
bazhangI thought nvidia-settings was done out of X09:50
bazhangthere's a gui for it?09:50
ikoniait's an X11 gui09:53
bazhangfman has been less than forthcoming /sensible in past encountuers09:59
ikoniahey venzen13:58
venzenhi ikonia13:58
ikoniawhat's up ? I thought you didn't want to join and had nothing to discuss ?13:58
ikoniain fact, you told me to "fuck off" when I asked you to join ? hence my surprise13:59
ikoniaso what's up ?13:59
venzenapologies for my silence till now, i'm completing a discussion in another channel14:01
ikoniano problem14:01
venzeni'll be back in 5-10mins. Just to be clear i used strong language at your proposal in that channel, not at you14:02
ikoniafair enough14:02
venzeni should have said "f*ck that" since it couldn't be misconstrued. Apologies. I prefer not to use strong language amd no-one likes that in a public forum anyway14:09
venzenso where did our disagreement start?14:09
ikoniaF*ck that would also have been unwelcome14:09
venzenas i say14:09
venzenyou have an annoying manner i must tell you14:09
ikoniaanything else ?14:10
venzenso i ask, above: where did our disagreement start?14:10
ikoniathere is no disagreement, hence why I've asked you 10+ times to "drop it"14:10
ikoniado you want to just cut to the chase ?14:11
venzenno single-minded, there is a disagreement and it is on-topic here. shall i nutshell it ?14:11
ikoniano single-minded ?14:12
ikoniasorry, I don't know what you mean by that14:12
venzenshall i nutshell my issue?14:12
ikoniayou're welcome to state whatever you feel the issue is, but I assure you there is no disagreement14:12
ikonia(it would be helpful too if you could state what you "want" too)14:12
venzeni give a user my opinion in #ubuntu and you comment - to me - not to the user's question: "that is the worst thing you can tell someone"14:13
venzenso this is my issue:14:14
ikoniasorry, I'm not seeing the issue (or have you not typed it yet)14:14
venzenif that is the _worst_ thing, which is subjective - your opinion vs mine - then why don't you contribute to the user's issue and propose the _better_ thing?14:15
venzenthis is fascilitation14:15
ikoniaI'd already corrected other things you'd told him14:15
ikoniaand when I told you this was also bad information, you started typing to pick a fight stating was I going to correct every mistake you made14:16
venzenbut you just chose to turn on me rather than being a positive presence in the channel and facilitating the issues that arise14:16
ikoniano-one turned on you14:16
ikoniaI corrected you14:16
ikoniaand the information I gave in correcting you also made it clear to him why it was incorrect14:16
ikoniathus two birds with one stone14:16
venzenyou were adressing me on my opinions given to the user, rather than give your opinions to the user - this is you picking for a fight14:17
venzenanyone would get annoyed by an op yapping at their ankles every other statement, surely?14:17
ikoniavenzen: I corrected why it was bad advice and why explaining the reasons, that pretty much corrected the info, and also give the user the other view point14:17
ikoniavenzen: yapping at their ankles ? I corrected you 2 times, and typed 2 things14:18
ikoniaso what do you want out of this ?14:18
ikoniaI'm not sure what you're looking for here ?14:18
venzenikonia: well, i speak under correction, but i did not see you provide other advice - only ciriticism of my utterances14:18
ikoniavenzen: then re-read the log14:19
venzeni got the impression you found me annoying for some reason and had singled me out for a scrap14:19
venzenlet me re-read14:19
ikonianope, I corrected you two times, and said nothing more14:19
ikoniayou continued pushing it14:19
ikoniathen joined another channel to push it again14:19
ikoniathen refused to join this channel14:19
ikonianow join this channel to push it again after stating "I have nothing more to say on the matter"14:20
ikoniaso it appears you who are tyring to pick a problem hwere14:20
ikoniaso again - what do you want to achieve out of this disucssion ?14:20
venzenikonia: i arrived here to observe this channel and you engaged me in discussion, i thought "well, give this over-zealous op a chance - maybe we can explain both our sides and come to an understanding"14:22
ikoniathe channel is not an observation channel14:22
venzenbut you see, you're with the finger in my chest every time14:22
ikoniaover-zelous op a hance ?14:22
ikoniachance ?14:22
ikoniayou didn't know I was an o14:23
ikoniaand you also turned on another user in the channel asking you to stop who was not an op14:23
ikoniaagain - it seems you're trying to find a problem14:23
venzenwell we didn't get along in the channel, so a second chance here might be productive, right?14:23
ikoniawhat do you actually want out of this discussion ?14:23
ikoniaI got on fine with you ?14:23
venzenno, you made a problem and seem bewildered that i reacted to you. I'm trying to help you understand :)_14:24
ikoniayou're the one suggesting there is a problem, I've said 5+ times there i no problem14:24
ikoniayou're not trying to help me at all14:24
ikoniawhy you reacted to me - and another user14:24
ikoniaand why you tried to pickup this fight in #lubuntu with no-one speaking14:24
ikoniaand why you refused to join this channel to discuss "the problem"14:24
ikoniait seems to me like you are the one trying to make a problem, as I've said I have no issue at all14:24
ikoniahence "what do you want out of this discussion" ?14:25
venzenikonia: you exhibit the behavior and attitude of those who gravitate to positions of authority - i'm telling you that you were out of line, objectively, but you're just denying that there is even an issue14:25
venzenlet's leave it. please allow me to speak here without interrupting14:26
ikoniawhat do you want from this discussion ?14:26
ikonialets focus on that14:26
venzeni came here to observe, you engaged me. fact. i want nothing from you or this discussion. YOu prompted it over in #ubuntu and by immediately following your greeting to me here with the issues _you_ have.14:28
ikoniaI greeted you because it's polite14:28
venzenand then, what did you say after politely greeting me?14:28
ikoniaand this isn't an observation channel, so if you don't want anything the team ask that you /part the channel14:28
venzenyou're amazing you know?14:29
ikoniathank you14:29
ikoniaso please /part the channel or state what you want ?14:29
venzeni have what i want. goodbye ikonia, see you in the ubuntu channels, but please don't you bring us here again with your behavior, allright?14:31
ikonia@mark #ubuntu-ops venzen looking for a fight14:31
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:31
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