
oyrogergHi, is anyone around?04:55
oyrogergJust in case: I would like to have our maas-dhcp server listen on four interfaces.04:56
oyrogergI can make it briefly do that by adding them to /var/lib/maas/dhcpd-interfaces, but it quickly gets reverted04:57
oyrogergA dirty solution is to chattr +i /var/lib/maas/dhcpd-interfaces (!) so that /usr/lib/maas/maas-write-file fails to revert it, but I'd like to do it more cleanly if possible.04:57
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
oyrogergI put the question here https://askubuntu.com/questions/956892/how-do-i-get-maas-dhcp-to-listen-on-multiple-interfaces08:18
c06_hi all11:02
c06_anyone on?11:02
c06_facing "Marking node failed: Power on for the node failed: Could not contact node's BMC: Connection timed out while performing power action.  Check BMC configuration and connectivity and try again."12:24
c06_any suggestions?12:24
mwe1c06: which BMC type?12:29
c06_mwe1: ipmi12:29
mwe1which hardware vendor?12:30
mwe1have you checked the BMC variables (Nodes -> <select Node> -> Power?12:33
mwe1is there any configurattion (IP address, etc.)?12:34
c06_actually my machine got list as NEW state, and while doing commissioning getting the error12:35
mwe1maas should detect the ipmi configuration during the commissioning task. Is IPMI already configured and accessibbe from the maas server?12:36
mwe1AFAIK mass doesn't configure IPMI except adding a user (and activate IPMI over LAN)12:37
c06_mwe1: we configured our maas server with nodes. unfortunately we lost the connectivity between maas and nodes. after that we are facing this issue12:40
c06_mwe1: we removed the existing machine from maas and we restarted the nodes with PXE and the machine got into NEW state; while trying commission-> we are getting the above error12:41
mwe1That means the machine is able to PxE-Boot via maas. After detecting (State 'NEW') the machine is automatically powered off by the PxE-bootet image. until now it seems to be fine. but...12:43
mwe1Now MaaS has to start the machine to start the commission task. Because of not working IPMI MaaS isn't able to bootup the machine12:45
mwe1look at the 'Power' configuration at the machine. Is everyting OK?12:46
c06_mwe1: yes one sec i share whole logs may be that ll be help12:47
mwe1If yes try to connect to the IPMI interface from the MaaS server. Is that working?12:47
mwe1If Yes, look at the users-page of the IPMI-Interface. is there a user called 'maas'?12:48
c06_give me a sec; i am checking...  error logs https://paste.linux.community/view/9555311312:48
mwe1The logs of the commissioning-task would be great.12:48
c06_mwe1: i think tat is the above log12:49
mwe1--> Failed to change the boot order to PXE /usr/sbin/ipmi-config: connection timeout12:49
mwe1is the IP accessible from within the maas server?12:50
c06_i am trying to but its not accessable. any other command to check connectivity12:52
c06_mwe1: becoz those IP are listing in MAAS dashbaord. !!!12:52
mwe1als always: the network guys are resposible for your pain :D12:53
c06_mwe1: oops morning its working fine. i will check with network people.. :(12:53
mwe1what's the output of 'ping' (from within your maas server)12:54
c06_mwe1: one sec , 10.3.18.xx ip's are listing in subnet tab in MAAS dashboard12:54
mwe1Do you have an ssh shell to your maas server?12:56
c06_yes i have ping not working 100% packet loss12:56
mwe1(at this point forget your dashboard ;-) )12:56
mwe1ip route ?12:56
mwe1(is there a default GW)12:57
c06_mwe1:  its pinging;  deault gw changed and its in dummy interface. now i changed to my network and its pinging12:58
mwe1cool! try to commision your machine, again12:59
c06_ok ty i am trying and i ll ping once i got the result.. ty dude.. :)13:00
mwe1GW to dummy interface looks funny.13:00
mwe1You're welcome13:00
c06_mwe1: we are first time trying MAAS so only..13:02
=== Sagar is now known as Guest14056
Guest14056@roaksoax: Last week I was checking with you on uploading custom images in MAAS. You mentioned that currently MAAS does not support it, but there could be a workaround by modifying index.json13:44
Guest14056I looked at the file and it is GPG encrypted13:45
Guest14056any idea if I need to go non-secure way then you will I need to modify things?13:45
v92hi, do you have any idea what issue can be when I have two A records for host but only one is valid ?13:46
v92zone.maas:exp-imf-a-7 30 IN A
v92zone.maas:exp-imf-a-7 30 IN A
v92192.168.0.165 is not allocated to host exp-imf-a-713:46
v92only 0.15313:47
mwe1c06_: did it work?13:48
c06_mwe1: Node failed to be commissioned, because of the following error: No rack controllers can access the BMC of node: maas13:52
c06_i am searching in online so i forgot to ping13:52
c06_mwe1: i configured dpkg-reconfigure maas-region-controller and maas-rack-controller to my maas node ip but still same error13:54
mwe1but pinging from maas server (ssh) to the BMC is still working?  'ping'13:55
mwe1maybe network-manager has reconfigured your gateway.13:56
c06_yes ping is working to gateway.13:56
c06_i think nodes are in shutdown state so ping to that particular node not working13:57
mwe1ping to BMC should work in shutdown state also :D13:57
mwe1that's the funktion of BMCs ;-)13:58
c06_mwe1: serious oops its not working..13:58
c06_mwe1: i think as you told previously some admin people maybe played with network.. :(13:59
mwe1as always: It's a network related issue :-)13:59
c06_ok mwe1 ty for your suggestion i ll check with admin team :-D14:00
mwe1It might be possible that your maas-server is changing the gateway entries from time to time.14:00
c06_mwe1: my maas-server i didnt configure related to 10.3.18.x ip14:01
mwe1So when you change it manually it will be reconfigured after a short timeperiod.14:01
c06_**under subnet tab14:01
mwe1Isn't it your default gateway that is changed?14:02
c06_yes i changed in my maas machine after from maas server able to ping gateway(BMC-ipmi)14:02
mwe1try setting your default gateway manually, again and test the ping.14:02
mwe1if it works the commissioning should work also.14:03
c06_i think in maas server some network configuration changes14:04
c06_**changed.. from other machine able to ping to BMC(10.3.18.x).. oops i got into mess i think14:05
mwe1what's the output of 'ip route'14:07
mwe1(at the maas server)14:07
c06_mwe1: https://paste.linux.community/view/12fcd22c14:14
mwe1whith this configuration your BMC is pingable?14:15
c06_its pinging to gateway but not going to other BMC14:16
mwe1are you able to login to your gateway?14:16
c06_am not having credential for that gateway14:17
mwe1Than you have to contact your network-admins, I think :-(14:18
c06_ok i think so i will try14:20
mwe1forwarding from to via has to work in order to install your maas setup.14:20
mwe1that's your missing point, I think.14:20
mwe1good luck14:21
mwe1I have to leave for today.14:21
c06_thanks four time and suggestion14:21
mwe1You're welcome.14:21
c06_thanks dude.. if possible tomorrow i ll ping14:21
c06_have a nice day.. :)14:21
mupBug # changed: 1532047, 1621175, 1642298, 1676992, 1681801, 1684094, 1686246, 1688066, 1702703, 1703035, 1707850, 1708512, 1711414, 1711700, 1711714, 1712422, 1712423, 1712450, 1714273, 171563415:00
mupBug #1717669 changed: Ephemeral boot has broken DNS <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1717669>15:21
mupBug #1689557 changed: replace iscsi usage in ephemeral image with rooturl <MAAS:Fix Released by ltrager> <maas-images:Fix Released by ltrager> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1689557>16:00
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
mupBug #1717983 opened: replacement of isc-dhcp-client with with systemd-networkd for dhclient needs integration <amd64> <apparmor> <apport-bug> <artful> <avahi (Ubuntu):New> <cloud-init (Ubuntu):New> <controlaula (Ubuntu):New> <ddclient (Ubuntu):New> <dracut (Ubuntu):New> <ifupdown (Ubuntu):New>17:47
mup<ifupdown2 (Ubuntu):New> <initramfs-tools (Ubuntu):New> <isc-dhcp (Ubuntu):New> <libguestfs (Ubuntu):New> <maas (Ubuntu):New> <madwimax (Ubuntu):New> <netscript-2.4 (Ubuntu):New> <network-manager (Ubuntu):New> <ntp (Ubuntu):New> <openresolv (Ubuntu):New> <resolvconf (Ubuntu):New> <samba17:47
mup(Ubuntu):New> <sendmail (Ubuntu):New> <ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu):New> <walinuxagent (Ubuntu):New> <whereami (Ubuntu):New> <wicd (Ubuntu):New> <wifi-radar (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1717983>17:47
mupBug #1717612 changed: MAAS uses region IP address for default DNS server, but DNS is provided by rack controllers <cdo-qa> <cdo-qa-blocker> <foundations-engine> <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1717612>18:36
mupBug #1718016 opened: MAAS failed to respond to POST'd deploy request but still deployed node <cdo-qa> <cdo-qa-blocker> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1718016>19:43
mupBug #1718016 changed: MAAS failed to respond to POST'd deploy request but still deployed node <cdo-qa> <cdo-qa-blocker> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1718016>19:46
mupBug #1718016 opened: MAAS failed to respond to POST'd deploy request but still deployed node <cdo-qa> <cdo-qa-blocker> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1718016>19:49
mupBug #1718039 opened: regiond logs errors when rackd not installed <cdo-qa> <foundations-engine> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1718039>20:49
mupBug #1718039 changed: regiond logs errors when rackd not installed <cdo-qa> <foundations-engine> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1718039>20:58
mupBug #1718039 opened: regiond logs errors when rackd not installed <cdo-qa> <foundations-engine> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1718039>21:07
mupBug #1718039 changed: regiond logs errors when rackd not installed <cdo-qa> <foundations-engine> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1718039>21:19
mupBug #1718044 opened: [2.2] Failed to process node status messages - twisted.internet.defer.QueueOverflow <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1718044>21:19
mupBug #1718046 opened: [2.2, HA] could not serialize access due to concurrent update <MAAS:New> <MAAS 2.2:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1718046>21:19
mupBug #1718048 opened: [2.3] Traceback when no available machine matches constraints <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1718048>21:19
mupBug #1718048 changed: [2.3] Traceback when no available machine matches constraints <cdo-qa> <foundations-engine> <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1718048>22:22

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