=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash | ||
random432 | Hi, what is the best way to enable an extension on gnome in CLI ? seems "gnome-shell-extension-tool -e" doesn't work | 08:41 |
=== vincenzo is now known as vincenzoml | ||
vincenzoml | Hi there, I am starting to use ubuntu 17.10; one big issue is that my videos have strange colours when played via totem | 09:16 |
vincenzoml | I have a video which is all yellow, and it is displayed as purple | 09:16 |
vincenzoml | the thumbnail in nautilus is yellow | 09:16 |
vincenzoml | mplayer and vlc play the video just fine, however in kdenlive I have the same issues and I don't have a replacement for it :) | 09:17 |
vincenzoml | the video I'm playing is mp4 - h264 | 09:18 |
vincenzoml | just tested with the example videos provided by ubuntu and the issue is not related to codecs or file formats | 09:23 |
brainwash | vincenzoml: sounds like a problem with the gstreamer backend | 09:33 |
brainwash | vincenzoml: I would test with "gst-play-1.0 /path/to/file" | 09:37 |
brunch | Computer hangs on shutdown until you change to tty7. Also, ttys appear to only have an underscore (no login) unless you've gone through tty7 before. Do we have a bug for this? | 10:11 |
brainwash | brunch: does this happen when doing a logout also? | 10:15 |
brunch | brainwash: you mean if I can log out to gdm without issues? | 10:16 |
brainwash | right | 10:16 |
brunch | oooor if I can shut down after loging out without having to go through tty7? | 10:16 |
brainwash | well, both I guess | 10:17 |
brainwash | it's just information gathering | 10:17 |
brainwash | to pinpoint the issue | 10:17 |
brainwash | other than that, you should check the system log for hints (via journalctl) | 10:18 |
brainwash | you may have to enable persistent logs first | 10:19 |
brainwash | by creating the directory /var/log/journal | 10:19 |
brunch | alright, I'll check in a moment | 10:22 |
ducasse | david_: that does not look like an ubuntu-packaged owncloud client, talk to the owncloud people | 10:31 |
brunch | alright so logout works fine | 10:39 |
brunch | but trying to power off after logging out, or fresh boot without logging in makes no difference from shutdown from desktop | 10:40 |
brunch | same thing with reboots | 10:40 |
brunch | need to ‘unlock’ ttys by going through tty7 first | 10:40 |
brunch | then it displays a message prompting the shutdown message to immediatly shut down afterwards | 10:41 |
brainwash | anything in the system log? | 10:42 |
brunch | where do I check again? | 10:42 |
brainwash | journalctl | 10:42 |
brunch | journalctl -b -1 Specifying boot ID or boot offset has no effect, no persistent journal was found. | 10:44 |
brunch | am I doing it wrong? | 10:44 |
brunch | ah I see, need to persist it first | 10:46 |
brainwash | exactly | 10:47 |
brunch | just a moment, I'll try this again | 10:50 |
brunch | hmmm I'll play with the times so that it's easier to walk through | 10:59 |
brunch | OK so the logs are pasted here: https://paste.ubuntu.com/25539906/ | 11:08 |
brunch | according to my phone's clock it goes like this: | 11:09 |
brunch | minute 0: boot computer | 11:09 |
brunch | minute 1: log in | 11:09 |
brunch | 1:30: shut down | 11:09 |
brunch | 2:00: change to tty7 to unfreeze and actually shut down | 11:10 |
brunch | extra info: using nvidia propietary drivers nvidia-384 from the ppa | 11:14 |
brunch | on a dual monitor setup, if it is any help | 11:15 |
brainwash | mmh | 11:18 |
brainwash | I would do a test run without the "splash" kernel boot paramter | 11:19 |
brainwash | maybe even remove the "quiet" one also | 11:19 |
brainwash | brunch: did it work fine before installing the nvidia driver? | 11:20 |
brunch | brainwash: I can't say for certain... I have the habit of immediatly installing it since mesa sometimes freezes the whole system | 11:25 |
brunch | I'll try without splash and quiet | 11:25 |
brunch | just a sec | 11:25 |
brunch | sorry for taking so long, had to answer a call | 11:36 |
brunch | brainwash: removing quiet and splash fixed the issue | 11:36 |
brunch | can also access ttys without going through tty7 | 11:36 |
brunch | also, tty7 seems to have more content now | 11:36 |
brainwash | not using splash means not using plymouth to display a boot/shutdown screen | 11:37 |
brainwash | still, you would have to test without the nvidia driver I think | 11:37 |
brunch | I suppose I'd have to reinstall for that | 11:38 |
brunch | or is it fine if I just go back to mesa from this point? | 11:38 |
brainwash | probably | 11:39 |
brainwash | I suggest that you initiate a bug report with "ubuntu-bug plymouth" | 11:39 |
brunch | I wouldn't be surprised if the card is to blame. <16.10 hangs the system with nouveau | 11:40 |
brainwash | this will gather logs files for the current state | 11:40 |
brainwash | which gpu is that? | 11:40 |
brunch | gtx960m. Have had issues with it since I got the laptop | 11:41 |
brainwash | ohh | 11:41 |
brainwash | so it's multi gpu also, or? intel + nvidia | 11:41 |
brunch | I'm surprised I can install ubuntu and log in with it without the propietary drivers now | 11:41 |
brunch | yes, it is intel + nvidia | 11:41 |
brunch | fedora and suse installers just freeze if I don't blacklist nouveau | 11:42 |
brunch | ubuntu seems to be using the intel chip on default | 11:42 |
brainwash | there's https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/board/98/ | 11:43 |
brunch | perhaps I should try with the stable propietary driver too | 11:44 |
brunch | think it's at 375 | 11:45 |
brainwash | you should do that | 11:45 |
brainwash | well, you got plenty to do now :) | 11:46 |
brunch | I'll get to it this evening, I guess :Þ | 11:46 |
brunch | thanks for walking me through, it's good to have a clear task | 11:46 |
brainwash | you're welcome | 11:47 |
enet | Hi all. Does anyone know how to enable move-to-subwords-behaviour in Ubuntu 17.10 (with Gnome 3)? I mean jump backwards/forwards words in camelCaseExpressions using Alt+Arrow keys. | 15:26 |
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
immu | https://imgur.com/a/KC8mP issue while searching for a software or file in ubuntu daily | 18:21 |
lotuspsychje | lets c | 18:21 |
ikonia | ok ? | 18:21 |
ikonia | "time out" | 18:21 |
ikonia | isn't that a key to the problem | 18:21 |
ikonia | you're using a development version and it couldn't get a response back in time from the server providing the meta data for the software packages. | 18:22 |
ikonia | what do you think the problem is ? | 18:22 |
immu | i don't know ,may be someone can figure it out | 18:24 |
ikonia | think about it..... | 18:24 |
gonyere_ | So, I've been running 17.10 for a while now, and suddenly two-finger scrolling has quit working... any thoughts? | 20:02 |
gonyere_ | update: nm - resetting tweak-tool to default settings and a restart seems to have fixed it, though I can't see anythings changed... | 20:20 |
=== gonyere_ is now known as gonyere | ||
immu | do snaps work in 17.10? | 20:52 |
pia3399user | Hello everyone, Private Internet Access VPN client doesn't work with the newest build of 17.10 | 21:44 |
pia3399user | It works with 17.04 just fine. But I can get PIA to install on 17.10, but after that when you click the icon, nothing happens | 21:44 |
pia3399user | the workaround is to use the built-in VPN for 17.10, but that takes some research to do properly. Since the PIA VPN client is designed for Debian distros, I thought this should be reported, but can't figure out where else to report it to. | 21:45 |
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