
venzenanyone aware of special considerations when installing the HWE kernel in lubuntu as opposed to Ubuntu ?03:01
HickorySmokedBacDoes Lubuntu come in LTS?06:30
HickorySmokedBacI know one verity didn't06:30
Unit193Didn't, but does now.  3 year LTS.06:30
HickorySmokedBacUnit193: I can't see that a general usage PC would need anything more than *Buntu, since Windows 10 didn't work that well.06:31
HickorySmokedBacSo yeah06:31
HickorySmokedBacMight as well go from 8 to Lubuntu06:31
HickorySmokedBacUnit193: 16.04.3 ?06:32
Unit193Sure.  And depends, some people stick to Windows for gaming.06:33
HickorySmokedBacAll I could find was 16.04 ISO though06:33
HickorySmokedBacUnit193: I did for this machine.06:33
HickorySmokedBacBut yeah, all the rest..06:33
HickorySmokedBacI mean it's not like they are for much other than office stuff06:33
HickorySmokedBacWait I found a more updated  , http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/16.04.3/release/lubuntu-16.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso06:34
hateballPlenty of games to be had on Linux these days, even if not all AAA titles get ported06:35
* hateball notes 300+ games in his Steam Library06:36
HickorySmokedBachateball: A Celeron dual core with no video card aint gonna do that anyway06:36
hateballHickorySmokedBac: Well yeah, no06:36
HickorySmokedBachateball: Of course I'm pretty sure if I put an i5 on it and a 1060 ..06:36
HickorySmokedBacI could game better than this AM3..06:36
HickorySmokedBacya know06:36
HickorySmokedBacthat might be an idea06:36
HickorySmokedBacDepending if I can get a better power supply for an ITX06:37
HickorySmokedBacand find a video card to go in it06:37
Unit193hateball: Just saying what some people tend to stick for.06:39
hateballUnit193: Sure :)06:44
muriiDo you guys have any sites for ubuntu/lubuntu tutorials?08:56
muriiI'd like to read some semi-advanced to advanced commands or things related to linux like bash etc08:56
hateballmurii: learning by doing is usually the method I use10:15
hateballI mean... have problem, search solution, solve problem10:15
hateballrather than trying to solve problems you dont have :)10:15
muriihateball, recently I did not know how to use scp and it wasn't good for me10:15
muriiI totally get what you mean though10:16
hateballfor bash there is like a... game.... uhhhh I forget the name10:17
muriiI did some bash10:18
muriibut I do not know awk10:18
muriiis that important?10:18
hateballOnly if you need to solve a problem using awk10:19
muriiI don't10:19
hateballMaybe I am the wrong guy to reply, but I don't believe in just "knowing" things for the sake of it10:19
muriihow can I remove an alias?10:45
muriinot redefine but remove10:45
hateballmurii: well how did you set it in the first place?10:46
muriialias name='command'10:46
hateballlikely in ~/.bashrc I guess10:46
hateballright, that's only active for that session10:47
hateballso... just exit the terminal and it'll be gone10:47
muriiI get it10:47
=== lynn_ is now known as gryphon
gandulfoHello, i have some problems booting lubuntu, any help for spanish version? Thanks13:49
hateball!es | gandulfo13:49
ubottugandulfo: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.13:49
hateballIf you are comfortable with English, feel free to ask here13:49
gandulfoOk, i'll try13:50
gandulfoI installed Lubuntu 17.04 desktop amd 64 as an update for a previous xubuntu installation. It runs, but start process is much slower and i have an error message "ninguna tabla de simbolos" (no symbol table?)13:51
gandulfoCannot find info about it in google :(13:52
hateballgandulfo: Sounds like a kernel issue13:53
hateballgandulfo: Can you reboot and hold the left shift key to get into grub menu. Try picking an older kernel to boot13:53
hateballgandulfo: Are you able to boot into the desktop, it is just that it takes a long time?13:54
hateballOr are you not able to log in at all?13:54
hateballIf you are able to boot the system, open a terminal and run "dmesg" and put that on a pastebin so we can see your log13:55
hateball!paste | gandulfo13:55
ubottugandulfo: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:55
gandulfoi can login, but it takes a lot of time13:56
gandulfook hateball, will try13:56
=== Newuserk is now known as ArMedic
ArMedicMy laptop has a wireless key on it (F12)...everytime I restart the computer I have to manually press this key to make wifi work again...is there a way to make it so that does it automatically?17:29

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