
DroHello world!09:09
praisethemoonHi all!09:14
elachecheHey folks!09:22
praisethemoonHello :D09:30
Dropraisethemoon: always praising the moon ! :/09:36
davlefouBonjour les jeunes!09:37
praisethemoonDro, YES09:39
praisethemoonat least until my domain name expires xd09:39
praisethemoonSo how is going?09:39
praisethemoondavlefou, ca va?09:39
Dropraisethemoon: i don't think it will expire09:40
davlefouOui, je vais bien et vous?09:42
davlefouApparement, il y aurait un truc Monastir?09:42
praisethemoonJe vais bien merci09:46
praisethemoonuhh je suis pas au courant09:46
praisethemoonelacheche, il ya quelque chose a mounastir?09:46
davlefouJ'ai vue le courriel passer ce matin, un truc par Bader.09:49
elachecheI don't have details too, we'll wait for Bader to share more details :p the information was sent to the CLibre ML09:50
elachechenzoueidi: wvdial is amazing x) works from the 1st try (after enabling PPP)09:51
nzoueidiGlad to know that :D09:51
elachecheEnabled OpenVPN support too.. I was surprised to see that it's just ONE param to change in the kernel cfg x) Tonight I'll add Docker needed cfg to my kernel09:53
nzoueidiIt would be useful if you share your kernel cfg  with us via github or gitlab :D09:58
elachecheIt's already there (gitlab & github)10:01
elachecheYou check the profile you like :D10:01
elacheche1st commit date of 3 months ago10:02
davlefouJ'attend plus d'information!10:24
nzoueidiCool :D12:53

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