smoser | hey. | 01:35 |
smoser | | 01:35 |
smoser | probably known ? | 01:35 |
smoser | recipe build at produced that, | 01:36 |
smoser | fails early with | 01:36 |
smoser | Could not connect to ftpmaster.internal:80 ( - connect (111: Connection refused) | 01:36 |
wgrant__ | smoser: Sorry about that, we'd intended to pause builds during this quick maintenance, but that didn't quite work apparently. | 01:40 |
=== wgrant__ is now known as wgrant | ||
wgrant | It'll be back in a few minutes, and all builds are probably paused now. | 01:41 |
wgrant | s/probably/properly/ | 01:41 |
KeithW | Hi folks -- is Launchpad experiencing an unannounced outage? We're not seeing our uploads appear in PPAs (even after several hours). | 02:46 |
=== G_ is now known as G | ||
wgrant | KeithW: We ran into some trouble with some maintenance this morning which is delaying processing of PPA uploads. Hopefully will be back within 15 minutes, and the backlog will be processed quickly. | 02:47 |
KeithW | Thanks! | 02:48 |
tsimonq2 | Seems to be working again | 03:34 |
tsimonq2 | Thanks wgrant et al! | 03:34 |
=== hrybacki|ptg is now known as hrybacki | ||
smoser | cjwatson, i saw you talking last week about 'make -f debian/rules clean' | 13:51 |
smoser | generating files / being used for making templates | 13:51 |
smoser | in cloud-init we have upstream branch with no packaging in debian/ and ubuntu/<release> branch with packaging that differs by release. | 13:52 |
smoser | when i cherry pick a upstream patch in ubuntu/<release> and put it in debian/patches/series then my recipe for building trunk fails (as the cherry picked patch wont apply) | 13:53 |
smoser | | 13:53 |
cjwatson | I don't want to discuss what should be done; I was merely observing what in practice sometimes is done. | 13:53 |
smoser | so i was hoping that i could just do something simple and some way make my trunk recipe take a different path (commenting out cpick-* from debian/patches/series) | 13:54 |
smoser | | 13:54 |
smoser | (you're welcome to say "I'm sorry i dont have time") | 13:54 |
cjwatson | I'm not sure how that's related to my clean observation. | 13:54 |
smoser | well, i thought you were saying that 'debian/rules clean' woudl alwasy be called before building | 13:54 |
cjwatson | Nope. | 13:55 |
smoser | oh. hm. ok then. | 13:55 |
smoser | how do people do that sort of thing ? | 13:55 |
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun | ||
cjwatson | I think you just have to have different packaging branches depending on what you're applying them to, at least sometimes. | 13:57 |
cjwatson | That's certainly what I'd do. | 13:57 |
smoser | yeah. i was just trying to avoid the maintenance of N more branches where all they did was remove 'cpick-*' lines from debian/patches/series | 13:58 |
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
kwmonroe | does anyone have lp builders building snaps from svn? my builds are having trouble doing the svn checkout from lp builders: | 15:04 |
nacc | kwmonroe: ew. | 15:05 |
kwmonroe | heh | 15:05 |
kwmonroe | queue the "boo svn" | 15:05 |
nacc | kwmonroe: although that reads more like possibly a proxy issue? | 15:05 |
kwmonroe | true dat nacc -- fwiw, the actual snap branch is a lp bzr -- it's just that the snap does an svn checkout for one of its parts. | 15:06 |
nacc | kwmonroe: use ? | 15:06 |
nacc | kwmonroe: (which appears to be a mirror apache's git pig repo) | 15:06 |
nacc | kwmonroe: so you could also use git:// | 15:07 |
kwmonroe | yup nacc - using a git mirror ought to work.. just wondering if anyone was able to use svn on the builders (like maybe with a svn option to add --proxy=foo) | 15:07 |
nacc | kwmonroe: good q, no idea myself, sorry | 15:09 |
kwmonroe | np nacc - thx for the git mirror suggestion! that'll get me where i need to go. | 15:17 |
nacc | kwmonroe: np, that's been my general snap workarounnd :) | 15:19 |
kwmonroe | heh | 15:19 |
cjwatson | kwmonroe: | 16:06 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1668358 in launchpad-buildd "Snap Builds using SVN Unable to Access Internet" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 16:06 |
cjwatson | need to work out some plausible proxy arrangement for that, but yeah, some kind of mirror would likely help | 16:06 |
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