
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:01
lotuspsychjehey EriC^^05:06
Bashing-omo/ lotuspsychje & EriC^^ .05:08
lotuspsychjehey Bashing-om05:08
lotuspsychjealot of pings05:34
ducassemorning all06:12
lotuspsychjebbl work guys06:45
lotuspsychjehave a nice day ducasse06:45
brunchGood morning, folks!09:11
BluesKaj_Howdy folks12:30
=== JanC is now known as Guest66311
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
leftyfb"I want to do this stupid and near impossible thing. Don't tell me to tell you why, just tell me how to do it"14:42
oerheksleftyfb, do visitors expect us to ask: what is your weird bug?15:24
lotuspsychjegood evening to all17:08
oerheksheya lotuspsychje17:08
oerhekslotuspsychje, ducasse and me want you!17:09
lotuspsychjehey hey oerheks how are you17:09
* oerheks firing up telegram17:09
oerheksYou do have telegram don't you?17:09
lotuspsychjewhat you need from lotus :p17:09
lotuspsychjeyeah on smartphone17:09
oerheksgood, we want to know how it works17:10
ducassehi lotus17:10
ducassedo you like it?17:10
lotuspsychjeits simple, you need to add your cellphone number to it and first time get your code17:10
lotuspsychjeto activate your telegram account (cellnumber)17:11
lotuspsychjehey ducase17:11
lotuspsychjethen you can add your friends cellnumbers to it and chat17:11
lotuspsychjethere is also a telegram snap on ubuntu desktop17:12
lotuspsychje!info telegram-sergiusens17:13
ubot5Package telegram-sergiusens does not exist in xenial17:13
lotuspsychjesnap find telegram17:13
ducassei was hoping you didn't need to add phone numbers for contacts, that the account name or something would be enough17:13
lotuspsychjethe #ubports group got a large telegram group also17:14
lotuspsychjeducasse: there is a way to add a nick aswell, check telegrams website, didnt do it that way yet17:14
oerhekssudo snap install  telegram-sergiusens17:14
lotuspsychjeducasse: https://telegram.org/faq#q-what-are-usernames-how-do-i-get-one17:16
lotuspsychjebut i pretty like the cell method17:16
ducassebloody 'h' key sticks, just a sec17:18
* lotuspsychje gets a hammer ready17:18
ducassethere - compressed air ftw :)17:18
ducassewoke up the cat, though :)17:19
ducasselotuspsychje: didn't have time to wish you a good day at work this morning, you went so quick: "that'siti'mgoingtowork, *lotuspsychje has quit*" ;)17:25
lotuspsychjeyeah we always miss each other17:25
lotuspsychjetime you wakeup im at breakfast then off to work17:25
ducassejust a couple more weeks now?17:25
lotuspsychjeyeah it will change soon!17:25
lotuspsychje2 oct!17:26
ducassesounds good17:27
lotuspsychjewill be good indeed17:27
lotuspsychjeducasse: the 9y old kid of my new boss slept at his friends house and they went sneaky to theaters watch the new 'IT' lol17:28
lotuspsychjethat boy didnt sleep well that night17:28
ducasseturn up in a clown mask and knock on his window late tonight ;)17:31
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
lotuspsychjeducasse: so i might go look it with my gf :p17:34
ducassetell me what you think17:34
lotuspsychjewell if we cant go to dark tower17:34
lotuspsychjegf said, if ducasse doesnt like it, why pay money to go see17:35
lotuspsychjewe can always 'hire' the dvd later17:35
ducassesmart girl ;) i might not be the best person to listen to about that movie, though, as i love the books so much. idris elba was fantastic though, i just thought the whole movie was a bit 'cheap' and chaotic.17:37
lotuspsychjei dont like cheap17:38
lotuspsychjeespacially in theaters17:38
ducasseit was as if they had just thrown in everything and the kitchen sink without worrying about making a good story. the books make up a really good story.17:39
lotuspsychjeusually stephen king movies are also longer in time17:40
ducassevery often, the original it was ~4 hours17:44
lotuspsychjenow its gonna be in 2 parts right?17:45
ducasseno idea, but i didn't think so?17:45
naccwhich? it?17:46
lotuspsychjei think it is, and film maker needs it to earn much to make part217:46
lotuspsychjenacc: the new IT remake17:46
naccIt is a two-parter -- first is a prequel17:46
naccwell, 'prequel'17:47
naccthe original story (of the kids)17:47
naccthe second one is more of the remake of the original17:47
lotuspsychjebbl guys sleep night :p20:11
oerheksnighty night lotus20:11

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