
=== g2 is now known as g2[ATL]
=== g2[ATL] is now known as g2
placebohi guys07:18
placebocan anyone help me with a sound issue?07:18
placeboI have a laptop (broken monitor) and just installed the latest version of Lubunu. I have it connected to a tv monitor via HDMI, although it plays sound through the laptop speakers07:22
placeboI am having trouble finding how to switch audio to hdmi output07:22
hateballplacebo: install pavucontrol and use that07:24
placeboseems it is already installed and used in the distro07:28
placeboit only lists the built in speakers and headphones07:28
placebounsure why i can't get sound through the hdmi, since I am currently using the monitor through hdmi07:29
tsimonq2placebo: You should be able to select the output device in pavucontrol07:32
placebothank you, but Built in Audio Stereo is the only device showing07:34
placebothank you for replying to my ignorance07:34
placeboI assumed it would be in the OUtput Devices tab, but hadn't seen the Configuration tab07:35
placeboend user error. thanks for your input, helped me see what i couldn't.07:36
muriiwhat does the -9 mean in: kill -9 PROCESS_ID ?08:27
tsimonq2murii: Not only kill the child but kill it's parents and it's whole family08:28
tsimonq2We're talking about processes, of course.08:28
muriiso what exactly does it do, tsimonq2 ?08:29
tsimonq2murii: That's... what it does.08:29
muriiok,thanks :)08:29
tsimonq2np :)08:30
muriiif I want to copy a file from a server to mines I should do: scp /file user@inet:/path ?09:06
muriifor @inet I use ip addr show to get the info09:06
muriinohup ./Application </dev/null &>/dev/null & what does the: </dev/null &>/dev/null part do?11:25
muriiisn't that the part which should have been used for redirecting the output of the application ?11:25
macaruchiThere is a way to disable the USB ports using Lubuntu ?14:00
hateballmacaruchi: see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4702216/controlling-a-usb-power-supply-on-off-with-linux14:03
macaruchipolicykit doesnt work for Lubuntu ?14:04
venzenanyone aware of a PPA for latest kernel version for older releases? I'm running 16.04 on recent 7th gen AMD hardware. Kernel 4.5 drivers don't work with many devices such as touchpad, wifi and GPU - it would be useful to have an updating kernel repo rahther than manually downloading & installing every new kernel16:29
wxlvenzen: try #ubuntu, you'll get a wider spread.16:29
venzenthanks wxl, true :)16:30
User4795Greetings! Just set up Pidgin, but it doesn't make a sound. How do I fix that?17:49
User4795It's a recent 17.04 installation, just a few hours old17:49
wxlare you sure sounds are working in general, User4795 ?17:50
User4795Yes, they do.17:51
User4795Welp, seems I fixed it by changing the sound player to aplay -q %s17:53
wxloops wrong channel :)18:06

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