=== ubuntu-mate is now known as Peter|--- | ||
cyberlinux | is it possible to link the Super key to start the Brisk Menu? | 03:05 |
cyberlinux | or the Advanced MATE menu | 03:05 |
jacky_ | hello | 03:28 |
jacky_ | i just need a lil help from you all | 03:28 |
jacky_ | anyone alive here ??? | 03:29 |
alex__ | hey! | 06:44 |
sigurdson | Hiya MATE's :D | 08:55 |
vlt | Hei! | 08:58 |
sigurdson | Norsk? | 09:09 |
vlt | Er tysk men snakker litt, ja. | 09:13 |
sigurdson | ok | 09:26 |
sigurdson | anyone use ffmpeg for video editing? | 09:33 |
vlt | !ask | 09:35 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 09:35 |
sigurdson | that was my question :) | 09:37 |
vlt | sigurdson: Ok, then yes. | 09:45 |
sigurdson | I was wondering if it is possible, and if so how can i make an .iso file span over multiple DVD's. This is actually 2 questions. If it is an install file there, can i make it so it say "insert disk two" and if it is multiple files in folders how can i span them when the iso extends over 3 DVD's ? Mostly i ask because i am qurious, but also because i need to do it now in near future. | 09:49 |
vlt | sigurdson: That's quite confusing, wait ... | 09:55 |
vlt | sigurdson: Your first question is whether it is possible to use ffmpeg for video editing? Really? Erm, yes. That's basically what ffmepg is for. | 09:56 |
vlt | sigurdson: I don't get your other questions. What "install file"? What exactly should say "insert disk two" and when? | 09:57 |
sigurdson | No my first question was if anyone was using it.. | 10:00 |
sigurdson | My second is if you make a, say 10GB .iso file and you want to burn them to multiple disks how to do this | 10:01 |
sigurdson | Less confusing? | 10:01 |
tsimonq2 | sigurdson: That's a bit complex to do | 10:03 |
tsimonq2 | What are you trying to accomplish? | 10:03 |
sigurdson | span a disk set | 10:04 |
sigurdson | from an .iso | 10:05 |
tsimonq2 | ...what *exactly* are you trying to do? | 10:05 |
sigurdson | i know you can span .zip files quite easy.. But that might be another case | 10:05 |
tsimonq2 | Create a distro, or just have some files on there? | 10:05 |
sigurdson | Files | 10:05 |
vlt | sigurdson: That's part of your solution. What is the actual problem? | 10:06 |
sigurdson | nvm | 10:07 |
dominique_ | hello | 15:36 |
dominique_ | anybody ? | 15:37 |
alkisg | !ask | 15:37 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 15:37 |
dominique_ | is it possible to have different wallpaper for every workspace ? | 15:38 |
=== gerry__ is now known as mandje | ||
mandje | somewhere i chosen a 'cuppertino´ theme. i'd like to undo but i can't find it no more.. | 16:19 |
mandje | oh got it. mate tweak/panels. | 16:27 |
mandje | still a maze. | 16:28 |
=== gerry_ is now known as mandje_ | ||
daddy | anyone know how to play a dvd in Ubuntu MATE Artful | 18:23 |
diogenes_ | daddy, install bildvd | 18:35 |
diogenes_ | libdvd* | 18:35 |
daddy | ty | 18:35 |
diogenes_ | yw | 18:36 |
cedric_ | hi | 19:24 |
cedric_ | I have a question | 19:24 |
cedric_ | my raspberry is slow when I went in youtube | 19:25 |
cedric_ | It is normal ??? | 19:25 |
cedric_ | thanks you | 19:25 |
diogenes_ | cedric_, on PI you watch youtube via kodiu | 19:26 |
diogenes_ | kodi* | 19:26 |
murielle | comment demarrer rapidement ubuntu ? | 19:27 |
swift110x60 | I am loving ubuntu mate' | 19:30 |
_Anna_ | why? | 19:37 |
=== geoff is now known as Guest68300 | ||
Guest68300 | ok thankyou | 19:44 |
Guest68300 | Only just installed Ubuntu Mate this week, really pleased with it, New to Linux and want to use it more as my primary OS | 19:45 |
diogenes_ | good choice | 19:45 |
Guest68300 | I was using Mint which i also liked, had also tried Ubuntu 16 but this is a great merge between the two | 19:46 |
diogenes_ | aha | 19:47 |
Guest68300 | it also appears to be more stable..i have dual boot and can easily access my OneDrive Folder on the Windows Side of the Laptop..Windows has some great features but dont trust alot of these big corps | 19:48 |
Guest68300 | After watching Joe Collins (a big pusher for Linux on Youtube) he showed the Mate version and i liked it immediatley | 19:49 |
diogenes_ | you were just lucky that wannacry and the likes didn't get your credit card information while you were on windows | 19:50 |
Guest68300 | yes..i know. i do not store any passwords on my devices at all... | 19:50 |
swift110x60 | It's a pleasure to use | 19:51 |
Guest68300 | Slowly learning some of the Command lines Linux gives you so much more scope... | 19:51 |
swift110x60 | I love Mint as well but annoys me due to old packages that don't get updated very quickly | 19:51 |
Guest68300 | i found ubuntu to be abit unstable and freeze the laptop and re-installed it a few times | 19:52 |
Guest68300 | Mint was a greateasy Linux Introduction very much like a windows desktop | 19:52 |
Guest68300 | I dont want to use windows programs on Linux Via Wine Etc as i think your just creating the same issues leaving yourself open to attacks | 19:53 |
Guest68300 | I feel its worth re-learning everything the linux way | 19:53 |
swift110x60 | Yes I agree | 19:54 |
swift110x60 | I am so happy I came across Linux years ago. It has truly opened up a whole new world to me | 19:55 |
Peter|--- | hi | 20:16 |
Peter|--- | I again install kubuntu in my machine for no can have grub or boot | 20:18 |
nh | Hi. The Ubuntu MATE welcome screen lists some software to install including the Atom text editor. However, it says 'atom package cannot be found'. Any easy workaround? | 20:58 |
_Anna_ | I have a friend claiming "Software Boutique" violates Ubuntu policy by offering Oracle's VirtualBox... | 23:34 |
Astro7467 | @_Anna_: virtualbox is listed in Ubuntu's own apps directory for Ubuntu Software Centre : https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/quantal/virtualbox-qt/ | 23:51 |
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