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fuze | i installed a new nvidia graphics card and now the settings won't save for my duel monitor setup and every time i reboot one of the displays is disabled | 03:52 |
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lordievader | Good morning | 06:08 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 10:11 |
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daniel__ | If I use Super_L+Tab for the task switcher and _also_ for the launcher the task switcher I cannot actually switch windows with Super_L+Tab. Super_L+Tab brings up the task switcher but nothing happens on the second Tab-press. Is there a fix for this? | 11:28 |
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luc4 | Hello! Anyone who knows if there is any reason why after reboot an old sddm.conf is replaced? | 18:02 |
ikonia | replaced with what ? | 18:04 |
ikonia | it's likley it's a package upgrade that can't complete it's install until a reboot | 18:04 |
luc4 | ikonia: sddm is just showing a black screen cause it is trying to autologin with a user that does not exist. So I'm trying to change that user or remove the autologin portion. Whatever I do, it works until I reboot. After the reboot, the old sddm.conf is back. Any idea why? | 18:09 |
ikonia | so it keeps coming back after every reboot ? | 18:10 |
ikonia | is this your machine ? or a managed machine by someone else | 18:10 |
luc4 | ikonia: my machine | 18:10 |
luc4 | ikonia: I just tried to purge sddm, and the file was still there... very weird... | 18:11 |
ikonia | is it a systemd generated file ? | 18:11 |
ikonia | (I've never really looked at it in ubuntu) | 18:11 |
luc4 | that is what I was asking... is it maybe something generated? I read online that it is normal behavior to edit it... | 18:12 |
ikonia | change the permission on it to be read only, see if it still gets changed | 18:13 |
ikonia | (as a quick test) | 18:13 |
luc4 | I can try... ok, I reboot, thanks for your help :-) | 18:14 |
luc4 | ikonia: nothing worked, something is appending that section to the file. Probably cause this is a live system built with mkusb. | 18:24 |
luc4 | ikonia: I wonder what is doing this... | 18:24 |
ikonia | live system !!!! | 18:25 |
ikonia | livesystem is read only | 18:25 |
ikonia | it uncompresses into ram | 18:25 |
ikonia | so when you reboot it reparses the disk and loads a fresh version of the disc into ram | 18:25 |
ikonia | disk even | 18:25 |
luc4 | ikonia: this is persistent | 18:25 |
ikonia | right, but not all files are | 18:25 |
luc4 | ah damn... | 18:26 |
ikonia | normally only user space or specific installs are, | 18:26 |
luc4 | I should unpack the system then | 18:26 |
ikonia | luc4: is that file / file system being delivered from the squash FS component | 18:27 |
ikonia | if so - then it's not going to be part of the persistant install | 18:27 |
luc4 | ikonia: I'm not entirely sure... cause the file was very long, then I removed everything, now the file is just a couple of lines, just with the autologin section appended | 18:31 |
luc4 | ikonia: so it did change | 18:31 |
ikonia | I suspect it's part of the immutable system | 18:31 |
luc4 | ikonia: not only, but if I purge sddm, the file is not there after the reboot | 18:32 |
ikonia | I thought you said it was there ? | 18:32 |
luc4 | ikonia: if I purge sddm and remove the file manually, I get no file after reboot | 18:33 |
ikonia | right because the package is gone, and from memory (I could be wrong on this) persistance does hold a package manifest | 18:33 |
luc4 | ikonia: but isn't there a better way to build a system from usb? | 18:36 |
luc4 | ikonia: I tried every possible way and this is the only one that worked :-( | 18:37 |
ikonia | are you trying to make a live system - or just a standard install on USB ? | 18:37 |
luc4 | ikonia: I intend to work on this system | 18:37 |
ikonia | not the question I asked | 18:38 |
luc4 | ikonia: I need a regular system, just on USB instead of on internal HD | 18:38 |
ikonia | ok - so why not just install to USB a full system ? | 18:38 |
ikonia | why use any form of "live system" | 18:38 |
luc4 | ikonia: eh tried that, it just broke the bootloader on the macbook | 18:39 |
ikonia | shouldn't do | 18:39 |
luc4 | ikonia: and the usb didn't run | 18:39 |
ikonia | I suspect the install was not setup properly | 18:39 |
luc4 | ikonia: well, I could try again, but I don't think it is going to change | 18:39 |
ikonia | why do you not think it will change ? | 18:40 |
luc4 | ikonia: seems like it should be the proper way | 18:40 |
luc4 | ikonia: same actions -> same result | 18:40 |
ikonia | not if the action is the wrong action | 18:40 |
luc4 | ikonia: the system was on the USB, but it couldn't boot | 18:40 |
ikonia | understanding the mac boot process and the grub install location importance will be key | 18:40 |
luc4 | ikonia: I selected to install on the usb device | 18:41 |
luc4 | ikonia: also the bootloader | 18:41 |
luc4 | ikonia: I was careful to that | 18:41 |
ikonia | right, but where did you install grub ? | 18:41 |
luc4 | ikonia: on the usb | 18:41 |
ikonia | ok - so how did you expect the mac to boot it ? | 18:41 |
luc4 | ikonia: the mac has its own bootloader | 18:42 |
ikonia | yes, thats why I'm asking how did you expect the mac to boot it ? | 18:42 |
luc4 | the mac has its own bootloader, which lets you select the device to start | 18:42 |
luc4 | which is what I'm doing now | 18:42 |
luc4 | after that, grub starts | 18:43 |
luc4 | when I installed on the USB, nothing was starting at all | 18:43 |
ikonia | luc4: ok - so you're chainloading grub, great | 18:43 |
ikonia | so what's the problem then ? | 18:43 |
ikonia | "nothing was starting" ? | 18:43 |
luc4 | nothin | 18:43 |
ikonia | and you said "it broke the mac boot loader" | 18:43 |
luc4 | yes | 18:43 |
luc4 | nothing was starting in fact | 18:44 |
ikonia | so how could a USB install, self contained on a USB device touch the mac boot loader ? | 18:44 |
luc4 | ikonia: that is unknown | 18:44 |
luc4 | but that happened | 18:44 |
ikonia | right, which is why I'm saying understand the mac boot process and the grub setup | 18:44 |
luc4 | unless a bug in the installer installed grub in the wrong device | 18:44 |
ikonia | no | 18:44 |
ikonia | that goes where you tell it | 18:45 |
luc4 | then it was on the usb device | 18:45 |
luc4 | but the mac bootloader did not show the usb device anymore, so I couldn't reach grub | 18:45 |
luc4 | the only app that creates a proper device is mkusb | 18:46 |
luc4 | tried others but the mac does not detect it | 18:46 |
luc4 | I'll try again anyway, just to be sure... thanks for your time | 18:47 |
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