
polyneuxTime to find another problem to fix00:03
xrandrhe is actually problem hunting00:04
xrandrpoor soul00:04
xrandrI never hunt for problems. Seems exhausting00:05
xrandrI go by the motto of "Don't go borrowing trouble"00:05
oerhekshow helpfull :-(00:05
dshinI'm answering my own question above (free linux pdf editor): Foxit Reader seems to work well for me00:06
xrandroerheks: I don't go around my network / lan / etc looking for problems. I will undoubtedly find them, and then have to fix them00:07
cjs226nacc: i created an updated pastebin showing there are no corresponding files for the services systemd is reporting: https://pastebin.com/u6NAjWbG00:07
xrandrif a problem pops up, I respond00:07
oerheksthen don't help here, xrandr .. he is just fixing his own problems, it is you that hunts for problems of others.. which is great, so don't rant like this00:08
xrandrnow im confused00:09
* xrandr sighs00:09
xrandri think he misunderstood me00:09
nacccjs226: /etc/systemd is still not hte right place00:11
nacccjs226: that's just where config lives00:11
cjs226nacc: but `locate` should find ANY files matching the pattern.  i don't think there are any files for the corresponding services00:12
xrandrcjs226: have you updated the locate db?00:12
nacccjs226: hrm00:13
cjs226xrandr: yes.  i did so before i ran locate00:13
nacccjs226: can you pb the actualy output from say `systemctl status spanning_activity@20600.service` ?00:13
xrandrcjs226: have you tried find / -name ....  ?00:13
xrandrjust incase locate missed it?00:14
nacccjs226: also, i am not sure how locate deals with symbolic links00:16
cjs226xrandr: https://pastebin.com/4AMc8u6W00:16
nacccjs226: you may need to quote your regex for find00:16
xrandrnacc: I think it just adds it to the db and spits it out. Up to the end user to do the ls -al /path/to/symlink_file00:16
cjs226nacc: https://pastebin.com/VB9LwUub00:17
jackhumhello , my ubuntu background has gone all black , i cant right click , and i cant see any desktop icons either , this happened after i installed https://github.com/iabem97/komorebi/ , to make my desktop looks sexier , now its ugly00:18
cjs226nacc: updated my pb showing the find works: https://pastebin.com/4AMc8u6W00:18
nacccjs226: how are you enabling/disabling the services you have been?00:18
xrandrcjs226: I am not sure .service entries are actual files. If you currently know where they reside, can you do an `ls` on them?00:18
DashBTI don't suppose anyone here is familiar with fopen64() in c++. Trying to fix something I downloaded and I've never really worked in Ubuntu or linux, so running into a wall lol. It's causing a termination after basic_string is called within the software. If there is a better place to ask for help also feel free to direct me there00:18
naccDashBT: you want a programming channel or c++ channel00:19
nacc!alis | DashBT00:19
ubottuDashBT: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"00:19
nacccjs226: you might ask in #systemd00:19
cjs226nacc: i create the unit and env files; `systemctl daemon-reload`; systemctl enable $service00:19
cjs226nacc: i have asked there...no response.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯00:19
nacccjs226: probably will take patience00:19
cjs226nacc: i create the unit and env files; `systemctl daemon-reload`; `systemctl enable $service`00:19
DashBTnacc: fair. I will dig around there then. Thanks00:20
xrandrcjs226: the .service files may actually be something else. Or they may be stored and running in memory00:20
nacccjs226: i think you can also debug bash completion, fwiw00:20
xrandrcjs226: maybe you can do a google search on where .service files live in Ubuntu00:20
xrandrif they are actual files00:20
oerhekssystemd service files are in /lib/systemd/system/ssh.service, the /etc/systemd/ link point to that00:21
nacccjs226: i'm eod, unfortunately, i'll be around tmrw though00:21
cjs226nacc: thx for your help!00:21
xrandroerheks: if you do a 'file /lib/systemd/system/ssh.service`   what is the output00:22
nacccjs226: i would also try rgrep , in case the service is named difrferently than the file00:22
xrandrbecause iirc only binary/executable and regular files are found by locate/file00:23
xrandrerr locate/find.00:23
oerheksoh, i see i have no ssh installed, i paste an other one00:23
xrandrbrb - restroom00:25
xrandroerheks: hmm, i'm at a loss then. it should be able to find it00:28
oerheksis it an alias, spanning_activity@20600.service ?00:32
oerheksthat @ might point at beiing an alias.. cannot find good info there00:33
glitsj16the @ symbol is for special services, sockets, and other units where multiple instances can be run, see https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.unit.html#Description00:37
cjs226the number following the @ and before the . is the "instance name" which allows you to use it using the %i variable in the unit file00:37
glitsj16cjs226: correct, now what your actual issue is still escapes me though.. when I enter "systemctl status [TAB][TAB]" bash offers me an option to display 438 possibilities.. doing a few "locate systemd | grep foo | wc -l" commands I can account for all those offered choices, they're all on disk.. that's not what you're seeing?00:51
cjs226it's not.  i'm somehow creating a number of services by mistake...but can't figure out 1) how nor 2) where their corresponding files live00:52
cjs226i was hoping if i could find some trail on the system i could work my way backwards00:53
cjs226and this issue doesn't at all make sense with what (little) i've learned in creating services using sytemd00:53
glitsj16hmm, I'm thinking it might be related with the way your shell is configured to deal with command history and tab completion.. anything weird in ~/.bashrc or ~/.inputrc that might affect that?00:54
glitsj16so not actually an issue with systemd itself00:54
cjs226i wouldn't think so.  let me use root's default env and see if make a diff00:55
glitsj16yes I understand what you're saying, it's not that systemd is bugfree or anything lol00:56
cjs226same issue with root user00:56
cjs226gotta say, i'm missing sysv init scripts at the moment.  but i'm looking forward to systemd00:57
glitsj16you could rm your ~/.bash_history, close all open terminal emulators, open a new on and check if the issue persists to rule anything like that out00:57
bazhangcjs226, what version of ubuntu are you on00:58
bazhangcjs226, thats system d already00:58
glitsj16well I get your view on that, just happens that I was getting to understand Ubuntu's upstart when systemd showed up..00:58
cjs226agreed.  i'm migrating all of our old init scripts to systemd00:58
glitsj16there's been a decent number of bug fixes in systemd since 229, have you tried a live daily of 17.10 yet? just a guessing game without logs i assume..01:05
cjs226i haven't.  we stick with LTS releases for production01:07
glitsj16rightly so, no argument there01:07
Loshkicjs226: LTSes don't really stabilies until .4 or .501:08
cjs226Loshki: didn't realize that...01:16
donofriowhat tool can I use to enable group policy password complexity of a windows domain on a ubuntu install?01:25
donofrioadfs domain fwiw01:25
Loshkicjs226: it's controversial, but I'm still at 14.04 due to bugs in 16.0401:28
donofrioanyone used sccm to manage installed software on ubuntu workstations?01:35
oerheksdonofrio, nobody here, only the WSL fools01:36
donofriooerheks, https://apaste.info/xJnN works great for me.....in production as my photo on the 1drv link shows my "daily driver" at work...01:37
donofriojust folks wanting more control of ubuntu.....01:37
donofrioand I see it as a good thing....01:38
donofrioyet to see a group policy for ubuntu, I know sounds crazy to even ask....01:38
donofrio;) https://i.imgflip.com/1tlg0a.jpg01:40
glitsj16donofrio: you might be mixing 'more control of ubuntu' with 'raping linux security models'.. do you really enjoy a company that advocates "sudo: ['ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL']" is the way to go when dealing with cloud-based services? --> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/linux/using-cloud-init01:48
Krennicthats why i use windows 1001:50
glitsj16enjoy :p01:50
Krennicubuntu bash looks cool in windows 10 :P01:52
glitsj16probably does, you know how the saying goes though.. if looks could kill.. they probably will01:53
Krennici see01:55
donofrioI'm unable to use linux without wsl....it's corp01:55
donofrioglitsj16, did you tell someone about that on uservoice?01:56
glitsj16no I'm not on uservoice, feel free to share the link and the context01:57
donofrioI'm on hexchat with OS: Linux 4.4.0-43-Microsoft life is exciting right now....01:57
onitlikesonichi all, i am preseeding an ubuntu install with hostname=machinename.stage.vm.office1.mycompany why is after the machine built just with machinename.mycompany ? anywhere else i need to set ?01:57
Krennicwell you got  be realistic microsoft doesnt make linux OS  but they are adapting since most of all gadgets as tvs cameras runs on linux01:58
Krennicdonofrio im on weechat on windows 1001:59
Krennicthrough ubuntu bash01:59
donofrioso no-one has wrote or knows of a framework/tools to get adfs login's with group policy that include password policy enforcement?01:59
donofrioKrennic, if you click on the 1drv link at the bottom of my link you can see my daily diver views....02:00
donofrioI just started using "Dual Monitor Tools" on win10 to allow me to assign "shift, ctrl, W" for "supersize" and now my X will me spanning the montors without me having to click and drag each time.....so cool...I made a gif https://1drv.ms/i/s!AsBlZbBf72iNnJUnUkEnBz9GP_85sQ02:03
Krennicsome linux ppl  got mad when they knew that microsoft join the linux foundation that brought to and end the war and rivality between micrisift and all linux OS  rivality and i think thats good  i think anywant can use the OS they like personaly i like windows  10 alot but lately ive been liking or interesting in using ubuntu, opensuse and solus three interesting linux OS02:04
donofrioif I can just figure out why after I add myself to the sudoers list with "donofrio ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/service" but then when I tried to start it it returned couldn't write /var/run/crond.pid so I dunno....I retried to get cron started using wsbash, still trying02:12
donofriobut yah wsbash wants "ALL ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/service" seem exsessive?02:13
donofrioKrennic, ubuntu rocks I'm 17.04 on my windows 10 corp install ;) quite neat....just need service cron start to work when I try it from a service system bash run02:16
Krennicbut i got handed something even ubuntu programs works in windows 10 through the x servers xming or vcxsrv so you can seethem is nice now even in even windows channels linux is a topic in all windows channels now like windows is now a linux member02:19
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donofrioKrennic, I use VcXsrv daily...... ;)  just need to get pulseaudio working....lol02:22
donofrio(no pulseaudio not working in my setup yet, just talking out loud)02:23
Krennicoh i see02:24
msavhello there..02:30
msavmay i please ask how to enable SSL on ubuntu's localhost? done with the steps here: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-create-a-ssl-certificate-on-apache-for-ubuntu-12-0402:30
msavbut still no avail02:30
Krennicone think doonofrio why you download hexchat on ubuntu bash and run it from vcxsrv when you can go to hexchat and download it on windows 1002:36
donofriobecause it works.....02:36
Krennici know02:36
donofrioeven added hunspell to make it spellcheck like it normally does02:36
Krennicoh i see02:37
donofrioeven heckchat folks ask me that ;)02:37
donofriohexchat i mean02:37
donofrioI think of the xsession as all I need, if something doesn't work I like to find out why, like cron not being started, still working on wabash to get that working I hope02:38
Krennicthe only thing  i like with this microsoft parnetship with linux is from cmd, powershell you can do what your doing in bash just type bash in those and you are on linux02:40
Krennicof course i use more ubuntu bash02:41
donofriomore ubuntu is a good thing.....02:41
donofriopico is not a 1:1 replacement for kernel (yet)02:41
Krennicbut i think microsoft  are gonna turn more linux in the years to come since evething runs on linux cause they won in a way the war but not in the desktop area02:43
bazhangKrennic, try a chat channel for that02:43
Krennicbut in much of the other electronics microsoft lost cause everyng runs on linux tvs cameras etc02:43
bazhangKrennic, please take the chit chat elsewhere02:44
Krennicbazhang i dont wait my time with linux trolls that i see in all linux distros are a few and you one of them02:45
donofrioit's mybad sorry02:45
bazhangKrennic, this is support only. not chat02:45
Krennicbazahng what ever troll02:46
donofriowanted to know about group policy for ubuntu.....not chat channel your right.02:46
xrandrdonofrio: are you joining a ubuntu client to a windows server?02:46
bazhangKrennic, keep it civil here please, and on topic02:46
donofrioxrandr, see 1drv link at bottom https://apaste.info/xJnN I'm being asked to enforece password complexity requirements and guessing more will follow soon...02:47
xrandrdonofrio: it would be helpful if you could describe your endgame with this02:48
xrandris this being joined to a network, such as a active directory network. Or is this going to be standalone?02:49
donofrioto make the domain group policies enforceable (aka equal and enabled) it's a adfs domain02:49
cortex_what is the future of ubuntu ?02:49
donofriocortex_, the future is promising as I see it.02:50
bazhang!17.10 | cortex_02:50
ubottucortex_: Ubuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) will be the 27th release of Ubuntu.  It is due to be released in October 2017. Discussion in #ubuntu+102:50
xrandrdonofrio: then once you've joined the computer to your active directory federated server, then the policies should auto translate and propgate02:50
cortex_i have it02:50
cortex_but kubuntu02:50
bazhangcortex_, if you mean a larger perspective, #ubuntu-offtopic02:50
donofrioxrandr, yes but diffrent, make the local account a kerbrose login and the like, along with password complexity and other security requirements that they will ask for soon02:51
bazhangdonofrio, kerberos02:52
bazhangnot kerbrose02:52
donofrioxrandr, did you see my "daily drive" photo (1drv link at bottom of apaste link)02:54
xrandri have not02:55
xrandrworking on some things as i pop in and out of irc02:56
donofrioxrandr, when you get time it's there...no rush or nothing, just gotten folks starting to ask for things password complexity is first thing....of the local account password02:58
jwarren_Hey folks, I just installed 16.04 on a Thinkpad w530 and I'm having issues getting the webcam working. I'm not very experienced on the hardware side of config. Any advice? I haven't been able to find much on the web. Most people have said it worked for them out of the box just fine. When I open Cheese it says "device not found". Toggling the camera with fn f7 doesn't do anything either.03:01
jwarren_(If this is the wrong place for this, I'm sorry!)03:01
arch-nemesisjwarren, does the camera show up on the bus?03:03
arch-nemesisFrom what I understand, you can disable that camera in the bios, I'm wondering if it appears in lspci, lsusb, etc.03:04
jwarren_arch-nemesis: I'm not sure. When I run lsusb, most of the devices are "Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub" or something generic.03:04
jwarren_It's not disabled in the bios. I did check that.03:05
arch-nemesisErrors in 'dmesg'?03:05
jwarren_Checking... so far it looks like some ACPI warnings...03:06
jwarren_One sec and I'll paste some of it.03:07
arch-nemesisin a pastebin, hopefully :)03:07
jwarren_Yes, of course!03:07
jwarren_Is there anything specific I should look for in dmesg, or just anything that looks like an error?03:08
arch-nemesisI'm thinking you don't have some v4l software installed, or the device actually isn't being seen. lspci and lsusb will list the devices that are seen on those busses.03:09
arch-nemesisby the way v4l is "video for linux" you can use v4l2-ctl to list the webcams, if they are actually working correctly.03:12
jwarren_http://paste.ubuntu.com/25531696/ is the lsusb and lspci output03:12
jwarren_I'm guessing I have to install v4l, yeah?03:14
arch-nemesisYou might. v4l-utils. But I don't see the webcam on that list.  hmm :/03:16
jwarren_This has been driving me crazy for about a week. It's just salt in the wound when I start the computer and the webcam light flashes on for a second.03:18
arch-nemesisIf you happen to have some old usb webcam lying around, I'd want to know if that works. Does it show up in /dev as /dev/video* ?03:22
jwarren_Hmm, I don't think I have one.03:23
arch-nemesisif the device appears in /dev like /dev/video0, you can pull video off of it with mplayer or vlc. but it looks like it doesn't appear in your lsusb.03:24
arch-nemesisso I would guess /dev/video0 does not exist, right?03:25
jwarren_No, nothing under /dev/video*03:25
Ben64if it's not showing up in lsusb then it's 'not connected'03:27
arch-nemesisWell that seems like there is no webcam plugged in. Typically they are on USB even if they are built-in webcams. Ok. If you do 'dmesg | grep usb' you should see all the messages related to USB devices. I'm curious if it's spitting out any kind of error about some of the devices plugged in.03:28
arch-nemesisGood messages should be something like 'registered new interface' or 'new device found'. Maybe something looks ominous.03:29
jwarren_Nothing looks out of the norm to me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25531746/03:30
Ben64you have usb 3.0?03:31
jwarren_Yeah, two usb 3 ports.03:32
Ben64do things work when plugged in there03:32
jwarren_Indeed they do.03:32
Ben64well then thats not the problem03:33
Ben64your computer probably isnt showing the device to the os then03:33
jwarren_There's a setting in the bios for port blocking devices. All devices in the list, which includes the webcam, are "enabled". I didn't see anything else in the bios for disabling it.03:34
jwarren_I also didn't find any hidden hardware switches.03:35
Ben64maybe play around with the acpi_osi setting03:37
arch-nemesisI hope not. I hope lenovo wouldn't disable a webcam for that.03:39
jwarren_Hmm, what is ASPM? http://paste.ubuntu.com/25531775/03:40
arch-nemesisfor acpi_osi supported os03:40
Ben64it might do some wonky windows workarounds that messes it up in linux03:40
arch-nemesismaybe. For a USB device, I'd hope not though.03:42
jwarren_Never mind. ASPM is power management I think.03:42
Ben64laptops are weird. acpi stuff helps often times03:43
jwarren_I'm going to double check the bios, and also see if I can boot the computer in Windows to see if it works there. Other than that I'm out of ideas.03:50
jwarren_I'll just binder clip an external webcam to the top of the screen, hahahaha03:50
jwarren_Thank you for all the help and ideas arch-nemesis and Ben64!03:51
arch-nemesisNo problem. sorry nothing came of it.03:52
causativesound is not working - looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting and I'm at the "manually starting the audio driver" section, my problem is how do I know the name of the driver?03:58
causativeI see a line from lspci "Kernel driver in use: snd_hda_intel" but I don't know if that's it03:59
arch-nemesiscausative, it's almost never an actual driver issue. more likely that something is muted somewhere04:01
causativewell I went down the list using pacmd04:01
arch-nemesisif you use alsamixer and view 'all', do any of the bars have 'M' at the bottom?04:02
arch-nemesisor have the volume down04:03
causativenot familiar with alsamixer, I see three cards that all say 00 on them, however pressing + or - or up or down does not change the value04:06
causativefurther information: it was working until just recently when I suspended the system and resumed it (although I've done that many times before without problems)04:08
causativeand pacmd tells me that there is 1 sink named <auto-null> with driver <module-null-sink.c> which may be a bad sign04:08
arch-nemesisYou can restart pulseaudio with pulseaudio -k. That might work.04:08
bonzibuddyHey ubuntu-gurus, quick question - what mechanism in ubuntu is used to auto-mount USB drives?  is at a udev thing?  I want to disable it for a specific drive - actually, it is a camera that can act as a drive04:09
causativethanks arch-nemesis , that worked04:09
bonzibuddybut when it's mounted as storage, it cannot be used for it's camera-y goodness04:09
arch-nemesis@causative, that was a total guess.  but glad it worked.04:09
arch-nemesis@causative, pulseaudio is interesting. You can set up remote network audio sinks as well if you want to get fancy with your audio04:11
arch-nemesisbonzaibuddy: https://askubuntu.com/questions/89244/how-to-disable-automount-in-nautiluss-preferences04:14
bonzibuddyarch-nemesis thanks, will give that a look04:15
bonzibuddyseems like it will categorically disable automount but that might be fine anyhow, thx :L:)04:16
malkaunswhy is polkitd using 25% of my cpu?04:30
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lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:13
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RageLtManis landscape/autopilot being deprecated?06:23
RageLtManconjure-up has dropped support apparently, breaking the Ubuntu docs on deploying openstack06:24
ducasseRageLtMan: try asking in #ubuntu-server, might take little while to get an answer, tough06:27
ducasseusually quiet at this time06:27
RageLtManducasse: thank you06:28
theSanDiegoKidHow can I change the permissions of an ISO I have on my ubuntu system?06:35
Ben64chmod ?06:37
rh10guys, how can i set webdav auto mounting?07:03
ducasserh10: first hit from ddg - https://askubuntu.com/questions/406782/auto-mount-webdav-folder#52269607:12
rh10ducasse, got it07:12
alkisgHi, on Ubuntu 16.04 previously firefox could load file:///local.swf, now it shows an empty page. Chromium-browser still works. Were there any security changes wrt local file access, and are there any workarounds for them?07:20
hateballalkisg: is flash enabled?07:21
alkisghateball: yes, the same swf works if I put it to http://mysite.com/local.swf07:21
alkisgIt's only blocked locally07:21
alkisghateball: to reproduce it: http://wwwimages.adobe.com/www.adobe.com/swf/software/flash/about/mini_FMA_about_01.swf works,07:25
alkisgwhile this doesn't work: cd /tmp; wget http://wwwimages.adobe.com/www.adobe.com/swf/software/flash/about/mini_FMA_about_01.swf; firefox mini_FMA_about_01.swf07:25
alkisg...it should be the same for everyone here that has the latest firefox...07:25
fishcookeris it possible to install server using ubuntu desktop live usb?07:33
ducassefishcooker: not directly, no07:36
fishcookerwhat should i do next ducasse ?07:36
ducasseyou can install desktop, remove all the desktop stuff and install the server stuff. i would just get the server image, though.07:36
fishcookerducasse: it means $ sudo apt purge ubuntu-desktop only?07:41
ducassefishcooker: not that simple, no.07:41
fishcookergo on, please07:42
alkisgHe already said, "(10:36:57 AM) ducasse:  i would just get the server image, though." :)07:42
fishcookernoted, alkisg07:43
ducassefishcooker: look at the list of packages it depends on, then you would need to remove those as well. it would be messy, and most likely not a 100% match.07:44
ducassefishcooker: there's a reason there are separate images07:45
fishcookernoted, thanks ducasse i've got the point07:45
fishcookerbtw is it possible to do-release-upgrade without interupted with confirmation ?07:46
jbergoki want to disable the touchpad when im typing because i keep touching it and it does something stupid like moves the focus away etc. any way to do this?07:47
ducassefishcooker: do a web search for 'unattended do-release-upgrade'07:48
oerheksdo-release-upgrade -f DistUpgradeViewNonInteractive07:51
ducassejbergok: you can use syndaemon with the -i option, see the man page07:52
MehrzadWhen I select windows10 bootloader in grub menu, grub loads itself instead of the bootloader.07:53
MehrzadI think I mistakenly chose the 100MB windowsloader partition as the boot partition during the installment of ubuntu07:56
oerheksreinstall grub is your solution, i guess07:57
jbergokducasse: thanks. btw, the problems i had with installing the other day, turns out lubuntu live image is broken. i tried xubuntu instead with same options (lvm with encryption and UEFI) and everything worked fine07:58
Mehrzadoerheks: reintall grub from where? inside the installed linux? ubuntu doesn't load either btw08:02
jbergokducasse: what is the proper way to get syndaemon to run as a daemon when ubuntu starts? i want to put syndaemon -d -i 2 somewhere..08:02
ducassejbergok: ~/.xsessionrc08:03
jbergokducasse: thanks again08:04
jbergokducasse: i dont have that file at the moment. should it have a header or shebang or something? or just put syndaemon -d -i 1.0 at the start?08:06
ducassejust create it and put in what you want, it's sourced08:07
oerheksMehrzad, oh, so windows & linux does not start. is this an UEFI bios machine?08:08
Mehrzadoerheks: yes08:08
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI08:08
ducassejbergok: btw, you use synclient if you want to control it further - there are tons of options you can mess with08:08
jbergokducasse: hmm in man x-session-manager it mentions ~/.config/xfce4/xinitrc .. should i use this one instead?08:09
jbergokducasse: ah ok08:09
oerheksMehrzad, did you follow the uefi guide, disabled fastboot and intel SRT ?08:09
oerheksubuntu is uefi compatible btw08:09
ducassejbergok: if you use .xsessionrc it will work for any desktop/wm08:10
jbergokright ok08:10
Mehrzadoerheks: no, i just got familiar with uefi, 5 minutes ago08:10
jbergokso i want to set up mail. all i know is i want to be able to read and send mail from my gmail account using mutt. what else do i need?08:12
ducassejbergok: you need to change a setting on gmail for that to work08:15
amerelHi! Someone familiar with "ubuntu base" rootfs images?08:17
amerelI've successfully deployed 14.04, but I've troubles with 16.04...08:17
amerelIn particular, I have trouble configuring network.. How it is supposed to be done?08:18
ducasseamerel: there's a section on network config in the server guide08:18
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server08:18
oerheksthe wiki says ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Base ) join #ubuntu-devel08:19
amerelducasse: it seems not to apply to ubuntu-base images.. There you don't even have a working ifconfig or ip commands, neither dhclient or friends08:20
amerelyou are supposed to install them via apt-get, but apt-get requires network..08:21
amerelon 14.04 I could get it running by editing /etc/network/interfaces08:21
amerelbut on 16.04 it seems not to have any effect..08:21
oerheksamerel, 16.04 changed interface naming, did you still use eth0/wlan0 ?08:22
ducasseyou use that file, but you will need the tools08:22
ducassecopy them in and install them08:23
amereloerheks: I would like to know.. but how can I discover how interfaces are renamed in ubuntu base08:23
amerelducasse: it's an ARM64 arch, I cant' copy them from my desktop rootfs..08:23
ducasseyou download and copy the .deb files08:24
oerheksif your current OS is 16.04 too, you could see with ifconfig..08:24
amerelducasee: ah, this is a good idea :) I'll do :)08:24
oerheksi hope you don't do this on 14.0408:24
amereloerheks: there is no ifconfig command on ubuntu base..08:25
ducasseamerel: ask in #ubuntu-arm if you need more help08:26
amerelducasse: thank you for the hint; I'll eventually do.. But I think the trick of downloading the deb on desktop and move it to the target SD card should work :)08:26
ducasseamerel: it should, it's the usual way of doing things like this08:27
amerelducasse: OK! Thank you :)08:28
brammmHi, for the first time in years, I installed Ubuntu 17.04 on an Intel NUC to see if I can make the change from OS X to Linux. I've hooked up a Dell 27" monitor but my maximum screen resolution is 1920*1080 according to the settings, even though both the gpu in this NUC and the monitor support 2560*1440.08:52
brammmI've been googling graphics drivers etc, but can't seem to find anything that's helping me...08:53
hateballbrammm: what does "xrandr" say?08:56
hateballbrammm: does it list anything abouve 1080p ?08:56
brammm@hateball it doesn't :/08:58
brammmI just ran through the intel graphics tool update for linux os08:58
brammmwhich did install some things, but one reboot later, still no dice08:59
hateballbrammm: You could possible try later mesa from PPA09:00
brammmwait huh, xrandr does say that DP-1 is connected, while HDMI-1 supposedly isn't. But this NUC only has an HDMI out...09:00
ikoniabrammm: that intel tool is a very bad idea09:02
brammmikonia: oh, crapper09:02
ikonianot to worry, it's not the end of the world09:03
zherlockI am on ubuntu 14.04 LTS and want to go for 16.04.* I am not offered to get lts upgrade to 16 with "do-release-upgrade -d" (no new release found)09:03
zherlockI assume I need to update my sources ?09:03
ikoniawhy are you using -09:03
brammmhateball: installed latest mesa, but still no changes09:05
ikoniawhy would mesa impact it ?09:06
brammmno clue, that's what hateball suggested09:07
brammmI know very little about ubuntu as a gui, only have server experience so far09:07
brammmthe details window does list my graphics correctly as Intel Iris Plus Graphics 65009:07
zherlockikonia: oh.. ok. works now without -d (development version). thanks09:07
ikoniahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution brammm09:08
brammmthanks, reading09:09
brammmNot getting much wiser, I created a new mode with xrandr, but can't seem to select it ...09:14
ikoniahow are you trying to select it ?09:14
brammmxrandr --output HDMI-1 --mode 2560x1440 --rate 6009:15
oerhekstry --rate 30 ??09:15
brammmalso tried with --output DP-1 (which xrandr says is the actually connected monitor)09:16
oerhekselse use DP cable and monitor ..09:16
brammmthe intel NUC i'm using only has an HDMI out09:16
brammmand thunderbolt 3...09:16
fishcookerhow to use bot to search topic about usblive?09:16
oerheksbrammm, oke, add the mode with --rate 30 and test09:17
brammmoerheks: keeps saying it cannot find mode... The weird thing is: in the xrandr output, it's listing the newly created modes under the HDMI-1 monitor, and not under the supposedly DP-1 connected one.09:19
oerhekskaby lake is pretty new, but should be supported with 17.04/kernel 4.10.x09:24
brammmoerheks: huh, I found this http://www.svenlange.co.za/memo/add-2560x1440-resolution-for-dell-u2713h-monitor-under-ubuntu/09:27
brammmwhich wasn't working, but the just doing `xrandr --addmode DP-1 2560x1440` did09:28
brammmit's now listing the mode in the xrandr output and in the system settings dialog09:28
brammmhowever, switching to it turns my monitor black and gives a monitor warning "timing not supported"09:28
brunchOkay so I applied for a job in linux programming and human resources has the fantastic idea to send me a test which involves a dart-throwing minigame in flash09:34
brunchI tell them the test is broken, since support for flash is dropping everywhere and they now ask me to open it in internet explorer09:35
brunchcome on...09:35
brunchI even downloaded google-chrome, which also whines "this plugin is not supported"09:36
brunchDo I have any options here?09:36
SimonNLapply for an other job ?09:37
oerheksfirefox 52 ESR09:37
brunchSigh... who put HR in charge?09:37
brunchthank you oerheks09:38
brammmayyyy, I got it working at 30fps09:39
brammmover hdmi09:39
oerheksbrunch, or in chrome >  chrome://settings/content  and see 'content settings ' > 'flash'  and set to non-ask ?09:39
brunchperhaps I simply don't even have flash installed09:40
oerheksbut then all your pages run flash i guess09:40
brunchI thought chrome was bundled with it09:40
oerheksno, flash comes with restricted extras09:40
vltHello. On Ubuntu 16.04 LTS we get an error message when opening some PDF documents: "Please wait... If this message is not eventually replaced by the proper contents of the document, your PDF viewer may not be able to display this type of document."09:44
oerheksbrunch, maybe this flash game is the test, do you run flash or not?09:44
vltHow can we read the document's content?09:44
brainwashvlt: try with a different pdf viewer09:44
vltbrainwash: Which one?09:45
oerheksopen with libreoffice.. else that pdf got nasty content..09:45
hieloGot firefox in .tar.bz2 format09:45
hieloHow to install ?09:45
brunchoerheks: It's a part of the multiple tests I've done. But for some reason they also slapped a dart-throwing minigame which requires flash... God knows what that test is supposed to prove09:45
brainwashvlt: you could try with the web browser (firefox, chrome)09:45
brunchI haven't installed flash in a looooong time09:45
oerhekshielo, looks like sourcecode > build it yourself? but why sourcecode, ubuntu has up2date firefox09:46
hieloIts a request09:46
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)09:46
vltoerheks: I get the same message when opening the PDF in libreoffice.09:46
vltbrainwash: I get the same message when opening the PDF in firefox.09:48
oerheksvlt,  try to read it online? http://www.pdfonlinereader.com/WebPdf2/ else i have no clue ( i would not trust it then)09:48
oerheksor google-docs..09:49
vltoerheks: Unfortunately I can't share the document with external services.09:49
brainwashvlt: contact the creator(s) of those pdf files then09:49
darmeare there any rumors when ubuntu 17.10 will be released?09:51
brainwashdarme: next month09:51
vltbrainwash, oerheks: pdfinfo says this about the document: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25533000/09:51
darmemore specific?09:51
brainwashvlt: this could be the issue: "JavaScript:     yes"09:52
oerheksdarme, 19th .. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtfulAardvark/ReleaseSchedule09:52
darmethank you09:52
brainwashthere you go09:52
brainwashoh snap09:53
brainwashvlt: you could take some "top 10 linux pdf viewers" site and try them one-by-one until you find a working one09:54
brainwashvlt: or install adobe reader (not supported anymore I think)09:55
vltbrainwash: Adobe Reader is not in the Ubuntu repositories, it it?09:55
brainwashthe suggested solution is to install it from the ubuntu 12.04 repository09:57
brainwashobviously not something we would recommend09:58
DK2when ssh into device : -bash: /dev/null: No such device or address09:58
DK2but i can still login to it09:58
DK2any1 seen that error?09:58
DK2oh well cant open any files etc09:59
brainwashyou are seeing this error since setting up the ssh on that device?10:00
SimonNLvlt: I had a pdf file like that once. only workaround I found was reading it in adobe reader on windows10:00
DK2brainwash: it came suddenly10:01
DK2when im trying to cd in /var/ or stuff like that i get bash: _upvars: `-a2': invalid number specifier10:01
DK2broken fs10:01
brainwashdid you maybe change the .bashrc? maybe by installing some application which edits it automatically?10:02
DK2services are seemingly working tho10:03
DK2nothing on the bashrc10:03
brainwashanything in the system log?10:04
vltbrainwash: Hmmm, the Adobe Reader in the "precise partner" repository looks like non-open-source to me. Is that right? :-/10:04
brainwashDK2: hardware/filesystem errors would appear there10:04
brainwashvlt: exactly10:04
vltbrainwash: Then that's no option, either.10:05
brainwashvlt: so, please contact the creator of those pdf files10:05
vltbrainwash: Yes, thank you, I'll have to do that.10:06
brainwashrequest to make them compatible with open source pdf viewers10:06
vltHow could this happen? How could the standard document exchange format turn into something readable only with proprietary tools?10:06
vlt(OT, I know)10:08
DK2it seeems it happen on the auto completion10:08
DK2when i type the commands manually i can still open anything10:08
DK2just tabbing causes the error10:08
DK2nothing in the system log10:08
hateballvlt: have you tried Okular ?10:09
vlthateball: I will, thanks.10:09
DK2when i type the commands manually i can still open anything10:10
DK2any ideas?10:10
DK2the bashrc seems fine10:10
brainwashI would check all dot files10:10
brainwashthere could be changes in .profile10:11
brainwashor .bash_*10:11
brainwashother than that, I suggest asking in #bash about debugging steps10:12
oerheksvlt,  maybe that pdf is corrupted..10:13
vlthateball: Okular displays the same "Please wait..." content but also two messages: "Documents has embedded files ==> [save]" and "has XFA forms, which are currently unsopprted".10:14
=== pinux is now known as ppang
alkisgvlt: I don't think you'll find any open source viewer that supports https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XFA10:14
oerhekssome mac users complain about pdf v 1.7 too.. https://discussions.apple.com/thread/7737434?start=0&tstart=0 ..10:14
vltoerheks: I don't think so. Seems as if Adobe decided to put stuff into their newer PDF versions that is (currently) only supported by theit own products.10:14
alkisgvlt, adobe acrobat 9 from precise does read them, but as you said it's not open source10:15
alkisgIt's an "optional feature", not mandatory part of the 1.5 pdf specification10:15
oerheks" version 1.7 of the PDF format was released November 2006 "10:15
alkisgBetter just educate the people creating the pdfs10:15
vltoerheks, alkisg: I'll contact the providers of that PDF file. Thank you all!10:16
oerheksi think there is malware inside..10:16
alkisgDK2: try with a new user to see if it affects all users (i.e. something in /etc) or just you (i.e. in ~)10:16
DK2ls -al /dev/null10:17
DK2srwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 Sep 14 11:04 /dev/null10:17
DK2that should be the problem10:17
sajanekhello, I have the question about https://cz.archive.ubuntu.com/  -- there is a problem with ssl certificate here. Is it known issue, who can I contact about this case.....10:18
DK2file /dev/null10:22
DK2/dev/null: socket10:22
DK2that does not seem right?10:22
hateballvlt: googling suggests this could handle it https://code-industry.net/free-pdf-editor but I havent tried myself10:24
hateballthe best option is of course a file that opens in any standard PDF reader...10:25
hateballvlt: oh and have you tried in Chromium/Chromes PDF view?10:26
DK2how can i remove that sticky s in there?10:28
DK2rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 Sep 14 11:04 /dev/null10:28
DK2the s infront10:28
ppangDK2: chmod10:32
DK2ah its the type of file10:33
SimonNLhttps://imgur.com/a/9o0xV  <= Evince10:33
DK2cannot change it10:33
DK2so my /dev/null has become a socket10:33
ppangit should be char device10:33
ppang`mknod  /dev/null  c  1  3`10:34
DK2 have to remove that file first i guess10:35
DK2is it safe?10:35
DK2mknod  /dev/null  c  1  310:35
DK2mknod: '/dev/null': File existsy10:35
DK2iam root10:37
ppangrm /dev/null10:37
brunchdoes ubuntu come installed with any virtual machine software?10:46
frostschutzbrunch, you can install virtualbox or whatever you like10:48
C_minusMy package manager is all messed up. It somehow started trying to install a package "prey" (software for locating stolen computers). Now I can't use apt-get to install anything. https://pastebin.com/S0vX7s5610:48
C_minusThere's also an error message in my panel bar saying "...your installed packages have unmet dependencies"10:49
C_minusBroken_count > 010:49
brunchfrostschutz: just asking not to install another one when there's something preinstalled10:49
frostschutzC_minus, trying to install i386 package on amd64 platform? ... why?10:50
frostschutzbrunch, I don't think there is a preinstalled one, not everyone uses virtualization10:51
C_minusfrostschutz: oh whoops that's a mistake i must have dwnloaded the wrong .deb file10:52
frostschutzC_minus, why are you downloading deb files at all... it seems to be in universe10:52
frostschutzC_minus, should be dpkg -r --purge derp.deb10:52
C_minusfrostschutz: I used apt-get first but we couldn't find the executable to run the installed thing.10:53
frostschutzthat's not how it works10:54
frostschutzhttps://packages.ubuntu.com/zesty/all/prey/filelist if I read this correctly, it's a cron job, and a config file. no executable to run yourself10:54
C_minusfrostschutz: dpkg: error: conflicting actions -P (--purge) and -r (--remove)10:55
frostschutzI don't know this program, so try to find a wiki or blog that explains how to set it up10:55
frostschutzC_minus, oh sorry, just --purge alone then I guess10:55
vincenzomlHi there, has anyone seen apt stuck at 0% for 30 seconds, then working normally, each time it is launched, whereas other applications, ping etc. work normally? I'm sure I've solved this already in a previous 17.04 installation, but don't remember how10:55
Anticomvincenzoml: are we talking apt update / apt search / ... ?10:57
vincenzomlAnticom, yes, any apt command10:58
Anticomoh, umm nope, never heard of that issue10:58
vincenzoml(or apt-get for what matters)10:58
Anticomvincenzoml: try apt-get clean10:58
vincenzomlit's like it's waiting for some protocol to fail then fallback10:59
vincenzomlI suspected ipv6 but tried to disable it in network-manager and nothing changed11:00
ppangipv6.disable=1 kernel parameter11:00
Anticomvincenzoml: maybe this will help: https://askubuntu.com/a/498949/38288311:00
ppangbut since u said `apt search` is also effected11:00
ppangit does not look like ipv6 problem11:01
AnticomBtw i'm having issues with good old nvidia drivers: https://gist.github.com/Anticom/3236b2914718ef1852e495284209a36711:01
cekHi. What's the quickest way of installing ubuntu on an usb stick while being already booted into linux same arch? Is there an installer that would work in user mode and just act on usb blockdev so that I don't have to boot the iso in a VM?11:01
AnticomI've stopped X and ran it, then the installer said that there where some conflicts with "Nouveau kernel driver" and it was offering me to create a modprobe to try to solve that11:01
vincenzomlwait sorry11:02
ppangunload that module then11:02
vlthateball: Same problem with chromium.11:02
vincenzomlsorry any command that uses the network... you wrote "apt search" but I didn't actually see it11:02
vincenzomlapt search works just fine11:02
ppangcek: rsync current system to usb11:02
w6equj5Hi everyone. Quick question: I have been sent by my company an SSH key in the form of two files: ppk and pem. When I open the pem file, I have a GUI that offer to "import" the key and just asks for a "label". I've done that and I was wondering where is the key stored? What can I use to "manage" the keys that are "installed" on my laptop? And how to delete it? There's nothing in the .ssh folder.11:02
Anticomvincenzoml: well then my best bet would be cache file issues from apt itself11:02
vlthateball: The free-pdf-editor you linked also seems to be non-open-source.11:02
Anticomcek: by "installing ubuntu on usb stick" you mean creating a bootable usb stick with ubuntu on it?11:03
ppangw6equj5: create .ssh folder... add `config` file11:03
ppangw6equj5: move .pem file to .ssh folder11:03
Anticomw6equj5: ~/.ssh/authorized_keys probably11:03
vltSimonNL: Yes, that's the exact apge I get in all the PDF viewers I tried. Doesn't seem to be just a corrput file then.11:03
ppangchmod 600 ~/.ssh/*11:03
ppang.ssh/authorized_keys is for ssh server11:03
Anticomppang: oopsie, yea my bad11:03
vincenzomlAnticom, just tried cleaning up everything, following that page, but nope11:04
* Anticom has brain farts11:04
ppang`.ssh/authorized_keys` stores your ssh public key11:04
Anticomvincenzoml: did you see the squid-proxy related stuff at the end of the post aswell?11:04
w6equj5ppang, Anticom, you mean that this "import" function actually didn't do anything?11:04
Anticomw6equj5: dunno, never used some clicky-buntu stuff for that11:04
cekAnticom: yes, My distro is not ubuntu, I can't rsync.11:05
cekbut the arch is the same, userland tools should work.11:05
vincenzomlAnticom, there is no proxy-related file in my apt.conf.d11:06
ppangw6equj5: 'find /etc/ -type f | grep .pem'11:06
Anticomcek: maybe there's a usb-creator-gtk / usb-creator-kde package in your repos?11:06
Anticomvincenzoml: hm well then i can't help i'm afraid11:07
ppangAnticom: he is not talking about live usb stuff. he just want to have full linux in usb without rebooting11:07
Anticomppang: how is this even a thing?11:07
ppangrsync will work in that case11:08
cekno usb-creator-gtk. There's unetbootin11:08
ppangjust make sure to install grub after rsync11:08
w6equj5ppang, that command doesn't find anything.11:08
Anticomppang: he said he can't rsync11:08
w6equj5Well there is a ppm file somewhere but it's unrelated.11:08
ppangcek: if you want to make live-usb then use `dd` command11:08
cekmy distro is not ubuntu. What should I rsync from withing that ubuntu iso i downloaded?11:08
AnticomAnyone on my nvidia driver question btw? :)11:09
cekdd will overwrite partitioning scheme on usb drive.11:09
ppangcek: if u can reboot, try booting the iso file directly from grub and then install it to the thumb drive11:10
cekI'm not trying to create an usb live CD, I'm trying to install ubuntu on a blockdev, essentially.11:10
ppangcek: yeah i got you.. http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/grub-boot-iso11:11
hateballvlt: yes it is closed source, I didnt see you mention requiring open source11:11
ppangAnticom: unload nouveau11:12
ppangblacklist nouveau in /etc/modprobe.d11:13
Anticomppang: okay so there's no way arround that? I just didn't want to mess with those kind of things w/o knowing what i'm doing because it might render my machine useless and i don't have another machine to hang out here and ask for help afterwards ;)11:14
ppangis it a laptop or desktop11:14
ppangif its laptop then ur nvidia graphics is secondary.. u can safely unload nouveau11:15
Anticomppang: it's an ancient server11:15
Anticomppang: which i'm now using as my workstation11:16
vlthateball: Thanks, I'll try it in an isolated VM ;-)11:16
hateballvlt: I prefer open source myself of course, but sometimes one must bite the bullet :p11:17
Anticomvlt: maybe i've missed that but did you try evince?11:18
theablestmanhow do i remove spotify completely??11:31
AnticomDuring the installation process of the nvidia driver, i'm getting asked whether i want to install "Nvidias 32-bit compatibility OpenGL drivers"11:41
AnticomSince i'm on a 64-bit machine, i'm not really sure whether to confirm this (?)11:42
Anticom[13:41] <Anticom> During the installation process of the nvidia driver, i'm getting asked whether i want to install "Nvidias 32-bit compatibility OpenGL drivers"11:42
Anticom^^^ ppang11:42
vincenzomlAnticom, thanks a lot anyway11:42
brainwashAnticom: I assume those are needed for 32bit applications/games11:43
Anticombrainwash: so if i choose to install them, it's an additional component that's getting installed rather than a 32-bit replacement?11:43
ioriaAnticom, are you using the nvidia installer .sh  or the ubuntu repo's ?11:44
Anticomioria: the NVIDIA***.run which basically is a shell script i believe11:45
ioriaAnticom, may i ask you why ?11:45
Anticomioria: ???11:46
zzarrhello! how do I find firmware for a Broadcom network device (bcm4356) for kernel 4.12?11:47
ioriaAnticom, nvidia drivers are available in the ubu repos and from the ppa ....11:47
Anticomioria: um didn't actually know there where somewhere in universe11:47
Anticomwell i've disabled Nouveau already and got the installer running11:47
AnticomSo i'd have to revert all this to use the repo i suppose?11:48
ioriaAnticom, restricted , i guess11:48
Anticomioria: yea11:48
ppangancient server... zzz11:48
ioriaAnticom, i just asked you why  you choose the .run installer ... that's all :þ11:49
Anticomioria: well i just didn't know there was a ppa for it11:49
Anticomokay but back to my original question, it's okay to install the 32-bit component aswell?11:50
Anticomioria: furthermore it's just a NVIDIA 210, it's an office machine and no gaming rig etc.11:50
ioriaAnticom, yes ,    for info : https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa11:50
Anticomso i think i'm fine with not getting any updates as long as i get it to a properly working state for once11:50
AnticomAlright guys, thanks for the info. See you at the other side11:51
lucidoI'm having trouble upgrading from 15.04 to 16.0411:56
lucidohave tried sudo do-release-upgrade -d, but got: UpdateManager.Core.MetaRelease.MetaReleaseParseError: Required key 'Dist' missing11:57
hateball!eolupgrade | lucido12:00
ubottulucido: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades12:00
lucidohateball, ah yeah, the old releases path, thanks!12:05
lucidolooks like there is no vivid in the old releaseas: W: Failed to fetch http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/vivid/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found12:09
thyriaenCan i use the information given in /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/amdgpu_pm_info to approximate wattage of my grahics card ? I am looking for a way to piece together system power draw from software outputs - input is really appriciated if someone got any ideas :P12:10
MehrzadAre the software center problems fixed in version 16.04.3?12:16
ikoniawhat problems12:17
=== gr33n7007h is now known as al2o3-cr
MehrzadMany problems that occure after updating to ubuntu 16.04, that has made people to reinstall th old softeare center versions12:19
ikoniasuch as ?12:19
ikoniaI've not heard of that, and I don't think it would be possible to install the old versions as the versions are normally tied to the ubuntu release12:19
ikoniaso you couldn't install the version from 14.04 on 16.0412:19
ikoniaI'm not really sure where you are getting this info, or what problems you're talking about12:19
MehrzadFor example, I open a deb package with the software center, press install, and then nothing happens12:20
ikoniaso thats not a problem thats impacting everyone, and I'd suggest some form of debugging around this may help.12:21
MehrzadOr, many programs don't show up in the installed list12:21
ikoniaso again, thats not something that is commonly mentioned in here12:21
majaany one able to help me with my headphones sounding horid on some songs ?12:21
majawe have tested them on another computer and they work fine12:21
wasanzyI am trying to compile "email" which is an command line to send emails. I get this error. collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status12:23
ikoniause mail or mailx12:23
ikoniawhich is in the ubuntu repos12:23
ikoniaand installed by default I think12:23
majawasanzy: apt instll ld probably but ikonia is more right12:24
ikoniald is installed12:26
ikoniait's the linker12:26
ikoniathe ld error is because it cannot link12:26
wasanzyapt-get install mailx12:26
wasanzyE: Package 'mailx' has no installation candidate12:27
majaikonia: or it can't be run by user running email12:27
ikoniait's not a runtime thing12:28
ikoniaif you couldn't run it - you couldn't get an ld error12:28
majaikonia: true you can run "email" but does that then run as another user or group to run other apps12:29
majasorta like apache has its own user12:29
majachmod 777 will tell you for sure12:30
BluesKaj_Howdy folks12:30
demophobiaany idea why USB tethering via android smartphone sometimes fails to provide Internet in lubuntu 16.04?12:31
ikoniamaja: what are you talking about12:34
ikoniait will run as the user that executes it12:34
majaikonia: not if its run as a demond12:35
bazhangdemophobia, usb tethering fo rinternt is not just a lubuntu issue, its the nature of the very process12:35
ikoniamaja: email is not a daemon12:35
JuJUBeeI want to convert a physical server to a virtual machine.  I planned on using disk2vhd.  Is this the best way to do it?12:35
majabazhang: its  been sparatic at working for me, was amazing when it did though12:35
majaikonia: i know little about it just guessing why it can't run ld12:36
bazhangmaja are you and demophobia one and the same12:36
majabazhang: not that i can tell12:36
ikoniamaja: it CAN run ld, it's beinc compiled12:36
majaahh but ld is returning 112:37
majacould be ld isn't compled right12:37
ikoniawhat are you talking about ???12:37
ikoniado you actually understand what you are saying12:37
ikoniait's returning failure because it can't link12:38
demophobiabazhang, why is it unstable?12:38
SimonNLvlt: No most certainly not I think it's a form with some features not implemented in standard PDF readers. probably a form with fill in options or so.12:38
ikoniait can't link because the compile he's running is not finishing so it can't link the object12:38
lucidoargh, why can't I upgrade to 16.04 from 15.04 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades has no vivid repo12:38
bazhangdemophobia, no idea why, but not limited to lubuntu nore linux, check launchpad for bugs, file a bug yourself12:39
iorialucido,  that's true, no vivid here  http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/12:40
demophobiabazhang, how do I determine if it's a bug or me not having some driver installed? search the Internet? how much time until I can reasonably conclude no page exists with an answer (to the effect that it's not a bug)?12:40
majaikonia: could be12:41
majafor me i want to know my headphones sounds like a ducks button when i listen to voice12:41
bazhangdemophobia, step one check launchpad, have you even started that first step12:41
lucidois there a way to get mono-4 on vivid?12:42
vltMehrzad: Can you link to the Ubuntu bug report?12:42
demophobiabazhang, no: i asked here earlier what the order of operations was and if it was Internet search, ubuntu forums, stack exchange, ask ubuntu, then here, but no one answered that question12:42
bazhanglucido, thats long end of life12:42
ioria!info mono-complete  vivid12:43
ubottumono-complete (source: mono): complete Mono runtime, development tools and all libraries. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.8+dfsg-4ubuntu4 (vivid), package size 10 kB, installed size 71 kB12:43
bazhangdemophobia, and I'm giveing you an answer now12:43
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bazhangdemophobia, so first step first12:43
demophobia'k thanks.12:44
lucidoioria, yes that is mono-312:45
iorialucido, you need xenial12:46
lucidoI'll try to remove the updater and install it from the wily repo12:48
iorialucido, if you have your backups, (nothing to loose) i'd try with the old wily repos (update, upgrade, dist-upgrade) and then you can do-release-upgrade  (without the -d flag)12:48
bazhanglucido, mixing repo packages?12:48
ioriabazhang, looks like vivid is not available from the old-release repo (http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/)12:49
bazhangioria, it's been near three yeasrs12:50
bazhanglucido, were you planning on mixing repo packages12:50
lucidoI will do this upgrade even if it breaks physics12:50
bazhanglucido, your version is not supported, nor is that type of repo mixing12:51
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
AnticomHi all. I think I've messed up my machine with this nvidia stuff13:05
Anticomso basically the installation had failed so i reverted the manual steps i did to disable nouveau13:05
AnticomNow when i boot my machine i get to the login screen and everything seems fine but when i try to actually log in the screen turns black for a split second and then the login screen shows up again13:06
AnticomSo i'm stuck there. Where can i find any X-Server related logs that migth give me some clues to what's going wrong?13:06
AnticomI've followed this post to disable nouveau: https://askubuntu.com/a/86820913:07
brainwashAnticom: /var/log/ or ~/.local/share/xorg/13:10
Anticombrainwash: I've got Xorg.0.log and Xorg.1.log13:11
brainwashcheck/share Xorg.0.log13:12
brainwashpay attention to the timestamp of the log file13:14
brainwashmake sure it's actually from your latest login attempt13:14
Anticom~/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.1.log says systemd-logind: got pause for xx:xx \\ evdev: HID 05f3:0007 Close \\ UnloadModule "evdev"13:14
brainwasherrors are marked with EE13:15
brainwashgot any?13:15
fishcookeri have dell server with 6 slots hard disk; with 2 sas disk 70GB then 2 disks 1TB, 2 slot will used as raid-1 for 2 sas disks what should i do with the rests resource ... let's say on the future i want to add 2 disk for the rest slot available13:15
Anticomopen /dev/fb0: Permission denied13:15
Anticom^ brainwash13:15
hateballAnticom: are you using secureboot?13:16
hateballAnticom: and how did you try to install the nvidia blob?13:16
Anticomhateball: i don't afaik13:16
brainwashmaybe it's still trying to load the nvidia driver13:16
hateballAnticom: also, if you for some reason used sudo for a GUI app when doing this, you may have messed up permissiongs on ~/.Xauthority13:17
hateballso make sure you are the owner of that file, and not root13:17
Anticomhateball:  tried installing nvidia drivers using NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-304.132.run13:17
hateballAnticom: Any reason you did not use the builtin driver tool?13:17
Anticomhateball: .Xauthority is belonging to me13:18
Anticomhateball: just didn't know about it13:18
Anticomi never did some driver installation stuff for graphics cards13:18
hateballanyhow, you can try running "ubuntu-drivers" in a terminal, it should hopefully do The Right Thing and fix it for you13:18
Anticomhateball: with what command?13:18
hateballAnticom: "sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall" will try to install any needed proprietary drivers13:19
hateballotherwise ubuntu-drivers devices, will list devices that have drivers available13:20
=== pinux is now known as ppang
Anticomhateball: that did it for me, thank you so much :)13:22
* Anticom #mademyday13:22
hateballAnticom: :)13:23
demophobiai'm thinking i just visited a bad website and now have spyware on my firefox13:41
vltAnticom: Yes. I have tried evince, atril, libreoffice, firefox, chromium, pdftk, ghostscript and okular.13:42
Anticomvlt: what's actually your problem?13:45
AnticomI only got half of the conversation :/13:45
vltAnticom: PDF 1.7 files with XFA forms display only an error message when trying to open them.13:47
demophobiaCan you confirm if I just got spyware on my firefox? Will it be removed if I uninstall it via Synaptic Package Manager and reinstall it? https://pastebin.com/LJ0kabG713:47
hateballdemophobia: if you have gotten something bad by browsing, it's installed in your firefox profile13:48
hateballdemophobia: and that is not touched by reinstalling the binaries13:48
leftyfbdemophobia: just remove the addon/plugin and you should be fine13:49
leftyfbdemophobia: if you're that worried, just backup your bookmarks, delete ~/.mozilla/firefox and restore your bookmarks13:49
demophobialeftyfb, i looked and there were no addons apart from the default themes13:53
leftyfbdemophobia: what makes you think you have "spyware"?13:54
demophobialeftyfb, i saw https://pastebin.com/LJ0kabG7 in my terminal after visiting an inappropriate website (that also loaded "popups" in other tabs or behind windows, forget which) and it basically looks scary with a bunch of 'WARN', 'ERROR', numbers i don't understand, something named "clicktoplay"13:58
leftyfbdemophobia: your pastebin link doesn't work13:58
demophobiaand the browser seems to be loading slower now13:59
demophobia'cause i'm a moron setting it to 10 minutes paranoid i might be pasting some unique identifier with those numbers13:59
demophobiamay i message you the link?14:01
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
leftyfbdemophobia: what you pasted is not malware14:04
CarlFKubot9: help where is your source code?14:04
CarlFKubot9: is not very talkative14:05
leftyfbCarlFK: can we help you with something?14:05
CarlFKleftyfb: what is the #bugno syntax for referencing a lauchpad bug so that the bot will echo the full url and bug title?14:06
leftyfbCarlFK: If you need help with ubuntu, post your question here or if you already have a bug you're referencing, just paste the link14:07
Anticomvlt: die you try a recent GNOME Document Viewer?14:08
CarlFKleftyfb: where is the source code for ubot?14:08
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot. You can search my brain at https://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | General info and channels at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me, see !botclone14:08
demophobialeftyfb, i'd like to ask for details ... i'm searching google trying to find info on clicktoplay-rollout@mozilla.org, for example, but not finding ... except a listing of this xpi on a trojan/malware site (allegedly)14:09
leftyfbdemophobia: https://goo.gl/qqVJi8    there's lots of people with that same log14:10
CarlFKikonia: I don't see anything about source14:11
ikoniawhere did you look14:11
CarlFKikonia:  ·Ubuntu Bots Development Wiki   https://ubottu.com/devel/wiki  40414:12
ubottuubottu uses supybot, which is available in the main !repositories, with additional plugins that are available at http://ubottu.com/clone.html - to help out with ubottu development please join #ubuntu-bots-devel :)14:12
ikoniathe link says use !botclone to get the info14:13
ikoniawhich is that url14:13
ikoniadoes that work for you ? looks like it's got the launchpad repo and project page14:13
demophobiawell, okay then, thanks! good day14:15
CarlFKikonia: maybe.  where do I report the 404s I am finding?  like "Usage information is also available here https://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins14:16
CarlFKer, bot chanel.. off I go14:17
ikoniaCarlFK: chaps in ubuntu-bots-devel or if you're feeling nice, log a bug to ubuntu-bots project14:17
m1chaelI have fresh install fresh on a 2TB SATA hard drive. is it possible to use 'dd' to clone this installation over to an empty 120GB SATA SSD and have it work normal if I boot from it?14:23
ikoniam1chael: you don't want to do that14:24
ikoniaif it's just a fresh install - just re-install it on the SSD14:24
CarlFKm1chael:   what ikonia said.  adding: it will be broken in a few places, like you will have a 2T file system on a 120G drive.  that's pretty bad.14:26
ikoniawell, it won't fit14:26
hateballyou can use partclone for it tho14:26
ikoniaas dd is block level, so you'd have to put logic into take only written space14:26
hateballbut if the install has no data, reinstall is probably faster14:26
ikoniathen you partition table would be off14:27
ikoniaand would the file system by optimizsed for ssd14:27
m1chaelfor some reason when i installed, I had to boot live again and run grub-install because grub apparently wasn't installed properly14:27
ikoniathen you have all the hassle with fstab and grub and the boot loader14:27
ikoniajust re-install14:27
m1chaelokay, will definitely reinstall14:27
m1chaelglad i asked.14:27
=== JanC is now known as Guest66311
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
roryhow do I literally make a directory called . ?14:30
roryplease don't ask.14:30
brainwashwhat error do you get when trying to create it?14:31
cousteauWhat 3D games are there in the repositories that will look acceptably cool on a machine with a REALLY bad graphics card?14:34
cousteauI just tried Armagetron Advanced and it looks awful14:34
cousteau(this "machine" is not even a PC; it's an embedded board)14:34
rorymkdir: cannot create directory ‘.’: File exists14:34
rorybecause "." means "current directory"14:34
ikoniayou don't14:34
ikoniawhy would you do that14:34
rorySomeone has done it at some point14:34
ikoniawhy would you do this ?14:35
leftyfbcousteau: that's not really a support question. Sounds like you should just be doing your own research there to find the results you're looking for14:35
ikoniayou're creating a problem14:35
roryI said don't ask, but if you insist14:35
leftyfbrory: you don't14:35
cousteauleftyfb, fair enough; I was thinking if maybe #ubuntu-offtopic might be a better channel14:35
roryThis tar.gz has a directory in it called . and I need to replicate the same directory structure. It's not an option to change the directory structure.14:35
roryI know it's retarded14:35
ikoniarory: it seems unlikley it would have a directory in it called . if it's come from a linux machine14:35
rorySurely there's a way to escape it?14:36
cousteaurory, sounds like "./" may be the same as ""14:36
ikoniabottom line - it's not going to happen in a real world usable way14:36
leftyfbrory: It probably doesn't have a directory called ".". It's probably meant to put those files 1 level up or something.14:36
cousteauso that "./dir/foo.txt" and "dir/bar.txt" both decompress on directory ./dir relative to where you are14:36
roryNo it really does14:36
brainwashleftyfb: isn't 1 level up ".."?14:37
leftyfbrory: is there anything in it? And why is it necessary?14:37
ikoniaeasy answer, extract it on a windows box, change the "." directory14:37
cousteaurory, afaik there's no way to "escape" special names or characters in dir names14:37
rorycan you just trust me that it's necessary14:37
cousteau...maybe messing with Unicode14:37
leftyfbbrainwash: you're right, now that I think about it. It's just the same directory. So if there's anything in it, then just move those to the root of the archive14:37
roryI wouldn't be asking such a batshit question if it weren't14:37
ikoniatone down the language14:37
leftyfbrory: without more information on the end goal ( a directory named . is not the end goal), then we can't help you14:38
rorySorry. This issue is pretty representative of today14:38
ikonianot a problem, it happens14:38
roryI have a tar.gz file which contains content consumed by some remote system I can't control. I need to create a new tar.gz file with some different content, but the same basic directory structure14:38
ikoniathe easy answer is do it on a windows host14:39
ikoniabecause there will be no unix host expecting a directory called "." unless it's the cwd14:39
ikoniathats just cwd14:39
roryno it's not14:39
ikoniathats how it reads14:39
roryLook at the path14:40
roryIf I go in one of the dirs it will become /./etc/14:40
ikoniamake a directory and untar it in that directory14:40
ikoniaI suspect it will just be ./etc/something14:40
ikoniain the cwd14:40
roryI'm going to use this gui tool to replace the contents of the . directory14:41
ikoniamake sure you do it in a directory not root though14:41
ikoniadon't use the gui14:41
ikoniajust untar it in a directory14:41
ikoniawhat do you get ?14:41
cousteaurory, /./ is the same as / so I guess that tar means that the path is /etc/14:41
cousteauah no wait14:42
cousteauthat initial / may mean "tar's root"14:42
leftyfbrory: do it on Windows. You won't be creating a "." directory on anything *NIX14:42
cousteauso yeah what ikonia said; ./etc/something14:42
cousteauleftyfb, pretty sure . is the same in Windows14:42
cousteau...well, relatively sure14:42
ikoniait's not you can have a . directory in explorer14:43
ikoniait's only the command prompt that acknowledges it14:43
cousteauwelp disregard then :)14:43
ikoniabut just untar it in a directory on a linux box, I bet it will be just fine14:43
ikonia(make sure it's in a directory though)14:43
cousteauI was thinking on doing something like   mkdir $(printf '\xc0\xae')   because I thought \xc0\xae was a valid "alternative way to encode '.' in UTF-8" but it seems it isn't14:46
ikoniaan interesting suggestion though14:46
cousteauprintf '\xc0\xae\n'   displays <?><?>14:46
cousteauwhereas   printf '\xc3\xb1\n'   displays ñ14:47
cousteauikonia, thanks :)14:47
leftyfbrory: how about reporting a bug to the makers of the "some remote system" to not name directories . just because some developer hates the world?14:48
=== Vach0n^ is now known as Vach0n
DbuggerHello everyone15:06
DbuggerI dont know if this is the proper channel to ask this but... I was thinking of updating the firmware in my BIOS, but I have never done it before. How can I find out where to get the last version?15:06
naccDbugger: not the right channel :) check your laptop vendor's site15:09
Dbuggernacc, it is not my laptop. It is my desktop PC15:09
DbuggerAll I know is that it uses an American Megatrends BIOS15:10
naccDbugger: check your desktop PC vendor15:10
Dbuggernacc, and maybe would you know how can I find it from Ubuntu, what motherboard am I using?15:11
DbuggerBecause I have no clue :P15:11
naccDbugger: sudo dmidecode | grep -A5 'Base Board', maybe15:12
DbuggerOh great, it worked!15:12
DbuggerThanks :)15:12
naccDbugger: yw15:13
DbuggerSo I guess I have to go to the ASUS website15:13
blueboyWhat do you guys think is the better GUI for high res laptop usage ?15:13
argusbri need edited my swap15:14
naccblueboy: polling isn't generally connsidered appropriate for this channnel15:14
compdocblueboy, I like mate15:14
oerheksblueboy, any DE can scale, so that does not matter anymore15:14
argusbri need edited my swap  how to make??? i have one hd ssd 512 gb15:14
oerheksargusbr, on what ubuntu version?15:15
compdocargusbr, changing the swap by hand can be a little difficult15:15
oerheks17.04 comes with a wap-file, no partitionanymore15:15
DbuggerWhat the... there is no new BIOS firmware since 2011??? Is this possible??15:17
oerheksDbugger, sure, some day supports ends.15:17
Dbuggerbut 2011 is when I bouht it...15:18
oerheks.. or there are no bugs found anymore...15:18
oerheksDbugger, date of buying and date of release, 2 different things15:18
Dbuggerno, yeah, I get it...15:18
oerhekssome software never got an update.. it is just perfect15:18
DbuggerI just had some weird bugs in my system, that happens both in Windows and Linux... so I was hoping a BIOS update would fix that.. but I guess it wont :/15:19
oerheksioria :-)15:24
ioriaoerheks, hi, what 's up ?15:24
oerheksNothing, just happy to see you :-D15:25
cekhow do I get shell during ubuntu install? seems to be stalled here, want to find out whats up16:20
oerhekscek,  hit: ctrl alt F1 # and return to install with: ctrl alt F716:21
cekterminal is empty, no getty16:21
cekand it's f2, not f1 , as f1 is occupied by X16:21
oerheksoh oke, F2 then16:22
oerheksit might take a few seconds for the prompt to appear..16:23
xrandrcek: check your hdd activity light. Make sure that it isn't consuming a lot of resources trying to install a package or whatnot16:24
oerheksxrandr +1 or hit shiftlock, if the light starts to blink,no worry16:25
cekshould i also consult a magic ball?16:25
xrandrcek:  if you have one16:25
xrandrif the HDD light is blinking rapidly or is solid, then it is working, just taking a while to do whatever it needs to do16:26
oerhekstype: eject # and the magic ball tray appears16:26
xrandrif the HDD light on the computer is off, well, then, it may have stalled and you would need to restart the install process16:26
xrandrhopefulluy that helps16:28
xrandroff to get some lunch - bbiab16:28
=== jamie_2 is now known as jamie_1
=== Dragonslicer is now known as Dragnslcr
abedisn't this an 'official' ubuntu channel? since it's one #16:48
naccabed: it says official in /topic.16:48
naccabed: what is your actual questionn?16:48
abednacc: that was pretty much it.16:48
abedI have a bad habit at not looking at the topics16:49
oerheksthe channels with ## are user channels16:49
abedoerheks: what is this, like an aliens channel?16:49
oerheksI would not call official community supported channels aliens..16:50
abedoerheks: I'm kidding but what do you mean by user vs non-users?16:51
abedas in the official community of developers of ubuntu vs just users of ubuntu?16:52
oerheksabed yes, anyone can make an ##channel, if you try to make #ubuntu-love ( i did once)  the ops come in and ask about intentions16:53
oerheksThis is the only way to give the channel a proper official status on freenode16:54
sruliusing xscreensaver GLSlideshow to display images, is there any way i can make it display floating text on each image with the image name?16:56
* xrandr wanders around aimlessly16:57
* xrandr forgets what freenode was called before it became freenode16:57
abedxrandr: it was like Open something something16:58
abedOpen Project16:58
xrandryeah that's it. openproject16:59
* abed is good at history16:59
xrandrI think freenode has the largest IRC community nowadays. Most other networks have died off.16:59
xrandrAnyway, that's offtopic16:59
* xrandr now returns to ubuntu support mode16:59
abedshortly after WWI, that's when things started changing. then during the Cold war, things changed for good16:59
abedxrandr: yeah because other networks are just for socializing and there's better places for that now: i.e facebook17:00
abedill stop being offtopic as well17:00
xrandrPlease state the nature of your ubuntu emergency17:01
muriiCan someone one help me with the certificats,please?17:11
muriiI really need to use mysql and it won't let me install it17:11
xrandrmurii: I was unaware that you need a certificate to install MySQL17:11
xrandrsudo apt-get install mysql-server17:12
oerheksmurii, where did you get that repo jmu.edu/pub/mariadb/17:12
naccmurii: it's a bad mirror.17:12
oerheksyou need the key from them..17:12
muriixrandr, doesn't work. I get this https://hastebin.com/ujasajidik.sql17:12
naccoerheks: i think it's that it's not signed at all17:12
naccmurii: why are you using a non-standard archive?17:13
oerheksoh, then don't trust it.17:13
naccoerheks: +117:13
naccmurii: you are on 17.04?17:13
muriiI have no idea. I just ran: sudo apt install mysql-server-5.717:13
muriinacc, I am17:13
naccmurii: then why do you have a trusty repository configured?17:13
muriinacc, I don't know17:13
naccmurii: in any case, that log you provided gives you very clear guidance (on both issues)17:13
oerheksxenial gets mariadb 10...17:13
muriiI screwed it17:13
naccmurii: 1) remove the garbage repo you are using; 2) stop mysql-server and try `sudo apt -f install`17:14
muriinacc, which garbage repo?17:18
oerheksyes, stuff outside our repos without key is garbage17:19
muriiI tried to purge mariadb but I get no result17:20
naccmurii: 'purge'?17:21
naccmurii: it's a repository, not a package17:21
naccmurii: unless you mean ppa-purge? in which case, not sure it can handle a non-PPA repository17:22
muriithen what can I do?17:22
xrandrmurii: cat /etc/apt.d/sources |grep jmu.edu17:23
oerheks*if* you uninstalled it, remove the mariadb list in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/  folder17:23
xrandrsee what file it is17:23
xrandryeah, /etc/apt/sources.list.d17:23
oerheksxrandr,  ppa's get their own file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ nowadays17:23
xrandrso cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* |grep jmu.edu17:24
xrandrsee what file it has17:24
oerheksi think nothing is installed, as you had no key17:24
LenGuys, can someone recommend some tutorial/book/articles about Linux CLI for beginners? I don't have any idea what should I recommend to my friend... he knows nothing about UNIX, but he's from IT/ele section (C/AVR/electronics for about 8~years)17:24
xrandrmove it out of that directory17:24
xrandrthen sudo apt-get update17:24
xrandrthen sudo apt-get install mysql-server17:24
muriixrandr, I get nothing17:24
xrandrthen, sigh in relief17:24
naccLen: "Linux CLI" == shell?17:25
xrandrmurii: well, you could always look through each individual file there to see which one has the jmu.edu17:25
Lenyeah.. generally whole Linux usage but via console not GUI17:25
Lengiving someone advices's how he should learn Linux via GUI is just bad :-)17:26
oerhekshttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal -- http://linuxcommand.org/17:26
naccLen: there are bash guides (if that is the shell used)17:26
naccLen: the point being "Linux CLI" is not a thing :)17:27
muriiI made it, it was in source.list17:27
Lennacc: well... yes you're right ;-) I'm just using anything like I have to, not giving any deeper thoughts, but bash is preinstalled on most distributions and it's good start point17:28
naccLen: and to be clear, you are in the ubuntu channel, not a general Linux channel, so our advice is intended for Ubuntu17:29
muriinacc, now I want to install mysql-workbench and I get this: https://hastebin.com/iwubitohuz.sql so I tried to install mysql-server-5.7 but I get : error processing archive17:30
jhutchinsLen:  http://www.linuxcommand.org/ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2005/05/20/terminal1.html http://www.ischool.berkeley.edu/~kevin/unix-tutorial/toc.html  http://linuxcommand.org/lc3_learning_the_shell.php  http://linuxcommand.org/tlcl.php17:30
oerheksmurii, did you properly upgrade before installing? sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade17:32
Lennacc: I know, there's biggest traffic from first glance lol17:32
oerheks!info mysql-workbench zesty17:32
ubottumysql-workbench (source: mysql-workbench): MySQL Workbench - a visual database modeling, administration and queuing tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.3.8+dfsg-1 (zesty), package size 9075 kB, installed size 88994 kB17:32
oerheks!info mysql-server zesty17:32
ubottumysql-server (source: mysql-5.7): MySQL database server (metapackage depending on the latest version). In component main, is optional. Version 5.7.19-0ubuntu0.17.04.1 (zesty), package size 9 kB, installed size 173 kB17:32
Lenanyway thanks nacc, oerheks and jhutchins17:33
muriinacc, what exactly is : The following packages have *unmet* dependencies:17:33
naccmurii: the way to figure out what is broken in these cases is to iteratively resolve the pkg issues. So in this case: `sudo apt install mysql-workbench mysql-server mysql-server-5.7 libgdal20 libmysqlclient20 libmysqlcppcon20 libmysqlcppcon7v5 mysql-workbench-data`17:33
naccmurii: that will probably still fail, keep adding packages until you get to the actual unmet dependency17:33
naccmurii: it's literally what it says. apt is unable to resolve the dependencies necessary to install the requested package17:34
naccmurii: presumably because you installed some third party, or otherwise borked the package manager.17:34
naccmurii: but it won't recurse on its own to tell you that (not sure if there is a flag to make it do so, it's pretty fundamental to apt's package resolution algorithm)17:34
nbastinis there any way to get systemd to not hang my entire boot when it can't find the network?17:42
trakinascan anyone help me with UFW?17:43
xrandrnbastin: boot into single user mode?17:43
naccnbastin: it shouldnn't be hanging the boot, just might be waitign17:43
trakinasufw allow from to any port 22  ---> what does "any" means here?17:43
nbastinnacc: I mean it waits for like 5 minutes17:43
nbastinnacc: is there any way to make it at least get to the point where I can get a console?17:43
xrandrtrakinas: it means to any internal host17:43
naccnbastin: wait the 5 minutes?17:43
nbastinthat is...not a solution17:44
nbastinsurely this timeout must be tweakable somehow17:44
lotuspsychje!firewall | trakinas17:44
ubottutrakinas: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo17:44
xrandrfrom = external host (the internet), any = internal host (your local machine, or a sompleace on the LAN/WAN)17:44
iorianbastin,  there should be a Timeout parameter somewhere to change , like in /etc/systemd/system/network-online.targets.wants/networking.service17:44
trakinasxrandr: so "ufw allow from to port 22"  woul mean it can connect to port 22 only on that host?17:44
naccnbastin: why are you booting the system without network?17:44
lotuspsychjetrakinas: see also the #netfilter channel17:44
xrandrtrakinas: yes17:45
naccnbastin: that delay typically means you booted *with* network at some point, and then it's not there -- generally, you don't want to just boot through, you want network17:45
nbastinnacc: because some topologies don't have all the ports connected17:45
nbastinnacc: yes, but I *do* want it to boot17:45
trakinaslotuspsychje, xrandr: thank you! =)17:45
naccnbastin: nad it does boot, afaict, just after a delay17:45
naccioria: yeah, TimeoutStartSec, iirc17:45
nbastinioria: thanks, I will check that out17:45
iorianacc, yeah17:45
xrandrtrakinas: it translates to allow to connect to on port 2217:46
nbastinnacc: I'm not here to argue semantics, or discuss why I don't like wasting my time, I'm just asking if there's a way to change it17:46
naccnbastin: ... it's not semantics. You said you wanted to boot, it does boot. If you want to boot immediately without network, say that?17:46
zarzarhello i am running pmccabe on c files but there is no output to standard out17:47
xrandrnbastin: the better solution would be to figure out why there is a long delay on setting up the network. Something fubared with your DHCP settings?17:47
zarzarnevermind, output works with -? option, must be parsing error17:47
naccxrandr: they say it's intentional17:47
nbastinxrandr: sometimes dhcp is available, sometimes it is not on all interfaces17:47
nbastinxrandr: the system refuses to boot if any of the interfaces can't get dhcp17:48
nbastinxrandr: well, it waits 5 minutes17:48
leftyfbnbastin: Is this with server or desktop?17:48
nbastinleftyfb: server17:48
leftyfbnbastin: also, not true17:48
leftyfbthe system WILL boot, after the timeout17:48
xrandrleftyfb: how would he change the timeout17:48
nbastinleftyfb: yes, I said it waited 5 minutes, so it's like 15 minutes I can't use the box if we reboot it17:48
nbastin(because POST takes ~10 minutes)17:48
nbastinanother 5 minutes is just killing me17:49
xrandrnbastin: older hardware?17:49
nacc(sounds like garbage hardware)17:49
nbastinxrandr: no17:49
leftyfbnbastin: try setting the interface(s) to allow-hotplug as opposed to auto17:49
leftyfbnbastin: also, try just changing the timeout in the systemd file as posted above17:50
nbastinleftyfb: I tried that already, but if they have link it tries to use dhcp if you have dhcp set up (it works fi they don't have link)17:50
nbastinyeah I'm trying to change this timeout17:50
xrandrnbastin: what else is the server launching at boot time that is taking so long?17:51
xrandroh, you said POST. nvm17:51
nbastinxrandr: it takes about 10 minutes to POST 2T of ram17:51
xrandrdear lord! 2TB ram17:52
jhutchinsnbastin: Is this some Dell server or something?17:52
* xrandr wonders how many copies of doom he can run with that much ram17:52
leftyfbnbastin: having a machine configured for dhcp and physically plugged into a network with an active link but no active dhcp server is not a common scenario and sounds like a broken one at that. In that case, you fix that problem or customize your machine to deal with this broken situation if it's common in your case. This is not a bug.17:52
nbastinI'm just trying to get back to our 14.04 topology cycling performance17:54
leftyfb"14.04 topology cycling performance" ?17:54
nbastin"fixing" dhcp is possible with PXE, but then of course that takes longer, so we found with 14.04 a nice compromise17:54
nbastinwhich doesn't work in 16.04, so...I'm trying to make it work again.. :-)17:54
nbastinI can't control whether the user lights up the phy or not, and I don't want to have to reimage the machine every time17:55
nbastin(or whether they put a DHCP server on their L2)17:55
nbastinok, setting it to 30 seconds works, thanks!17:56
zarzarJOIN #debian17:57
argusbrSep 14 14:45:00 reliablesite kernel: [3649092.915689] device tun0 entered promiscuous modeSep 14 14:45:00 reliablesite kernel: [3649092.915689] device tun0 entered promiscuous mode " what is it? "18:10
naccargusbr: https://www.tamos.com/htmlhelp/monitoring/18:11
zarzarhi i am running 16LTS, pmccabe produces no putput on c files and no output with sudo apt-get install pmccabe18:11
zarzarmeant sudo dpkg-query -l | grep pmccabe *18:12
EriC^^!info pmccabe18:12
ubottupmccabe (source: pmccabe): McCabe-style function complexity and line counting for C and C++. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6 (zesty), package size 22 kB, installed size 116 kB18:13
EriC^^!info pmccabe xenial18:13
nacczarzar: so it seems like you have two questions?18:13
ubottupmccabe (source: pmccabe): McCabe-style function complexity and line counting for C and C++. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6 (xenial), package size 22 kB, installed size 116 kB18:13
nacczarzar: why pmccabe is not producing output and ... something else?18:13
nacczarzar: can you pastebin your c file?18:13
EriC^^zarzar: try sudo apt-add-repository universe && sudo apt-get update18:13
naccEriC^^: there would be an error if it wasn't already enabled, no?18:13
naccEriC^^: oh wait, they used dpkg-query, sorry18:14
zarzarnacc: seems to be installed, -? option works18:14
EriC^^nacc: you're right though, he mentioned he used the command at first18:14
spyke581I have a Lenovo M PC running Xubuntu 16.04.3 as a HTPC that im trying to configure so that it plays sound through the displayport cable going to the TV. however the displayport jack does not come up as an option in pavu control. any ideas?18:15
zarzari am running 16LTS, pmccabe produces no putput on c files and no output with sudo dpkg-query -l | grep pmccabe *18:15
argusbr? paste18:15
nacczarzar: why did you repeat that?18:15
argusbrhow to solve problem ? https://pastebin.com/D7Zz0JEG18:16
nacczarzar: also, your grep might be wrong (trailing *)18:16
zarzarits the extern c18:17
zarzarremoved and it work18:17
zarzarworks without extern c wrap18:17
zarzarthat's a bummer18:17
nacczarzar: you could also see that pmccabe is working by passing any number of flags (-v, -d, etc.)18:18
argusbrSep 14 15:14:04 reliablesite kernel: [3650839.755670] zmeu[18015]: segfault at 3e79646f ip 00000000f760cccb sp 00000000ffdf2fd0 error 4 in libc-2.19.so[f75a9000+1ab000] how to solve problem?18:18
nacczarzar: it just didn't like your file innput18:18
naccargusbr: what is zmeu?18:18
zarzarnacc: pmccabe *.c | sort -nr | head -1018:19
argusbrnacc zmeu is check connections18:19
naccargusbr: it's an application crashing, ask the application owner/author, if it's not an ubuntu package (I don't think it is)18:19
nacczarzar: ... ok?18:20
zarzarnacc; works with this version https://pastebin.com/Wjk9dPXA18:20
zarzarnacc: yes i know that now, wasn't sure until 30 seconds ago18:20
nacczarzar: yep, makes sense18:20
mortnpassive actions on packages like dpkg -l and apt search and apt show (and apt-cache search/show) doesn't need sudo privs18:22
naccmortn: good point18:26
zarzarnacc: trailing * was wrong in dpkg-query -l | grep pmccabe *18:29
zarzarso that works now also18:30
nacczarzar: right18:30
zarzartaken from "linuz faq" https://www.thelinuxfaq.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-17-04-zesty-zapus/pmccabe18:30
zarzarso much bad info out there18:31
Soul_Sampleis there a special channel for artful? my indicators are not showing even though the extension is installed and enabled. other extensions work properly18:31
naccSoul_Sample: #ubuntu+118:32
cmannsIs there a way to just double click a OVPN openvpn file and connect?18:32
Soul_Samplenacc: thanks!18:32
cmannsAm on ubuntu 17.x, I cant find any GUI for OpenVPN18:38
mortncmanns: network-manager-openvpn18:38
mortnand network-manager-openvpn-gnome (iirc) is what you're looking for18:38
mortncmanns: sudo apt install network-manager-openvpn-gnome18:39
mortncmanns: perhaps you need to sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager18:40
blacknred0anybody knows if you connect to microsoft through gnome accounts where the data is stored (specifically the documents)?18:43
xrandrblacknred0: like in OneDrive?18:44
mortnblacknred0: could you elaborate on "connect to microsoft"?18:44
blacknred0xrandr: yes18:44
blacknred0mortn: i assume that is onedrive api that it uses18:44
xrandrblacknred0: i believe there is a onedrive client for linux18:44
blacknred0i found this -> https://git.gnome.org/browse/libzapojit/ , and enable "documents", but can't seem to find where are they!!!18:45
xrandrtry that18:46
mortnblacnkred0: if xrandr suggestion is not working out, have a look at https://www.maketecheasier.com/sync-onedrive-linux/18:47
mortnreferenced from https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=232500318:47
blacknred0xrandr mortn : yea, onedrive-d was not too cool in keeping in synced .... when i saw that google mounts smoothly in gnome 3, thought that microsoft would be the same18:49
roryCan I make grep return 0 even if no results were found, or do I need to use || true ?18:49
blacknred0but what you expect from microsoft ... no less :P18:49
tytanHello everyone. I just bought an AMD Ryzen R7 1700 and one of my friends said that there might be some problems running linux on it. A quick google search didn't get me a definitive answer. I want to run Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS Server on that on a SAMSUNG SSD 960 EVO NVMe. Will I run into trouble?18:49
xrandrblacknred0: well, Microsoft isn't very fond of linux, even though Win10 comes with a linux subsystem now18:49
naccrory: see `man grep`, generally, no. and you want to test the rc to know why it failed, not just always succeed18:50
mortnfilesystems and filesharing is _not_ microsofts strong points, no ;-)18:50
xrandrso what you'll be able to do with M$ products will be limited18:50
blacknred0xrandr: yep18:50
naccrory: as your would return true even in error conditions18:50
xrandrblacknred0: perhaps using onedrive-d in conjunction with crond to keep everything synced?18:51
blacknred0ok, i'm glad i wasn't the only one rofl https://ask.fedoraproject.org/en/question/90075/where-are-the-onedrive-documents-found/18:51
mortntytan: why don't you pop in a usb key with ubuntu server or desktop on it and see if you get any probs18:51
blacknred0xrandr: yep, that's an idea :)18:51
mortntytan: i wouldn't expect any problems18:51
ioriarory, --quiet or --silent18:51
xrandrblacknred0: I know, I thought of it lol :P18:51
tytanmortn Haven't got those yet.18:52
tytan... or is it "haven't gotten" ... ?18:52
naccioria: i believe those still will only exit with 0 if a match is found18:52
iorianacc, oh, ok18:53
blacknred0xrandr: :P18:53
roryioria: No good sadly as I want to see output if there is any. Looks like || true is the best way for me.18:53
ioriai see18:53
xrandrblacknred0: I'd suggest 5 minute intervals of syncing using onedrive-d18:53
xrandrthis way M$ doesn't think you're attacking them18:53
naccrory: so you just want to discard the return code from grep? then your method is fine18:53
naccrory: but note that it's not doing exactly what you said you wanted (it's doing more)18:54
platzsometimes it seems like certain programs like chrome take a very long time to start after wake from suspsend.. i'm not sure if something is odd with dbus or ck-session after suspsend. I have some output here https://gist.github.com/jonschoning/02623d9e2eb509d94986f530b90a7f9918:59
ioriarory, grep pippo  myfile.txt  || :  && echo $?19:00
ramsub07Hi, i had two different access to a file. one was from my work on the system directly. the other through VPN and samba19:02
ramsub07now i had made some changes to the file and hit an extra ctrl + z when on VPN. ( I had made some changes through the day and it's lost) can someone please help me19:02
rh10which not too expensive webcamera can you recommended? (compatible with ubuntu) for high quality skype talks.19:02
leftyfbramsub07: if you undid changes and save your file and you have no revision control or backups, there's nothing you can do19:05
ramsub07leftyfb: damn! :/19:06
blacknred0xrandr: i might have found something better that i could work with -> https://github.com/ncw/rclone :)19:07
blacknred0the rsync for the cloud :D19:07
xrandrblacknred0: try it, let me know how it works!19:13
blacknred0will do19:15
alias_neoHi guys. I have a couple of bugs in Arty nightly that I can't seem to find here :https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/artful . Should I raise them there?19:23
alias_neoI find it hard to believe they haven't been raised so is there somewhere else they could be?19:24
lotuspsychjealias_neo: #ubuntu+1 please19:25
alias_neolotuspsychje: Thanks.19:26
=== gr33n7007h is now known as al2o3-cr
Elysium3301Hi all, I'm trying to get my fingerprint scanner working on 16.04.1. Got it all set up and got my prints enrolled with fingerprint-gui but it isn't working when logging in or sudo'ing or anything. How do I enable it?20:05
oerheksElysium3301, maybe you miss them PAM module,  libpam-fprintd >> http://freelinuxtutorials.com/quick-tips-and-tricks/quick-tip-install-fingerprint-scanner-fprint-ubuntu-16-04-linux/20:09
Elysium3301oerheks: Thanks! With that tutorial I don't even need fingerprint-gui anymore and it works directly in Ubuntu! :)20:13
oerheksgood, have fun!20:13
wasanzyecho "This is message body" | mailx -s "This is Subject" -r  " <mailfrom@doman.com>" -a test.txt  mailto@domain.com20:31
wasanzyThis command is not attaching the file test.txt20:31
al2o3-crwasanzy: have you tried quoting the attachment?20:36
oerheksor /path/to/text.txt20:37
wasanzynon worked20:39
wasanzyI see this example but it didn't work either $ echo "Message Body Here" | mailx -s "Subject Here" -a backup.zip user@example.com20:42
faLUCEHello. Is there any decent mp3 splitter, with gui, on yakketi? I tried to install mp3splt-gtk but it's a nightmaer20:44
faLUCEHello. Is there any decent mp3 splitter, with gui? I tried to install mp3splt-gtk but it's a nightmare20:46
jostHi! My ecryptfs-encrypted home partition randomly unmounts... does someone have an idea? https://askubuntu.com/questions/950066/ecryptfs-unmounts-ever-half-hour-or-so-after-home-partition-ran-full20:48
ducassefaLUCE: yakkety is eol20:51
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:51
xrandrjust out of curiosity, if someone has an EOL product, but their company requirements dictate they stay at that version, how would they get support?20:52
naccxrandr: EOL product?20:52
oerhekssimply not.20:52
naccxrandr: you mean they are based off, say, 16.10?20:52
xrandrEnd Of Life20:53
oerheksno updates, nosupport here..20:53
naccxrandr: yes, I know what EOL stands for. What do you mean by "EOL product"?20:53
oerheksno company support canonical20:53
xrandrnacc: oerheks answered my question :) Thanks though :)20:53
ubottuUbuntu Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) was the 25th release of Ubuntu.  Support ended on July 20th, 2017. See !eol, !eolupgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/yakkety20:53
oerheksOften they complaint their software only works on ubuntu xx.yy .. but that is false, blaming us.20:54
xrandrsome software does only work on certain versions of ubuntu20:54
xrandrbut i really don't wanna start that discussion lol20:54
faLUCEI see,. but I only need a name of a good program, with gui, for splitting a mp320:54
xrandrfaLUCE: Audacity20:55
ducassefaLUCE: 'no support' means no support20:55
oerheksmp3splt && mp3splt-gtk should work great20:55
fishcookerhow to redirect all traffic to another host... let's say i have many udp and tcp ports to be redirected one by one20:55
faLUCExrandr: does audacity reencode the mp3, after splitting it ?20:55
faLUCExrandr: I don't want to reencode the file20:57
oerheksfishcooker, maybe this page is any help, 3 ways https://askubuntu.com/questions/907972/route-all-traffic-of-a-machine-through-another-within-a-subnet20:57
jostfaLUCE: afaik, mp3splt does not re-encode the mp3s20:57
faLUCEjost: as said before, mp3splt is a nightmare to install20:58
oerheksfaLUCE, the install part is not our business, you know why (eol)20:58
jostfaLUCE: sorry, wasn't in the channel when you said that20:59
faLUCEdamn: I'm not asking support to install a program. I just asked an ALTERNATIVE20:59
faLUCEwhich means: "hey, do you know any other program other than mp3splt" ?20:59
jostIf you have a windows machine/dual boot system, you could use mp3splt-gtk there - works for me without problems20:59
bray90820I am getting some errors with a few packages was wondering if it was safe to remove them21:00
oerheksThere is no alternative needed, it is a good programm and gui21:00
oerheksbray90820, let me guess, you run debian?21:00
xrandrfaLUCE: google search: alternatives to ....21:01
faLUCEoerheks: stop saying stupid things.21:01
faLUCExrandr: already searched21:01
ducassefaLUCE: upgrade to 17.0421:01
faLUCEducasse: I can't upgrade, for now21:01
bray90820oerheks: Ubuntu 16.0421:01
oerheksbray90820, adding a Debian repo.. see the guide you followed howto get the key?21:01
xrandrfaLUCE: the problem with asking if someone knows of a 'good alternative' is that you are asking the opinion of another. What they may deem as a 'good alternative' may seem like a really big steaming pile of poo to you21:02
faLUCExrandr: I'm not asking an opinion. I'm just asking a name, because I can't find any other name21:02
akikfishcooker: iptables also has the "tee" target which you can use to copy packets21:02
bray90820oerheks: Are they safe to remove?21:02
akikfishcooker: https://superuser.com/a/85309121:02
oerheksbray90820, yes, without key you could not install any package21:03
oerheksremove the *.list in /etc/apt/sources.list.d21:03
bray90820Well until today I haven't been getting any errors and honestly am not sure why that repo is even installed21:03
oerheks"Yarn caches every package it downloads so it never needs to download it again"  https://yarnpkg.com/en/21:04
oerheksoh, that page gives the key solution..21:05
oerhekscurl -sS https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | sudo apt-key add -21:05
bray90820So is it needed in ubuntu?21:05
oerheksno, it is an user that added this21:06
bray90820Yeah I just looked into it and now i remember where it came from21:06
bray90820I can remove ot21:06
bray90820oerheks: Thanks21:07
fishcookernote, thanks. What if the traffic from the host itself, Akik21:21
fishcookerwould it be a loop?21:21
tnafelehello there.... I need some support with the latest flashplayer plugin (27) on firefox and pulsaudio. i'm using 16.04.21:29
oerheksoh, for firefox you need the old firefox 52 ESR for flash.21:30
oerheksflash is dead \0/21:30
tnafelethe problem is that the flashplayer seems to connect directly to alsa... no way to choose a device21:31
xrandroerheks: i'm guessing in favor of HTML521:31
tnafelehtml5 works fine21:31
tnafeleis this a firefox issue, not a plugin issue?21:32
oerheksoh, you want to switch alsa <> pulseaudio ..?21:32
tnafeleit worked fine for months21:32
oerheksNope, firefox policy .. flash is dead.21:33
oerheksnot sure how to investigate this, alsa/pulseaudio..21:33
xrandrThere's usually flash preferences somewhere21:35
xrandrforgot how to access them21:35
xrandrsame area that gives it permission to use the camera and mic21:35
oerheksthere used to be a flash plugin tool..21:35
pjstirlinghi, I'm trying to get ubuntu to work with a really old wireless dongle but I can't figure out how to obtain the firmware it wants, and ofc, I can't connect it directly to the internet...21:37
pjstirlinghi, I'm trying to get ubuntu to work with a really old wireless dongle but I can't figure out how to obtain the firmware it wants, and ofc, I can't connect it directly to the internet, syslog says isl3887 usb?21:41
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
oerhekspjstirling, what gives lsusb?21:43
tnafelenew try: any chance to make flaspalyer connect to pulseaudio instead of going directly do alsa?21:45
kostkontnafele, zero chance I guess21:46
oerheksif it is a prism54, you would need the firmware-nonfree package https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+package/linux-firmware-nonfree21:46
pjstirlingoerheks, unfortunately I'm not at the machine right now, it's a netgear wg111v221:46
tnafelekostkon, it worked for quite a while... but stopped recently21:46
oerheksvendors and brands make several wifi devices with different chipsets, sometimes the same article can have a different chip21:47
kostkontnafele, it works through the pulseaudio alsa plugin it has never support pulseaudio21:47
oerheksthat is why the lsusb output is important, the xxxx:yyyy hex code is key21:47
pjstirlingoerheks, yes, that's what the isl3887 comes in21:47
oerheksoke, then get the firmware package, if you cannot connect wired, use the offline method21:48
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD21:48
tnafelekostkon, but should it appear in the playback tab of pavucontrol?21:48
pjstirlingoerheks, I'm not sure what package I need21:48
kostkontnafele, Yes. you could try reinstalling it. You could also try resetting your pulseaudio config21:49
kostkonreinstalling flash*21:49
tnafeledoes flash have some config files somewhere ?21:49
oerhekspjstirling, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+package/linux-firmware-nonfree or choose the verion you run on that machine21:50
tnafelekostkon, actually it's not more than a so file in the plugin folder...21:50
echoSMILEhow do I download a .iso ubuntu file and add it into LXD local repository?21:50
kostkontnafele, well, it also creates an .adobe folder in your home21:51
tnafelekostkon, so erasing this should be the same as reinstalling it? ;)$21:52
kostkontnafele, doubt it but it's a start21:52
tnafelekostkon, it's really strange... it worked fine for a long time. i could see it on the playback tab... so flash takes the default alsa device as output? but this should be routed to pulse...21:54
kostkontnafele, yes21:55
oerheksi remember something, firefox only handles alsa now??21:55
oerheksno, other way around > http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/03/firefox-52-no-sound-pulseaudio-alsa-linux21:56
hwpplayer1Hi i need source code of old Ubuntu Software Center22:06
hwpplayer1What was the package name ?22:07
oerhekssoftware-center https://launchpad.net/software-center22:11
oerhekseasy to find... so easy, i wonder why you need it if you cannot find such easy info22:11
hwpplayer1I didn't think maybe related with my concentration level , i use mostly command line to get source codes22:13
cybertekhello , can anyone help me fix my networking? when I go up and click the arrows on the ubuntu desktop all the network cards are greyed out, I deleted them I was trying to fix it but now I might need to reset or reinstall ubuntu networking to get this mess fixed :/22:19
C_minuswhat's the bar at the top of the ubuntu desktop environment called? The one that has the clock and battery level etc. ?22:37
oerheksUnity Global Menu, AFAIK22:40
KeyboardNotFoundWhen my computer boots, the Bluetooth is enabled by default. I changed AutoEnable to false in /etc/bluetooth/main.conf but it continues turning on during boot. How to disable it ?22:42
C_minusoerheks: thanks. how hard is it to add arbitrary stuff to the Global Menu? I'd like a button that displays an on-screen keyboard? That would be really helpful for when I  flip into tablet mode on this 2in1?22:44
C_minusIt's already smart enough to de-activate the actual keyboard when the screen is flipped round, so you don't inadvertently type. Also a button that cycles through 90,180,270 degree rotations would be nice.22:45
oerheksC_minus, in unity ?22:48
oerhekseasy, system settings, Open Universal Access and select the Typing tab. enable onscreen keyboard and the top panel icon is automaticly placed22:49
oerheksyou can 'X' the keyboard, but that icon stays there22:49
C_minusoerheks: that's awesome, exactly what i wanted.22:50
oerheksi was surprised too22:50
* oerheks keeps it running22:51
KeyboardNotFoundWhen my computer boots, the Bluetooth is enabled by default. I changed AutoEnable to false in /etc/bluetooth/main.conf but it continues turning on during boot. How to disable it ?22:51
C_minusyou don't happen to know of any of secret tricks to rotate the screen?22:51
oerheksnot standard, but there is a solution http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/08/rotate-screen-ubuntu-16-04-indicator-applet22:54
oerheksor do some scripting https://askubuntu.com/questions/95812/how-can-i-rotate-my-display-in-the-most-easy-way22:55
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C_minusoerheks: just tried out that applet... Unfortunately once the screen is rotated wherever you touch/click responds in its _old_ location before the rotation.23:02
C_minusDoes that make sense, it's sort of hard to explain?23:02
oerheksoh, it flips back?23:02
C_minusno it's more like: rotate the screen 90 clockwise. then touching the bottom-right triggers the "about this computer, ubuntu help, shutdown" menu, because that's what occupied that spot before the rotation.23:03
oerheksoh nasty23:04
oerhekshow about those manual scripts?23:04
C_minushaven't checked yet..23:04
oerheksxrandr --output HDMI1 --rotate left etc23:04
oerheksand note the comment from whitenoisedb: " xrandr -o right "also works23:06
C_minusoerheks: that would be good but can they be mapped to a buton that sits on the global menu?23:06
C_minusjust need a couple more things to make it minimally tablet-friendly...23:06
C_minuson my old laptop 4 finger swipe would pull out the launcher bar, but that doesn't seem to work on this one...23:07
oerhekskeyboard mapping.. i 'd like an opinion of an experienced user with this, not sure what keys are handy/available for this23:07
earlybirdI have a problem that on Ubuntu and only on Ubuntu (seen on 14.04 through 17.04) autoconf/automake generates a linker step (normally gcc $object $linker flags) that gets this order exactly wrong (gcc $object $linkerflags) leading to a failing build (undefined references, obviously). Example: https://build.opensuse.org/package/live_build_log/home:stevenpusser:forecast/forecast/xUbuntu_17.04/x86_64. Same23:07
earlybirdconfigure.ac/Makefile.am works flawlessly on Debian oldoldstable oldstable stable as well as Arch Linux with latest autotools. Question: Where does Ubuntu get this weird quirk, and how do I prevent it?23:07
oerheksor a button on the global menu , yes23:07
oerheksC_minus, does that machine has a sensor when it rotates?23:08
oerheksthat would be perfect then23:08
earlybird^ of course the wrong case is 'gcc $linkerflags $objects'23:09
C_minusoerheks: yeah it auto-rotates on Windows 10.23:09
oerhekson the same page there is an example, scroll down. or this example for xps12 https://linuxappfinder.com/blog/auto_screen_rotation_in_ubuntu23:16
oerheksC_minus, install dconf editor, and check out com.ubuntu.touch.system orientation-lock 'none'23:21
oerheksit seems to be build in...23:21
oerheksmy discovery in ubuntu takes years, it is *too* much :-D23:23
Bashing-omoerheks: But the pain ^ is so exquisit :)23:25
oerheksit gave me grey hair ... no, i am 50 y now :-D23:27
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Bashing-omoerheks: Oh. so you are already distinguished .23:28
Arroyo1010Hi. Does anyone know if the "Cloud Image Build System" for Ubuntu is publicly available? Or at least the scripts/process for it?23:33
Arroyo1010I'd like to incorporate as much as possible from it to Chef's "bento" project. It's essentially a collection of packer build scripts23:33
Arroyo1010For example, there is a "Cloud vagrant" image, but it only supports the "Virtualbox" provisioner. Some people like other provisioners, such as vagrant-libvirt23:34
C_minusI am interested in trying Gnome desktop environment (for better touchscreen support). Am I understanding correctly: it's as simple as `sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop` + logout/login? And then if I don't like it, just `sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop unity` + logout/login ??23:35
naccArroyo1010: probably better asked in #ubuntu-server; much of it is, I think, in livecd-rootfs source package, but not sure23:37
Arroyo1010much appreciated nacc !23:37
oerheksC_minus, yes, ubuntu-gnome-desktop, and logout/login as you described23:38
oerheksor get a fresh iso https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/GetUbuntuGNOME23:38
C_minusoerheks: and jut to be clear: it won't overwrite anyof my files or23:42
C_minus apps, it'll just introduce the new desktop environment23:42
oerheksno, it can live on top of the other. i would make a dual boot, but that is me.23:42
oerheksadding is no problem, removing one desktop can be a hassle23:42
oerheksbut this will be fixed when ubuntu finished the transit to snap23:43
oerheks( i think)23:43
sirru5hoerheks, yes removing a desktop can be interesting but during login you always can change which desktop you go into23:43
C_minusoerheks: oh it's not as trivial as I thought at all...23:43
sirru5hC_minus, your first idea is what I do I just install the desktop which works for me23:44
sirru5hAlso if you decide to install a ubuntuGNOME like from an ISO you can use your /home directory in multiple OS's  you just have to mount it as /home during the install and do NOT format keep the existing data23:45
sirru5hme personally I would just sudo apt-get install the desktop myself23:46

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