floridagram-bot | <AdamOutler> https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2017/09/verizon-kicks-8500-rural-customers-off-network-for-using-roaming-data/ | 00:33 |
floridagram-bot | <SivaMachina> https://zandronum.com/tracker/changelog_page.php?project_id=1 | 00:37 |
floridagram-bot | <SivaMachina> Zandronum 3.0 apperantly came out recently | 00:38 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> more DOOM? | 00:53 |
floridagram-bot | <SivaMachina> Zandronum works with more then just Doom | 01:11 |
floridagram-bot | <SivaMachina> Heretic and Hexen as well | 01:11 |
floridagram-bot | <AdamOutler> @KMyers have you tried the Repetier server raspberry pi image? | 01:12 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> @AdamOutler, Yes, octoprint works better | 01:13 |
floridagram-bot | <AdamOutler> downloading. thanks. I'm going to set it up with a RPI 3 in my garage. | 01:14 |
floridagram-bot | <AdamOutler> USB support? | 01:14 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> @AdamOutler, Yes. It even has a slicer built in. You can also setup a web cam to monitor the print remotely. The paid mobile app even has Android Wear support | 01:15 |
floridagram-bot | <AdamOutler> OK Great! | 01:16 |
floridagram-bot | <AdamOutler> How do these things handle objects which are too big? | 01:16 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> @AdamOutler, Not well. It will print anything that will fit and leave the rest out. The best thing to do is to take it into a cad application and chop it up. | 01:19 |
floridagram-bot | <govatent> @SivaMachina I'm a open arena / quake fan. I love all the work put into doom projects too | 04:00 |
floridagram-bot | <SivaMachina> @govatent, Mostly have an attraction to Doom. Because I think it was my first none child computer game on PC | 04:08 |
floridagram-bot | <SivaMachina> I* | 04:11 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> @Ivoriesablaze / @RazPi ∆ | 04:20 |
floridagram-bot | <RazPi> OMG | 04:20 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> Assuming it is not a hoax | 04:21 |
floridagram-bot | <SivaMachina> Got it from wsvn | 05:02 |
floridagram-bot | <SivaMachina> https://m.facebook.com/7NewsMiami/photos/a.78586137612.81094.29790827612/10155047481307613/?type=3&source=54 | 05:04 |
floridagram-bot | <Ivoriesablaze> Perfect timing? | 05:11 |
floridagram-bot | <AdamOutler> South Park is trolling voice assistants in this episode http://southpark.cc.com/clips/8upq8h/alexa-took-our-jobs | 13:25 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> I just saw that article | 13:26 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> Lol | 13:26 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> got a Pixel! | 13:40 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> \o/ | 13:41 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> Nice | 13:44 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> feel like I'm crack lol | 13:44 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> XL 128GB | 13:44 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> I have 2 notifications about 8.0 lol | 13:58 |
floridagram-bot | <govatent> @AdamOutler regarding that south park episode, I watched it. It was pretty funny take on Alex/home and Ai vs people losing jobs. At the same time, it should always be prefaced that the writers of South park don't care about being politically correct and say whatever they feel which sometimes can be extreme. So I know a lot of people dislike the show for how they touch on subjects. I thought it was a great | 14:13 |
floridagram-bot | episode. | 14:13 |
floridagram-bot | <govatent> I watched a documentary about how they create a show. It's crazy the relationship they have built with comedy central's show review process for TV and the process they have built for producing shows in short time spans. | 14:14 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> target's website is down | 14:43 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> what did you do @govatent | 14:43 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> lol | 14:44 |
floridagram-bot | <govatent> They may have another breech lol | 14:44 |
floridagram-bot | <govatent> I would hate to be their admins right now. | 14:44 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> Did they hire a Music Major to be in charge of security like a Credit Agency did? | 14:45 |
floridagram-bot | <govatent> One of my old high school friends recently moved to California to work for Walmart. He does front and back end development for Walmart.com | 14:45 |
floridagram-bot | <govatent> Lmao Keith | 14:45 |
floridagram-bot | <govatent> Everything I see the Walmart page act funny, I text a angry message to my friend | 14:45 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> @ahoneybun - what color did you get? | 15:01 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> Black/Grey | 15:02 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> Nice! | 15:03 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> Getting a case now, ordered one at Amazon but I don't want to wait to get one | 15:05 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> Where are you going to get it? | 15:05 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> Walmart don't know if best buy is open | 15:07 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> Just want anything to be honest | 15:07 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> You may want to try a Verizon store | 15:07 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> Why? | 15:07 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> I'm already at walmart | 15:08 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> They were the exclusive carrier of the pixels in store | 15:08 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> Mm | 15:08 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> Any other reason @KMyers ? | 15:10 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> @ahoneybun, No but since they carried the phones in store, it makes sense they carried cases. | 15:11 |
floridagram-bot | <AdamOutler> I tried to get a pixel at Best Buy about a month ago and they had none unlocked. | 15:11 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> I could also fire up the 3D Printer | 15:11 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> It's something | 15:13 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> Nice | 15:14 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> Got it all on | 15:29 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> Turned out better then I thought | 15:29 |
floridagram-bot | <AdamOutler> Awesome! Thanks Keith. | 15:58 |
floridagram-bot | <Abrerr> Does it all work? | 17:28 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> Yep perfect | 17:29 |
floridagram-bot | <Abrerr> My headphone port was screwed on my pixel. | 17:29 |
floridagram-bot | <Abrerr> I'm on a Refurb atm | 17:29 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> Ahh that port worked in the cad | 17:29 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> I got a new one | 17:29 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> Wait are you driving to get him? | 17:46 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> No. That photo is a joke | 18:05 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> Hector - up for underground's? | 18:12 |
floridagram-bot | <Hector Arista> Ok, getting ready | 18:16 |
floridagram-bot | <RazPi> Hey sorry not sure if I can be there so early. Maybe later tonight though, depends on work. | 18:21 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> @ahoneybun - Get ready . I am leaving in a few | 18:22 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> Alright we're basically home anyway | 18:23 |
floridagram-bot | <itnet7> @KMyers glad you posted that humble indie bundle game, I was meaning to put it here. | 18:23 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> @itnet7, NP. I need to claim it. How did you fair the storm? | 18:24 |
floridagram-bot | <itnet7> You guys are going to that Coffee place again? I need to get down there one day. As it is I'm stuck pet sitting as my wife is in NJ 😭 | 18:27 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> @itnet7, Damn. Maybe next time than | 18:28 |
floridagram-bot | <itnet7> We did okay only minor soffit damage, some mild flooding, FPL got it power back up really quickly. Is your power back @KMyers | 18:29 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> Bring the Nexus 6p box if you can @KMyers | 18:30 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> I already left. We can get it later | 18:30 |
floridagram-bot | <Ivoriesablaze> @ahoneybun step outside | 18:55 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> Don't drop a piano on me lol | 18:56 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> Poweradd ChargerCenter, Compact 185Wh/50000mAh Portable Generator, Power Source (DC 5V/12V/19V) with AC Power Inverter (115V/100W) for Smartphone, iPa https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06ZYKQT98/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apap_T8JSaDjROawQZ | 20:44 |
floridagram-bot | <AdamOutler> Someone please test my new number. 760-706-7425 | 20:52 |
floridagram-bot | <AdamOutler> 760-706-7425 | 20:52 |
floridagram-bot | <govatent> Just got to the Cafe | 22:25 |
floridagram-bot | <AdamOutler> Are we done with this chat now? | 23:07 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> Nope | 23:08 |
floridagram-bot | <AdamOutler> Whoops. wrong chat. | 23:08 |
floridagram-bot | <AdamOutler> I have a Nexus 6P with a broken screen. I'm in the chat queue. | 23:08 |
floridagram-bot | <ahoneybun> Ahh | 23:08 |
floridagram-bot | <KMyers> @AdamOutler, Do you have Nexus Protect | 23:18 |
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