slipttees | Hi guys | 11:18 |
slipttees | in guest session "Error - No session for pid 894" Search about, cant find solution :-( | 11:20 |
demophobia | slipttees, error for what process? | 11:20 |
slipttees | apparmor | 11:21 |
slipttees | XF86Terminal | 11:22 |
slipttees | :/ | 11:22 |
slipttees | run.log | 11:22 |
Unit193 | LP 1273524 | 11:22 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1273524 in lxsession (Ubuntu) "LXDE guest session shows error message "no session for pid <pid for lxsession>"" [Medium,Triaged] | 11:22 |
slipttees | i try this... no work :-( | 11:23 |
slipttees | i fix remove --purge apparmor kkk. But no better solution. Install him again | 11:24 |
slipttees | Unit193: lubuntu Xenial 16.04.3 here | 11:27 |
slipttees | Hi guys.. other help. rsrs | 13:18 |
slipttees | I can disable "Change user" for guest session? | 13:19 |
slipttees | "switch User" | 13:22 |
slipttees | how to disable "Switching user" for guest session? | 16:02 |
Dan__ | Hi there. Can anyone tell me how to make a bootable USB to install lubuntu 17.04 32 bit? I'm running windows 10 64 bit for purposes of building the USB. | 20:50 |
wxl | i've heard rufus works in windows but can't verify that. i don't do windows. :) | 20:50 |
daffodil | I thought there used to be a program you can download that will do it, it was in the ubuntu FAQ last time I did something similar | 20:57 |
wxl | rufus is a program you can download. | 20:57 |
wxl | actually rufus appears to be the official recommendation | 20:58 |
Dan__ | i just used rufus and it's installing right now! thanks for the help! | 21:02 |
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