of OTA-2? I know it's in RC, but wasn't it about to land in stable in the beginning of this week? | 06:55 |
tgBot10 | <Flohack> @theMitu, Morning, yes this was the plan. Unfortunately we had to agin delay it a bit. You can see status here: https://github.com/ubports/ubports-touch/milestone/2 | 06:58 |
tgBot10 | <Flohack> We want to really finish these 4 items first ;) | 06:58 |
tgBot10 | <theMitu> OK, thanks :) | 06:58 |
tgBot10 | <Walid> @mariogrip when i enabled this config in kernel system crash do you have any idea? … CONFIG_ANDROID_LOW_MEMORY_KILLER=y | 07:03 |
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun | ||
tgBot10 | <Stereofont> @Flohack, Very tedious after the 1000th such request but for each person it is the first time of asking and each is a potential supporter - otherwise they would not ask 😎 | 07:46 |
tgBot10 | <Walid> @Walid, I think this is the cause, disable this flag, system work fine, i will test it more to confirm … CONFIG_ANDROID_LMK_ADJ_RBTREE | 08:16 |
tgBot10 | <Flohack> @Walid, Did you refer to Halium´s mer-checkconfig or how is it called? They list all options for that | 08:23 |
ubports_bot | Project daily-fp2 build #338: SUCCESS in 13 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-fp2/338/ | 08:23 |
tgBot10 | <Flohack> The low-memory-killer is in fact smth we need to be careful with. The current rootfs also kills the dash way too often | 08:23 |
ubports_bot | Project ota-push build #1009: SUCCESS in 1 min 12 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/1009/ | 08:24 |
tgBot10 | <Walid> i debuged system, when CONFIG_ANDROID_LOW_MEMORY_KILLER=y system crash in function "rb_erase", so if disabled CONFIG_ANDROID_LMK_ADJ_RBTREE=n or unset it, system work fine with CONFIG_ANDROID_LOW_MEMORY_KILLER=y | 08:25 |
tgBot10 | <delijati> @Flohack, QT 5.9 LTS should help there https://blog.qt.io/blog/2017/05/31/performance-improvements-with-qt-5-9-lts/ | 08:26 |
tgBot10 | <Walid> @Flohack, Yes i refer, i'm sure now that this flag CONFIG_ANDROID_LMK_ADJ_RBTREE cause many pb, i noticed sound is better and hight now | 08:38 |
tgBot10 | <Flohack> cool | 08:41 |
tgBot10 | <enriconia> I have some questions about porting (this time for an msm820-based phone): you say that the fist step is porting halium now. But is a ubports rootfs image for halium available? Is halium 7.1 working, at least minimally? | 09:40 |
tgBot10 | Philippe COMBAZ was added by: Philippe COMBAZ | 10:58 |
tgBot10 | <Flohack> @enriconia, The rootfs is not compatible at the moment I am afraid | 11:02 |
tgBot10 | <Flohack> You can use a test rootfs from Halium people, to do basic tests. | 11:02 |
tgBot10 | <neothethird> and later it can be adapted | 11:04 |
tgBot10 | <Philippe COMBAZ> Sorry, it is the first time I join, so forget my clumsiness if any. Am owner of a beautiful Nexus 5 with Ubuntu (arbitrary codename fиск @ndroйd & шйndows). My 2 questions: Q1: what is the best Ubuntu soft to install to be able to call from my Nexus 5 over IP (i.e. not using mobile phone network). Q2: what is more secure in France between T1 (calling using normal mob networks) or T2 (using phone over IP)? Thanks | 11:07 |
tgBot10 | <Flohack> @Philippe COMBAZ, Uh I am afraid we currently do not have a native VoIP app ready :) | 11:09 |
tgBot10 | <Flohack> One of the problems is also that currently the OS design does not allow much background activity, so you probably wont receive any calls ;) | 11:11 |
tgBot10 | <Philippe COMBAZ> So what do I do? Shall I take the risk to find a non-native VoIP app on the Internet or wait for the community to develop one or just keep using the mob phone networks for the time being? | 11:14 |
tgBot10 | <Philippe COMBAZ> I just want to be able to GIVE calls, then I switch back to normal mob network mode to RECEIVE calls. What do u say? | 11:15 |
tgBot10 | <Mohannes> @Flohack, We’ve meet Phillipe at UBUCON. He drove all around paris the entire day to find a Nexus 5. He then immediatly flashed it with ubuntu touch and as of then seems to be an advocate of net neutrality and privacy. | 11:18 |
tgBot10 | <Flohack> @Mohannes, WOW That sounds fantastic :) | 11:20 |
tgBot10 | <DanChapman> +1 | 11:20 |
tgBot10 | <Flohack> @Philippe COMBAZ, You are using SIP? I mean the standard protocol? What do the people use that you want so speak with? | 11:21 |
tgBot10 | <Mohannes> within a timespan of 5 minutes (to flash his phone) het presumably said F*ck Android and K*ll Apple around 999992847272 times 😉 | 11:21 |
tgBot10 | <Mohannes> #wevegotourselvesafan! | 11:21 |
tgBot10 | <Flohack> hehe | 11:22 |
tgBot10 | <Flohack> It should be possible to find a few people who are interested to create a QML frontend for it. Should not be too hard | 11:39 |
tgBot10 | <DanChapman> Someone got barseip running a year or so ago. https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg21108.html | 11:44 |
tgBot10 | <DanChapman> no frontend to it but it's something to start from | 11:46 |
tgBot10 | <Flohack> echo "1" > sip_call_answer ? 😆 | 11:47 |
tgBot10 | <Flohack> better be quick typing | 11:47 |
tgBot10 | <DanChapman> crazy right. 😜 | 11:52 |
tgBot10 | <thepeter> @Mohannes, +1 | 12:05 |
tgBot10 | <thepeter> @Flohack, 😂😂😂 or prepared batch script :) | 12:06 |
tgBot10 | <Flohack> echo "I dont have time now" > /dev/call_rejector | 12:09 |
tgBot10 | <Walid> @Flohack swap patition work (zram partition) , is it possible o extend it ? | 12:47 |
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk | ||
ubports_bot | Project daily-mako build #113: SUCCESS in 12 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-mako/113/ | 12:55 |
ubports_bot | Project ota-push build #1010: SUCCESS in 52 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/1010/ | 12:56 |
tgBot10 | Gumdramon1 was added by: Gumdramon1 | 13:11 |
tgBot10 | <enriconia> @Flohack, thanks! | 13:12 |
tgBot10 | <vanyasem> @Gumdramon1, welcome Lucas | 13:12 |
tgBot10 | <Gumdramon1> @vanyasem, Thank you. | 13:12 |
tgBot10 | <Philippe COMBAZ> NEW QUESTION: if I want to connect my beautiful Ubuntu Nexus 5 to any HDMI screen as I saw in Paris last Sunday at Ubuntu workshop, can I buy ANY Adapter SlimPort (for example the "generic" one from French shop in Paris LDLC.com | 13:19 |
tgBot10 | <nfsprodriver> I would say: Slimport is slimport so yes. | 13:34 |
tgBot10 | <nfsprodriver> Different experiences? | 13:34 |
tgBot10 | <Ern_st> i suggest one with a port to charge the phone. | 13:36 |
tgBot10 | <wagafo> I have this one and works like a charm (sorry for the ad): Fosmon Slimport MYDP Micro USB to HDMI | 13:45 |
tgBot10 | <YougoChats> @Ern_st, agreed. usiing hdmi will suck the life right out | 13:48 |
=== JanC is now known as Guest66311 | ||
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
tgBot10 | <Flohack> @Walid, No idea sorry :) | 14:33 |
tgBot10 | <wayneoutthere> @Flohack, i want a sip client badly as well... business... | 14:47 |
tgBot10 | <Ben> https://www.kde.org/announcements/kde-purism-librem5.php | 14:49 |
tgBot10 | <Lorxu> Oh. My. Fucking. God. Want. | 14:53 |
tgBot10 | <Richard> Does anybody remember the OpenMoko and the shr-project? | 14:55 |
tgBot10 | <Richard> Was the stack too bad? | 14:55 |
tgBot10 | <thepeter> @Ben, Still no HW specs info though ... but we can at least assume this one will be portable easy 😁 | 15:06 |
tgBot10 | <Gartral> Librem huh? Is the a dependency for electric sheep? | 15:12 |
tgBot10 | <Gartral> *shamefully walks away after bad joke* | 15:12 |
tgBot10 | <Walid> @Flohack haha MTP mode work now, show me internal storage | 15:33 |
tgBot10 | <Lyokanthrope> @Gartral, I liked it | 15:35 |
tgBot10 | <Flohack> @Lorxu, Popcorn opened. They talk about hardware but they dont know how it will look like until in a few months or so ;) - I bet in the end it will be 98% free but the 2% will create lots of issues for KDE desktop ;) | 15:35 |
tgBot10 | <Flohack> @Walid, You found it? wooosh | 15:36 |
tgBot10 | <Lorxu> @Flohack, I don't have 600$ to spend on a phone anyway :P | 15:36 |
tgBot10 | <Walid> @Flohack, yes this commit for FP2 helped me … https://github.com/ubports/android_device_fairphone_fp2/commit/bd5054e4b1094361a08e70f11c6fcfe0bc21e593#diff-d5cdfaba6b8092d4f7bd57deb2adb80b | 15:36 |
tgBot10 | <Flohack> :P | 15:36 |
tgBot10 | <thepeter> (Sticker, 392x512) https://irc.ubports.com/26SDsfT0/file_522.webp | 15:37 |
tgBot10 | <kz6fittycent> man, the nexus 4 is PAINFUL to use....bad digitizer. I can't type "R" or "X". I have to swipe up to click "Install" … I can't click "Connect" on the wifi prompt. | 15:40 |
tgBot10 | <kz6fittycent> sheesh | 15:40 |
tgBot10 | <kz6fittycent> but, I can report that UBPorts is running on it... | 15:41 |
tgBot10 | <kz6fittycent> so there's that | 15:41 |
tgBot10 | <thepeter> so it's like virtual higher resolution on that phone? | 15:43 |
tgBot10 | <kz6fittycent> more like dead spots where it can't sense your finger | 15:43 |
tgBot10 | <thepeter> uff | 15:43 |
=== founderio1 is now known as founderio | ||
tgBot10 | <thepeter> but you still can connect mouse to it can you? :D | 15:46 |
tgBot10 | <kz6fittycent> I don't have a BT mouse | 15:46 |
tgBot10 | <kz6fittycent> I got it running again to see if I can fix a few of my old click applications | 15:47 |
tgBot10 | <thepeter> usb? (+OTG cable) | 15:47 |
tgBot10 | <Ern_st> @thepeter, not on nexus 4 | 15:47 |
tgBot10 | <YougoChats> Ooh I have one of those nexuses too! Depending on what button I want to press I have to rotate the phone left, right or upside down. Its fun watching me text on it | 15:47 |
tgBot10 | <kz6fittycent> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/zOexpHHj/file_523.mp4 | 15:47 |
tgBot10 | <kz6fittycent> @YougoChats, yep! That's it! you have to replace the screen to fix the problem. Supposedly, if you take it apart, disconnect the digitizer and plug it back in, it'll work again. I haven't done this but I may | 15:48 |
tgBot10 | <thepeter> @Ern_st, well it is officially not supported on BQ 5 either and I still use it 😂 | 15:51 |
tgBot10 | <YougoChats> Well strictly speaking, not supported doesn't mean it wont work. Just that they wont help joy with it. | 15:52 |
tgBot10 | <YougoChats> Just another day in linuxland | 15:53 |
tgBot10 | <thepeter> yep :) AFAIK no specs page says that I can anyhow connect OTG USB key or kb+/mouse though it ... so I've tryed - and it worked - that assuming it may probably work in nexus 4 as well (or it won't, you will know only if you try 😃) | 15:56 |
tgBot10 | <thepeter> @neothethird was there a decision about old communication paths like mailing list on google or launchpad? | 16:02 |
tgBot10 | <neothethird> @thepeter, yep, we'll probably set up mailman mailing lists, why? | 16:03 |
tgBot10 | <thepeter> there is new thread about it in forum https://forums.ubports.com/topic/550/google-ubuntu-touch-community-ubports-takeover wanted to answer but didn't know how it went 😂 | 16:04 |
tgBot10 | <neothethird> ok, noted. thanks | 16:05 |
tgBot10 | <Flohack> @DanChapman This is Dekko 2! When the notification arrives earlier on the N5 than on my Thunderbird on desktop. Both on IMAP, so its fair game ;) | 16:27 |
tgBot10 | <DanChapman> 😃 | 16:27 |
tgBot10 | <wayneoutthere> @kz6fittycent, can you confirm it can: phone, sms and connect to wifi? :) | 16:28 |
tgBot10 | katheinekaoz was added by: katheinekaoz | 16:33 |
tgBot10 | <katheinekaoz> Hello - I can code, compile and am willing to dev / test to get more operating systems on the rugged samsung g390f (after all I'm too clumsy to handle other phones!) | 16:35 |
tgBot10 | <kz6fittycent> @wayneoutthere, It's not active. But it's connected to WiFi | 17:12 |
tgBot10 | <Flohack> https://forums.ubports.com/topic/551/possible-memory-leak | 17:29 |
tgBot10 | <samzn> @Flohack, run top over ssh | 17:30 |
tgBot10 | <Flohack> @samzn, and whats the difference? 😆 | 17:31 |
tgBot10 | <Flohack> I am running it over adb | 17:31 |
tgBot10 | <samzn> either one can do, but can show the culprit | 17:31 |
tgBot10 | <Flohack> not really, I would need to make snapshots every 4hrs or so and compare | 17:32 |
tgBot10 | <Flohack> if it is a slow memleak it takes days to buildup, ... well I hate this kind of work ^^ | 17:32 |
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje | ||
tgBot10 | <Flohack> Its nice I got a 1GB phone, but smemstat says only 257MB are occupied as unique set. I dont get it... | 17:36 |
tgBot10 | <samzn> I haven't been keeping up with ubports much lately | 17:36 |
tgBot10 | <samzn> Is the project running on top of halium now | 17:36 |
tgBot10 | <Flohack> @samzn, No | 17:37 |
tgBot10 | <Flohack> You missed nothing much ^^ | 17:37 |
tgBot10 | <samzn> Aw | 17:38 |
tgBot10 | <Flohack> Easy summary, Halium uses upstream libhybris which does not support Mir. Guess the result ;) - we have to touch everything to get forward, its really mission impossible sometimes | 17:38 |
tgBot10 | <Flohack> Hey we could rewrite the whole OS and it would be the same amount of time maybe 😆 | 17:39 |
tgBot10 | <thepeter> @Flohack, and with consideration for the future? which would be more effective? 😅 | 17:43 |
tgBot10 | <Flohack> @thepeter, Dunno. x<d | 17:44 |
tgBot10 | <Kazord> 1more game and 1more scope in openstore | 19:14 |
tgBot10 | <Flohack> kewl what is it | 19:15 |
tgBot10 | <Kazord> I didn't know it was that simple | 19:17 |
tgBot10 | <Jo_Led> @Flohack, Thanks for your work on E5! Mine is waiting in a drawer until it works better. Using my gfs old Samsung Glaxy s3neo with lucky strike rom until then! | 20:48 |
ubports_bot | Project daily-bacon build #269: SUCCESS in 11 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-bacon/269/ | 21:02 |
ubports_bot | Project ota-push build #1011: SUCCESS in 1 min 4 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/1011/ | 21:03 |
tgBot10 | <exar_kun> @wayneoutthere 10 lucky people have already heard the #audiocast episode 8 :P | 22:50 |
tgBot10 | <wayneoutthere> well now. | 23:15 |
tgBot10 | <wayneoutthere> i might have to fix that, you greedy ... | 23:15 |
tgBot10 | <wayneoutthere> wait for it. | 23:15 |
tgBot10 | <wayneoutthere> waaaaaaaait for it | 23:15 |
tgBot10 | <wayneoutthere> countdown | 23:15 |
tgBot10 | <wayneoutthere> https://ubports.com/blog/ubports-blog-1/post/ubports-audiocast-008-moose-sounds-and-solutions-72 | 23:15 |
tgBot10 | <wayneoutthere> You have been #audiocast 'd | 23:16 |
tgBot10 | <wayneoutthere> thanks for the pin @UniversalSuperBox that was the fastest yet | 23:18 |
tgBot10 | <Jo_Led> Ok... busy now but will hear ir afterwars. Keep up the good work! | 23:18 |
tgBot10 | <wayneoutthere> @Jo_Led, thanks for the encouragement. We're having some fun now... | 23:19 |
tgBot10 | <MichaelTun> @Jo_Led, Sounds like a great after war plan ;) | 23:23 |
tgBot10 | <Jo_Led> After work plan more likely. No war in central Europe afaik! | 23:58 |
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