
pauljwwb Bashing-om :)00:00
Bashing-ompauljw: Thankee - still trying to regain my breath :) Push mowers did not used to be that hard !00:03
pauljwlol, they do get harder over time, glad I don't have to mow that way.  bad enough weed whipping before getting on the lawn tractor... :)00:04
Bashing-ompauljw: This is the reel type mower . Human powered .. I get fed up with every time I look for gas - the kids have found a better use . Then I gots to go to town to refil the utility can :(00:08
pauljwBashing-om, that's hard core right there.  they do make a nice cut though.  hope you don't have a big lawn.00:10
TJ-Ahhh,see, the solution is to harness the kids to the mower like Huskies, to pull it :)00:10
Bashing-omTJ-: UH HUh ! // be amazed what I have had the kids doing // not yet to the point of doing the cow thing with thier teeth :)00:12
TJ-treadmill to generate power and go off-grid :)00:14
Bashing-omUHHHH .. wonderful thought / what to use instead of the carrot ?00:15
Bashing-omYes ! oh yes ! will test tomorrow !00:15
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Bashing-om'Nuf - no more to say04:56
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:16
EriC^^morning lotuspsychje05:17
EriC^^how's it going?05:17
lotuspsychjehey EriC^^05:17
lotuspsychjejust woke up and big rain here05:17
EriC^^aha cool05:17
EriC^^it was raining here yesterday for the first time05:17
lotuspsychjeyou doing ok EriC^^ ?05:17
EriC^^yeah good here05:18
lotuspsychjedid you fix the router prob?05:18
EriC^^nope not yet just woke up :D05:18
lotuspsychjesome routers/modems can also be broken and need a new one from isp05:19
EriC^^that would suck05:20
EriC^^i've been working a little on the youtubextras site, would appreciate opinions/feedback05:21
EriC^^wanna give it a go?05:22
lotuspsychjewhats the url EriC^^05:26
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: looks pretty nice mate05:29
EriC^^try this https://www.youtubextras.com/watch?v=gc7nRulc9gM05:29
EriC^^has not so many comments05:29
lotuspsychje_EriC^^: perhaps i would place the url bar in middle of screen05:30
EriC^^i want to put a kind of pop up over the red like button that has "Added to the top useful comments" after clicking, and let it change the cursor hovering over it05:30
EriC^^in the middle of the navbar?05:30
lotuspsychje_EriC^^: lil bit confusing the show all bar05:31
lotuspsychje_where the show all/show more is05:31
EriC^^you mean instead of the showall image stuff putting the url get comments button?05:31
EriC^^that's interesting05:32
lotuspsychje_many sites use centered url bar05:32
lotuspsychje_like hidemyass or whatever05:32
EriC^^i could put it below the image, or do you think the image is confusing etc?05:33
lotuspsychje_EriC^^: yeah the example is a bit confusing05:33
lotuspsychje_EriC^^: first look i wanted to paste in there05:33
lotuspsychje_EriC^^: users are used of a searchfunction in the navbar instead of url paste05:34
EriC^^yeah that's true05:34
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
EriC^^i could put it in the nav bar later if it's getting the comments for instance but on the first page in the middle so they know what to do05:35
lotuspsychjeyeah nice idea05:35
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: another idea, could be integrate a youtube search bar to get the url you need?05:35
EriC^^that would be sweet05:36
EriC^^maybe it's possible05:36
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: is reading comments something ppl do alot?05:36
EriC^^what do you think about the "useful" button?05:36
lotuspsychjethat part i dont know alot of05:36
EriC^^they do read comments, but i dont think they'd use the site to get them all, probably just very specific needs cases05:37
lotuspsychjeusefull button?05:37
EriC^^like searching for some info about the video, or maybe they need all the comments cause it's like a very technical tutorial or something05:37
EriC^^lotuspsychje: yeah, did you load the second link?05:38
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: yes, then what?05:39
EriC^^if a comment is useful, has some important info about the video then the user can tag it as useful with the red like button, it gets added to the list to the right05:39
lotuspsychjethats nice EriC^^05:40
EriC^^so someone else uses the link and sees it there and doesn't need to search for the info maybe he needed that info or also he could learn something new maybe05:40
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: will it store those comments for next user?05:41
lotuspsychjewow fancy05:41
EriC^^it sorts them according to how many useful likes it got05:41
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: i bets thats interesting for the youtube url owners05:41
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: perhaps make your title a bit bigger and centered too?05:42
lotuspsychjelike google05:43
EriC^^which one?05:43
lotuspsychjeand then the url pastebox05:43
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: your logo in left corner05:43
lotuspsychjei bet that would be fancy05:43
EriC^^what do you think about the comments layout stuff05:44
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: those are nice05:45
EriC^^the comments shadow on the right, and the top comments box, the back to youtube button and top and the useful buttons, i made it small i didnt want it too distracting but still kind of catches attention to press it05:45
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: buttons are very usefull top and go back05:45
EriC^^i was thinking to do a size for the top comment box so it doesn't go below the video frame to the otehr comments (on a huge list it got pretty distracting comments left and right) and put an expand list button on it05:46
EriC^^color do you think red or gray like the get comments button?05:46
lotuspsychjered is nice05:46
EriC^^was thinking to switch it to red when it gets hovered on05:46
lotuspsychjereminds of youtube right05:46
EriC^^yeah exactly05:46
lotuspsychjewould leave it red05:47
EriC^^aha cool05:47
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: but once a user in the comments url, he doesnt need the url search field anymore right?05:48
lotuspsychjego back and re-enter a new one?05:48
EriC^^he does05:48
EriC^^the url is at the top to the right05:48
lotuspsychjeyeah i know05:48
EriC^^you mean to also put it in the center?05:48
EriC^^above the video maybe?05:48
lotuspsychjeyeah would be better05:49
EriC^^hmm i could copy google's ass and put it in the navbar05:49
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: just wondering, would your site load comments from other sites aswell?05:50
EriC^^nope just youtube, what did you have in mind?05:50
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: was just brainstorming in myself , like omgubuntu05:50
EriC^^i want to make another site soon, i think this one would be more popular, but it's slightly illegal05:50
EriC^^i've just wanted to make the youtube comments fetching tool for a while, one time i wanted some info, had to press search button for every and hit ctrl+f to get the info, thought it would come in handy05:51
EriC^^youtube had a showall button before, they removed it for some reason05:52
lotuspsychjemake it bigger logo real fancy :p05:52
lotuspsychjelove the colored title05:52
EriC^^yeah definitely need some nice logo and branding kind of stuff05:52
EriC^^the twitter page is sad05:52
EriC^^the other site i want to do gets the mp3 of a video05:53
lotuspsychjealso nice05:53
EriC^^i looked at other sites, they're making like $4000 minimum (the lousiest ones)05:53
EriC^^the youtube-mp3.com makes $50,000 per day05:53
EriC^^i want to make a site that gets the mp3, but has a feature no other site has05:54
EriC^^it lets you choose in the video from where to start the mp3 and where to end05:54
EriC^^so if you're watching an agt video for instance or the voice etc you can get just the song part and have it as an mp305:54
EriC^^i think it would do good as a site05:54
lotuspsychjebut not sure if thats legal?05:54
EriC^^and the site layout is pretty easy nothing difficulty about it05:55
EriC^^yeah that's the shitty part why i'm kind of hesitant05:55
lotuspsychjethink you could get in trouble for that05:55
EriC^^it's so useful though05:56
lotuspsychjeunless you find a way to warn users about illegality for the country,05:56
lotuspsychjeto wash your hands clean05:56
EriC^^many people listen to agt and so many shows (me myself a huge fan) and downloading part of the video just couple clicks would be awesome05:56
lotuspsychjeif someone places an illegal vid on youtube, thats not your prob right?05:57
lotuspsychjeyour online give the user a possible download?05:57
EriC^^according to youtube-mp3.com google sent them a letter that their lawyers will make a lawsuit if they dont remove the site, they're still running made a lot of court stuff, they're germany based05:57
EriC^^i was thinking i could maybe put a filter just to download videos that have agt in them or the voice etc05:58
EriC^^dunno if the shows would complain too though who knows05:58
EriC^^copyright and shit05:58
EriC^^they'll think now they get less views people can just listen to the mp3 when they wanna hear the song05:58
EriC^^the mess of capitalism05:58
lotuspsychjeits remains risky05:59
EriC^^anyways the money in it is crazy though, i saw like 10 sites that offer mp3 download service, 50,000 40,000 30,000 the shittiest are 4,000 / day i think05:59
EriC^^that's crazy05:59
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: unless you would script something, the user would execute himself lol06:00
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: like: script your own convert video to mp3 without mentioning a specific site06:00
lotuspsychjeyour only a medium site then06:01
EriC^^53million page views per day wtf06:01
EriC^^that's $50,000-100,000 per day06:01
EriC^^yeah mine would be very small06:01
EriC^^if it makes $600 a month i'd be happy though06:01
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: http://www.youtubeinmp3.com/tos/06:02
EriC^^i was thinking maybe if google sends an email to close the website i just close it06:02
EriC^^or maybe it'll be so small they wont care even06:02
lotuspsychjeomg there like tons of converters06:03
EriC^^do you think it matters if the site has ads or not?06:03
EriC^^yeah i know right06:03
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: ads can bring you $$$06:03
lotuspsychjethink you just need a copyright text06:04
EriC^^yeah come to think of it, the site would be pretty small, why would they even bother (google)06:05
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: well something get bothered, when alot of users find it06:06
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: a good trick is to integrate meta in your site, to get your site ontop of google06:06
EriC^^yeah that's a problem i'm facing with youtubextras06:06
lotuspsychjesomething simple, good name & logo06:06
EriC^^i think noway it shows up in google :/06:06
EriC^^i tried to add it to google's stuff, applied somewhere and stuff and put meta tags06:07
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: metatag comments,youtube,search,url stuff like that06:07
EriC^^it's not anywhere in google if i search for "youtube download all comments"06:07
lotuspsychjewhen i google youtube comments, doesnt give me your site06:08
EriC^^yup nothin06:08
EriC^^maybe it depends on pageviews too?06:08
EriC^^when the site is done, i'll spam it in the related videos06:09
lotuspsychjeits all about those metas06:09
lotuspsychjeive made some google bloggers in the past06:09
EriC^^hmm but i put the exact same metas of that site that comes up in the search06:09
lotuspsychjeand they auto enable tags in their code06:09
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: what tool you manage that site?06:10
EriC^^<meta name="description" content="Show all comments of a YouTube video.">06:10
EriC^^    <meta name="keywords" content="YouTube,Comment,Comments,Scrape,Download,Research,Analysis,Digital Humanities,Tool,Extras,All Comments">06:10
EriC^^those are the stuff i copied06:10
lotuspsychjetoo many keywords i think?06:10
lotuspsychjetry comments youtube06:10
EriC^^it's the same as what the guy had *shrug*06:11
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: you got a website manager?06:11
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: how you edit the site then?06:11
EriC^^gedit on my pc, then scp to the ubuntu server06:12
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: hows that file named where you edit the metas?06:12
lotuspsychjelemme look up06:13
lotuspsychjeseems like your doing it good06:14
EriC^^ok good to know06:15
EriC^^i guess its some google magic shit06:15
EriC^^interesting stuff06:17
EriC^^brb to make coffee06:17
lotuspsychjethis what i get from blogger06:18
lotuspsychjethere's a metafield easy, to add keywords06:18
EriC^^cool thanks06:29
EriC^^google must be a beast06:30
EriC^^anyways thanks for the input man! appreciate it06:30
lotuspsychjenp EriC^^06:30
ducassemorning all06:32
lotuspsychjehey ducasse06:33
* ducasse yawns06:33
EriC^^hey ducasse06:33
ducassehi EriC^^, lotuspsychje06:33
ducassehow are you guys?06:33
lotuspsychjelazy before work bah06:33
lotuspsychjebut its rainy, so good for work yay06:34
lotuspsychjemeans less customers come eat06:34
EriC^^good , having some coffee :D06:34
EriC^^lotuspsychje: i've been kind of obsessed with doing pizza lately06:35
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: making or order?06:35
EriC^^this guy is INSANE06:35
EriC^^his pizza is great and easy to make06:36
ducassemmm... pizza... *drool*06:36
EriC^^making myself, i made maybe every other day for 2 weeks lol06:36
EriC^^also his mozarella sticks are very yummy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPB4czHITmI06:36
lotuspsychjelooking delicious mm06:37
EriC^^the pizza is to die for though, i really recommend if you like a fluffy kind of pizza that soft and feels like bread with nice crust that's crunchy06:37
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: we make pizza real easy here, buy lebanese/turkish bread cut in 2 halfs06:38
lotuspsychjeand put spâghetti sauce and toppings, done06:38
EriC^^lotuspsychje: here lots of people eat something called "mankoushi" it's very good dunno if you know it06:39
EriC^^it's like a pizza sort of but just with a certain type of cheese or it can have on it zaatar, i dunno the english word06:39
lotuspsychjeno dont know06:40
EriC^^the cheese is very very salty06:41
ducasseEriC^^: did you consider also registering youtubeextras.com?06:41
EriC^^ducasse: it's taken already06:41
lotuspsychjenever seen that06:41
ducassepetter@odin:~ $ whois youtubeextras.com06:41
ducasseNo match for domain "YOUTUBEEXTRAS.COM".06:41
EriC^^this is zaatar https://www.maureenabood.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Manoushe-2-Maureen-Abood.jpg06:42
EriC^^it's like olive oil and some seeds06:42
EriC^^i dont like it that much though, i prefer the one with cheese, it's ok though06:43
EriC^^it's like the typical lebanese breakfast06:43
lotuspsychjei like turkish style pizza boats06:43
EriC^^ducasse: hmm on the namecheap site they said it's taken i think, i'll check again now06:44
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: did you want the +E domain?06:44
EriC^^hmm both are fine i guess06:45
ducasseEriC^^: pretty sure that would be the 'proper' spelling *shrug*06:45
EriC^^i'd take both in case somebody typos would be nice06:45
EriC^^it's more shorthanded with just x i guess, still works06:45
lotuspsychjei like the X one06:46
EriC^^basically if somebody is in youtube.com he has to type "xtras" after youtube and press enter to load the video06:46
ducasseit bugs my ocd ;)06:46
lotuspsychjesmart move EriC^^06:47
EriC^^yeah i always liked that site before that had a similar feature06:47
EriC^^i think that one got the mp3 though06:48
EriC^^youtubeyolo or something :D06:48
EriC^^that turkish bread thing looks delicious, eggs too06:48
EriC^^what's that black stuff? some kind of meat?06:49
lotuspsychjelooks like porc i think06:50
EriC^^makes me wish you can 3d print food or something haha06:50
EriC^^d/l food, medium hotness , enter06:51
EriC^^someday in the future maybe who knows :D06:51
lotuspsychjemycroft make pizza! haha06:51
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: to late, its exist wtf..06:52
ducassei want to try cooking bulgur some day, but i need to find out what spices people use06:53
lotuspsychjeducasse: bulgur is very healthy06:54
ducasselotuspsychje: it's tasty, too :)06:54
lotuspsychjeducasse: in most cases grains of that sort, they dont use much spices on it unless like salt/onion/tamari06:56
lotuspsychjeducasse: its what you serve next to it, that can be spiced alot06:56
lotuspsychjelike couscous,quinoa,rice,etc06:56
lotuspsychjeside dishes are endless06:57
ducassei know, but every time i've been served it in restaurants it's had some sort of flavoring06:57
lotuspsychjeducasse: dunno the exact word for it, but like a vegetable cube06:57
lotuspsychjeto melt in the water06:58
ducassei know what you mean, maybe that's all...06:58
lotuspsychjeyeah, else it would get overspiced06:59
ducassei'll ask next time i'm at that restaurant :)06:59
lotuspsychjeyou still need the natural flavor of the grain06:59
lotuspsychjeyou guys got me hungry grrr07:01
ducasseit wasn't me that started this!07:01
ducassei think there will be an early dinner today, or a big lunch :)07:04
lotuspsychjebreakfast bbl :p07:09
lotuspsychjehave a nice day ducasse EriC^^ off to work :p07:39
immuhi good morning08:17
immuall *.*08:17
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
BluesKajHiyas all14:19
ducassegreetings, BluesKaj14:32
ducasseenjoying your weekend?14:32
BluesKajHi ducasse, yes I amm, and you/14:33
oerheksHello friends :-)14:33
ducassetrying to type with a cat halfway on top of the laptop :)14:33
BluesKajhi oerheks14:34
BluesKajgonna be warm day here, sunny and 2714:34
* TJ- looks at the rain on the window and shivers14:38
ducassebeen nice and sunny here as well - surprising, really.14:39
BluesKajTJ-, our summer finally arrived, july and aug were abnormally wet  here14:39
TJ-we've had a terrible summer, high-winds and lots of rain. In fact we've still got 2 fields of spring Barley we can't combine because it's not dried out enough.14:40
TJ-At this rate we'll be combining in October!14:40
TJ-We think we're in for a severe early winter because many trees have been shedding leaves since at least 6 weeks ago14:41
BluesKajTJ-, where are you located?14:44
TJ-East Midlands, England14:45
TJ-There was a scorching hot spell early June and then cold, rain, and winds14:45
* BluesKaj nods ...400KM North of Toronto here14:46
BluesKajHi er15:03
BluesKajHI EriC^^15:03
EriC^^hi BluesKaj15:35
oerheksoh man, that kobaz is a pain in the ***16:35
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
ducasseoerheks: hehe, almost sad i missed that one :)17:46
oerheksducasse, look again, mister wants to win18:31
oerhekssometimes i like to be op.. grrr18:33
ducasse"just because it challanges norms of culteral thinking"18:33
oerhekssigh.. another faulty help:  .xinitrc18:42
oerhekscan someone remove that guy?18:42
oerheksgiving ubuntu a bad name, if others follow that useless advise18:43
ducassei hope he loses interest and goes away soon.18:44
ducassewhy do these people suddenly come in and decide they can answer every question, and not listen to feedback?18:45
oerhekslonely people, i guess18:46
EriC^^hey pauljw20:18
pauljwhi EriC^^ :)20:18
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon

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