mhall119 | ahoneybun: IIRC, Mark is one of the 7, so there are 6 elected positions | 13:53 |
ahoneybun | The tweet and email says 7 | 14:34 |
ctkr | Have to say really impressed with the IRC community for Ubuntu... | 18:42 |
balloons | so google code in for 2017 has been announced again. Orgs haves until october 24th to submit an application | 19:01 |
balloons | Not sure if anyone is up for trying to spin a ubuntu application again or not | 19:01 |
_Anna_ | What's the difference between Oracle's VirtualBox and its ubuntu version? | 21:57 |
wxl | _Anna_: for one thing, it lags behind in version | 21:58 |
wxl | s/it/ubuntu/ | 21:58 |
_Anna_ | sorry, english is not my native language. You mean the ububtu version is slower? | 21:59 |
wxl | yes | 21:59 |
_Anna_ | What is good for? | 22:00 |
wxl | right now, they're on par, but only for artful. in other words, to be using the latest version of virtualbox from the repos, you need to be using the latest (not released/development) version of ubuntu | 22:00 |
wxl | it's good for................ people that are too lazy to use the oracle version? :) | 22:00 |
wxl | you can get the latest version of virtualbox to run on as old of an ubuntu version as precise | 22:02 |
_Anna_ | There must be a reason why was made. | 22:03 |
wxl | _Anna_: at one time, there was a specific open source version of VirtualBox, which, naturally, Ubuntu distributed in exclusion to the proprietary version. | 22:50 |
wxl | _Anna_: one thing i will warn you about is that the one place to find really good support with virtualbox is on the IRC channel, but they pretty much won't give you the time of day unless you're using an Oracle version. | 22:52 |
_Anna_ | I know that. They told me so. | 22:52 |
wxl | so that's a good reason to use the Oracle version. | 22:53 |
_Anna_ | Is that the only reason? No more or less features? | 22:53 |
wxl | you'll have the latest features and fixes with Oracle. you will NOT have that promise with Ubuntu. | 22:54 |
_Anna_ | Then why the ubuntu version still exists if offers zero? | 22:57 |
wxl | Some people like to get everything from the repos. | 22:57 |
wxl | certainly apt-getting your way to getting a package is a lot easier than finding some upstream repo | 22:57 |
wxl | it's a convenience feature rather than a functional one | 22:58 |
wxl | as a general rule, ubuntu (and debian, on which ubuntu is based) will ALWAYS be behind on versions. | 22:58 |
wxl | generally the way development works is that upstream makes a change, then debian packages it, then ubuntu repackages it | 22:59 |
wxl | that means there's a bit of a wait time from upstream release to having things available in the ubuntu repos | 22:59 |
wxl | for many things, that's not a big deal. but i woudln't say that about virtualbox. maybe if you're a VERY casual user of it. | 23:00 |
wxl | ubuntu is closer to upstream than debian because our stable is debian's development version | 23:00 |
_Anna_ | The default package manager of ubuntu-mate, Software Boutique, offers the official version straight from oracle's site. I think there is no point in Software Center not doing the same. | 23:02 |
_Anna_ | Or is there? | 23:42 |
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