
tgBot10Ajeett143 was added by: Ajeett14300:06
tgBot10<aki237> @Stereofont, No but almost the same board. Qcom SD 801 same display size ppi and resolution... Etc..00:17
tgBot10<aki237> May be camera module, power mechanisms and USB standards differ. (FP too)00:17
ubports_botProject daily-hammerhead build #322: SUCCESS in 11 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-hammerhead/322/00:25
ubports_botProject ota-push build #1017: SUCCESS in 1 min 41 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/1017/00:27
tgBot10<Jaume81> In your opinion, Ubuntu Touch is more or less secure than iOS and macOS, Android, Windows 10 or Ubuntu Desktop?01:13
tgBot10<Ern_st> http://www.nbu.gov.sk/skcsirt-sa-20170909-pypi/01:55
tgBot10<kz6fittycent> @Ern_st, whoa...02:02
tgBot10<Ern_st> When i try to run the command to get the infected python package on the phne I get : bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(' … any idea why ?02:06
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
tgBot10muneshmeena was added by: muneshmeena04:00
tgBot10<Ern_st> @muneshmeena  Welcome04:16
ubports_botProject vivid-rootfs-armhf build #128: SUCCESS in 1.5 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/vivid-rootfs-armhf/128/04:27
ubports_botProject ota-push build #1018: SUCCESS in 0.45 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/1018/04:27
tgBot10Horst37 was added by: Horst3704:28
tgBot10FakeHacker was added by: FakeHacker04:49
tgBot10<FakeHacker> hey04:49
tgBot10<Ern_st> Hello04:58
tgBot10Monali Battise was added by: Monali Battise05:14
tgBot10<Monali Battise> Hi05:14
tgBot10<thepeter> @Ern_st, what the ...05:21
tgBot10Kaustubh was added by: Kaustubh05:33
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
tgBot10<YougoChats> (Photo, 1920x1080) https://irc.ubports.com/FLA0yklh/file_548.jpg07:33
tgBot10<YougoChats> look at me being productive on a fp2 in desktop mode. handling email in a gorgeous Dekko 2, and preparing a presentation remotely on a mac, through RealVNC running in Libertine!07:34
tgBot10<neothethird> @YougoChats, Beautiful!07:35
tgBot10<YougoChats> aside from the mouse being a bit skiddish, and some processing time here and there, i experience no cumbersome lag.07:38
tgBot10<rogieroudshoorn> aethercast?07:40
tgBot10Joseph8281 was added by: Joseph828107:46
tgBot10<vanyasem> @Joseph8281, welcome Joseph07:54
tgBot10<deedend> @YougoChats, Oh that's good!!07:54
tgBot10<vanyasem> @YougoChats, can you recommend any good cheap Bluetooth keyboard/mouse that work with this?07:57
tgBot10<DanChapman> @YougoChats, 😁👍07:58
tgBot10<vanyasem> @YougoChats, how do you use that? is there a way to connect mouse, keyboard and headphones through Bluetooth at the same time? or how does it work?07:58
tgBot10<DanChapman> logitech k480 is pretty nice and works well. Plus the multiple device switch is cool07:59
tgBot10<DanChapman> I use a microsoft wedge mouse as well.07:59
tgBot10<vanyasem> @DanChapman, can you connect them to the phone at the same time?08:00
tgBot10<DanChapman> yes08:00
tgBot10<vanyasem> ty, I'll make an order in a few mins08:01
tgBot10<vanyasem> too bad we don't have Amazon08:01
tgBot10<bastos777> @YougoChats, Wow! Great. How did you connect your phone to the screen? We do not have HDMI output at our FP2...08:08
tgBot10<DanChapman> @vanyasem, you may not need a mouse though as the phone screen acts as a touchpad when in desktop mode08:10
ubports_botProject daily-fp2 build #340: SUCCESS in 13 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-fp2/340/08:23
ubports_botProject ota-push build #1019: SUCCESS in 1 min 6 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/1019/08:24
tgBot10<Stereofont> @aki237, Same chipset, same GPU, same CPU. It will be interesting to see if that gives you a better starting point for trial and error08:47
tgBot10<Stereofont> @bastos777, DisplayPort drivers would be a nice addition. USB monitor…08:53
tgBot10<vanyasem> @DanChapman, anyways, I ordered a nice golden one08:55
tgBot10<vanyasem> looks stylish08:55
tgBot10<vanyasem> ownly $808:55
tgBot10<DanChapman> 👍08:55
tgBot10<aki237> @Stereofont, I think the cellular modules differ..09:03
tgBot10<YougoChats> @rogieroudshoorn, yup09:08
tgBot10<rogieroudshoorn> Is that responsive enough for you to be actually usable?09:09
tgBot10<rogieroudshoorn> Looks good enough 👍09:09
tgBot10<YougoChats> @vanyasem, my mouse is a Rapoo and my keyboard is a SilverCrest SBT 3.0 A109:10
tgBot10<vanyasem> I already ordered some crap from aliexpress09:10
tgBot10<YougoChats> @vanyasem, both together work fine for me09:10
tgBot10<YougoChats> @DanChapman, ive seen those. they are awkward to hold i imagine. the Rapoo has a norma mouse shape09:11
tgBot10<YougoChats> @rogieroudshoorn, like i said, the mouse is a bit skiddisch and lags when the phone is busy, but otherwise it doesnt feel like i cant work09:13
tgBot10<YougoChats> the silvercrest keyboard has some odd layout things (shift+key positions mixed up) but just ignore and use US layout09:15
tgBot10<JeffiG> (Video, 15s)https://irc.ubports.com/xtkbgzd4/file_549.mp409:22
tgBot10<vanyasem> is that an iphone09:22
tgBot10<JeffiG> Yes 7+09:24
tgBot10<JeffiG> @vanyasem, Yes09:24
tgBot10<vanyasem> ugh09:24
tgBot10<JeffiG> @vanyasem, I have Nexus 5 with ubuntu and Meizu pro 5 also09:25
tgBot10<vanyasem> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/OCq0rp2A/file_551.jpg09:28
tgBot10<JeffiG> @vanyasem, I have a question: i want to flash UB on Meizu Pro 5 , but there is a bootloader lock, how can I unlock it?09:28
tgBot10<JeffiG> @vanyasem, Still to work :)09:29
tgBot10<vanyasem> https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Meizu+Pro+5+bootloader+unlock09:29
tgBot10<JeffiG> I read this but it doesn’t work09:29
tgBot10<Stereofont> @JeffiG, Use SPflashtool to flash Canonical version first09:29
tgBot10<vanyasem> @JeffiG, it means you're doing it worng :) no offence09:30
tgBot10<JeffiG> @Stereofont, Oh thnx a lot, i  will try09:30
tgBot10<Stereofont> @JeffiG, You don't need the canonical but it just unlocks Android09:30
tgBot10<JeffiG> @vanyasem, This is possible09:32
tgBot10<vanyasem> @Ern_st, `pip list --format=legacy | egrep '^(acqusition|apidev-coop|bzip|crypt|django-server|pwd|setup-tools|telnet|urlib3|urllib)'`09:42
tgBot10<vanyasem> replaced `‘` with `'` and replaced — with '--'09:43
tgBot10<vanyasem> it was improperly formatted09:43
tgBot10<Stratoulis> hello  guys when comes OTA 3 ?09:44
tgBot10<vanyasem> I believe even OTA 2 is not out in stable yet09:44
tgBot10<vanyasem> OTAs should come every ~5 weeks, but that's not a strict schedule09:45
tgBot10<JeffiG> @Stratoulis, you can try dev channel09:45
tgBot10<vanyasem> just an approximation09:45
tgBot10<JeffiG> I have every day updateds and many changes09:45
tgBot10<vanyasem> btw is there a way to easily switch between channels?09:46
tgBot10<Stratoulis> i have not updates09:46
tgBot10<neothethird> @JeffiG, since ota 2 is not out yet, the devel channel only contains the changes for ota 2, not three09:46
tgBot10<JeffiG> @vanyasem, yes09:47
tgBot10<neothethird> @vanyasem, yes. that's a new feature in ota 2. Go to settings, updates, update settings. There you can switch your channel09:47
tgBot10<vanyasem> I am on OTA-1 currently09:47
tgBot10<neothethird> that's not available in the stable channel, obviously09:47
tgBot10<vanyasem> and I really want my flashlight to use in a toilet09:47
tgBot10<vanyasem> so how do I update?09:47
tgBot10<neothethird> so run `system-image-cli --switch ubports-touch/15.04/rc`09:47
tgBot10<vanyasem> on a phone or a desktop?09:48
tgBot10<neothethird> add `-v` if you want verbose output09:48
tgBot10<neothethird> on the phone09:48
tgBot10<neothethird> ah, you need sudo09:48
tgBot10<neothethird> the password is your lock code09:48
tgBot10<JeffiG> (Video, 46s)https://irc.ubports.com/ttUkd7yz/file_552.mp409:48
tgBot10<vanyasem> @neothethird, i don't have one09:48
tgBot10<vanyasem> what's the pass then?09:48
tgBot10<JeffiG> (Video, 46s)https://irc.ubports.com/rMknTIuu/file_552.mp409:48
tgBot10<neothethird> umm09:48
tgBot10<vanyasem> @JeffiG, im on ota 1, it's not an option for me as of now09:49
tgBot10<neothethird> @JeffiG, yep, that's the new feature, but it's only available on devel and rc, since ota 2 is not released yet09:49
tgBot10<vanyasem> @vanyasem, oh, there is no password09:49
tgBot10<JeffiG> @neothethird, I know, but I’m on devel09:50
tgBot10<neothethird> @vanyasem, right09:50
tgBot10<vanyasem> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/X0Z90erF/file_554.jpg09:51
tgBot10<vanyasem> @neothethird, .09:52
tgBot10<neothethird> @vanyasem, uhh09:52
tgBot10<neothethird> do you have a pc nearby?09:52
tgBot10<vanyasem> sure, I have both my desktop and a laptop09:53
tgBot10<vanyasem> I'm in my server room sitting in trousers eating chips09:53
tgBot10<vanyasem> as usual on saturdays09:53
tgBot10<neothethird> try running `sudo apt-get install ubuntu-device-flash phablet-tools` and `sudo ubuntu-device-flash --server=http://system-image.ubports.com touch --device=hammerhead \ … --channel=15.04/stable --bootstrap09:54
tgBot10<neothethird> `sudo apt-get install ubuntu-device-flash phablet-tools` and `sudo ubuntu-device-flash --server=http://system-image.ubports.com touch --device=[codename of your device] \ … --channel=15.04/rc`09:55
tgBot10<vanyasem> ty for removing bullhead now i need to do some extra work inserting it09:56
tgBot10<neothethird> or use the ubports installer: github.com/ubports/ubports-installer if you're not on ubuntu. it says it's resetting the device, but it's not :D09:56
tgBot10<neothethird> @vanyasem, haha, it's hammerhead, actually09:56
tgBot10<neothethird> if you want nexus 509:56
tgBot10<vanyasem> I have 3 nexuses, so im often confused09:57
tgBot10<vanyasem> adb can't see the device09:57
tgBot10Mushelpi was added by: Mushelpi09:58
tgBot10<vanyasem> do I need to boot into recovery or enable something in settings?09:58
tgBot10<vanyasem> @Mushelpi, welcom09:58
tgBot10<neothethird> enable developer mode and authorize your pc when the phone promts you09:58
tgBot10<neothethird> or boot to recovery, yes, that should also work09:58
tgBot10<Mushelpi> @vanyasem, Thankyou09:58
tgBot10<vanyasem> @neothethird, dam it forced me to set a passcode09:59
tgBot10<vanyasem> it works the same way as on android lol09:59
tgBot10<neothethird> haha, yeah, we should probably make that optional10:00
tgBot10<vanyasem> shame on me as an android dev10:00
tgBot10<neothethird> #patcheswelcome10:00
tgBot10<vanyasem> @vanyasem, couldn't figure it out 😂10:00
tgBot10<vanyasem> @neothethird, if only n5 had a fingerprint scanner10:00
tgBot10<vanyasem> i really hate how passcode works on ut10:00
tgBot10<neothethird> @vanyasem, you can't use that as a root password, though10:01
tgBot10<neothethird> @vanyasem, yeah... not the best system10:01
tgBot10<vanyasem> @neothethird, you can set a strong root password10:01
tgBot10<vanyasem> and you won't have to enter it each time you unlock the device10:01
tgBot10<vanyasem> as you have the scanner10:01
tgBot10<neothethird> yeah, would be better10:02
tgBot10<vanyasem> my device seems to be frozen10:02
tgBot10<neothethird> but i think the only device we currently support with a fingerprint reader is the pro 5, and good luck getting you hands on one of these :D10:02
tgBot10<neothethird> @vanyasem, after doing what?10:02
tgBot10<vanyasem> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/TisRVk0C/file_556.jpg10:03
tgBot10<neothethird> that's normal10:03
tgBot10<vanyasem> oh right, im immature and impatient10:03
tgBot10<vanyasem> sry10:03
tgBot10<neothethird> with ota 2 (or devel and rc) a new flashing animation is installed, but while that is being installed, the old one is shown, and that was broken on the nexus 5, so you don't see anything10:03
tgBot10<vanyasem> oh i remember that from the community update10:04
tgBot10<neothethird> the next time you flash, you'll see yumi the robot10:04
tgBot10<vanyasem> it worked, thanks10:04
tgBot10<neothethird> 👍10:04
tgBot10<vanyasem> why does it say "ubuntu store (unsupported)"?10:06
tgBot10<neothethird> because that's what it is10:07
tgBot10<neothethird> so users don't loose their minds when it's removed in one of the next updates10:07
tgBot10<neothethird> canonical is discontinuing it by the end of the year10:08
tgBot10<Kieran> @JeffiG, @JeffiG This is how I did it: https://plus.google.com/+MartinWimpress/posts/BsE1eTfxTtK10:08
tgBot10<vanyasem> @neothethird, i know that, i wanted to hear this10:08
tgBot10<vanyasem> are app crashes reported to canonical?10:08
tgBot10<vanyasem> or to the ubports team?10:09
tgBot10<vanyasem> it's unclear10:09
tgBot10<vanyasem> in other words, should i disable it?10:09
tgBot10<neothethird> yes, to canonicals whoopsie server. Currently we don't have access to it, but we might get it in the future, so we didn't remove the feature yet10:10
tgBot10<neothethird> that's up to you10:10
tgBot10<neothethird> at the moment, nobody's looking at the reports10:10
tgBot10<vanyasem> *disabled*10:10
tgBot10<vanyasem> i will enable it again if necessary in the future10:11
tgBot10<neothethird> yep10:13
tgBot10<vanyasem> @Flohack any news about telegram update?10:16
tgBot10<vanyasem> nexus 5 is sooo slow 😒10:20
tgBot10<JeffiG> @Kieran, I tired, I try everything but still not work. :(10:23
tgBot10<vanyasem> is there an error?10:28
tgBot10<vanyasem> if so, send it here10:28
tgBot10<Stereofont> @JeffiG, https://github.com/MariusQuabeck/magic-device-tool/issues/10410:35
tgBot10<JeffiG> It doesn’t work, when I try my meizu hang on fastboot mode10:36
tgBot10<JeffiG> @Stereofont, It doesn’t work, when I try my meizu hang on fastboot mode10:37
tgBot10<Stereofont> @JeffiG, SPflashtool works with the phone OFF10:49
tgBot10<JeffiG> Ok I will try, thnx a lot10:50
tgBot10<JeffiG> @Stereofont, Ok I will try, thnx a lot10:50
tgBot10uzugu was added by: uzugu10:56
tgBot10<uzugu> hello, i have a cuestion installing ubuntu in oneplus one10:57
tgBot10<uzugu> if i install ubuntu with ubuntu touch installer  CPT10:57
tgBot10<neothethird> welcome :)10:58
tgBot10<uzugu> i will lose multiboot with all my androids?10:58
tgBot10<neothethird> yes10:58
tgBot10<uzugu> thanks10:58
tgBot10<neothethird> it will clear all the storage10:58
tgBot10<andreasimonetti> Because it is going to close..10:59
tgBot10<uzugu> how can i install ubuntu without losing android?10:59
tgBot10<andreasimonetti> No way10:59
tgBot10<neothethird> we don't officially support multirom and the likes, because there's too many edge cases we can't cover. We did in the past, but it was *a lot* of work11:01
tgBot10<uzugu> ok, thank you a lot, i'll back up everything before11:02
tgBot10<neothethird> yeah, that's always a good idea11:02
tgBot10physicist164 was added by: physicist16411:07
tgBot10<vanyasem> @physicist164, welcome jot11:07
tgBot10<physicist164> Hello11:07
tgBot10<physicist164> Any support for oneplus 3?11:08
tgBot10<vanyasem> no.11:09
tgBot10<vanyasem> see https://devices.ubports.com11:09
tgBot10<vanyasem> (Photo, 1280x628) https://irc.ubports.com/0b3EaISr/file_558.jpg11:10
tgBot10<vanyasem> @vanyasem, `You cannot install Ubuntu Touch on these devices yet`11:10
tgBot10<Eranuzan> Anyone knows how to compile the openstore app to armhf? i`m using the ubuntu-sdk and it complained that it doesn't the click.h so i nstalled libclick-0.4-dev but now it complains it doesn't find glib-2.0 and installing it only result in :  "libgio-2.0.so: file not recognized: File format not recognized"11:31
tgBot10<neothethird> i'd recommend using clickable11:32
tgBot10<neothethird> https://wiki.ubports.com/wiki/Set-up-an-app-development-environment11:32
=== Piece_Maker is now known as Acou_Bass
tgBot10whig4life was added by: whig4life11:40
tgBot10<neothethird> welcome :)11:43
tgBot10<Eranuzan> used it same issue11:43
tgBot10<neothethird> on what operating system is that? eg what distro?11:44
tgBot10<neothethird> if it's anything but ubuntu 16.04, try in an lxc container: https://wiki.ubports.com/wiki/Set-up-a-Clickable-working-environment-inside-an-LXC-container11:45
tgBot10<Eranuzan> ubuntu x86_64 17.1011:54
tgBot10<Eranuzan> ok i`ll try11:56
tgBot10<neothethird> yeah... 17.04 might have problems. Try the container11:57
tgBot10<Eranuzan> thanks :)12:04
tgBot10<Flohack> @vanyasem, Ha slow? Try it on BQ, its even slower 😆 ... What slowliness bothers you most?12:39
tgBot10<vanyasem> not comapred to other core devices, but compared to somewhat modern hardware12:39
tgBot10<Flohack> yeah I know12:39
tgBot10<Flohack> wait I got a funny video12:39
tgBot10<Flohack> Watch this with sound please: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lydzb4BM31Y12:40
tgBot10<vanyasem> I regret watching that12:41
tgBot10<vanyasem> Fwd from vanyasem: @Flohack any news about telegram update?12:42
tgBot10<vanyasem> ?12:42
tgBot10<physicist164> @vanyasem, Why?12:42
tgBot10<Flohack> @Jaume81, Hi sorry for the delay. Snaps bring all their libraries inside a convenient zip package. Thats cool, but it also means that in any event where critical security patches need to be applied, all app developers need to update their snaps. We as UBports have then less control and if an app dev is lazy you might not get patches ever. Just to consider12:42
tgBot10<vanyasem> @physicist164, because it's not out yet12:42
tgBot10<vanyasem> there is NO UBports for 1+3 yet12:43
tgBot10<vanyasem> and there may never be12:43
tgBot10<physicist164> @vanyasem, That's sad12:43
tgBot10<Flohack> @physicist164, Yes but we are a tiny group of developers. Imagine how many phone models there are on the planet. We got lots of exotic requests already ;)12:43
tgBot10<vanyasem> every day we get around ~3 port requests12:44
tgBot10<vanyasem> i believe12:44
tgBot10<Flohack> at least12:44
tgBot10<physicist164> @Flohack, Atleast port for developer friendly devices12:44
tgBot10<vanyasem> Nexus 5x/6p is not there yet as well12:45
tgBot10<Flohack> @physicist164, We try. But I doubt Oneplus is really developer-friendly12:45
tgBot10<vanyasem> if you can help — please do12:45
tgBot10<vanyasem> but complaining won't get us anywhere12:45
tgBot10<vanyasem> I want to run UBports on my 5x really bad, but I still can't do so. I'm forced to use outdated Nexus 512:46
tgBot10<vanyasem> I'm a developer, I have close to no knowledge about low-level stuff12:48
tgBot10<vanyasem> So I can't really help with porting12:48
tgBot10<vanyasem> I wish I could, but there is close to no documentation on what to do12:49
tgBot10<vanyasem> It will get better with the Halium release12:49
tgBot10<vanyasem> but 16.04 with Halium is not there yet as well12:49
ubports_botProject daily-mako build #115: SUCCESS in 12 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-mako/115/12:55
tgBot10<Flohack> @vanyasem, We will wrap-up the open issues for 16.04 with Halium after OTA-2 is in stable12:55
tgBot10<vanyasem> I want to help as much as I can12:55
ubports_botProject ota-push build #1020: SUCCESS in 48 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/1020/12:55
tgBot10<Flohack> Basically its a libhybris-Mir issue to be solved with some patches, but this as you say needs to be done by people knowing low-level stuff 😆12:56
tgBot10<vanyasem> @Flohack, I'm aware of that, waiting for it to happen12:56
tgBot10<JBBgameich> Maybe you can just review the packaging and the patch here, which is supposed to fix the Mir-libhybris issue. That would allready help I guess. (This is my repository, nothing official) https://github.com/debian-pm/libhybris-packaging/tree/ubports/debian13:04
tgBot10<vanyasem> it's a thousand lines long patch, dam13:05
tgBot10<JBBgameich> yes, it's 17 commits in git13:06
tgBot10<Flohack> @vanyasem, Well Canonical was following their path of the Mir mission with great dedication yes 😆13:08
tgBot10<JBBgameich> But testing a build would probably be the simplelest way to make clear if it works or not. What does UBports use to create the rootfs btw?13:08
tgBot10<Flohack> It needs time and money to establish a new standard13:08
tgBot10<vanyasem> What will happen to mir?13:08
tgBot10<vanyasem> will we continue to patch it or will we swich to something like wayland?13:09
tgBot10<Flohack> @wayneoutthere waylaaand?13:09
tgBot10<JBBgameich> I think that wayland path has already been tested but needs much work, where using the mir patch is probably currenly easier.13:09
tgBot10<vanyasem> sure, i mean in perspective13:10
tgBot10<Flohack> Honetly we dont know. Mir probably needs to stay for some time, but maybe only as thin layer on top of wayland. Yes another layer, but unity8 needs it ;)13:10
tgBot10<Milan Korecky> @Flohack, 👍now we know Flo is audiocast fun13:40
tgBot10<uzugu> i installed ubuntu in my oneplus one, but now it keeps rebooting in the bootloader13:43
tgBot10<uzugu> anyone knows how can i solve this?13:44
tgBot10<uzugu> I used the ubuntu touch installer13:44
tgBot10scorpionkish was added by: scorpionkish13:45
tgBot10<thepeter> @scorpionkish, welcome13:46
tgBot10<scorpionkish> Thanks for welcome Greetings13:47
tgBot10<scorpionkish> Hi *, I'm using Nexus 5 device, download cpt_0.5.0_all.deb... how to install it? Any idea?13:50
tgBot10<vanyasem> @scorpionkish, dpkg13:50
tgBot10<vanyasem> or whatever GUI app you have for it13:51
tgBot10<vanyasem> Eddy is my favorite13:51
tgBot10<vanyasem> (Photo, 1280x1097) https://irc.ubports.com/tKlcXZLw/file_560.jpg13:53
tgBot10<vanyasem> uhhh sexy13:53
tgBot10<Milan Korecky> @vanyasem, You are funny 😁13:54
tgBot10FallRez was added by: FallRez14:03
tgBot10<vanyasem> @FallRez, welcome14:05
tgBot10<vanyasem> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/PzSqX8Kc/file_562.mp414:05
tgBot10<FallRez> Thank you14:09
tgBot10<delijati> can i run aethercast on ubuntu 17.04 ? my wifi card seams to be supported14:11
tgBot10<delijati> i run into that problem https://bugs.launchpad.net/aethercast/+bug/171769114:14
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1717691 in aethercast "Mir not installed" [Undecided,New]14:14
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> Oh, hi ubot14:18
tgBot10<Flohack> @UniversalSuperBox, Whats this biot14:35
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> @Flohack, Came from #ubuntu-touch14:37
tgBot10<vanyasem> (Sticker, 390x512) https://irc.ubports.com/a4f1UN53/file_527.webp15:11
tgBot10<vanyasem> I'll send a few dollars to patreon now15:12
tgBot10<vanyasem> As a token of appreciation15:12
tgBot10<vanyasem> where does the money go though?15:13
tgBot10<vanyasem> to pay for servers and one full-time dev?15:13
tgBot10<vanyasem> you owe me a high-five ;)15:15
tgBot10<DanChapman> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/AcY0bVFL/file_563.mp415:18
tgBot10<vanyasem> ☺️15:18
tgBot10<rchar66> Does anybody have any reccomendations on what format I should use on a microSD card to put in my Ubuntu M10 tablet? FAT32? ext4? something else?15:37
tgBot10<mariogrip> @rchar66, Ext4 is what I use15:40
tgBot10<Walid> @mariogrip, SDcard not mount in MTP mode, only internal storage,  and system detect it after many munites15:44
tgBot10nibaji was added by: nibaji15:44
tgBot10dosbiner was added by: dosbiner15:45
tgBot10<rchar66> @Walid, Are you saying it won't let me mount it in MTP mode if I use ext4? But will mount in MTP mode if it is FAT32, correct?15:46
tgBot10<Andre Büsgen> My opo got very unstable after flashing ubports. With apps randomly crashing. Does anyone have similar issues or could reflashing help?15:52
tgBot10<rchar66> My BQ M10 works really well after flashing. NO crashing here.15:53
tgBot10<neothethird> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/QoiinNj3/file_564.mp417:09
tgBot10<Jaume81> @neothethird, I have one. Do you think is good or bad?17:13
tgBot10<neothethird> @Jaume81, that's good, it's not a bad device, but it's really hard to find. So consider yourself lucky ;)17:14
tgBot10<SoulFreezer> Anybody with kindle fire??17:16
tgBot10<Stereofont> @SoulFreezer, Ivan Semkin: … see https://devices.ubports.com17:19
tgBot10<David_Gamiz_Jimenez> More updated page: https://ubports.com/page/get-ubuntu-touch17:21
tgBot10<neothethird> Remember: The UBports community Q&A is starting in 25 minutes! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLcLPinXRoo17:35
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> The Youtube live dashboard is down17:37
tgBot10<Jaume81> @neothethird, Very lucky, it's the Ubuntu device but Canonical's Software.  … Are theres some place to prove the serial?17:37
tgBot10<neothethird> @UniversalSuperBox, that's not good17:38
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> I can't start the call...17:38
tgBot10<Jaume81> I'm very surprise with the device, in good. The software could be better.17:38
tgBot10<neothethird> @Jaume81, sorry, i don't understand the question17:39
tgBot10<neothethird> @UniversalSuperBox, let's start preparation in a jitsi call17:39
tgBot10<Jaume81> The person who sold me says that is the original Ubuntu phone but I would like verify the serial number. Because he could have lied me and the device could be an Android originally.17:41
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> It's the same hardware.17:46
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> @DanChapman, wash your mouth out with soap. no swearing in this group!17:48
tgBot10<j2g2rp> @Flohack, Bq had problems more than year ago. They had a beta for a new android version  lollipop. They had some problems with drivers that should be solved by mediatek, and mediatek rejected to do anything. Finally Bq couldn't release the upgrade for their devices because of that.17:49
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> @Flohack, hahahaha17:52
tgBot10<DanChapman> @wayneoutthere, lol well they do make nice hardware! i also use the microsoft sculpt keyboard. 😃17:54
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> Reason #12819 to not use Google products: All live events on Youtube are not working17:54
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> @UniversalSuperBox, really?17:54
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> they had an outage last week, too.17:54
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> that Lun-dude guy was right about forcing a breakup! ;)17:55
tgBot10<aki237> Guys android_device_qcom_sepolicy, is this repo needed for Qualcomm Boards?17:56
tgBot10<aki237> My device repo uses it.17:56
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> The G suite status dashboard is also down17:58
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> 10/1017:58
tgBot10<vanyasem> that's good i can have dinner17:59
tgBot10<Flohack> Now its up but it say hangouts is green18:00
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> @DanChapman, i'm trying to find the right analogy here.... I hear what you are saying, yet ethics have been compromised... Let me try. ... Hmmm... *clears throat*   … my neighbour makes a great drug out of household chemicals... but I don't use it! … .. how was that?18:00
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> Bazooka Inc makes a great bazooka but I don't buy it....18:01
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> alright.  the analogies lack in perfection but make up in raw extremism18:01
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> It's back! We're ramping up now.18:01
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> what??? pin it if there's something to know18:02
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> i have a rare block of time here.  am I missing Flo's low growl?18:02
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> Or The Inner Durst?18:02
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> We're getting ready18:02
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> marketing FAIL! how don't i know18:02
tgBot10<thepeter> @UniversalSuperBox, 👍18:04
tgBot10<Flohack> be patient, still getting ready18:06
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> This is great news! Thanks guys i have time to get my 8th coffee! brb18:07
tgBot10<thepeter> Mario! :)18:09
tgBot10<Cesar_Herrera> I thought only spanish people were late.18:09
tgBot10<Flohack> lol google chocked on hangouts, we couldnt get in18:10
tgBot10<Flohack> :)18:10
tgBot10<neothethird> We're live! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLcLPinXRoo18:10
tgBot10<DanChapman> @wayneoutthere, really not sure what you are trying to get at...18:11
tgBot10<thepeter> (Sticker, 360x512) https://irc.ubports.com/Q2temxOV/file_565.webp18:11
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> are you seroious?  Is that Gripsgarden in full motion?  This is a new level of awesome.  His connection is exactly as bad as usual18:13
tgBot10<Flohack> lol yes its true.18:13
tgBot10<JeffiG> (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/JG9qOYEf/file_567.jpg18:17
tgBot10<JeffiG> (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/JN60f6xo/file_569.jpg18:18
tgBot10<JeffiG> It doesn’t work18:18
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> haha18:18
tgBot10<JeffiG> Nobody knows how to unlock bootloader18:18
tgBot10<JeffiG> Dam18:18
tgBot10<thepeter> @wayneoutthere, yeah I haven§t seen anybody making livestream driving the car :)18:18
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> UBCON!18:18
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> @JeffiG, What device is that?18:19
tgBot10<JeffiG> @UniversalSuperBox, Meizu pro 518:19
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> It's not running Ubuntu right now?18:19
tgBot10<JeffiG> @UniversalSuperBox, No18:20
tgBot10<JeffiG> Flyme 618:20
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> You need to get it running Ubuntu first.18:20
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> Take a picture of that mobile broadcasting setup.  Is his camera outside on the hood of his car?  This guy gets my high five.18:20
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> I think that there's something on Magic Device Tool's GitHub. Sorry I'm busy right now18:20
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> YUMI!18:21
tgBot10<JeffiG> I know sorry about this, but I try all day without success18:21
tgBot10<JeffiG> I can’t run ubuntu, i cannot flash18:21
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> Did you get the rights to use UBUNTU TOUCH and UBUNTU LOGO from Shuttleworth while you were there?18:22
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> haha18:23
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> Ubuntu Touch YOU18:23
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> Come here I want to UBUNTU TOUCH YOU18:23
tgBot10<thepeter> is the stream lagging to you too? (want to find out if it is only my connection or problem lays elsewhere)18:26
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> it seems to be not awesome here i've had to refresh several times18:26
tgBot10<thepeter> oh ok then ... will be patient18:27
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> Youtube Live was down until 1 minute before our normal live time.18:27
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> they are having a bad week.............18:27
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> nice, now we can see how well Marius drives.  I think he is tailgating that truck!18:28
tgBot10<thepeter> @UniversalSuperBox, I know, it look like googemperium strikes back18:28
PsynoKhi0hi, what's the recommended way of checking file integrity for images downloaded from http://cdimage.ubports.com/devices/?18:28
tgBot10<nfsprodriver> Thinking about going to Wolfsburg :)18:29
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> hhaha18:30
tgBot10<nfsprodriver> ❤️❤️❤️Fjords❤️❤️❤️18:30
tgBot10<Flohack> @nfsprodriver, Cool18:32
tgBot10<thepeter> forward camera! :)18:32
tgBot10<nfsprodriver> Where should we discuss the scope topic?18:38
tgBot10<thepeter> @nfsprodriver, forum?18:38
tgBot10<cibersheep> @thepeter, XD18:39
tgBot10<cibersheep> I LOVE scopes but I think they need an update18:39
tgBot10<AlexMex90> Scopes indeed have a lot of potential18:39
tgBot10<AlexMex90> To quickly locate food, services, etc.18:40
tgBot10<AlexMex90> Not everything needs a scope18:40
tgBot10<sverzegnassi> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/li10t5e0/file_571.png18:40
tgBot10<cibersheep> I'm sure that @bhdouglass can give a good view from a developer (what to change, what to keep, what limitations needs to go, etc)18:41
tgBot10<nfsprodriver> @Flohack we shouldn't forget, that the custom background is one of the first steps to make the UI mor customizable, so you're right, we must fit the rest to it.18:41
tgBot10<cibersheep> @sverzegnassi, Ooouuuhhhhh18:41
tgBot10<nfsprodriver> @sverzegnassi, Nice! Is it a falcon fork?18:42
tgBot10<ahoneybun> @sverzegnassi, Interesting18:44
tgBot10<nfsprodriver> We may create surveys,  where we can yote for several topics, how we would like them.18:45
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> HEY!  I like my ideas!18:46
tgBot10<sverzegnassi> No, full replacement for unity8-dash, I just got tired of scopes. @bhdouglass and I were planning to create a reference project for this :)18:46
tgBot10<nfsprodriver> We may attach mockups (also by non devs) to thus surveys and reduce the choices after we got the basic opinion of the community.18:47
tgBot10<thepeter> well there are some nice scopes like libertine18:47
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> Good point.  I'm leaving.18:48
tgBot10<thepeter> but if there different way ... :)18:48
tgBot10<neothethird> @thepeter, Just the frontend is a scope, that can easily be reimplemented in a replacement18:48
tgBot10<thepeter> @neothethird, I hoped so 😀18:49
tgBot10<sverzegnassi> @nfsprodriver, We might open some new section on the forum for discussing about core apps design18:50
tgBot10<DanChapman> @sverzegnassi, +118:50
tgBot10<thepeter> sorry Flo :) yep some ppl has left group18:50
tgBot10<nfsprodriver> @QA will there be a fix soon for the broken video codecs (e.g. for the N5)?18:50
tgBot10<nfsprodriver> @sverzegnassi, Exactly18:50
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> Ok, i'm not leaving.  Tricked you!  Lucky you.18:50
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> but yeah there are 700+ people and we are lacking a road map and clear delegation.  This could be improved ...18:51
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> @nfsprodriver, We don't like to answer questions about bugs live. Updates for thos are in the relevant blog posts.18:51
tgBot10<neothethird> @nfsprodriver, not in ota 218:51
tgBot10<nfsprodriver> @UniversalSuperBox, Okay, sorry :)18:52
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> Don't worry.  I forgive you for them18:52
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> every time I try to ask a question I realize I'm dubm18:52
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> POETRY@18:53
tgBot10<thepeter> @wayneoutthere, i know how you feel18:53
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> nice work!18:53
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/HJe0y8Ov/file_573.jpg18:53
tgBot10<cibersheep> Nope: … «It's like building ice for a blind»18:53
tgBot10<Flohack> @wayneoutthere, +118:54
tgBot10<Flohack> QUESTIONS?18:54
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> Will Ubuntu Touch replace Unity???18:55
tgBot10<thepeter> dev tool out of ubuntu PC?18:55
tgBot10<Flohack> @thepeter, Sorryx this I dont understand18:56
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> (Photo, 500x621) https://irc.ubports.com/Oufj1huL/file_575.jpg18:56
tgBot10<thepeter> up to date guide for UB ports begginers in programming18:56
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> BUN??????18:56
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> did he say BUN again?18:56
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> Another Audiocast Ban for Gripsgarden18:56
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> BUNNNN!!!!18:56
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> x218:57
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> hahaha18:57
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> HAHAHA18:57
tgBot10<thepeter> @Flohack, well mostly we need ubuntu on PC to work with phone, and develope app, will there by alternative under windows etc?18:57
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> my internet just died18:57
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> haha18:57
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> Speaking Techlish18:58
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> I invite Marius to learn pronunciation with us18:58
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> did.... you just say BUN FLo???18:59
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> you DID!18:59
tgBot10<Flohack> @wayneoutthere, Eh?18:59
tgBot10<Flohack> yess ^^18:59
tgBot10<mariogrip> uBUNto18:59
tgBot10<nfsprodriver> Tried to install sdk on bash, that even didn't work.18:59
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> haha.  you'll be on the audiocast no sooner than 2018 at this point19:00
tgBot10<Flohack> ^^19:00
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> haha19:00
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> man too many buns in one room19:00
tgBot10<Flohack> ^^19:00
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> bun 2 this bun 2 that19:00
tgBot10<nfsprodriver> But PLEASE no USB 2.0 flash drive.19:01
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> ouch19:01
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> ouch19:01
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> ouch\19:01
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> haha19:01
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> no19:01
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> yes!!19:01
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> dalton you're invited19:01
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> jane... hahaha19:01
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> oh man19:01
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> Jane Out There19:01
tgBot10<neothethird> and i'm not? :'(19:01
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> Jan 👍19:02
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> thanks guys.  i'm coming back for more.19:02
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> hahahahaha19:03
tgBot10<Flohack> OMG19:03
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> turn that into a gif now!!19:03
tgBot10<thepeter> @Flohack are the apps from canonical store moving to openstore?19:03
tgBot10<Flohack> sure19:03
tgBot10<thepeter> whats the status?19:03
tgBot10<Flohack> @thepeter, Not automatically I am afraid.19:03
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> me?19:03
tgBot10<thepeter> @Flohack, yep19:03
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> class A performance gents19:04
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> 10/1019:04
tgBot10<twinkybot> Let me try to get the question here going :)19:04
tgBot10<twinkybot> Where can I get the UBports stickers?19:04
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> episode 20 yo'll get picked up by search engines19:04
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> Would make update after drinking caffeine again19:04
tgBot10<Flohack> The app developers should do that, and we dont know if Canonical would help us moving the others19:04
tgBot10<thepeter> because if we loose their store ... those apps will be lost wouldnt they?19:04
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> Yes. we're not rehosting them for people, though19:05
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> how did 'total devices' jump; by 2000 in 1 week?19:06
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> (stats)19:07
tgBot10<mariogrip> @wayneoutthere, ubucon :D19:07
tgBot10<mariogrip> magic19:07
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> sweet19:07
tgBot10<thepeter> youtube went down for me19:07
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> You didn't miss much19:08
tgBot10<thepeter> you were just saying about debian help with development19:08
tgBot10<thepeter> I wanted to hear that19:08
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> You can use a chroot19:08
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> If you mount `/dev` and `/sys` inside, you can get stuff19:10
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> Where were my commands for that...19:10
tgBot10<thepeter> how is it possible that I had 10 mins delay wathich it "live"19:10
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> ```sudo mount -o bind /dev chroot/dev/``` … Inside the chroot … ```mount -t proc proc proc/ … mount -t sysfs sys sys/```19:12
tgBot10<Jakob> @JeffiG, I tried the way (a year ago) with this guide. Not very comfortable, but worked fine - and step by step... https://www.smoose.nl/sites/default/files/bestanden/meizu_pro5_ubuntu.pdf19:19
tgBot10<nfsprodriver> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/ZiaSEfEN/file_576.pdf19:30
tgBot10<neothethird> @nfsprodriver, 👍19:32
tgBot10<nfsprodriver> Maybe we can create a suvey pane on ubports.com using this https://github.com/surveyjs/surveyjs or something similar.19:34
tgBot10looneytkp was added by: looneytkp19:35
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> Odoo has surveys built in.19:35
tgBot10<mariogrip> @nfsprodriver, ohoho me love nodejs :D19:35
tgBot10<nfsprodriver> Welcome @closeshurtcut19:35
tgBot10<UniversalSuperBox> @mariogrip, If it's not in php, it doesn't get implemented.19:36
tgBot10<mariogrip> (Sticker, 507x512) https://irc.ubports.com/cxGP0wim/file_577.webp19:36
tgBot10<nfsprodriver> 😂19:44
tgBot10<vanyasem> (Sticker, 512x128) https://irc.ubports.com/08Oxwm0K/file_578.webp19:54
tgBot10<DeadSquirreI01> (Sticker, 512x370) https://irc.ubports.com/RNepXBbb/file_579.webp19:54
tgBot10<vanyasem> (Sticker, 512x148) https://irc.ubports.com/20L1FFlf/file_580.webp19:55
tgBot10sk8higher was added by: sk8higher20:01
tgBot10<sk8higher> lol20:01
tgBot10<neothethird> welcome :)20:01
tgBot10<sk8higher> hi20:01
tgBot10<vanyasem> i just switched to Russian and I can't really understand what's going on20:02
tgBot10<sk8higher> 😂20:02
tgBot10<vanyasem> i should really dedicate some time to check the translations20:02
tgBot10<vanyasem> where are lock screen strings located?20:03
tgBot10<vanyasem> i can't find them on webalate20:03
tgBot10<neothethird> Probably not in weblate yet, some of the stuff that's distributed as a deb package is built in a very esoteric way20:04
tgBot10<neothethird> so we need to work on building pot and po files automatically for that20:04
tgBot10<vanyasem> too bad as the translation is horrible20:05
tgBot10<neothethird> if there's a po file in the repo, you can edit it by hand or using a po editor like poedit20:06
tgBot10<vanyasem> in what repo exactly?20:06
tgBot10<neothethird> what lock screen strings do you men?20:07
tgBot10<neothethird> the stuff in the circle is provided by apps20:07
tgBot10<neothethird> so you have to figure out what app it's coming from and translate it there20:07
tgBot10<vanyasem> oh, then it's easy20:08
tgBot10<vanyasem> it's the music app that causes the issues20:08
tgBot10<neothethird> that should be on weblate20:08
tgBot10<neothethird> translate.ubports.com20:08
tgBot10<vanyasem> i'm on it rn translating terminal :)20:08
tgBot10<neothethird> 👍20:09
tgBot10<Flohack> Not all core apps are on weblate still. Reason for that is that still the import is a bit strange. But ping me if you need a specific app there20:09
tgBot10<vanyasem> ugh db lags are getting more and more annoying20:12
tgBot10<vanyasem> I have to refresh after every translated string20:15
ubports_botProject vivid-rootfs-armhf build #129: SUCCESS in 1 hr 30 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/vivid-rootfs-armhf/129/20:23
tgBot10<vanyasem> @neothethird, So this is the way I would go if I wanted to translate an openstore pap?20:27
tgBot10<vanyasem> I really hate how the call it Мины instead of Сапёр20:28
tgBot10<vanyasem> Also, do you think names should be translated?20:30
tgBot10<vanyasem> Telegram appears as Телеграм (wtf)20:30
tgBot10<vanyasem> it looks *somewhat* cool, but is it appropriate?20:31
ubports_botProject ota-push build #1021: SUCCESS in 7 min 51 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/1021/20:31
tgBot10<sverzegnassi> @thepeter, We at OpenStore are working for getting the most relevant apps in the new app store. In any case, if an app is open source, anybody could distribute the package on OpenStore too.20:38
tgBot10<aki237> ```<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> … <manifest> …   <remote name="theMuppets" …           fetch="https://github.com/TheMuppets" …           revision="refs/heads/cm-12.1" /> …   <project name="android_device_zuk_ham" path="device/zuk/ham/" remote="cm" revision="cm-12.1" /> …   <project name="android_device_qcom_common" path="device/qcom/common/" remote="cm" revision="cm-12.1"/> …   <project name="android_kernel_cyanogen_msm8974"20:44
tgBot10path="kernel/cyanogen/msm8974/" remote="cm" revision="cm-12.1"/> …   <project name="proprietary_vendor_zuk" path="vendor/zuk/" remote="theMuppets" revision="cm-12.1"/> … </manifest>```20:44
tgBot10<aki237> @aki237, This is my local manifest... The … ```device/zuk/ham``` … needs … ```device/qcom/sepolicy``` … Should I pull it too?20:45
ubports_botProject daily-bacon build #271: SUCCESS in 11 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-bacon/271/21:02
ubports_botProject ota-push build #1022: SUCCESS in 1 min 3 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/1022/21:04
tgBot10<aki237> Guys I'm getting an error during make stage of build "make: *** No rule to make target 'libqmi', needed by '~/phablet/out/target/product/ham/obj/EXECUTABLES/wpa_supplicant_intermediates/config.o'.  Stop."21:08
tgBot10<aki237> Can't use 'defined(@array)' (Maybe you should just omit the defined()?) at ~/phablet/kernel/cyanogen/msm8974/kernel/timeconst.pl line 37321:15
tgBot10<aki237> @aki237, this error?21:16
tgBot10<per_sonne> @YougoChats, That's a fairphone 2?!21:19
tgBot10<per_sonne> No way?21:19
tgBot10<thepeter> @sverzegnassi, 👍 I humbly guess you guys have tried co contavt as many devs which were producing for canonical store as possible, yes?21:33
tgBot10<sverzegnassi> Yes, and the most important apps are already migrated. If you have any specific request, please let us know, or try to contact the developer :)21:35
tgBot10<vanyasem> @sverzegnassi, I want to get Vkontakte21:36
tgBot10<thepeter> @UniversalSuperBox, This whole chroot things and development ... I have to get to learn it from zero, can you propose some starters manual?21:36
tgBot10<vanyasem> @vanyasem, the dev is canonical21:36
tgBot10<thepeter> or btw ...wasn't there inituative to develop apps straight on device?21:37
tgBot10<wayneoutthere> @UniversalSuperBox, yes, are they 'working' now? haha21:38
tgBot10<thepeter> @sverzegnassi, Well it might npt be this kind of migration, but if scopes will really come into an end I would appreciate to be capable somehow still use libertine, if possible, but that might be more devs request than to openstore admins21:47
tgBot10<neothethird> Libertine has nothing to do with scopes21:52
tgBot10<geminis65> It does not let me update file manager gives me this error. What can it be?22:00
tgBot10<geminis65> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/ojIpeK5G/file_582.jpg22:01
tgBot10<Stereofont> @AlexMex90, My view is that food and services don't change location, usually for years. So an instant check not needed. It can be stored on the phone?22:16
tgBot10<geminis65> Already updated.22:28
tgBot10<Jaume81> Ubuntu Touch only can use arm? What arm64 or armhf?22:30
tgBot10<mariogrip> @Jaume81, xenial can run both, vivid can run armhf22:31
tgBot10<Kieran> @JeffiG, If you have the international version, you need to flash this firmware to unlock it https://forum.xda-developers.com/meizu-pro-5/how-to/tutorial-unlock-bootloader-meizu-pro-5-t330312722:33
tgBot10<Kieran> If you have  another version, make it international like this: https://forum.xda-developers.com/meizu-pro-5/how-to/tutorial-change-region-id-to-t332388322:33
tgBot10<Kieran> then you can follow the instructions here: https://www.smoose.nl/sites/default/files/bestanden/meizu_pro5_ubuntu.pdf ,to turn it into an ubuntu device22:34
tgBot10<JeffiG> @Kieran, Doesn’t work , I try this22:34
tgBot10<Kieran> where does it go wrong?22:34
tgBot10<JeffiG> It is not international version22:35
tgBot10<Stereofont> @JeffiG, What happened when you tried with SPflashtool?22:35
tgBot10<Kieran> so you want to downgrade to, then change the version22:35
tgBot10<JeffiG> I need firmware and scatter file22:35
tgBot10<Kieran> which version do you have?22:36
tgBot10<Kieran> U or A?22:36
tgBot10<JeffiG> I Was on flyme 6.122:36
tgBot10<Kieran> is it china unicom, or just china?22:36
tgBot10<JeffiG> Now i downgraded to flyme 5.1 build 5.6.10. 18 beta22:37
tgBot10<JeffiG> (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/C3WUtupo/file_584.jpg22:37
tgBot10<JeffiG> (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/z0HQTxW6/file_586.jpg22:37
tgBot10<Kieran> is that the firmware for unlocking the bootloader?22:38
tgBot10<JeffiG> @Kieran, What do you mean, ? Is U or A, I cannot see anything22:38
tgBot10<JeffiG> @Kieran, I try to flash the right firmware for unlocking bootloader, but it say corrupt firmware22:40
tgBot10<Kieran> Ok, sounds like you're not on the international firmware, so you need to get root access on a working flyme install, and change the file /dev/block/platform/15570000.ufs/by-name/proinfo22:40
tgBot10<Kieran> this has been tested and works on version, which you should be able to download form the meizu site somewhere22:41
tgBot10<Kieran> it probably still works on later versions as well22:41
tgBot10<JeffiG> @Kieran, Ok , so I need vers. to flash or?22:42
tgBot10<Kieran> you need to change /dev/block/platform/15570000.ufs/by-name/proinfo from whatever it is now, to the international version. Then you can flash the international beta, which you can unlock the bootloader from. After that you'll need to boot into a recovery and do most of the install manually22:44
tgBot10<Kieran> I know that file can be changed in, I don't know whether it can be changed in newer firmware22:45
tgBot10<JeffiG> Ok thnx a lot, I will try to get root or flash vers
tgBot10<thepeter> is bq Aquaris M8 really the same (besides cameras and dislay) as M10HD?23:06
tgBot10<thepeter> and if so, is there a chance that m10's image would run on M8?23:07

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