mate|26120 | hello | 05:36 |
mate|26120 | ubuntu web browser is not working. please help | 05:36 |
JohnnyTheSmith | which one | 07:55 |
fpb1 | dfg | 08:07 |
danboid | Has the advanced menu been removed in 17.10? I can't see it in MATE tweak any more? | 11:10 |
danboid | Maybe we have to install that one that Ikey wrote now? Wossitsnam... | 11:11 |
jeanluccombo | bonjour | 12:54 |
jeanluccombo | qui peut m'indiquer quel lecteur choisir pour lire des videos mp4 | 12:54 |
jeanluccombo | merci | 12:54 |
monah | hi room | 13:09 |
monah | I have a little problem | 13:09 |
monah | with my wifi | 13:09 |
monah | hi | 13:09 |
monah | hello | 13:12 |
monah | hello room | 13:16 |
monah | actually i have a problem | 13:17 |
monah | with my wifi | 13:17 |
monah | I tried to follow this howto: | 13:17 |
monah | but I am getting a mistake on compiling | 13:17 |
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=== sigurd is now known as Guest36735 | ||
=== Guest36735 is now known as sigurdson | ||
sigurdson | hi, i just installed ubuntu MATE! :D | 16:56 |
sigurdson | on the installation i chose install alongside windows7 but i think it was installed on another disk, how can i check this? Also GRUB loader was installed on my second harddrive and does not start at boot time, just windows 7 | 16:58 |
sigurdson | I joined the commmunity | 17:10 |
sigurdson | I need to shrink the linux partition as well if anyone know how to do this | 17:15 |
sigurdson | i tried resizing with gparted but i cannot as long as its the ext system i am trying to resize.. any suggestions or i will fire up parted magic | 18:38 |
mirko_ | Hello, can anyone tell me how to turn off my laptop screen after x minutes (no screensaver, black screen with backlight off) or point me to a resource, I tried googling but all I get is how to disable the locking mechanism (which I want to stay) | 19:34 |
teacher | hi | 19:34 |
mirko_ | hello @teacher, welcome | 19:34 |
diogenes_ | mirko_, try xset | 19:37 |
diogenes_ | for instance if you want your screen off after 30 seconds then you tun: xset dpms 30 | 19:38 |
diogenes_ | run* | 19:38 |
mirko_ | diogenes_, thank you very much, what is the best way to make it persist, I assume it is reset after restart | 19:43 |
diogenes_ | mirko_, you can make a script out of it and add it to the system startup | 19:44 |
mirko_ | diogenes_, Thanks | 19:47 |
diogenes_ | you're welcome | 19:48 |
mirko_ | diogenes_, I just noticed a problem using it, it does not work when using CTRL + ALT + L which locks the screen and shows a screensaver, how do I fix that? | 19:49 |
diogenes_ | what is the command you run in order to lock the screen? | 19:51 |
mirko_ | diogenes_, It was already predefined when I installed it, When I go to Settings > Keyboard Shortcuts > Lock screen (Ctrl + Alt + L) I cannot edit the command while on some other distros I could | 19:58 |
diogenes_ | mirko_, Ctrl+Alt+L is just a keyboard combination which runs a specific command | 19:59 |
diogenes_ | so what is the command? | 19:59 |
mirko_ | diogenes_, How do I find it out?, here is an image of the settings | 20:02 |
mirko_ | diogenes_, I could add a new command instead for Win+L since I cannot edit the Lock screen command | 20:03 |
diogenes_ | mirko_, you have to find the command and then make a shortcut with the command something like: sh -c "yourlockscreencommand & xset dpms 3" <==== this will lock your screen and will turn off your screen immediately | 20:06 |
diogenes_ | but after that you gonna need another shortcut like: xset dpms whatever longer time | 20:06 |
mirko_ | diogenes_, oh, you're right, if I set it to "mate-screensaver-command -l && sleep 2 && xset dpms 30", I would need to make it 1800 after I log in, Is there any login callback (calls some script after I login) | 20:11 |
diogenes_ | you have to do it manually, I have two shortcuts, 1 is when I turn off my screen (xset dpms 3) and the second is xset dpms 1800, so you have to activate them manually just adding simple desktop shortcuts, or even to your menu | 20:15 |
mirko__ | diogenes_, That could work for me if I don't find a callback, I found a method using dbus but it would need to run in the background, will experiment with it and let you know if I find something | 20:18 |
diogenes_ | ok good luck | 20:19 |
sigurdson | pretty satisfied so far :D | 20:21 |
mirko__ | diogenes_, I have managed to do it all automatically, do you know any code snippet service so I can send you the code? | 20:45 |
diogenes_ | mirko__, you can pastebin it | 20:46 |
mirko__ | diogenes_, ok, give me a few minutes to clean up the script | 20:47 |
diogenes_ | ok | 20:47 |
mirko__ | diogenes_, Here you go, I hope it works for you too, | 20:58 |
diogenes_ | good job, might be handy one day | 21:00 |
sigurdson | can someone please tell me the difference between the ubuntu mate and the regular ubuntu lts version? | 21:17 |
sigurdson | on wikipedia it just say that it uses the mate shell and thats it | 21:18 |
sigurdson | shell^GUI | 21:18 |
mirko__ | As I understand the only difference is that Ubuntu uses Unity as the default desktop environment (They will switch Gnome 3 in the future), Ubuntu Mate uses the Mate desktop environment which is forked from the old Gnome 2 desktop environment | 21:28 |
diogenes_ | and also that ubuntu is the product of canonical | 21:29 |
diogenes_ | whereas other branches are not | 21:29 |
sigurdson | oki, thanks | 21:33 |
sigurdson | been working with it now for a couple of hours.. Miss the toolbar that ubuntu had on the left side of the screen though | 21:34 |
diogenes_ | sigurdson, there are alternative things you can install like docky, plank, cairo-dock | 21:36 |
sigurdson | does ubuntu use apt-get docky for example | 21:36 |
diogenes_ | sudo apt install docky | 21:36 |
sixwheeledbeast | sigurdson: you can make MATE look like Unity if you wish | 21:37 |
sigurdson | i am trying docky. | 21:38 |
sixwheeledbeast | In fact Unity users are best to use MATE going forward with Ubuntu switching to Gnome3 | 21:38 |
mirko__ | sixwheeledbeast, why? | 21:39 |
diogenes_ | gnome3 is the laggiest alowest and resource hungry thing I've ever seen | 21:40 |
diogenes_ | <<slowest* | 21:40 |
sixwheeledbeast | Unity will no longer be maintained whereas MATE (Munity) will continue to be supported | 21:41 |
sigurdson | i am comming from windows now, not been using linux for a long time. Are there Nodejs package manager for linux<? | 21:41 |
sigurdson | docky looks good :) | 21:43 |
mirko__ | sixwheeledbeast, The only problem I have with Mate is its very old and not updated software and buggy window switching, for example mate-terminal which does not support rearanging the text when window resizes | 21:44 |
sigurdson | mirko__ actually just experienced that problem with the terminal | 21:44 |
sigurdson | GRUB loader looks buggy too, is that a known issue? | 21:45 |
mirko__ | sigurdson, well, I uninstalled mate-terminal and installed gnome-terminal which supports it | 21:45 |
sigurdson | with apt? | 21:45 |
mirko__ | sigurdson, yes sudo apt remove mate-terminal && sudo apt install gnome-terminal should work | 21:46 |
sixwheeledbeast | My mate-terminal does not have this issue. | 21:46 |
mirko__ | sixwheeledbeast, that is strange, what version of Ubuntu Mate do you have, I have 16.04 | 21:47 |
sixwheeledbeast | That's why | 21:47 |
sixwheeledbeast | 17.04 | 21:47 |
sixwheeledbeast | MATE feels a lot more polished with the complete switch to gtk3 | 21:48 |
mirko__ | excellent, great that they finally updated it | 21:48 |
sixwheeledbeast | what version terminal? | 21:49 |
sigurdson | now i am stuck with no terminal | 21:49 |
mirko__ | sigurdson, oh, what went wrong? you still have one, CTRL + ALT + F1, Use CTRL + ALT + F7 to return to GUI | 21:50 |
mirko__ | sigurdson, *6 terminals | 21:50 |
sigurdson | i will try installing it through the Ubuntu Software Center | 21:50 |
mirko__ | sigurdson, try it and let me know if I can help | 21:52 |
sigurdson | so, this works.. but i would like to run a terminal within the GUI. Also, the login fails | 21:53 |
sigurdson | and i cannot run whoami | 21:53 |
mirko__ | sixwheeledbeast, I now have gnome-terminal 3.18.3, what version do you get in 17.04? | 21:53 |
sigurdson | I had another username. It is working now :) Ty | 21:54 |
mirko__ | sigurdson, did you manage fix the GUI terminal? | 21:54 |
sigurdson | mirko__ nope | 21:54 |
sigurdson | i cannot find it | 21:55 |
sigurdson | but i have terminals f1-f6 | 21:55 |
mirko__ | sigurdson, try sudo apt install gnome-terminal in the F1-F6 terminals | 21:55 |
sixwheeledbeast | You may prefer to install a terminal instead of logining into ttys. | 21:56 |
sixwheeledbeast | mate-terminal 1.18 | 21:56 |
sigurdson | It say no user "apt" in the password file now when i try su apt install | 21:56 |
mirko__ | sixwheeledbeast, he used my command to remove the old mate-terminal and to install gnome-terminal but the install somehow failed | 21:57 |
sigurdson | oh i have had this problem soooo many times | 21:57 |
mirko__ | sigurdson, did you login into the terminal? | 21:58 |
sigurdson | mirko__ sorry, i used su instead of sudo. But when i try apt install gnome-termial it say its installed but i cannot find it under any category how do i search for it? | 21:59 |
mirko__ | sixwheeledbeast, The lates mate-terminal in 16.04 is mate-terminal/xenial,now 1.12.1-1 amd64 | 21:59 |
mirko__ | sigurdson, logout and then login in your GUI account again, I have that problem also, I see newly installed apps only after relogin | 22:01 |
sigurdson | allrighty brb | 22:01 |
sixwheeledbeast | dpkg -l | grep terminal It could be hidden in the application menu as mate-terminal is default | 22:01 |
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=== Guest67682 is now known as sigurdson | ||
sigurdson | Hmmm its gone | 22:03 |
mirko__ | sigurdson, I'm out of ideas, you can restore the old terminal by using "sudo apt install mate-terminal" | 22:05 |
mirko__ | sigurdson, Try also what sixwheeledbeast suggested, "dpkg -l | grep terminal" to see if it is installed | 22:07 |
sigurdson | Ok, the MATE terminal shows up | 22:07 |
sigurdson | i will try the procedure you said earlier again.. just to check | 22:07 |
sigurdson | the problem is it doesnt stick to any menu.. | 22:08 |
sixwheeledbeast | I am lost as to what the issue is now? Do you have mate and gnome terminals showing in dpkg? | 22:09 |
mirko__ | try running "gnome-terminal" command while inside mate-terminal to see if it works | 22:10 |
sigurdson | now i just have the mate terminal | 22:10 |
sigurdson | brb, out for a cigarette :) | 22:10 |
mirko__ | sigurdson, ok, I will be going away in a few minutes since it is late (atleast in my timezone) | 22:11 |
sigurdson | its late here to over noon.. so i will go to bed and be on tomorrow. | 22:13 |
sigurdson | g'nite | 22:13 |
sixwheeledbeast | Same here (late). I can only assume that the command was incorrect so it failed to install or remove the packages you asked. | 22:14 |
mirko__ | yes, probably, good night | 22:14 |
dynyusys | I have dual boot system ubuntu mate and MX-16.1 I want to have Ubunut recognize root file and detect the files on MX-16.1 | 23:13 |
dynyusys | however it states that root file i dont have access to? | 23:13 |
dynyusys | any one know how to fix this? | 23:13 |
dynyusys | as im new to linux | 23:13 |
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