[08:34] I'd not heard anything from Yunit for a while, but it is still going: https://yunit.io/yunit-project-updates-20170917/ [09:20] alan_g: I shall miss our meeting tomorrow; at a performance by Zoë. Since we'll catch up next week, that seems fine to me? [09:22] RAOF: ok. I guess the one question is what you think needs to land before we start 1.0 rolling? [09:25] alan_g: hmm. I should probably apply the same fix for hardware buffers as I did for software buffers. [09:27] I'll do that tomorrow morning, before hacking away further at a Wayland conformance suite. [09:28] OK, the thing I think needs to happen is fullscreen support. I can a poke around that. [09:30] Ok. You'll need to implement the obvious stub, and then send a configure event. [09:31] If you don't get to it today I guess I could do it tomorrow morning [09:32] Do the obvious thing tomorrow morning, and hope it works 😀 [09:35] OK, I'll see if I find it obvious. 8^) === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === JanC_ is now known as JanC [15:20] congrats on getting Mir to run Wayland clients [15:20] alan_g ^ [15:22] Son_Goku: thanks, but RAOF did the lifting on that. [15:28] does Mir still require the weird patches to mesa and libinput? [15:29] Son_Goku: yes, we're not yet ready to drop Mir EGL === Guest41832 is now known as RAOF