
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
LocutusOfBorgxnox, interested in an ocaml transition?10:04
Unit193Why and how is notification-daemon on every desktop?  Xubuntu doesn't want it.11:56
mitya57Unit193, it is also a virtual package and xfce4-notifyd Provides: it.12:06
mitya57So the “real” notification-daemon should not be pulled in.12:07
ahoneybunhas anyone seen this issue? gnome-software : Conflicts: sessioninstaller but 0.20+bzr150-0ubuntu4.1 is to be installed13:34
ahoneybunrunning latest Artful13:34
TJ-Is there a workaround for the USN-2639-1 (June 2015) change to openssl where it requires a minimum DH key size of 768 bits? This has broken access to several data-center appliances with embedded web servers using SSLv3/TLS1.0 where the firmware DH key size in the server key exchange is only 512 bits. There aren't any firmware upgrades for these aged devices.13:37
Faux(Oh no.)13:54
cjwatsonIf I were in that situation I'd consider installing a very restricted proxy or similar with a hacked version of openssl.13:57
est31my general advice for situations like these is to a) create a sandboxed VM with outdated software that has no internet access, only to those appliances, b) use that appliance14:06
est31also helps with "firefox dropped java npapi support" issues14:07
TJ-cjwatson: I'm assembling an openssl patch that reads an alternative minimum dh_size from the environment; that'll give the flexibilty needed on a per-use/per-application basis without downgrading the entire package14:33
TJ-est31: right - I'm already needing to use an old Netscape Navigator 9 instance to work correctly14:33
est31wow its quite old then...14:34
TJ-something along these lines: https://iam.tj/projects/ubuntu/0001-allow-alternative-minimum-dh_keysize.patch14:35
TJ-est31: indeed; many of these devices are mid 2000s and just keep on plugging away. No reason to spend £££s replacing them for something like this. It affects stuff like iLo as well. Not to mention all the firmware embedded self-signed expired X509 certificates too14:37
est31TJ-: IMO its still better to have an isolated VM appliance to access these appliances16:29
est31than to patch your copy of openssl16:29
est31and make your general browsing insecure16:29
TJ-est31: how does it make general browsing insecure?16:30
est31at least curl uses openssl?16:30
est31firefox and chrome I think ship their own libraries16:30
TJ-it makes no changes to the default behaviour of libssl UNLESS an environment variable is defined with an alternative minimum DH keysize value16:31
est31oh ok16:31
* est31 shrugs16:31
TJ-So I can control when it is active and use the latest libssl packages, rebuilt with this patch applied16:31
TJ-It's a minimal patch, does the job, and newer releases are unlikely to require much in the way of rebasing it, so it is maintainable long-term16:33
xnoxLocutusOfBorg, what ocaml transition?20:36
xnoxLocutusOfBorg, Feature Freeze was on August 24th.20:37

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