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karstensrage | hi LocutusOfBorg | 03:51 |
karstensrage | are you still doing sponsorship for debian? | 03:53 |
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LocutusOfBorg | jbicha, mozjs24 is a merge or a sync? | 06:46 |
LocutusOfBorg | karstensrage, please debdiff the package with the one in unstable | 08:34 |
LocutusOfBorg | missing changes, e.g. new identity4c package, wrong version (dpkg --compare-versions helps), target should be sid, not "stable", the first changelog timestamp has been changed, old std-version, vcs fields non canonical (see mentors link), pre-depends should be dropped now | 08:37 |
jbicha | LocutusOfBorg: I'd prefer it if we could RM mozjs24 … here's what's blocking its final rdepends: https://bugs.debian.org/872040 | 11:23 |
ubottu | Debian bug 872040 in src:duktape "duktape: please ship a duktape library" [Wishlist,Open] | 11:23 |
jbicha | and I'd like to drop mozjs38 too but that's blocked on https://github.com/linuxmint/cjs/issues/52 | 11:24 |
karstensrage | LocutusOfBorg, thanks, will do | 14:20 |
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
karstensrage | LocutusOfBorg, done | 14:53 |
LocutusOfBorg | karstensrage, std-version is 4.1.0, dh-autoreconf is useless in compat level 10, changelog doesn't list changes | 15:05 |
LocutusOfBorg | bump debian/compat and debhelper to 10 | 15:06 |
LocutusOfBorg | and drop --with-autoreconf from rules | 15:06 |
LocutusOfBorg | and update the changelog file | 15:06 |
LocutusOfBorg | debian/changelog.j2 <-- what is that? | 15:07 |
karstensrage | is that in there | 15:07 |
karstensrage | yikeks | 15:08 |
karstensrage | LocutusOfBorg, thats a template file since everyone wants different versions for their builds | 15:08 |
karstensrage | it shouldnt be in there... | 15:08 |
karstensrage | and does changelog only reflects package changes right? | 15:09 |
LocutusOfBorg | upstream in case they fix a debian bug | 15:10 |
LocutusOfBorg | and packaging yes | 15:10 |
karstensrage | so all these changes you're suggesting reflected in changelog? | 15:10 |
karstensrage | hmm have to figure out how to get rid of that .j2 | 15:11 |
LocutusOfBorg | do a debdiff of the current unstable package | 15:11 |
LocutusOfBorg | and check it | 15:11 |
TJ- | seems to be a bug in openssh-client-ssh1, it fails if ~/.ssh/config has a stanza with "Protocol 1", same as the regular ssh client. | 15:21 |
doko | is sysvinit-utils still supposed to be essential in artful? | 16:36 |
coreycb | bdmurray: hello, would you be able to take a look at promoting neutron-lbaas-dashboard to zesty-updates when you get a chance? | 17:40 |
beisner | coreycb dosaboy - fyi, promoted neutron to uca mitaka-proposed re: https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1668410 | 17:48 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1668410 in neutron "[SRU] Infinite loop trying to delete deleted HA router" [Medium,In progress] | 17:48 |
coreycb | beisner: thanks sir | 17:49 |
bdmurray | coreycb: It doesn't seem to be verified | 17:56 |
beisner | coreycb dosaboy - fyi, promoted nova from staging to proposed in uca M, N, O for https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1668410 | 17:57 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1668410 in neutron "[SRU] Infinite loop trying to delete deleted HA router" [Medium,In progress] | 17:57 |
coreycb | bdmurray: urg sorry, too many tags | 17:57 |
doko | chrisccoulson: fyi, there is a new cargo in unstable, and a new rustc in experimental | 18:19 |
tjaalton | doko: uploaded tomcat8.0 to debian & artful, assuming it'll take too long to process through debian NEW to reach artful.. | 18:36 |
doko | tjaalton: accepted | 18:38 |
tjaalton | :D | 18:38 |
cajhne_ | Hi. | 18:38 |
doko | tjaalton: please keep a bug report open to remove it for 18.04 | 18:38 |
cajhne_ | 17.10 crashes every time I fill up the RAM. | 18:38 |
tjaalton | doko: much thanks, I'll push new tomcatjss etc later | 18:38 |
tjaalton | doko: yup | 18:38 |
cajhne_ | Anyone else seeing that? | 18:38 |
cajhne_ | It's almost as though the new swap (file) is broken in some way. | 18:40 |
cajhne_ | does anyone know a way to test if it's the swap file that's crashing Ubuntu 17.10? | 18:44 |
cajhne_ | in the log it says /failed to activate swap file | 18:45 |
nacc | cajhne_: then you aren't usinng the sawp file and it probably OOM'd | 18:45 |
cajhne_ | nacc: thanks. I'm surprised there's no bug report for this. | 18:46 |
nacc | cajhne_: what's the bug? swap failed to activate and you used up all your memory | 18:48 |
nacc | cajhne_: swap failing to activate isn't itself a bug | 18:48 |
cajhne_ | nacc: I don't understand... that's expected behaviour? To crash and not swap anything to disk? | 18:48 |
nacc | cajhne_: without understanding *why* | 18:48 |
cajhne_ | all I can think of is that I made the horrible error of choosing "encrypt my home folder" | 18:49 |
cajhne_ | on install. | 18:49 |
nacc | cajhne_: how can it swap when there is no swap? | 18:50 |
cajhne_ | Other than that, there's nothing at all unusual about my install. | 18:50 |
nacc | cajhne_: did you put your swapfile in your /home? | 18:50 |
juliank | rbalint: If you wondered why I did not upload the apt SRU yet: I was waiting to get this ACKed upstream (in Debian) for stretch / 1.4.8, but this did not happen yet. I guess I'll have to rebuild with a different version number. very unfortunate after all the work I put in :( | 18:50 |
cajhne_ | nacc: Ubuntu has always set up swap however it likes. Does it not do that anymore? | 18:50 |
cajhne_ | If not, yes, I'd consider that a pretty major bug. | 18:51 |
nacc | cajhne_: of course it does | 18:52 |
nacc | cajhne_: also, i think you might be in the wrong channel, did you want #ubuntu? | 18:52 |
cajhne_ | nacc: for the install I chose to wipe the disk and install ubuntu 17.10 | 18:52 |
nacc | cajhne_: or #ubuntu+1 | 18:52 |
cajhne_ | I'm ready to report a bug, but wanted to see if it's a bug. | 18:53 |
nacc | cajhne_: right, so wronng channel | 18:53 |
cajhne_ | nacc: usually I work with devs to troubleshoot bugs. This is for the upcoming release. | 18:54 |
nacc | cajhne_: this appears to be a support request, and this is not the support channel (as pointed out in /topic) | 18:55 |
nacc | cajhne_: hence use #ubuntu or #ubuntu+1 as appropriate (imo) | 18:55 |
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rbalint | juliank: thanks for the reminder | 19:08 |
CRogers | is #ubuntu broken? | 19:09 |
nacc | CRogers: you need to be registered | 19:09 |
nacc | CRogers: is that what you mean? | 19:09 |
CRogers | I am. | 19:09 |
nacc | CRogers: what are you seeingn? | 19:09 |
CRogers | ubuntu channel with 0 people in it. | 19:10 |
rbalint | juliank: i'm working on issues surfaced in u-u thus i'm not blocked on missing apt but i hope apt gets accepted | 19:10 |
CRogers | no way to type anything. | 19:10 |
nacc | CRogers: well, i'm in #ubuntu now ... are you on the wrong server? | 19:10 |
wxl | 1210 -!- Irssi: #ubuntu: Total of 1082 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 1081 normal] | 19:10 |
wxl | seems you're missing SOMEthing, CRogers | 19:11 |
CRogers | nacc: freenode, right? | 19:11 |
nacc | CRogers: yeah | 19:11 |
CRogers | yea. :( | 19:11 |
wxl | i'm in #ubuntu and according to whois, you're not, CRogers | 19:11 |
* CRogers grrrrs | 19:11 | |
CRogers | Okay, maybe it's Polari. | 19:11 |
wxl | can you invite me to the channel? | 19:11 |
wxl | the one that you think is #ubuntu | 19:12 |
CRogers | wxl no, cant type anything. | 19:12 |
CRogers | maybe I'll re-start polari. | 19:12 |
wxl | i'm not asking you to dialogue, but to send an irc command | 19:12 |
wxl | if you can't type anything (versus the server refuses your entry for some reason) that's certainly a client issue | 19:12 |
CRogers | wxl: I can do nothing in that channel. Polari isn't letting me. | 19:12 |
sarnold | CRogers: /invite wxl #ubuntu | 19:13 |
CRogers | sarnold: I typed that here, but I don't think it wil do any good. | 19:13 |
CRogers | brb | 19:14 |
=== cajhne is now known as CRogers | ||
CRogers | Heh | 19:15 |
CRogers | Nickserv is like: "Identified for CRogers" | 19:15 |
CRogers | Polari is like... nah. :P | 19:15 |
CRogers | It's definitely a bug in Polari. | 19:16 |
CRogers | Sorry for the noise. | 19:16 |
coreycb | bdmurray: ok i've completed verification for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/neutron-lbaas-dashboard/+bug/1709604 now | 19:53 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1709604 in neutron-lbaas-dashboard (Ubuntu Zesty) "package installs and enables two panels" [High,Fix committed] | 19:53 |
coreycb | bdmurray: i promise :) | 19:53 |
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smoser | anyone seen this ? my schroot build fails | 21:12 |
smoser | http://paste.ubuntu.com/25568080/ | 21:12 |
jbicha | smoser: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python3-defaults/3.6.2-1ubuntu2 | 21:16 |
jbicha | but that same problem is causing the fix to ftbfs :( | 21:18 |
jbicha | doko: ^ | 21:18 |
karstensrage | ok LocutusOfBorg im not sure what you are intending to communicate with "do a debdiff of the current unstable package" i have done some debdiffs of the dsc and the changes look correct | 21:22 |
karstensrage | but if you are seeing something else please let me know | 21:23 |
infinity | jbicha: The fix will build once the deletion is published. | 21:25 |
infinity | Or unpublished, as it were. | 21:26 |
LocutusOfBorg | karstensrage, pull-debian-source packagename | 22:18 |
LocutusOfBorg | debdiff it with the one I should sponsor | 22:18 |
LocutusOfBorg | and filterdiff for the debian directory | 22:18 |
karstensrage | LocutusOfBorg, like https://paste.ubuntu.com/25568716/ | 22:48 |
infinity | karstensrage: Why the new package? | 22:56 |
infinity | karstensrage: libufpidentity-dev is for dev, and if something's linked against the library, it will get a dependency on libufpidentity1, so identity4c seems entirely pointless. | 22:57 |
=== Guest41832 is now known as RAOF | ||
karstensrage | infinity, the upstream package was updated | 23:23 |
infinity | karstensrage: Yes... And? | 23:23 |
infinity | karstensrage: That doesn't really answer my question. :) | 23:23 |
karstensrage | i thought this is what i had to do | 23:23 |
infinity | karstensrage: Why the new *binary*? | 23:23 |
karstensrage | binary? | 23:23 |
nacc | someone is reporting (well, technically they are complaining that nont all flavors do this) that mate enables the upstream oracle virtualbox repo by default | 23:24 |
infinity | karstensrage: That diff adds a new binary package, identity4c.deb, whose only purpose is to be an empty package that depends on the library. | 23:24 |
nacc | that seems ... surprising if so, as it would lead to a rather different UX only on mate? | 23:24 |
infinity | nacc: That would be a violation of (admittedly, not well-documented) policy. | 23:25 |
karstensrage | infinity, thats how it was originally packaged | 23:25 |
infinity | karstensrage: Except, it isn't? | 23:25 |
nacc | infinity: that was my guess too, and wasn't where to find said policy :) (still looking to see if it's true) | 23:25 |
sarnold | nacc: eww. | 23:25 |
infinity | karstensrage: It wouldn't be showing up in the diff if that was how it was previously packaged. | 23:25 |
nacc | infinity: sarnold: i'll get a live instance going and see | 23:25 |
karstensrage | im not sure i understand | 23:26 |
karstensrage | im sorry | 23:26 |
karstensrage | im not well versed in packaging | 23:26 |
nacc | karstensrage: there's no identity4c binary package in Ubuntu | 23:26 |
nacc | karstensrage: and your debdiff implies one is being added | 23:26 |
infinity | karstensrage: The current source package produces two binaries: libufpidentity-dev and libufpidentity1. Your updated version also produces a identity4c package that depends on the library. | 23:26 |
karstensrage | hmm ok | 23:28 |
karstensrage | im not sure why that is the case | 23:28 |
karstensrage | it was only my intention to update the upstream | 23:28 |
infinity | Also, those Vcs-* links still seem to point nowhere useful. | 23:28 |
karstensrage | yes im not exactly sure what those are supposed to be, i just followed the convention in the maintainers guide | 23:29 |
karstensrage | i would be happy to remove them if thats allowed | 23:29 |
infinity | If there's no Vcs, having the links is wrong. | 23:30 |
karstensrage | ok | 23:30 |
infinity | But I'm more curious about how you "accidentally" add a new binary package to debian/control. ;) | 23:30 |
infinity | (Or is this someone else's changes?) | 23:30 |
nacc | karstensrage: how did you do the upstream update? uupdate? | 23:30 |
karstensrage | oh i see what youre saying now... hmm | 23:31 |
karstensrage | wait | 23:31 |
karstensrage | oh oh | 23:31 |
karstensrage | i see what youre saying now | 23:32 |
karstensrage | yes nacc maybe uupdate | 23:32 |
karstensrage | i dont think i "added" that, i think it was added for me by something | 23:32 |
infinity | That would be pretty much impossible. | 23:32 |
karstensrage | i can definitely make it look like it looked before, im sorry for the misunderstanding | 23:32 |
infinity | No automatic tool would have written that Description. | 23:33 |
nacc | uupdate won't do that, afaik (it will only buimp your changelog and create a new dir for the updated version) | 23:33 |
nacc | infinity: good point :) | 23:33 |
nacc | unless ... skynet? :) | 23:33 |
karstensrage | ah ok | 23:33 |
karstensrage | i see more now | 23:34 |
nacc | what a sad (sly?) way to show self-awareness, though! subtly modifying our debdiffs | 23:34 |
tsimonq2 | Next weekend project (on my 1,000,000,000 item long list of them), build a bot to do exactly that, write debian/control descriptions :P | 23:34 |
infinity | karstensrage: Just to deal with my own confusion here a bit, are you 'richardl@ufp.com'? | 23:34 |
karstensrage | yes | 23:34 |
infinity | Okay. :) | 23:34 |
karstensrage | so i did this a long time ago | 23:34 |
karstensrage | and its hard to remember what occurred when | 23:34 |
nacc | tsimonq2: heh | 23:34 |
karstensrage | so there are three possible things to upload to, debian, launchpad, (ppa's) and ubuntu | 23:35 |
infinity | karstensrage: Yeah. Well, Debian and then sync to Ubuntu, since we're already in sync. | 23:35 |
karstensrage | i may have indicated i wanted to do apt-get install identity4c and that is what makes that happen | 23:35 |
infinity | karstensrage: But then PPAs if you feel the urge. | 23:35 |
karstensrage | and all three need different forms of versioning | 23:35 |
karstensrage | iirc | 23:36 |
infinity | karstensrage: Anyhow, libraries shouldn't have a way to install them that way. That's not particularly reasonable. | 23:36 |
infinity | karstensrage: Libraries should be pulled in as dependencies of things that link to them. | 23:36 |
karstensrage | hmm | 23:36 |
infinity | karstensrage: For instance, there's no way to "apt-get install glibc", you just get it because, well, everything else depends on it. | 23:37 |
infinity | And if you want to develop C, you "apt-get install libc6-dev", or in your case, libufpidentity-dev | 23:37 |
infinity | karstensrage: So, I get the intent, just saying it's not Debian library maintenance best practices or policy. | 23:38 |
infinity | (But drop that delta, and I'd be happy to sponsor the rest to Debian for you, since I assume the issue here is that you're not currently a DM or DD?) | 23:39 |
karstensrage | thats correct im not a DM or DD | 23:39 |
karstensrage | this update is for another module i plan to package as well | 23:40 |
karstensrage | </scary drums> | 23:40 |
infinity | Heh. | 23:40 |
karstensrage | so would you be willing to look over another package and tell me if thats the right track? | 23:41 |
karstensrage | and maybe sponsor that too? | 23:41 |
karstensrage | i will remove that delta and resubmit, i do agree that its odd but i cant recall why or where it got added, i realize now i must have put it in for apt-get install identity4c | 23:41 |
karstensrage | but youre right thats a bit odd | 23:42 |
infinity | karstensrage: I'd be willing to look over more bits, sure. Also, yes, you should remove the Vcs-* lines if they point to no VCS. ;) | 23:42 |
infinity | karstensrage: Looks like libpam-ufpidentity has the same VCS blackhole bug. | 23:42 |
karstensrage | yeah thats the other one i wanted to know if it was the right track | 23:43 |
karstensrage | there is another library, dependent on this new stuff, libnss_ufp | 23:43 |
karstensrage | youre going to absolutely LOVE that one | 23:43 |
karstensrage | :P | 23:43 |
infinity | Of course. Can't have a PAM module without an NSS module. | 23:43 |
karstensrage | right | 23:43 |
infinity | I mean, you can, but they do seem to come in pairs. :) | 23:43 |
karstensrage | but i felt it was important to mimic glibc | 23:44 |
karstensrage | so it creates its so just like the others in /lib/ | 23:44 |
infinity | Famous last words. | 23:44 |
karstensrage | yeah | 23:44 |
karstensrage | ok let me remove that package and resubmit | 23:44 |
infinity | karstensrage: I also note you haven't tagged a 1.1.0 on github yet. | 23:45 |
infinity | karstensrage: Were you waiting to do that after the package review, in case the reviewer(s) found something you should fix upstream? | 23:46 |
karstensrage | yes and to make sure all the stuff went together, since this is for another library | 23:46 |
karstensrage | the NSS thing | 23:46 |
karstensrage | its much easier for clients to install from packaging, no one really goes to github | 23:47 |
infinity | Check. So this is a bit of a sanity check review, not a "please upload right now" review, since there's no upstream orig tarball yet? | 23:47 |
karstensrage | correct | 23:47 |
infinity | Works for me. | 23:47 |
jbicha | nacc: I assume the 3rd party repositories are facilitated by the ubuntu-mate-welcome app | 23:47 |
infinity | jbicha: And such facilitation is entirely okay, if it's opt-in. If the assertion that it's opt-out (or no opting at all) is true, then it's a grave violation of all things Good and Pure and True. | 23:48 |
jbicha | I also assume the Tech Board is generally aware of that app. It's an old Tech Board policy that requires rare, documented exceptions for enabling 3rd party repos by default | 23:48 |
infinity | Well, opt-in with some solid explanation of WTF you're signing up for. | 23:48 |
nacc | fwiw, i think jbicha is right | 23:49 |
nacc | and ubuntu-mate seeds the ubuntu-mate-welcome package | 23:49 |
nacc | so it's opt-out, afaict? | 23:49 |
infinity | I believe I've been off and on aware of it over the years. :) | 23:49 |
infinity | nacc: ubuntu-mate-welcome enables those repos by default? | 23:49 |
nacc | infinity: i'm still downloading the iso, will let you know soon | 23:49 |
nacc | infinity: the above was just as stmt on that package, sorry | 23:49 |
infinity | Anyhow, if it does it by default, it's a pretty nasty bug that we should have caught earlier. | 23:50 |
jbicha | nacc: I believe the additional repos aren't enabled by default but it's very easy to do so and may not be obvious to users what they're doing | 23:50 |
infinity | If it does it on an opt-in basis, but without sufficient warning, it's a normalish bug that should be addressed. | 23:50 |
infinity | If it's opt-in with flashing warnings and sirens, there's nothing to see here. | 23:50 |
nacc | jbicha: infinity: ack, will check | 23:50 |
jbicha | anyway, the Tech Board is aware now ;) | 23:50 |
nacc | heh | 23:50 |
jbicha | btw, Ubuntu Budgie has a welcome app now too | 23:51 |
infinity | jbicha: BTW, that python3-defaults thing finally got over the hump, if you had any specific builds that needed retrying. | 23:51 |
jbicha | infinity: thanks, already retried :) | 23:52 |
infinity | jbicha: Though, it might be that time of year where I should just retry all of artful-proposed so people can whine about spam. | 23:52 |
infinity | (Note that whining about spam generated by the FTBFS packages YOU uploaded has always seemed a bit silly to me) | 23:52 |
karstensrage | ok uploaded | 23:52 |
jbicha | I used to get so excited when the Release Team would send me an email, but then disappointment | 23:52 |
karstensrage | i think that might be what you wanted | 23:52 |
infinity | jbicha: Hahaha. | 23:52 |
jbicha | now they email me all the time :| | 23:52 |
infinity | karstensrage: No idea where you uploaded to (note I was commenting on your pasted diff before). | 23:53 |
infinity | karstensrage: Though, seeing the whole package would indeed be better, if you have a pointer to that. | 23:53 |
slangasek | infinity: somebody already retried all of artful-proposed last week-ish, this might be why you get complaints about spam ;) | 23:53 |
infinity | slangasek: Was that somebody you? | 23:54 |
slangasek | \no | 23:54 |
slangasek | I suspect doko | 23:54 |
infinity | If it wasn't me, I question if it was "all of", unless someone wrote a very, very, very slow API client to do it. | 23:54 |
karstensrage | infinity, https://mentors.debian.net/package/identity4c | 23:54 |
infinity | Since I'm one of the few with access to do it directly from ftpmaster without seven hours of round trip hell. | 23:54 |
infinity | karstensrage: Ta. | 23:55 |
slangasek | infinity: well, I got a /lot/ of random build failure mails, but yeah, not sure | 23:55 |
infinity | But also, I figure the solution to "I don't like FTBFS mails on old uploads" is "fix your old upload". | 23:55 |
jbicha | any AA volunteers to remove the ostree binaries from artful/s390x, general tracker bug is LP: #1712083 | 23:56 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1712083 in gjs (Ubuntu) "Please remove gjs/s390x" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1712083 | 23:56 |
infinity | I get more than most, since I "own" all the proposed-to-proposed forward-copies, but most others shouldn't have that excuse. | 23:56 |
jbicha | the Debian ostree package build-depends on s390x already so it currently doesn't build on s390x at all | 23:56 |
jbicha | *build-depends on gjs | 23:56 |
infinity | Ugh. | 23:57 |
infinity | WHY DO PEOPLE DO THIS. | 23:57 |
infinity | Maybe I should just make the tools not allow it. | 23:57 |
infinity | So, the problem with removing existing published binaries is that they'll come back if the source is copied around. | 23:57 |
infinity | Like, say, when opening a new series. | 23:58 |
infinity | The correct way to do this is to upload a mozjs and gjs that no longer produce s390x binaries, than reupload all the rdeps so they end up dep-waiting. | 23:58 |
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