floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> GNOME 3.26 is hitting the archive | 01:24 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> http://www.androidpolice.com/2017/09/13/google-offering-nexus-6p-owners-pixel-xl-warranty-replacement/ | 01:26 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> yea I saw that | 01:26 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> My power and internet are all back!!! | 02:18 |
floridagram-bot | <Abrerr> @KMyers, El yay! | 02:20 |
floridagram-bot8 | <ahoneybun> @KMyers, +111111 | 09:18 |
floridagram-bot8 | <ahoneybun> Everyone should try IRC Cloud I'm loving it | 11:39 |
floridagram-bot8 | <ahoneybun> https://imgur.com/ecz5tYs | 12:29 |
floridagram-bot8 | <SivaMachina> Found this by one of the places on my street | 12:52 |
floridagram-bot8 | <ahoneybun> holy crap | 12:54 |
floridagram-bot8 | <ahoneybun> lightning? | 12:54 |
floridagram-bot8 | <SivaMachina> Not sure | 12:56 |
floridagram-bot8 | <SivaMachina> There was a Powerline near by | 12:56 |
floridagram-bot8 | <SivaMachina> But the cable didn't seem right. So most likely lighting | 12:57 |
floridagram-bot8 | <ahoneybun> that's crazy | 12:58 |
floridagram-bot8 | <ahoneybun> Mm that pic is not sending | 14:27 |
floridagram-bot8 | <ahoneybun> Hot damn | 14:47 |
floridagram-bot8 | <ahoneybun> That's my dad's phone | 14:47 |
floridagram-bot8 | <KMyers> What the heck happened? | 14:48 |
floridagram-bot8 | <KMyers> And what phone? | 14:48 |
floridagram-bot8 | <ahoneybun> Moto G4 I think | 14:49 |
floridagram-bot8 | <ahoneybun> It was the Amazon one | 14:49 |
floridagram-bot8 | <ahoneybun> Looks like the battery blow up | 14:49 |
floridagram-bot8 | <AdamOutler> Downed powerline by the phone. ;) | 14:56 |
floridagram-bot8 | <ahoneybun> Well it's a bit different if he had gotten hurt using it | 14:57 |
floridagram-bot8 | <ahoneybun> But he's ok | 14:57 |
floridagram-bot8 | <AdamOutler> Just put a case on it and it should be fine. | 14:57 |
floridagram-bot8 | <KMyers> @ahoneybun, That is true | 14:58 |
floridagram-bot8 | <AdamOutler> Nobody will be able to tell. | 14:58 |
floridagram-bot8 | <ahoneybun> My power went out at 9:30 or so | 14:59 |
floridagram-bot8 | <KMyers> Is it still out? | 14:59 |
floridagram-bot8 | <ahoneybun> Yep | 15:00 |
floridagram-bot8 | <KMyers> Was the phone plugged it when it happened? | 15:00 |
floridagram-bot8 | <ahoneybun> I have no idea | 15:01 |
floridagram-bot8 | <ahoneybun> I was just sent a picture of it by my mom | 15:01 |
floridagram-bot8 | <KMyers> I wonder if it got hit with a surge | 15:01 |
floridagram-bot8 | <ahoneybun> I know it was acting crazy for him before hand | 15:01 |
floridagram-bot8 | <ahoneybun> Like the notification shade going up and down and crap on it's own | 15:02 |
floridagram-bot8 | <KMyers> I am working from home today and likely tomorrow. If you guys want to crash over here with some AC, feel free to | 15:02 |
floridagram-bot8 | <ahoneybun> Damnnn | 15:08 |
floridagram-bot8 | <ahoneybun> That's his truck seat where the phone was | 15:08 |
floridagram-bot8 | <ahoneybun> It was not charging | 15:08 |
floridagram-bot8 | <ahoneybun> He was trying to take the battery out as he was not getting service | 15:08 |
floridagram-bot8 | <ahoneybun> Then it just went off | 15:08 |
floridagram-bot8 | <KMyers> I would tweet that to Motorola publicly. They may jump in to stop the bad PR and cover the damages | 15:09 |
floridagram-bot8 | <ahoneybun> XD | 15:10 |
grumble | hi, can I talk to whoever operates the floridagram-bot8 bot? | 15:53 |
floridagram-bot8 | <ahoneybun> I run floridagram | 15:54 |
grumble | okay, can we talk in private for a second? | 15:54 |
ahoneybun | mm why? | 15:55 |
ahoneybun | test | 16:01 |
floridagram-bot | No chat_id set! Add me to a Telegram group and say hi so I can find your group's chat_id! | 16:01 |
floridagram-bot | FloridaGramBot was added by: ahoneybun | 16:02 |
ahoneybun | test | 16:02 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> ahhh nice https://wiki.gnome.org/Design/Apps/Usage | 16:17 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> https://madeby.google.com/intl/en_us/askmore/?utm_source=S__hp__M__HPPlink_desktop__all__C__9_14_pixeltease_en-us&utm_medium=HPPlink_desktop&utm_campaign=9_14_pixeltease_en-us | 16:45 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> oh goodness the GNOME IRC channels are getting spammed | 17:04 |
maxolasersquad | Did y'all see https://www.oreilly.com/ideas/the-mission-of-spreading-the-knowledge-of-innovators-continues | 19:15 |
maxolasersquad | O'Reilly is no longer selling their ebooks through their sight. | 19:15 |
maxolasersquad | Their site even. | 19:16 |
maxolasersquad | Only way to get their DRM-free ebooks is through Google Books now. | 19:16 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> Damn | 19:20 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> Or humble bundle | 19:20 |
maxolasersquad | DRM O'Reilly books are available from many retailers such as Amazon. | 19:21 |
maxolasersquad | I got a lot of O'Reilly books from Humble. I just need more time in the day to pour through them. :) | 19:22 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/09/psychonauts-free-humble-store | 20:24 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> @Ivoriesablaze the twitch viewer is pretty cool | 23:42 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> I could not get it to read my flash drive | 23:55 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> 😆 | 23:55 |
floridagram-bot | <RazPi> @KMyers https://www.pcworld.com/article/3038787/computers/sd-card-hack-breathes-new-life-into-this-old-floppy-drive.html | 23:55 |
Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!